index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/metabox/controls/assets/js/butterbean.js
( function() { /** * Adds the select control view. */ butterbean.views.register_control( 'select', { ready : function() { jQuery( this.$el ).find( '.butterbean-select' ).owpSelect2( { minimumResultsForSearch: 10, dropdownCssClass: 'oceanwp-select2', width: '100%' } ); } } ); /** * Adds the multiple select control view. */ butterbean.views.register_control( 'multiple-select', { ready : function() { jQuery( this.$el ).find( '.butterbean-multiple-select' ).owpSelect2( { dropdownCssClass: 'oceanwp-select2', width: '100%' } ); } } ); /** * Adds the typo control view. */ butterbean.views.register_control( 'typography', { ready : function() { jQuery( this.$el ).find( '.butterbean-select' ).owpSelect2( { minimumResultsForSearch: 10, dropdownCssClass: 'oceanwp-select2', width: '100%' } ); } } ); /** * Adds the rgba color control view. */ butterbean.views.register_control( 'rgba-color', { ready : function() { var options = this.model.attributes.options; jQuery( this.$el ).find( '.butterbean-color-picker' ).wpColorPicker( options ); } } ); /** * Adds the range control view. */ butterbean.views.register_control( 'range', { ready: function() { // Update the text value jQuery( 'input[type=range]' ).on( 'mousedown', function() { range = jQuery( this ); range_input = range.parent().children( '.oceanwp-range-input' ); value = range.attr( 'value' ); range_input.val( value ); range.mousemove( function() { value = range.attr( 'value' ); range_input.val( value ); } ); } ); var oceanwp_range_input_number_timeout; function oceanwp_autocorrect_range_input_number( input_number, timeout ) { var range_input = input_number, range = range_input.parent().find( 'input[type="range"]' ), value = parseFloat( range_input.val() ), reset = parseFloat( range.attr( 'data-reset_value' ) ), step = parseFloat( range_input.attr( 'step' ) ), min = parseFloat( range_input.attr( 'min') ), max = parseFloat( range_input.attr( 'max') ); clearTimeout( oceanwp_range_input_number_timeout ); oceanwp_range_input_number_timeout = setTimeout( function() { if ( isNaN( value ) ) { range_input.val( reset ); range.val( reset ).trigger( 'change' ); return; } if ( step >= 1 && value % 1 !== 0 ) { value = Math.round( value ); range_input.val( value ); range.val( value ); } if ( value > max ) { range_input.val( max ); range.val( max ).trigger( 'change' ); } if ( value < min ) { range_input.val( min ); range.val( min ).trigger( 'change' ); } }, timeout ); range.val( value ).trigger( 'change' ); } // Change the text value jQuery( 'input.oceanwp-range-input' ).on( 'change keyup', function() { oceanwp_autocorrect_range_input_number( jQuery( this ), 1000); } ).on( 'focusout', function() { oceanwp_autocorrect_range_input_number( jQuery( this ), 0); } ); // Handle the reset button jQuery( '.oceanwp-reset-slider' ).on('click', function() { this_input = jQuery( this ).parent().find( 'input' ); input_default = 'reset_value' ); this_input.val( input_default ); this_input.change(); } ); } } ); /** * Adds the media control view. */ butterbean.views.register_control( 'media', { // Adds custom events. events : { 'click .oceanwp-add-media' : 'showmodal', }, // Executed when the show modal button is clicked. showmodal : function() { // If we already have a media modal, open it. if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.media_modal ) ) {; return; } // Create a new media modal. this.media_modal = { frame : 'select', multiple : false, editing : true, } ); // Runs when an media is selected in the media modal. this.media_modal.on( 'select', function() { // Gets the JSON data for the first selection. var media = this.media_modal.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); // Updates the model for the view. this.model.set( { value : media.url } ); }, this ); // Opens the media modal.; }, } ); /** * Adds the editor control view. */ butterbean.views.register_control( 'editor', { ready : function() { let self = this; setTimeout( function() { if ( typeof tinyMCE !== "undefined" ) { tinymce.init( { mode : "exact", elements : self.model.get( 'field_name' ), theme: "modern", skin: "lightgray", toolbar: [ "bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist outdent indent | undo redo" ], plugins : "paste", paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true, paste_postprocess : function( pl, o ) { o.node.innerHTML = o.node.innerHTML.replace( / +/ig, " " ); } } ); } }, 500); } } ); }() );