index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/templates/forms/user-change.php
<?php /** * @package Freemius * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc. * @license GNU General Public License Version 3 * @since 2.3.2 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * @var array $VARS * * @var Freemius $fs */ $fs = freemius( $VARS['id'] ); $slug = $fs->get_slug(); /** * @var object[] $license_owners */ $license_owners = $VARS['license_owners']; $change_user_message = fs_text_inline( 'By changing the user, you agree to transfer the account ownership to:', 'change-user--message', $slug ); $header_title = fs_text_inline( 'Change User', 'change-user', $slug ); $user_change_button_text = fs_text_inline( 'I Agree - Change User', 'agree-change-user', $slug ); $other_text = fs_text_inline( 'Other', 'other', $slug ); $enter_email_address_placeholder_text = fs_text_inline( 'Enter email address', 'enter-email-address', $slug ); $user_change_options_html = <<< HTML <div class="fs-user-change-options-container"> <table> <tbody> HTML; foreach ( $license_owners as $license_owner ) { $user_change_options_html .= <<< HTML <tr class="fs-email-address-container"> <td><input id="fs_email_address_{$license_owner->id}" type="radio" name="fs_email_address" value="{$license_owner->id}"></td> <td><label for="fs_email_address_{$license_owner->id}">{$license_owner->email}</label></td> </tr> HTML; } $user_change_options_html .= <<< HTML <tr> <td><input id="fs_other_email_address_radio" type="radio" name="fs_email_address" value="other"></td> <td class="fs-other-email-address-container"> <div> <label for="fs_email_address">{$other_text}: </label> <div> <input id="fs_other_email_address_text_field" class="fs-email-address" type="text" placeholder="{$enter_email_address_placeholder_text}" tabindex="1"> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> HTML; $modal_content_html = <<< HTML <div class="notice notice-error inline fs-change-user-result-message"><p></p></div> <p>{$change_user_message}</p> {$user_change_options_html} HTML; fs_enqueue_local_style( 'fs_dialog_boxes', '/admin/dialog-boxes.css' ); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function( $ ) { $( document ).ready(function() { var modalContentHtml = <?php echo json_encode( $modal_content_html ) ?>, modalHtml = '<div class="fs-modal fs-modal-change-user fs-modal-change-user-<?php echo $fs->get_unique_affix() ?>">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-dialog">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-header">' + ' <h4><?php echo esc_js( $header_title ) ?></h4>' + ' <a href="!#" class="fs-close"><i class="dashicons dashicons-no" title="<?php echo esc_js( fs_text_x_inline( 'Dismiss', 'close window', 'dismiss', $slug ) ) ?>"></i></a>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="fs-modal-body">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-panel active">' + modalContentHtml + '</div>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="fs-modal-footer">' + ' <button class="button button-secondary button-close" tabindex="4"><?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Cancel', 'cancel', $slug ) ?></button>' + ' <button class="button button-primary fs-user-change-button" tabindex="3"><?php echo esc_js( $user_change_button_text ) ?></button>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>', $modal = $( modalHtml ), $userChangeButton = $modal.find( '.fs-user-change-button' ), $otherEmailAddressRadio = $modal.find( '#fs_other_email_address_radio' ), $changeUserResultMessage = $modal.find( '.fs-change-user-result-message' ), $otherEmailAddressContainer = $modal.find( '.fs-other-email-address-container' ), $otherEmailAddressTextField = $modal.find( '#fs_other_email_address_text_field' ), $licenseOwners = $modal.find( 'input[type="radio"][name="fs_email_address"]' ); $modal.appendTo( $( 'body' ) ); var previousEmailAddress = null; function registerEventHandlers() { $licenseOwners.change( function() { var otherEmailAddress = $otherEmailAddressTextField.val().trim(), otherEmailAddressIsSelected = isOtherEmailAddressSelected(); if ( otherEmailAddressIsSelected ) { $otherEmailAddressTextField.focus(); } if ( otherEmailAddress.length > 0 || ! otherEmailAddressIsSelected ) { enableUserChangeButton(); } else { disableUserChangeButton(); } } ); $ function () { $; } ); // Handle for the "Change User" button on the "Account" page. $( '#fs_change_user' ).click( function ( evt ) { evt.preventDefault(); showModal( evt ); } ); /** * Disables the "Change User" button when the email address is empty. */ $modal.on( 'keyup paste delete cut', 'input#fs_other_email_address_text_field', function () { setTimeout( function () { var emailAddress = $otherEmailAddressRadio.val().trim(); if ( emailAddress === previousEmailAddress ) { return; } if ( '' === emailAddress ) { disableUserChangeButton(); } else { enableUserChangeButton(); } previousEmailAddress = emailAddress; }, 100 ); } ).focus(); $modal.on( 'input propertychange', 'input#fs_other_email_address_text_field', function () { var emailAddress = $( this ).val().trim(); /** * If email address is not empty, enable the "Change User" button. */ if ( emailAddress.length > 0 ) { enableUserChangeButton(); } } ); $modal.on( 'blur', 'input#fs_other_email_address_text_field', function( evt ) { var emailAddress = $( this ).val().trim(); /** * If email address is empty, disable the "Change User" button. */ if ( 0 === emailAddress.length ) { disableUserChangeButton(); } } ); $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-user-change-button', function ( evt ) { evt.preventDefault(); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { return; } var emailAddress = '', licenseOwnerID = null; if ( ! isOtherEmailAddressSelected() ) { licenseOwnerID = $licenseOwners.filter( ':checked' ).val(); } else { emailAddress = $otherEmailAddressTextField.val().trim(); if ( 0 === emailAddress.length ) { return; } } disableUserChangeButton(); $.ajax( { url : <?php echo Freemius::ajax_url() ?>, method : 'POST', data : { action : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_action( 'change_user' ) ?>', security : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_security( 'change_user' ) ?>', email_address: emailAddress, user_id : licenseOwnerID, module_id : '<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>' }, beforeSend: function () { $userChangeButton .text( '<?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Changing user, please wait', 'changing-user-please-wait', $slug ) ?>...' ) .prepend('<i class="fs-ajax-spinner"></i>'); $(document.body).css({'cursor': 'wait'}); }, success : function( result ) { if ( result.success ) { // Redirect to the "Account" page. window.location.reload(); } else { $(document.body).css({'cursor': 'auto'}); showError( result.error.message ? result.error.message : result.error ); resetUserChangeButton(); } }, error : function () { $(document.body).css({'cursor': 'auto'}); showError( '<?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Unexpected error, try again in 5 minutes. If the error persists, please contact support.', 'unexpected-error', $slug ) ?>' ); resetUserChangeButton(); } } ); } ); // If the user has clicked outside the window, close the modal. $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-close, .button-secondary', function () { closeModal(); return false; } ); } registerEventHandlers(); /** * @returns {Boolean} */ function isOtherEmailAddressSelected() { return ( 'other' === $licenseOwners.filter( ':checked' ).val() ); } function showModal() { resetModal(); // Display the dialog box. $modal.addClass( 'active' ); $( 'body' ).addClass( 'has-fs-modal' ); // Select the first radio button. $licenseOwners.get( 0 ).click(); $otherEmailAddressTextField.val( '' ); } function closeModal() { $modal.removeClass( 'active' ); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'has-fs-modal' ); } function resetUserChangeButton() { enableUserChangeButton(); $userChangeButton.text( <?php echo json_encode( $user_change_button_text ) ?> ); } function resetModal() { hideError(); resetUserChangeButton(); } function enableUserChangeButton() { $userChangeButton.removeClass( 'disabled' ); } function disableUserChangeButton() { $userChangeButton.addClass( 'disabled' ); } function hideError() { $changeUserResultMessage.hide(); } function showError( msg ) { $changeUserResultMessage.find( ' > p' ).html( msg ); $; } }); })( jQuery ); </script>