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File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/templates/auto-installation.php
<?php /** * @package Freemius * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc. * @license GNU General Public License Version 3 * @since */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * @var array $VARS * @var Freemius $fs */ $slug = $VARS['slug']; $plugin_id = $VARS['target_module_id']; $fs = freemius( $VARS['id'] ); $action = $fs->is_tracking_allowed() ? 'stop_tracking' : 'allow_tracking'; $title = $fs->get_plugin_title(); if ( $plugin_id != $fs->get_id() ) { $addon = $fs->get_addon( $plugin_id ); if ( is_object( $addon ) ) { $title = $addon->title . ' ' . fs_text_inline( 'Add-On', 'addon', $slug ); } } $plugin_title = sprintf( '<strong>%s</strong>', esc_html( $title ) ); $sec_countdown = 30; $countdown_html = sprintf( esc_js( /* translators: %s: Number of seconds */ fs_text_inline( '%s sec', 'x-sec', $slug ) ), sprintf( '<span class="fs-countdown">%s</span>', $sec_countdown ) ); fs_enqueue_local_style( 'fs_dialog_boxes', '/admin/dialog-boxes.css' ); fs_enqueue_local_style( 'fs_common', '/admin/common.css' ); $params = array(); $loader_html = fs_get_template( 'ajax-loader.php', $params ); // Pass unique auto installation URL if WP_Filesystem is needed. $install_url = $fs->_get_sync_license_url( $plugin_id, true, array( 'auto_install' => 'true' ) ); ob_start(); $method = ''; // Leave blank so WP_Filesystem can populate it as necessary. $credentials = request_filesystem_credentials( esc_url_raw( $install_url ), $method, false, WP_PLUGIN_DIR, array() ); $credentials_form = ob_get_clean(); $require_credentials = ! empty( $credentials_form ); ?> <div class="fs-modal fs-modal-auto-install"> <div class="fs-modal-dialog"> <div class="fs-modal-header"> <h4><?php echo esc_js( fs_text_inline( 'Automatic Installation', 'auto-installation', $slug ) ) ?></h4> </div> <div class="fs-modal-body"> <div class="fs-notice-error" style="display: none"><p></p></div> <?php if ( $require_credentials ) : ?> <div id="request-filesystem-credentials-dialog"> <?php echo $credentials_form ?> </div> <?php else : ?> <p class="fs-installation-notice"><?php echo sprintf( fs_esc_html_inline( 'An automated download and installation of %s (paid version) from %s will start in %s. If you would like to do it manually - click the cancellation button now.', 'installing-in-n', $slug ), $plugin_title, sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">%s</a>', '', '' ), $countdown_html ) ?></p> <?php endif ?> <p class="fs-installing" style="display: none"><?php echo sprintf( fs_esc_html_inline( 'The installation process has started and may take a few minutes to complete. Please wait until it is done - do not refresh this page.', 'installing-module-x', $slug ), $plugin_title ) ?></p> </div> <div class="fs-modal-footer"> <?php echo $loader_html ?> <button class="button button-secondary button-cancel"><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Cancel Installation', 'cancel-installation', $slug ) ?><?php if ( ! $require_credentials ) : ?> (<?php echo $countdown_html ?>)<?php endif ?></button> <button class="button button-primary"><?php fs_esc_html_echo_inline( 'Install Now', 'install-now', $slug ) ?></button> </div> </div> </div>' <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { var $modal = $('.fs-modal-auto-install'), $body = $('body'), $countdown = $modal.find('.fs-countdown'), requireCredentials = <?php echo json_encode( $require_credentials ) ?>, $credentialsForm = $('#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog'), $errorNotice = $modal.find('.fs-notice-error'), installing = false; $modal.appendTo($body); var startAutoInstall = function () { if (installing) return; installing = true; // Start auto-install. $modal.addClass('fs-warn'); if (requireCredentials) { $credentialsForm.hide(); } else { $modal.find('.fs-installation-notice').hide(); } $errorNotice.hide(); $modal.find('.fs-installing').show(); $modal.find('button').hide(); $modal.find('.fs-ajax-loader').show(); var data = { action : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_action( 'install_premium_version' ) ?>', security : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_security( 'install_premium_version' ) ?>', slug : '<?php echo $slug ?>', module_id : '<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>', target_module_id: '<?php echo $plugin_id ?>' }; if (requireCredentials) { // Add filesystem credentials. data.hostname = $('#hostname').val(); data.username = $('#username').val(); data.password = $('#password').val(); data.connection_type = $('input[name="connection_type"]:checked').val(); data.public_key = $('#public_key').val(); data.private_key = $('#private_key').val(); } $.ajax({ url : <?php echo Freemius::ajax_url() ?>, method : 'POST', data : data, success: function (resultObj) { var reloadAccount = false; if (resultObj.success) { // Reload account page to show new data. reloadAccount = true; } else { switch (resultObj.error.code) { case 'invalid_module_id': case 'premium_installed': reloadAccount = true; break; case 'invalid_license': case 'premium_version_missing': case 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem': default: $modal.removeClass('fs-warn'); $modal.find('.fs-installing').hide(); $modal.find('.fs-ajax-loader').hide(); $modal.find('.button-cancel').html(<?php fs_json_encode_echo_inline( 'Cancel Installation', 'cancel-installation', $slug ) ?>); $modal.find('button').show(); $errorNotice.find('p').text(resultObj.error.message); $errorNotice.addClass('notice notice-alt notice-error').show(); if (requireCredentials) { $; } break; } } if (reloadAccount) { window.location = '<?php echo $fs->get_account_url() ?>'; } installing = false; } }); }; var clearCountdown = function () { clearInterval(countdownInterval); countdownInterval = null; }; var cancelAutoInstall = function () { $modal.fadeOut(function () { $modal.remove(); $body.removeClass('has-fs-modal'); }); }; var countdown = <?php echo $sec_countdown ?>, countdownInterval = requireCredentials ? null : setInterval(function () { $countdown.html(--countdown); if (0 == countdown) { clearCountdown(); startAutoInstall(); } }, 1000); $modal.addClass('active'); $body.addClass('has-fs-modal'); $modal.find('.button-primary').click(function () { clearCountdown(); startAutoInstall(); }); $modal.find('.button-cancel').click(function () { clearCountdown(); cancelAutoInstall(); }); if (requireCredentials) { } }); })(jQuery); </script>