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File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/views/scanner/issue-wfUpgrade.php
<?php if (!defined('WORDFENCE_VERSION')) { exit; } /** * Presents an issue template. */ echo wfView::create('scanner/issue-base', array( 'internalType' => 'wfUpgrade', 'displayType' => __('Core Upgrade', 'wordfence'), 'iconSVG' => '<svg viewBox="0 0 20 20"><g><path d="M20 10c0-5.51-4.49-10-10-10C4.48 0 0 4.49 0 10c0 5.52 4.48 10 10 10 5.51 0 10-4.48 10-10zM7.78 15.37L4.37 6.22c.55-.02 1.17-.08 1.17-.08.5-.06.44-1.13-.06-1.11 0 0-1.45.11-2.37.11-.18 0-.37 0-.58-.01C4.12 2.69 6.87 1.11 10 1.11c2.33 0 4.45.87 6.05 2.34-.68-.11-1.65.39-1.65 1.58 0 .74.45 1.36.9 1.36.55 2.46 0 1.49-1.4 5-1.4 5l-3.03-8.37c.54-.02.82-.17.82-.17.5-.05.44-1.25-.06-1.22 0 0-1.44.12-2.38.12-.87 0-2.33-.12-2.33-.12-.5-.03-.56 1.2-.06 1.22l.92.08 1.26 3.41zM17.41 10c.24-.64.74-1.87.43-4.25.7 1.29 1.05 2.71 1.05 4.25 0 3.29-1.73 6.24-4.4 7.78.97-2.59 1.94-5.2 2.92-7.78zM6.1 18.09C3.12 16.65 1.11 13.53 1.11 10c0-1.3.23-2.48.72-3.59C3.25 10.3 4.67 14.2 6.1 18.09zm4.03-6.63l2.58 6.98c-.86.29-1.76.45-2.71.45-.79 0-1.57-.11-2.29-.33.81-2.38 1.62-4.74 2.42-7.1z"/></g></svg>', 'summaryControls' => array(wfView::create('scanner/issue-control-ignore', array('ignoreC' => __('Ignore', 'wordfence'))), wfView::create('scanner/issue-control-show-details')), 'detailPairs' => array( __('Current WordPress Version', 'wordfence') => '${data.currentVersion}', __('New WordPress Version', 'wordfence') => '${data.newVersion}', null, __('Details', 'wordfence') => '{{if data.vulnerable}}<strong>' . esc_html__('Update includes security-related fixes.', 'wordfence') . '</strong><br>{{/if}}{{html longMsg}}<br><a href="' . get_admin_url() . 'update-core.php' . '">' . esc_html__('Click here to update now', 'wordfence') . '</a>.', null, __('Vulnerability Information', 'wordfence') => array('data.vulnerabilityLink', '<a href="${data.vulnerabilityLink}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span class="wf-hidden-xs wf-split-word">${data.vulnerabilityLink}</span><span class="wf-visible-xs">' . __('View', 'wordfence') . '</span><span class="screen-reader-text"> (' . esc_html__('opens in new tab', 'wordfence') . ')</span></a>'), __('Vulnerability Severity', 'wordfence') => array('data.cvssScore', '${data.cvssScore}/10.0 (<span class="${data.severityClass}" data-tooltip="test" title="This is the severity of the vulnerability itself, which can differ from the scan result severity. Some lower-severity vulnerabilities may still be important to address depending on your site\'s configuration and user base, so they are still important for you to review.">${data.severityLabel}</span>)'), ), 'detailControls' => array( '<a href="#" class="wf-btn wf-btn-default wf-btn-callout-subtle wf-issue-control-mark-fixed" role="button">' . __('Mark as Fixed', 'wordfence') . '</a>', '<a href="' . esc_url(wfUtils::wpAdminURL('update-core.php')) . '" class="wf-btn wf-btn-default wf-btn-callout-subtle wf-issue-control-view-updates">' . __('View Updates', 'wordfence') . '</a>', ), 'textOutput' => (isset($textOutput) ? $textOutput : null), 'textOutputDetailPairs' => array( __('Current WordPress Version', 'wordfence') => '$data.currentVersion', __('New WordPress Version', 'wordfence') => '$data.newVersion', null, __('Details', 'wordfence') => '$longMsg', __('Vulnerability Status', 'wordfence') => array('$data.vulnerable', __('Update includes security-related fixes.', 'wordfence')), null, __('Vulnerability Information', 'wordfence') => '$data.vulnerabilityLink', __('Vulnerability Severity', 'wordfence') => '${data.cvssScore}/10.0 (${data.severityLabel})', ), ))->render();