index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/themes/oceanwp/inc/customizer/assets/js/customizer.js
jQuery(document).on('oceanready', function() { var $ = jQuery; "use strict"; /** * Sortable Repeater Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ // Update the values for all our input fields and initialise the sortable repeater $('.sortable_repeater_control:not(.ocean-proccessed)').each(function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); // If there is an existing customizer value, populate our rows var defaultValuesArray = $(this).find('.customize-control-sortable-repeater').val().split(','); var numRepeaterItems = defaultValuesArray.length; if (numRepeaterItems > 0) { // Add the first item to our existing input field $(this).find('.repeater-input').val(defaultValuesArray[0]); // Create a new row for each new value if (numRepeaterItems > 1) { var i; for (i = 1; i < numRepeaterItems; ++i) { skyrocketAppendRow($(this), defaultValuesArray[i]); } } } }); // Make our Repeater fields sortable $(this).find('.sortable_repeater.sortable:not(.ocean-proccessed)').sortable({ update: function(event, ui) { skyrocketGetAllInputs($(this).parent()); } }); $(this).find('.sortable_repeater.sortable:not(.ocean-proccessed)').addClass('ocean-proccessed'); // Remove item starting from it's parent element $('.sortable_repeater.sortable:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('click', '.customize-control-sortable-repeater-delete', function(event) { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); event.preventDefault(); var numItems = $(this).parent().parent().find('.repeater').length; if (numItems > 1) { $(this).parent().slideUp('fast', function() { var parentContainer = $(this).parent().parent(); $(this).remove(); skyrocketGetAllInputs(parentContainer); }) } else { $(this).parent().find('.repeater-input').val(''); skyrocketGetAllInputs($(this).parent().parent().parent()); } }); // Add new item $('.customize-control-sortable-repeater-add:not(.ocean-proccessed)').click(function(event) { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); event.preventDefault(); skyrocketAppendRow($(this).parent()); skyrocketGetAllInputs($(this).parent()); }); // Refresh our hidden field if any fields change $('.sortable_repeater.sortable:not(.ocean-proccessed)').change(function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); skyrocketGetAllInputs($(this).parent()); }) // Add https:// to the start of the URL if it doesn't have it $('.sortable_repeater.sortable:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('blur', '.repeater-input', function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); var url = $(this); var val = url.val(); if (val && !val.match(/^.+:\/\/.*/)) { // Important! Make sure to trigger change event so Customizer knows it has to save the field url.val('https://' + val).trigger('change'); } }); // Append a new row to our list of elements function skyrocketAppendRow($element, defaultValue = '') { var newRow = '<div class="repeater" style="display:none"><input type="text" value="' + defaultValue + '" class="repeater-input" placeholder="https://" /><span class="dashicons dashicons-sort"></span><a class="customize-control-sortable-repeater-delete" href="#"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></span></a></div>'; $element.find('.sortable').append(newRow); $element.find('.sortable').find('.repeater:last').slideDown('slow', function() { $(this).find('input').focus(); }); } // Get the values from the repeater input fields and add to our hidden field function skyrocketGetAllInputs($element) { var inputValues = $element.find('.repeater-input').map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).toArray(); // Add all the values from our repeater fields to the hidden field (which is the one that actually gets saved) $element.find('.customize-control-sortable-repeater').val(inputValues); // Important! Make sure to trigger change event so Customizer knows it has to save the field $element.find('.customize-control-sortable-repeater').trigger('change'); } /** * Slider Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ // Set our slider defaults and initialise the slider $('.slider-custom-control:not(.ocean-proccessed)').each(function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); var sliderValue = $(this).find('.customize-control-slider-value').val(); var newSlider = $(this).find('.slider'); var sliderMinValue = parseFloat(newSlider.attr('slider-min-value')); var sliderMaxValue = parseFloat(newSlider.attr('slider-max-value')); var sliderStepValue = parseFloat(newSlider.attr('slider-step-value')); newSlider.slider({ value: sliderValue, min: sliderMinValue, max: sliderMaxValue, step: sliderStepValue, change: function(e, ui) { // Important! When slider stops moving make sure to trigger change event so Customizer knows it has to save the field $(this).parent().find('.customize-control-slider-value').trigger('change'); } }); }); // Change the value of the input field as the slider is moved $('.slider:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('slide', function(event, ui) { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); $(this).parent().find('.customize-control-slider-value').val(ui.value); }); // Reset slider and input field back to the default value $('.slider-reset:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('click', function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); var resetValue = $(this).attr('slider-reset-value'); $(this).parent().find('.customize-control-slider-value').val(resetValue); $(this).parent().find('.slider').slider('value', resetValue); }); // Update slider if the input field loses focus as it's most likely changed $('.customize-control-slider-value').blur(function() { var resetValue = $(this).val(); var slider = $(this).parent().find('.slider'); var sliderMinValue = parseInt(slider.attr('slider-min-value')); var sliderMaxValue = parseInt(slider.attr('slider-max-value')); // Make sure our manual input value doesn't exceed the minimum & maxmium values if (resetValue < sliderMinValue) { resetValue = sliderMinValue; $(this).val(resetValue); } if (resetValue > sliderMaxValue) { resetValue = sliderMaxValue; $(this).val(resetValue); } $(this).parent().find('.slider').slider('value', resetValue); }); /** * Single Accordion Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ $('.single-accordion-toggle:not(.ocean-proccessed)').click(function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); var $accordionToggle = $(this); $(this).parent().find('.single-accordion').slideToggle('slow', function() { $accordionToggle.toggleClass('single-accordion-toggle-rotate', $(this).is(':visible')); }); }); /** * Image Checkbox Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ $('.multi-image-checkbox:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('change', function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); skyrocketGetAllImageCheckboxes($(this).parent().parent()); }); // Get the values from the checkboxes and add to our hidden field function skyrocketGetAllImageCheckboxes($element) { var inputValues = $element.find('.multi-image-checkbox').map(function() { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { return $(this).val(); } }).toArray(); // Important! Make sure to trigger change event so Customizer knows it has to save the field $element.find('.customize-control-multi-image-checkbox').val(inputValues).trigger('change'); } /** * Pill Checkbox Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ $(".pill_checkbox_control .sortable:not(.ocean-proccessed)").sortable({ placeholder: "pill-ui-state-highlight", update: function(event, ui) { skyrocketGetAllPillCheckboxes($(this).parent()); } }); $(".pill_checkbox_control .sortable:not(.ocean-proccessed)").addClass('ocean-proccessed'); $('.pill_checkbox_control .sortable-pill-checkbox:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('change', function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); skyrocketGetAllPillCheckboxes($(this).parent().parent().parent()); }); // Get the values from the checkboxes and add to our hidden field function skyrocketGetAllPillCheckboxes($element) { var inputValues = $element.find('.sortable-pill-checkbox').map(function() { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { return $(this).val(); } }).toArray(); $element.find('.customize-control-sortable-pill-checkbox').val(inputValues).trigger('change'); } /** * Dropdown Select2 Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ $('.customize-control-dropdown-select2:not(.ocean-proccessed)').each(function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); $('.customize-control-select2').select2({ allowClear: true }); }); $(".customize-control-select2:not(.ocean-proccessed)").on("change", function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); var select2Val = $(this).val(); $(this).parent().find('.customize-control-dropdown-select2').val(select2Val).trigger('change'); }); /** * Googe Font Select Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ $('.google-fonts-list:not(.ocean-proccessed)').each(function(i, obj) { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); if (!$(obj).hasClass('select2-hidden-accessible')) { $(obj).select2(); } }); $('.google-fonts-list:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('change', function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); var elementRegularWeight = $(this).parent().parent().find('.google-fonts-regularweight-style'); var elementItalicWeight = $(this).parent().parent().find('.google-fonts-italicweight-style'); var elementBoldWeight = $(this).parent().parent().find('.google-fonts-boldweight-style'); var selectedFont = $(this).val(); var customizerControlName = $(this).attr('control-name'); var elementItalicWeightCount = 0; var elementBoldWeightCount = 0; // Clear Weight/Style dropdowns elementRegularWeight.empty(); elementItalicWeight.empty(); elementBoldWeight.empty(); // Make sure Italic & Bold dropdowns are enabled elementItalicWeight.prop('disabled', false); elementBoldWeight.prop('disabled', false); // Get the Google Fonts control object var bodyfontcontrol = _wpCustomizeSettings.controls[customizerControlName]; // Find the index of the selected font var indexes = $.map(bodyfontcontrol.skyrocketfontslist, function(obj, index) { if ( === selectedFont) { return index; } }); var index = indexes[0]; // For the selected Google font show the available weight/style variants $.each(bodyfontcontrol.skyrocketfontslist[index].variants, function(val, text) { elementRegularWeight.append( $('<option></option>').val(text).html(text) ); if (text.indexOf("italic") >= 0) { elementItalicWeight.append( $('<option></option>').val(text).html(text) ); elementItalicWeightCount++; } else { elementBoldWeight.append( $('<option></option>').val(text).html(text) ); elementBoldWeightCount++; } }); if (elementItalicWeightCount == 0) { elementItalicWeight.append( $('<option></option>').val('').html('Not Available for this font') ); elementItalicWeight.prop('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (elementBoldWeightCount == 0) { elementBoldWeight.append( $('<option></option>').val('').html('Not Available for this font') ); elementBoldWeight.prop('disabled', 'disabled'); } // Update the font category based on the selected font $(this).parent().parent().find('.google-fonts-category').val(bodyfontcontrol.skyrocketfontslist[index].category); skyrocketGetAllSelects($(this).parent().parent()); }); $('.google_fonts_select_control select:not(.ocean-proccessed)').on('change', function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); skyrocketGetAllSelects($(this).parent().parent()); }); function skyrocketGetAllSelects($element) { var selectedFont = { font: $element.find('.google-fonts-list').val(), regularweight: $element.find('.google-fonts-regularweight-style').val(), italicweight: $element.find('.google-fonts-italicweight-style').val(), boldweight: $element.find('.google-fonts-boldweight-style').val(), category: $element.find('.google-fonts-category').val() }; // Important! Make sure to trigger change event so Customizer knows it has to save the field $element.find('.customize-control-google-font-selection').val(JSON.stringify(selectedFont)).trigger('change'); } /** * TinyMCE Custom Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ $('.customize-control-tinymce-editor:not(.ocean-proccessed)').each(function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); // Get the toolbar strings that were passed from the PHP Class var tinyMCEToolbar1String = _wpCustomizeSettings.controls[$(this).attr('id')].skyrockettinymcetoolbar1; var tinyMCEToolbar2String = _wpCustomizeSettings.controls[$(this).attr('id')].skyrockettinymcetoolbar2; var tinyMCEMediaButtons = _wpCustomizeSettings.controls[$(this).attr('id')].skyrocketmediabuttons; wp.editor.initialize($(this).attr('id'), { tinymce: { wpautop: true, toolbar1: tinyMCEToolbar1String, toolbar2: tinyMCEToolbar2String }, quicktags: true, mediaButtons: tinyMCEMediaButtons }); }); $(document).on('tinymce-editor-init', function(event, editor) { editor.on('change', function(e) { tinyMCE.triggerSave(); $('#' +'change'); }); }); /** * WP ColorPicker Alpha Color Picker Control * * @author Anthony Hortin <> * @license * @link */ // Manually initialise the wpColorPicker controls so we can add the color picker palette $('.wpcolorpicker-alpha-color-picker:not(.ocean-proccessed)').each(function(i, obj) { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); var paletteColors = _wpCustomizeSettings.controls[$(this).attr('id')].colorpickerpalette; var options = { palettes: paletteColors }; $(obj).wpColorPicker(options); }); /** * Alpha Color Picker Custom Control * * @author Braad Martin <> * @license * @link */ // Loop over each control and transform it into our color picker. $('.alpha-color-control:not(.ocean-proccessed)').each(function() { $(this).addClass('ocean-proccessed'); // Scope the vars. var $control, startingColor, paletteInput, showOpacity, defaultColor, palette, colorPickerOptions, $container, $alphaSlider, alphaVal, sliderOptions; // Store the control instance. $control = $(this); // Get a clean starting value for the option. startingColor = $control.val().replace(/\s+/g, ''); // Get some data off the control. paletteInput = $control.attr('data-palette'); showOpacity = $control.attr('data-show-opacity'); defaultColor = $control.attr('data-default-color'); // Process the palette. if (paletteInput.indexOf('|') !== -1) { palette = paletteInput.split('|'); } else if ('false' == paletteInput) { palette = false; } else { palette = true; } // Set up the options that we'll pass to wpColorPicker(). colorPickerOptions = { change: function(event, ui) { var key, value, alpha, $transparency; key = $control.attr('data-customize-setting-link'); value = $control.wpColorPicker('color'); // Set the opacity value on the slider handle when the default color button is clicked. if (defaultColor == value) { alpha = acp_get_alpha_value_from_color(value); $alphaSlider.find('.ui-slider-handle').text(alpha); } // Send ajax request to wp.customize to trigger the Save action. wp.customize(key, function(obj) { obj.set(value); }); $transparency = $container.find('.transparency'); // Always show the background color of the opacity slider at 100% opacity. $transparency.css('background-color', ui.color.toString('no-alpha')); }, palettes: oceanwpLocalize.colorPalettes // Use the passed in palette. }; // Create the colorpicker. $control.wpColorPicker(colorPickerOptions); $container = $control.parents('.wp-picker-container:first'); // Insert our opacity slider. $('<div class="alpha-color-picker-container">' + '<div class="min-click-zone click-zone"></div>' + '<div class="max-click-zone click-zone"></div>' + '<div class="alpha-slider"></div>' + '<div class="transparency"></div>' + '</div>').appendTo($container.find('.wp-picker-holder')); $alphaSlider = $container.find('.alpha-slider'); // If starting value is in format RGBa, grab the alpha channel. alphaVal = acp_get_alpha_value_from_color(startingColor); // Set up jQuery UI slider() options. sliderOptions = { create: function(event, ui) { var value = $(this).slider('value'); // Set up initial values. $(this).find('.ui-slider-handle').text(value); $(this).siblings('.transparency ').css('background-color', startingColor); }, value: alphaVal, range: 'max', step: 1, min: 0, max: 100, animate: 300 }; // Initialize jQuery UI slider with our options. $alphaSlider.slider(sliderOptions); // Maybe show the opacity on the handle. if ('true' == showOpacity) { $alphaSlider.find('.ui-slider-handle').addClass('show-opacity'); } // Bind event handlers for the click zones. $container.find('.min-click-zone').on('click', function() { acp_update_alpha_value_on_color_control(0, $control, $alphaSlider, true); }); $container.find('.max-click-zone').on('click', function() { acp_update_alpha_value_on_color_control(100, $control, $alphaSlider, true); }); // Bind event handler for clicking on a palette color. $container.find('.iris-palette').on('click', function() { var color, alpha; color = $(this).css('background-color'); alpha = acp_get_alpha_value_from_color(color); acp_update_alpha_value_on_alpha_slider(alpha, $alphaSlider); // Sometimes Iris doesn't set a perfect background-color on the palette, // for example rgba(20, 80, 100, 0.3) becomes rgba(20, 80, 100, 0.298039). // To compensante for this we round the opacity value on RGBa colors here // and save it a second time to the color picker object. if (alpha != 100) { color = color.replace(/[^,]+(?=\))/, (alpha / 100).toFixed(2)); } $control.wpColorPicker('color', color); }); // Bind event handler for clicking on the 'Clear' button. $container.find('.button.wp-picker-clear').on('click', function() { var key = $control.attr('data-customize-setting-link'); // The #fff color is delibrate here. This sets the color picker to white instead of the // defult black, which puts the color picker in a better place to visually represent empty. $control.wpColorPicker('color', '#ffffff'); // Set the actual option value to empty string. wp.customize(key, function(obj) { obj.set(''); }); acp_update_alpha_value_on_alpha_slider(100, $alphaSlider); }); // Bind event handler for clicking on the 'Default' button. $container.find('.button.wp-picker-default').on('click', function() { var alpha = acp_get_alpha_value_from_color(defaultColor); acp_update_alpha_value_on_alpha_slider(alpha, $alphaSlider); }); // Bind event handler for typing or pasting into the input. $control.on('input', function() { var value = $(this).val(); var alpha = acp_get_alpha_value_from_color(value); acp_update_alpha_value_on_alpha_slider(alpha, $alphaSlider); }); // Update all the things when the slider is interacted with. $alphaSlider.slider().on('slide', function(event, ui) { var alpha = parseFloat(ui.value) / 100.0; acp_update_alpha_value_on_color_control(alpha, $control, $alphaSlider, false); // Change value shown on slider handle. $(this).find('.ui-slider-handle').text(ui.value); }); }); /** * Override the stock color.js toString() method to add support for outputting RGBa or Hex. */ Color.prototype.toString = function(flag) { // If our no-alpha flag has been passed in, output RGBa value with 100% opacity. // This is used to set the background color on the opacity slider during color changes. if ('no-alpha' == flag) { return this.toCSS('rgba', '1').replace(/\s+/g, ''); } // If we have a proper opacity value, output RGBa. if (1 > this._alpha) { return this.toCSS('rgba', this._alpha).replace(/\s+/g, ''); } // Proceed with stock color.js hex output. var hex = parseInt(this._color, 10).toString(16); if (this.error) { return ''; } if (hex.length < 6) { for (var i = 6 - hex.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { hex = '0' + hex; } } return '#' + hex; }; /** * Given an RGBa, RGB, or hex color value, return the alpha channel value. */ function acp_get_alpha_value_from_color(value) { var alphaVal; // Remove all spaces from the passed in value to help our RGBa regex. value = value.replace(/ /g, ''); if (value.match(/rgba\(\d+\,\d+\,\d+\,([^\)]+)\)/)) { alphaVal = parseFloat(value.match(/rgba\(\d+\,\d+\,\d+\,([^\)]+)\)/)[1]).toFixed(2) * 100; alphaVal = parseInt(alphaVal); } else { alphaVal = 100; } return alphaVal; } /** * Force update the alpha value of the color picker object and maybe the alpha slider. */ function acp_update_alpha_value_on_color_control(alpha, $control, $alphaSlider, update_slider) { var iris, colorPicker, color; iris = $'a8cIris'); colorPicker = $'wpWpColorPicker'); // Set the alpha value on the Iris object. iris._color._alpha = alpha; // Store the new color value. color = iris._color.toString(); // Set the value of the input. $control.val(color); // Update the background color of the color picker. colorPicker.toggler.css({ 'background-color': color }); // Maybe update the alpha slider itself. if (update_slider) { acp_update_alpha_value_on_alpha_slider(alpha, $alphaSlider); } // Update the color value of the color picker object. $control.wpColorPicker('color', color); } /** * Update the slider handle position and label. */ function acp_update_alpha_value_on_alpha_slider(alpha, $alphaSlider) { $alphaSlider.slider('value', alpha); $alphaSlider.find('.ui-slider-handle').text(alpha.toString()); } }); /** * Remove attached events from the Upsell Section to stop panel from being able to open/close */ (function($, api) { api.sectionConstructor['skyrocket-upsell'] = api.Section.extend({ // Remove events for this type of section. attachEvents: function() {}, // Ensure this type of section is active. Normally, sections without contents aren't visible. isContextuallyActive: function() { return true; } }); })(jQuery, wp.customize);