index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/preloader/assets/js/customize-preview.js
/** * Customizer enhancements for a better user experience. * * Contains handlers to make Preloader Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously. */ ( function( $ ) { // Declare vars var api = wp.customize; // Image size api("ocean_preloader_image_size", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_preloader_image_size"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_preloader_image_size">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-image, .ocean-preloader--active .preloader-logo { max-width: ' + to + 'px; } .ocean-preloader--active .preloader-svg svg { width: ' + to + "px; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); // Content api('ocean_preloader_content', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '#preloader-content .preloader-after-content' ).html( newval ); }); }); // Container Width api("ocean_preloader_container_width", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_preloader_container_width"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_preloader_container_width">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-inner { width: ' + to + "px; }</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); // Container Width api("ocean_preloader_container_width_tablet", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_preloader_container_width_tablet"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_preloader_container_width_tablet">@media (max-width: 768px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-inner { width: ' + to + "px; }}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); // Container Width api("ocean_preloader_container_width_mobile", function($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function(to) { var $child = $(".customizer-ocean_preloader_container_width_mobile"); if (to) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-ocean_preloader_container_width_mobile">@media (max-width: 768px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-inner { width: ' + to + "px; }}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); // Overlay color. api('ocean_preloader_overlay_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { if ( newval ) { $( '.ocean-preloader--active #ocean-preloader' ).css( 'background-color', newval ); } }); }); // Icon color. api('ocean_preloader_icon_color', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { if ( newval ) { $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-roller div:after' ).css( 'background', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-circle > div' ).css( 'background', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-ripple-plain div' ).css( 'background', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-ripple-circle div' ).css( 'border-color', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-ring div' ).css( 'border-top-color', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-dual-ring:after' ).css( {'border-top-color': newval, 'border-bottom-color': newval} ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-heart div, .ocean-preloader--active .preloader-heart div::after, .ocean-preloader--active .preloader-heart div::before' ).css( 'background', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-ellipsis div' ).css( 'background', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-spinner-dot div' ).css( 'background', newval ); $( '.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-spinner-line div:after' ).css( 'background', newval ); } }); }); // Typography - After content api("preloader_after_content_typography[font-family]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (pair) { if (pair) { /** @type {string} */ var idfirst = (pair.trim().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-"), "customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-family"); var fontSize = pair.replace(" ", "%20"); fontSize = fontSize.replace(",", "%2C"); /** @type {string} */ fontSize = oceanwpTG.googleFontsUrl + "/css?family=" + pair + ":" + oceanwpTG.googleFontsWeight; if ($("#" + idfirst).length) { $("#" + idfirst).attr("href", fontSize); } else { $("head").append('<link id="' + idfirst + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + fontSize + '">'); } } var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-family"); if (pair) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-family">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{font-family: ' + pair + ";}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_typography[font-weight]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-weight"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-weight">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{font-weight: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_typography[font-style]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-style"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-style">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{font-style: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_typography[font-size]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-size"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-font-size">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{font-size: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_tablet_typography[font-size]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-tablet-font-size"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-tablet-font-size">@media (max-width: 768px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{font-size: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_mobile_typography[font-size]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-mobile-font-size"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-mobile-font-size">@media (max-width: 480px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{font-size: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_typography[color]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-color"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-color">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{color: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_typography[line-height]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-line-height"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-line-height">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{line-height: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_tablet_typography[line-height]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-tablet-line-height"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-tablet-line-height">@media (max-width: 768px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{line-height: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_mobile_typography[line-height]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-mobile-line-height"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-mobile-line-height">@media (max-width: 480px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{line-height: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_typography[letter-spacing]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-letter-spacing"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-letter-spacing">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{letter-spacing: ' + dataAndEvents + "px;}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_tablet_typography[letter-spacing]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-tablet-letter-spacing"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-tablet-letter-spacing">@media (max-width: 768px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{letter-spacing: ' + dataAndEvents + "px;}}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_mobile_typography[letter-spacing]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-mobile-letter-spacing"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-mobile-letter-spacing">@media (max-width: 480px){.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{letter-spacing: ' + dataAndEvents + "px;}}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); api("preloader_after_content_typography[text-transform]", function ($swipe) { $swipe.bind(function (dataAndEvents) { var $child = $(".customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-text-transform"); if (dataAndEvents) { /** @type {string} */ var img = '<style class="customizer-typography-preloader_after_content-text-transform">.ocean-preloader--active .preloader-after-content{text-transform: ' + dataAndEvents + ";}</style>"; if ($child.length) { $child.replaceWith(img); } else { $("head").append(img); } } else { $child.remove(); } }); }); } )( jQuery );