index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/themes/oceanwp/inc/customizer/assets/js/woo-customize-preview.js
/** * Update Woo Customizer settings live. * * @version 1.0.0 * * @since 2.0 */ ( function( $ ) { // Declare vars var api = wp.customize, body = $( 'body' ), siteHeader = $( '#site-header' ), wooCatStyle = [ 'woo-default-cat', 'woo-dropdown-cat' ], wooAccountStyle = [ 'account-side-style', 'account-original-style' ], wooSaleStyle = [ 'square-sale', 'circle-sale' ], wooCartStyle = [ 'compact', 'spacious' ], wooProductsCol = [ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' ], wooProductsTabletCol = [ 'tablet-1-col', 'tablet-2-col', 'tablet-3-col', 'tablet-4-col', 'tablet-5-col', 'tablet-6-col', 'tablet-7-col' ], wooProductsMobileCol = [ 'mobile-1-col', 'mobile-2-col', 'mobile-3-col', 'mobile-4-col', 'mobile-5-col', 'mobile-6-col', 'mobile-7-col' ], wooContentAlignment = [ 'owp-content-left', 'owp-content-right', 'owp-content-center' ], wooThumbsPosition = [ 'owp-thumbs-layout-horizontal', 'owp-thumbs-layout-vertical' ], wooAddToCartStyle = [ 'owp-btn-normal', 'owp-btn-big', 'owp-btn-very-big' ], wooTabsLayout = [ 'owp-tabs-layout-horizontal', 'owp-tabs-layout-vertical', 'owp-tabs-layout-section' ], wooTabsPosition = [ 'woo-left-tabs', 'woo-right-tabs', 'woo-center-tabs' ], wooCheckoutTimeline = [ 'arrow', 'square' ]; /******** WooCommerce *********/ // Categories widget style api('ocean_woo_cat_widget_style', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { if ( body.length ) { $.each( wooCatStyle, function( i, v ) { body.removeClass( v ); }); body.addClass( 'woo-'+ newval +'-cat' ); } }); }); // Sale badge style api('ocean_woo_sale_badge_style', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var sale_style = $( '.woocommerce div.product' ); if ( sale_style.length ) { $.each( wooSaleStyle, function( i, v ) { sale_style.removeClass( v ); }); sale_style.addClass( newval + '-sale' ); } }); }); // Off canvas filter text api('ocean_woo_off_canvas_filter_text', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.oceanwp-off-canvas-filter .off-canvas-filter-text' ).html( newval ); }); }); // Cart style api('ocean_woo_cart_dropdown_style', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var cart = $( '.woo-menu-icon' ); if ( cart.length ) { $.each( wooCartStyle, function( i, v ) { cart.removeClass( v ); }); cart.addClass( newval ); } }); }); // Custom Cart icon api('ocean_woo_menu_custom_icon', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var $cart = $( '#site-navigation-wrap .dropdown-menu > li > a.wcmenucart i' ); if ( $cart.length ) { $cart.removeClass(); $cart.addClass( newval ); } }); }); // Menu cart icon size api( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_size', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_size' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_size">.wcmenucart i { font-size: ' + to + 'px; } .wcmenucart .owp-icon { width: ' + to + 'px; height: ' + to + 'px; }</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Menu cart icon size tablet api( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_size_tablet', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_size_tablet' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_size_tablet">@media (max-width: 768px){.oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a.wcmenucart { font-size: ' + to + 'px; } .oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a.wcmenucart .owp-icon { width: ' + to + 'px; height: ' + to + 'px; }}</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Menu cart icon size mobile api( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_size_mobile', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_size_mobile' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_size_mobile">@media (max-width: 480px){.oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a.wcmenucart { font-size: ' + to + 'px; } .oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a.wcmenucart .owp-icon { width: ' + to + 'px; height: ' + to + 'px; }}</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Menu cart icon center vertically api( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically">.wcmenucart i { top: ' + to + 'px; }</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Menu cart icon center vertically tablet api( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically_tablet', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically_tablet' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically_tablet">@media (max-width: 768px){.oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a.wcmenucart { top: ' + to + 'px; }}</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Menu cart icon center vertically mobile api( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically_mobile', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically_mobile' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_menu_icon_center_vertically_mobile">@media (max-width: 480px){.oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a.wcmenucart { top: ' + to + 'px; }}</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Archives products columns api('ocean_woocommerce_shop_columns', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var archivesCol = $( '.woocommerce .products .product' ); if ( archivesCol.length ) { $.each( wooProductsCol, function( i, v ) { archivesCol.parent().removeClass( 'archives-col-'+ v ); archivesCol.removeClass( 'span_1_of_'+ v ); }); archivesCol.parent().addClass( 'custom-col archives-col-'+ newval ); archivesCol.addClass( 'span_1_of_'+ newval ); } }); }); // Archives tablet columns class api('ocean_woocommerce_tablet_shop_columns', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var archivesCol = $( '.woocommerce .products' ); if ( archivesCol.length ) { $.each( wooProductsTabletCol, function( i, v ) { archivesCol.removeClass( v ); }); archivesCol.addClass( 'tablet-col' ); archivesCol.addClass( 'tablet-'+ newval +'-col' ); } }); }); // Archives mobile columns class api('ocean_woocommerce_mobile_shop_columns', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var archivesCol = $( '.woocommerce .products' ); if ( archivesCol.length ) { $.each( wooProductsMobileCol, function( i, v ) { archivesCol.removeClass( v ); }); archivesCol.addClass( 'mobile-col' ); archivesCol.addClass( 'mobile-'+ newval +'-col' ); } }); }); // Content Alignment api('ocean_woo_product_entry_content_alignment', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var content_alignment = $( '.woocommerce .products .product' ); if ( content_alignment.length ) { $.each( wooContentAlignment, function( i, v ) { content_alignment.removeClass( v ); }); content_alignment.addClass( 'owp-content-'+ newval ); } }); }); // Off canvas close button color api( 'ocean_woo_off_canvas_close_button_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_off_canvas_close_button_color' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_off_canvas_close_button_color">.oceanwp-off-canvas-close svg {fill: ' + to + ';}</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Off canvas close button hover color api( 'ocean_woo_off_canvas_close_button_hover_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_off_canvas_close_button_hover_color' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_off_canvas_close_button_hover_color">.oceanwp-off-canvas-close:hover svg {fill: ' + to + ';}</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Infinite scroll spinners color api( 'ocean_woo_infinite_scroll_spinners_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_infinite_scroll_spinners_color' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_infinite_scroll_spinners_color">.woocommerce .loader-ellips__dot {background-color: ' + to + ';}</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Infinite scroll last text api('ocean_woo_infinite_scroll_last_text', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.woocommerce .infinite-scroll-last' ).text( newval ); }); }); // Infinite scroll error text api('ocean_woo_infinite_scroll_error_text', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.woocommerce .infinite-scroll-error' ).text( newval ); }); }); // Thumbs Layout api('ocean_woo_product_thumbs_layout', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var thumbs_layout = $( '.woocommerce div.product' ); if ( thumbs_layout.length ) { $.each( wooThumbsPosition, function( i, v ) { thumbs_layout.removeClass( v ); }); thumbs_layout.addClass( 'owp-thumbs-layout-'+ newval ); } }); }); // Add to cart button style api('ocean_woo_product_addtocart_style', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var addtocart_style = $( '.woocommerce div.product' ); if ( addtocart_style.length ) { $.each( wooAddToCartStyle, function( i, v ) { addtocart_style.removeClass( v ); }); addtocart_style.addClass( 'owp-btn-'+ newval ); } }); }); // Tabs Layout api('ocean_woo_product_tabs_layout', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var tabs_layout = $( '.woocommerce div.product' ); if ( tabs_layout.length ) { $.each( wooTabsLayout, function( i, v ) { tabs_layout.removeClass( v ); }); tabs_layout.addClass( 'owp-tabs-layout-'+ newval ); } }); }); // Tabs Position api('ocean_woo_product_meta_tabs_position', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { if ( body.length ) { $.each( wooTabsPosition, function( i, v ) { body.removeClass( v ); }); body.addClass( 'woo-'+ newval +'-tabs' ); } }); }); // Multi-step checkout style api('ocean_woo_multi_step_checkout_timeline_style', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { var timeline = $( '#owp-checkout-timeline' ); if ( timeline.length ) { $.each( wooCheckoutTimeline, function( i, v ) { timeline.removeClass( v ); }); timeline.addClass( newval ); } }); }); // Both Sidebars layout shop page content width api( 'ocean_woo_shop_both_sidebars_content_width', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_shop_both_sidebars_content_width' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_shop_both_sidebars_content_width">@media only screen and (min-width: 960px){ body.woocommerce.archive.content-both-sidebars .content-area { width: ' + to + '%; } body.woocommerce.archive.content-both-sidebars.scs-style .widget-area.sidebar-secondary, body.woocommerce.archive.content-both-sidebars.ssc-style .widget-area {left: -' + to + '%;} }</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Both Sidebars layout shop page sidebars width api( 'ocean_woo_shop_both_sidebars_sidebars_width', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_shop_both_sidebars_sidebars_width' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_shop_both_sidebars_sidebars_width">@media only screen and (min-width: 960px){ body.woocommerce.archive.content-both-sidebars .widget-area{width:' + to + '%;} body.woocommerce.archive.content-both-sidebars.scs-style .content-area{left:' + to + '%;} body.woocommerce.archive.content-both-sidebars.ssc-style .content-area{left:'+ to * 2 +'%;} }</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Both Sidebars layout single product content width api( 'ocean_woo_product_both_sidebars_content_width', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_product_both_sidebars_content_width' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_product_both_sidebars_content_width">@media only screen and (min-width: 960px){ body.single-product.content-both-sidebars .content-area { width: ' + to + '%; } body.single-product.content-both-sidebars.scs-style .widget-area.sidebar-secondary, body.single-product.content-both-sidebars.ssc-style .widget-area {left: -' + to + '%;} }</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Both Sidebars layout single product sidebars width api( 'ocean_woo_product_both_sidebars_sidebars_width', function( value ) { value.bind( function( to ) { var $child = $( '.customizer-ocean_woo_product_both_sidebars_sidebars_width' ); if ( to ) { var style = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_product_both_sidebars_sidebars_width">@media only screen and (min-width: 960px){ body.single-product.content-both-sidebars .widget-area{width:' + to + '%;} body.single-product.content-both-sidebars.scs-style .content-area{left:' + to + '%;} body.single-product.content-both-sidebars.ssc-style .content-area{left:'+ to * 2 +'%;} }</style>'; if ( $child.length ) { $child.replaceWith( style ); } else { $( 'head' ).append( style ); } } else { $child.remove(); } } ); } ); // Customizer Live Preview api("ocean_woo_product_image_width", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_product_image_width"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_product_image_width">.woocommerce div.product div.images, .woocommerce.content-full-width div.product div.images { width: ' + to + "%; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_product_summary_width", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_product_summary_width"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_product_summary_width">.woocommerce div.product div.summary, .woocommerce.content-full-width div.product div.summary { width: ' + to + "%; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_store_notice_bg_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".woocommerce-store-notice.demo_store").css("background-color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_store_notice_dismiss_bg_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".demo_store .woocommerce-store-notice__dismiss-link").css("background-color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_store_notice_dismiss_text_hover_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".demo_store .woocommerce-store-notice__dismiss-link:hover").css("color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".owp-floating-bar").css("background-color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_title_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".owp-floating-bar p.selected, .owp-floating-bar h2.entry-title").css("color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_price_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".owp-floating-bar .product_price del .amount, .owp-floating-bar .product_price .amount, .owp-floating-bar .out-of-stock").css("color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_bg"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_bg">.owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .minus, .owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .plus { background-color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_hover_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_hover_bg"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_hover_bg">.owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .minus:hover, .owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .plus:hover { background-color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_color"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_color">.owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .minus, .owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .plus { color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_hover_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_hover_color"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_buttons_hover_color">.owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .minus:hover, .owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .plus:hover { color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_input_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .qty").css("background-color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_quantity_input_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".owp-floating-bar form.cart .quantity .qty").css("color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_bg"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_bg">.owp-floating-bar button.button { background-color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_hover_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_hover_bg"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_hover_bg">.owp-floating-bar button.button:hover, .owp-floating-bar button.button:focus { background-color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_color"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_color">.owp-floating-bar button.button { color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_hover_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_hover_color"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_floating_bar_addtocart_hover_color">.owp-floating-bar button.button:hover, .owp-floating-bar button.button:focus { color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_bg"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_bg">#owp-checkout-timeline .timeline-wrapper { background-color: ' + to + '; } #owp-checkout-timeline.arrow .timeline-wrapper:before{ border-top-color: ' + to + '; border-bottom-color: ' + to + '; } #owp-checkout-timeline.arrow .timeline-wrapper:after{ border-left-color: ' + to + '; border-right-color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $("#owp-checkout-timeline .timeline-wrapper").css("color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_number_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $("#owp-checkout-timeline .timeline-step").css("background-color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_number_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $("#owp-checkout-timeline .timeline-step").css("color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_number_border_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $("#owp-checkout-timeline .timeline-step").css("border-color", size); }); }), api("ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_active_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_active_bg"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_active_bg">#owp-checkout-timeline .active .timeline-wrapper { background-color: ' + to + '; } #owp-checkout-timeline.arrow .active .timeline-wrapper:before{ border-top-color: ' + to + '; border-bottom-color: ' + to + '; } #owp-checkout-timeline.arrow .active .timeline-wrapper:after{ border-left-color: ' + to + '; border-right-color: ' + to + "; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }), api("ocean_woo_checkout_timeline_active_color", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $("#owp-checkout-timeline .active .timeline-wrapper").css("color", size); }); }), api("ocean_onsale_bg", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(size) { $(".woocommerce span.onsale").css("background-color", size); 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