index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/templates/js/permissions.php
<?php /** * @package Freemius * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc. * @license GNU General Public License Version 3 * @since 2.5.1 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> ( function ( $ ) { var global = this; // Namespace. global.FS = global.FS || {}; //region Switches function toggleSwitches( $switches, isOn ) { $switches .toggleClass( 'fs-on', ( null != isOn ? ( true === isOn ) : isOn ) ) .toggleClass( 'fs-off', ( null != isOn ? ( false === isOn ) : isOn ) ); } function isSwitch( $switch, isOn ) { return $switch.hasClass( isOn ? 'fs-on' : 'fs-off' ); } function getSwitchesStates( $switches, isEnabled ) { var switchStates = []; for ( var i = 0; i < $switches.length; i++ ) { switchStates.push( isSwitch( $( $switches[ i ] ), isEnabled ) ); } return switchStates; } //endregion function toggleGroupOptOut( $button, isEnabled ) { setOptInLabel( $button, ! isEnabled ); $ 'is-enabled', isEnabled ); } /** * @param {object} $permissionsSection * * @returns {string[]} */ function getGroupPermissionIDs( $permissionsSection ) { var permissions = []; $permissionsSection.find( 'ul li').each( function() { permissions.push( $( this ).data( 'permission-id' ) ); }); return permissions; } function getGroupOptOutButton( $section ) { return $section.find( '.fs-group-opt-out-button' ); } //region Opt-in/out Labels function setUpdatingLabel( $button, isEnabled ) { $button.text( isEnabled ? '<?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Opting in', 'opting-in' ) ?>...' : '<?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Opting out', 'opting-out' ) ?>...' ); } function getOptInLabel( isEnabled ) { return isEnabled ? '<?php echo esc_js( fs_text_x_inline( 'Opt In', 'verb', 'opt-in' ) ) ?>' : '<?php echo esc_js( fs_text_x_inline( 'Opt Out', 'verb', 'opt-out' ) ) ?>'; } function setOptInLabel( $button, isEnabled ) { $button.text( getOptInLabel( isEnabled ) ); } //endregion global.FS.Permissions = function () { var isUpdating = false; function updateStarted() { isUpdating = true; $body.addClass( 'fs-loading' ); } function updateCompleted() { isUpdating = false; $body.removeClass( 'fs-loading' ); } return { isUpdating: function() { return isUpdating; }, /** * @param {Number} pluginID * @param {Array} permissions * @param {Boolean} isEnabled * @param {Callback} [success] * @param {Callback} [failure] * @param {Callback} [complete] */ updatePermissions: function( pluginID, permissions, isEnabled, success, failure, complete ) { if ( isUpdating ) { return; } updateStarted(); var $permissionsContainer = $( '#fs_opt_out_' + pluginID ); $.ajax( { url : <?php echo Freemius::ajax_url() ?>, method : 'POST', data : { action : $ 'action' ), security : $ 'security' ), module_id : pluginID, _wp_http_referer: '<?php echo Freemius::current_page_url() ?>', permissions : permissions.join( ',' ), is_enabled : isEnabled }, success : function ( resultObj ) { if ( resultObj.success ) { if ( success ) { success( resultObj ); } } else { if ( failure ) { failure( resultObj ); } } }, error : failure, complete: function () { if ( complete ) { complete(); } updateCompleted(); } }); }, updateGroupPermissions: function( pluginID, groupID, isEnabled, success, failure, complete ) { if ( isUpdating ) { return; } var $modal = $( '#fs_opt_out_' + pluginID ), $permissionsSection = $modal.find( '.fs-permissions-section.fs-' + groupID + '-permissions' ), $optOutButton = getGroupOptOutButton( $permissionsSection ), $permissions = $permissionsSection.find( 'ul li'), permissions = []; $permissions.each( function() { permissions.push( $( this ).data( 'permission-id' ) ); }); setUpdatingLabel( $optOutButton, isEnabled ); this.updatePermissions( pluginID, permissions, isEnabled, function( resultObj ) { if ( resultObj.success ) { toggleGroupOptOut( $optOutButton, isEnabled ); // Update permissions state. $permissions.toggleClass( 'fs-disabled', ! isEnabled ); // Update switches state, if there are any. toggleSwitches( $permissions.find( '.fs-switch' ), isEnabled ); if ( success ) { success(); } } }, function ( resultObj ) { setOptInLabel( $optOutButton, isEnabled ); if ( failure ) { failure( resultObj ); } }, complete ); } }; }(); var $body = $( 'body' ) global.FS.OptOut = function ( pluginID, slug, type, isRegistered, isTrackingAllowed, reconnectUrl ) { var $modal = $( '#fs_opt_out_' + pluginID ), actionLinkSelector = ('theme' === type ? '#fs_theme_opt_in_out' : 'span.opt-in-or-opt-out.' + slug + ' a' ); //region Error Handling function hideError( $optOutErrorMessage ) { $optOutErrorMessage = $optOutErrorMessage || $modal.find( '.opt-out-error-message' ); $optOutErrorMessage.hide(); } function showError( $optOutErrorMessage, msg ) { $optOutErrorMessage.find( ' > p' ).html( msg ); $; } //endregion function backToPermissionsList() { $modal.find( '.fs-opt-out-disclaimer' ) .hide(); $modal.find( '.fs-opt-out-permissions' ) .show(); } function removeFeedbackIndicators() { $modal.find( '.fs-switch-feedback' ) .remove(); } //region Modal Dialog function closeModal() { $modal.removeClass( 'active' ); $body.removeClass( 'has-fs-modal' ); $modal.hide(); } function resetModal() { hideError(); removeFeedbackIndicators(); backToPermissionsList(); } function showModal() { resetModal(); // Display the dialog box. $; $modal.addClass( 'active' ); $body.addClass( 'has-fs-modal' ); } //endregion function registerActionLinkClick() { $body.on( 'click', actionLinkSelector, function( evt ) { evt.preventDefault(); showModal(); return false; }); } function registerEventHandlers() { // If the user has clicked outside the window, close the modal. $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-close, .button-close', function() { closeModal(); return false; } ); $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-permissions .fs-switch', function () { if ( FS.Permissions.isUpdating() ) { return false; } var $switch = $( this ), $permission = $switch.closest( '.fs-permission' ); toggleSwitches( $switch ); $permission.toggleClass( 'fs-disabled' ); var $optOutContainer = $switch.closest( '.fs-modal-opt-out' ); if ( 0 === $optOutContainer.length ) { return; } // Remove previously added feedback element. $switch.closest( '.fs-modal-dialog' ) .find( '.fs-switch-feedback' ) .remove(); var $switchFeedback = $( '<span class="fs-switch-feedback"><i class="fs-ajax-spinner"></i></span>' ); $switch.after( $switchFeedback ) var permissionID = $ 'permission-id' ), isEnabled = isSwitch( $switch, true ); FS.Permissions.updatePermissions( $ 'plugin-id' ), [ permissionID ], isEnabled, function () { $switchFeedback.addClass( 'success' ); $switchFeedback.html( '<i class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></i> <?php echo esc_js( fs_text_inline( 'Saved', 'saved' ) ) ?>' ); var $permissionsGroup = $switch.closest( '.fs-permissions-section' ), $groupPermissions = $permissionsGroup.find( 'ul li' ); var allGroupPermissionsUseSameValue = false; if ( isEnabled && 0 === $groupPermissions.filter( '.fs-disabled' ).length ) { allGroupPermissionsUseSameValue = true; } else if ( ! isEnabled && $groupPermissions.length === $groupPermissions.filter( '.fs-disabled' ).length ) { allGroupPermissionsUseSameValue = true; } if ( allGroupPermissionsUseSameValue ) { toggleGroupOptOut( getGroupOptOutButton( $permissionsGroup ), isEnabled ); } }, function () { // Revert switch. toggleSwitches( $switch ); $switchFeedback.remove(); } ) }); // Move back to the permissions list if cancelling opt-out. $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-opt-out-disclaimer .fs-opt-out-cancel-button', function ( evt ) { backToPermissionsList(); }); $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-opt-out-disclaimer .fs-modal-footer .fs-opt-out-button', function ( evt ) { var $optOutButton = $( this ), $actionLink = $( actionLinkSelector ), isEnabled = true, $optOutDisclaimer = $( $optOutButton.closest( '.fs-opt-out-disclaimer' )[ 0 ] ), groupID = $ 'group-id' ), $errorMessage = $optOutDisclaimer.find( '.opt-out-error-message' ); setUpdatingLabel( $optOutButton, ! isEnabled ); $optOutDisclaimer.find( '.button-primary' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); hideError( $errorMessage ); FS.Permissions.updateGroupPermissions( pluginID, groupID, ! isEnabled, function () { if ( 'communication' === groupID ) { window.location.reload(); } else { setOptInLabel( $actionLink, ! isEnabled ); backToPermissionsList(); } }, function ( resultObj ) { setOptInLabel( $optOutButton, false ); showError( $errorMessage, resultObj.error ); }, function () { if ( 'communication' !== groupID ) { setOptInLabel( $optOutButton, false ); } $optOutDisclaimer.find( '.button-primary' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); } ); } ); $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-group-opt-out-button', function ( evt ) { evt.preventDefault(); if ( FS.Permissions.isUpdating() ) { return; } var $optOutButton = $( this ), groupID = $ 'group-id' ), isEnabled = $ 'is-enabled' ), $optOutDisclaimer = $modal.find( '.fs-' + groupID + '-opt-out' ), isConfirmRequired = ( 0 < $optOutDisclaimer.length ), $errorMessage = $modal.find( '.fs-opt-out-permissions .opt-out-error-message' ); $errorMessage.hide(); if ( isConfirmRequired ) { if ( isEnabled ) { // Move to disclaimer window. $modal.find( '.fs-opt-out-permissions' ) .hide(); $; } else { // Opt-in. FS.Permissions.updateGroupPermissions( pluginID, groupID, ! isEnabled, ( 'communication' !== groupID ) ? null : function () { window.location.reload(); }, function ( resultObj ) { showError( $errorMessage, resultObj.error ); } ); } } else { // Remove previously added feedback element. $modal.find( '.fs-switch-feedback' ) .remove(); var $switches = $optOutButton.closest( '.fs-permissions-section' ) .find( '.fs-permission .fs-switch' ); var switchStates = getSwitchesStates( $switches, isEnabled ); toggleSwitches( $switches, ! isEnabled ); $switches.closest( '.fs-permission' ) .toggleClass( 'fs-disabled', isEnabled ); var $switchFeedback = $( '<span class="fs-switch-feedback"><i class="fs-ajax-spinner"></i></span>' ); $optOutButton.after( $switchFeedback ) setUpdatingLabel( $optOutButton, ! isEnabled ); FS.Permissions.updatePermissions( pluginID, getGroupPermissionIDs( $modal.find( '.fs-permissions-section.fs-' + groupID + '-permissions' ) ), ! isEnabled, function () { $switchFeedback.addClass( 'success' ); $switchFeedback.html( '<i class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></i> <?php echo esc_js( fs_text_inline( 'Saved', 'saved' ) ) ?>' ); toggleGroupOptOut( $optOutButton, ! isEnabled ); }, function () { // Revert switches to their previous state. for ( var i = 0; i < switchStates.length; i++ ) { if ( switchStates[ i ] ) { toggleSwitches( $( $switches[ i ] ), isEnabled ); $( $switches[ i ] ).removeClass( 'fs-disabled' ); } } toggleGroupOptOut( $optOutButton, isEnabled ); } ) } }); } if ( 'theme' === type ) { /** * Add opt-in/out button to the active theme's buttons collection * in the theme's extended details overlay. * * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since */ $( '.theme-overlay' ).contentChange( function () { if ( 0 === $( '' ).length ) { // Add opt-in/out button only to the currently active theme. return; } if ( $( '#fs_theme_opt_in_out' ).length > 0 ) { // Button already there. return; } var label = getOptInLabel( ! isTrackingAllowed ), href = ( isTrackingAllowed || isRegistered ) ? '' : reconnectUrl, $actionLink = $( '<a id="fs_theme_opt_in_out" href="' + encodeURI( href ) + '" class="button">' + label + '</a>' ); $( '.theme-wrap .theme-actions .active-theme' ).append( $actionLink ); if ( isRegistered && '' === href ) { registerActionLinkClick(); } }); } if ( isRegistered ) { if ( 'theme' !== type ) { registerActionLinkClick(); } registerEventHandlers(); } }; } )( jQuery ); </script>