index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/unlimited-elements-for-elementor/settings/addon_fields.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <fields> <fieldset name="general" label="General Settings"> <field name="addon_icon" type="icon" default="" icons_type = "elementor" label="Icon" description="The Icon that will be shown on Elementor Panel. If not set, it will show category default icon"> </field> <field name="addon_icon_svg" type="custom" custom_type="widget_svg_icon" label="SVG Icon"> </field> <field type="hr"></field> <field name="dynamic_addon" type="boolean" default="false" label="<b> Use Current Post Data </b>" description="This widget will use current post fields or the current post custom fields"> </field> <field type="bulk_control_start" parent="dynamic_addon" ctype="show" value="true" /> <field name="dynamic_post" type="post" default="" label="&nbsp; Demo Post" description="Select the post for the test addon and for pulling the fields from it"> </field> <field name="dynamic_post_enable_customfields" type="boolean" default="false" label="&nbsp; Use Custom Fields" description="Add post custom fields to post variables, choose YES if you will use custom fields in the addon"> </field> <field name="dynamic_post_enable_category" type="boolean" default="false" label="&nbsp; Use Post Category" description="Add post category fields to post variables."> </field> <field type="bulk_control_end" /> <field name="hr_dynamic" type="hr"></field> <field name="description" type="textarea" default="" label="Description" style="height:80px;" description=""> </field> <field name="link_resource" type="text" default="" class="unite-input-link" label="Link - Help" description="Link to widget demo and documentation.<br> Will be shown inside of Elementor under the widget settings as (Need Help?)."> </field> <field name="link_preview" type="text" default="" class="unite-input-link" label="Link - Preview" description="Link to widget preview on the developer site"> </field> <field name="show_small_icon" type="boolean" default="true" label="Show Small Icon" description="Show small addon icon in addons browser: icon_addon.png in assets folder"> </field> <field name="text_preview" type="statictext" label="Preview Tooltip &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span class='description'>For the preview tooltip put preview_addon.jpg/png/gif file in the assets folder</span>"> </field> <field type="hr"></field> <field name="preview_size" type="list" default="full" label="Preview Size" description="The way how the addon will be shown on internal preview"> <option value="full" text="Full Size"></option> <option value="column" text="Column Size"></option> <option value="custom" text="Custom Size"></option> </field> <field name="preview_custom_width" type="text" default="" unit="px" label="Preview Custom Width" description=""> </field> <field type="control" parent="preview_size" ctype="show" child="preview_custom_width" value="custom" /> <field name="preview_bgcol" type="color" default="#ffffff" label="Preview Background Color" description=""> </field> <field name="hr_special" type="hr"></field> <field name="special" type="text" default="" label="Special Behaviour" description="Some special behaviour field. Used in our various widgets"> </field> <field name="special_data" type="text" default="" label="Additional Data" description="Some additional data if needed for internal use"> </field> </fieldset> </fields>