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File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/forminator/library/fields/stripe.php
<?php /** * The Forminator_Stripe class. * * @package Forminator */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die(); } /** * Class Forminator_Stripe * * @since 1.7 */ class Forminator_Stripe extends Forminator_Field { /** * Name * * @var string */ public $name = ''; /** * Slug * * @var string */ public $slug = 'stripe'; /** * Type * * @var string */ public $type = 'stripe'; /** * Position * * @var int */ public $position = 23; /** * Options * * @var array */ public $options = array(); /** * Category * * @var string */ public $category = 'standard'; /** * Icon * * @var string */ public $icon = 'sui-icon forminator-icon-stripe'; /** * Is connected * * @var bool */ public $is_connected = false; /** * Mode * * @var string */ public $mode = 'test'; /** * Payment plan * * @var array */ public $payment_plan = array(); /** * Forminator_Stripe constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->name = esc_html__( 'Stripe', 'forminator' ); try { $stripe = new Forminator_Gateway_Stripe(); if ( $stripe->is_test_ready() && $stripe->is_live_ready() ) { $this->is_connected = true; } } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { $this->is_connected = false; } } /** * Field defaults * * @return array */ public function defaults() { $default_currency = 'USD'; try { $stripe = new Forminator_Gateway_Stripe(); $default_currency = $stripe->get_default_currency(); } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { forminator_maybe_log( __METHOD__, $e->getMessage() ); } return array( 'field_label' => esc_html__( 'Credit / Debit Card', 'forminator' ), 'mode' => 'test', 'currency' => $default_currency, 'amount_type' => 'fixed', 'logo' => '', 'company_name' => '', 'product_description' => '', 'customer_email' => '', 'receipt' => 'false', 'billing' => 'false', 'verify_zip' => 'false', 'card_icon' => 'true', 'language' => 'auto', 'options' => array(), 'base_class' => 'StripeElement', 'complete_class' => 'StripeElement--complete', 'empty_class' => 'StripeElement--empty', 'focused_class' => 'StripeElement--focus', 'invalid_class' => 'StripeElement--invalid', 'autofilled_class' => 'StripeElement--webkit-autofill', 'subscription_amount_type' => 'fixed', 'quantity_type' => 'fixed', 'payments' => array( array( 'plan_name' => esc_html__( 'Plan 1', 'forminator' ), 'payment_method' => 'single', 'amount_type' => 'fixed', 'amount' => '', 'subscription_amount_type' => 'fixed', 'quantity_type' => 'fixed', 'quantity' => '1', 'bill_input' => '1', ), ), ); } /** * Field front-end markup * * @param array $field Field. * @param Forminator_Render_Form $views_obj Forminator_Render_Form object. * * @return mixed */ public function markup( $field, $views_obj ) { $settings = $views_obj->model->settings; $this->field = $field; $this->form_settings = $settings; $id = self::get_property( 'element_id', $field ); $description = self::get_property( 'description', $field, '' ); $label = esc_html( self::get_property( 'field_label', $field, '' ) ); $element_name = $id; $field_id = $id . '-field'; $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'test' ); $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); $amount_type = self::get_property( 'amount_type', $field, 'fixed' ); $amount = self::get_property( 'amount', $field, 1 ); $amount_variable = self::get_property( 'variable', $field, '' ); $card_icon = self::get_property( 'card_icon', $field, true ); $verify_zip = self::get_property( 'verify_zip', $field, false ); $zip_field = self::get_property( 'zip_field', $field, '' ); $language = self::get_property( 'language', $field, 'auto' ); $base_class = self::get_property( 'base_class', $field, 'StripeElement' ); $complete_class = self::get_property( 'complete_class', $field, 'StripeElement--complete' ); $empty_class = self::get_property( 'empty_class', $field, 'StripeElement--empty' ); $focused_class = self::get_property( 'focused_class', $field, 'StripeElement--focus' ); $invalid_class = self::get_property( 'invalid_class', $field, 'StripeElement--invalid' ); $autofilled_class = self::get_property( 'autofilled_class', $field, 'StripeElement--webkit-autofill' ); $billing = self::get_property( 'billing', $field, false ); $billing_name = self::get_property( 'billing_name', $field, '' ); $billing_email = self::get_property( 'billing_email', $field, '' ); $billing_address = self::get_property( 'billing_address', $field, '' ); $receipt = self::get_property( 'receipt', $field, false ); $customer_email = self::get_property( 'customer_email', $field, '' ); $metadata = self::get_property( 'options', $field, array() ); $desc = self::get_property( 'product_description', $field, '' ); $company = self::get_property( 'company_name', $field, '' ); $uniqid = Forminator_CForm_Front::$uid; if ( mb_strlen( $company ) > 22 ) { $company = mb_substr( $company, 0, 19 ) . '...'; } $start_amount = ( 'fixed' === $amount_type ? esc_html( $amount ) : 1 ); $customer_email = forminator_clear_field_id( $customer_email ); $custom_fonts = false; if ( 'fixed' !== $amount_type ) { $currency = 'usd'; } // Generate payment intent object. $this->mode = $mode; if ( isset( $settings['form-font-family'] ) && 'custom' === $settings['form-font-family'] ) { $custom_fonts = true; } if ( ! isset( $settings['form-style'] ) ) { $settings['form-style'] = 'default'; } if ( ! empty( $settings['form-font-family'] ) ) { $field_font_family = $this->get_form_setting( 'cform-input-font-family', $settings, 'inherit' ); if ( 'custom' === $field_font_family ) { $data_font_family = $this->get_form_setting( 'cform-input-custom-family', $settings, 'inherit' ); } else { $data_font_family = $field_font_family; } } else { $data_font_family = 'inherit'; } $attr = array( 'data-field-id' => $uniqid, 'data-is-payment' => 'true', 'data-payment-type' => $this->type, 'data-secret' => '', 'data-paymentid' => '', 'data-key' => esc_html( $this->get_publishable_key( 'test' !== $mode ) ), 'data-card-icon' => filter_var( $card_icon, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ), 'data-veify-zip' => filter_var( $verify_zip, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ), 'data-zip-field' => esc_html( $zip_field ), 'data-language' => esc_html( $language ), 'data-base-class' => esc_html( $base_class ), 'data-complete-class' => esc_html( $complete_class ), 'data-empty-class' => esc_html( $empty_class ), 'data-focused-class' => esc_html( $focused_class ), 'data-invalid-class' => esc_html( $invalid_class ), 'data-autofilled-class' => esc_html( $autofilled_class ), 'data-billing' => filter_var( $billing, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ), 'data-billing-name' => esc_html( $billing_name ), 'data-billing-email' => esc_html( $billing_email ), 'data-billing-address' => esc_html( $billing_address ), 'data-receipt' => filter_var( $receipt, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ), 'data-receipt-email' => esc_html( $customer_email ), 'data-custom-fonts' => $custom_fonts, 'data-placeholder' => $this->get_form_setting( 'input-placeholder', $settings, '#888888' ), 'data-font-color' => $this->get_form_setting( 'input-color', $settings, '#000000' ), 'data-font-color-focus' => $this->get_form_setting( 'input-color', $settings, '#000000' ), 'data-font-color-error' => $this->get_form_setting( 'input-color', $settings, '#000000' ), 'data-font-size' => $this->get_form_setting( 'cform-input-font-size', $settings, '16' ) . 'px', 'data-font-family' => $data_font_family, 'data-font-weight' => $this->get_form_setting( 'cform-input-font-weight', $settings, '400' ), 'data-icon-color' => $this->get_form_setting( 'input-icon', $settings, '#777771' ), 'data-icon-color-hover' => $this->get_form_setting( 'input-icon-hover', $settings, '#17A8E3' ), 'data-icon-color-focus' => $this->get_form_setting( 'input-icon-focus', $settings, '#17A8E3' ), 'data-icon-color-error' => $this->get_form_setting( 'label-validation-color', $settings, '#E04562' ), ); if ( ! empty( $description ) ) { $attr['aria-describedby'] = esc_attr( 'card-element-' . $uniqid . '-description' ); } $attributes = self::implode_attr( $attr ); $html = '<div class="forminator-field">'; $html .= self::get_field_label( $label, $id . '-field', true ); if ( 'material' === $settings['form-style'] ) { $classes = 'forminator-input--wrap forminator-input--stripe'; if ( empty( $label ) ) { $classes .= ' forminator--no_label'; } $html .= '<div class="' . $classes . '">'; } $html .= sprintf( '<div id="card-element-%s" %s class="forminator-stripe-element"></div>', $uniqid, $attributes ); $html .= sprintf( '<input type="hidden" name="paymentid" value="%s" id="forminator-stripe-paymentid"/>', '' ); $html .= sprintf( '<input type="hidden" name="paymentmethod" value="%s" id="forminator-stripe-paymentmethod"/>', '' ); $html .= sprintf( '<input type="hidden" name="subscriptionid" value="%s" id="forminator-stripe-subscriptionid"/>', '' ); if ( 'material' === $settings['form-style'] ) { $html .= '</div>'; } $html .= '<span class="forminator-card-message"><span class="forminator-error-message" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>'; $html .= self::get_description( $description, 'card-element-' . $uniqid ); $html .= '</div>'; return apply_filters( 'forminator_field_stripe_markup', $html, $attr, $field ); } /** * Generate Payment Intent object * * @since 1.7.3 * * @param int|float $amount Amount. * @param array $field Field. * * @return mixed */ public function generate_paymentIntent( $amount, $field ) { $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'test' ); $metadata = self::get_property( 'options', $field, array() ); $description = esc_html( self::get_property( 'product_description', $field, '' ) ); $company = esc_html( self::get_property( 'company_name', $field, '' ) ); if ( mb_strlen( $company ) > 22 ) { $company = mb_substr( $company, 0, 19 ) . '...'; } $key = $this->get_secret_key( 'test' !== $mode ); \Forminator\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey( $key ); Forminator_Gateway_Stripe::set_stripe_app_info(); $metadata_object = array(); foreach ( $metadata as $meta ) { $label = esc_html( $meta['label'] ); $value = esc_html( $meta['value'] ); // Payment doesn't work with empty meta labels. if ( '' === $label && '' === $value ) { continue; } if ( '' === $label ) { $label = $value; } $metadata_object[ $label ] = $value; } // Default options. $options = array( 'amount' => $this->calculate_amount( $amount, $currency ), 'currency' => $currency, 'capture_method' => 'manual', 'confirm' => false, 'automatic_payment_methods' => array( 'enabled' => true, 'allow_redirects' => 'never', ), ); // Check if metadata is not empty and add it to the options. if ( ! empty( $metadata_object ) ) { $options['metadata'] = $metadata_object; } // Check if statement_description is not empty and add it to the options. if ( ! empty( $company ) ) { $options['statement_descriptor_suffix'] = $company; } // Check if description is not empty and add it to the options. if ( ! empty( $description ) ) { $options['description'] = $description; } try { // Create Payment Intent object. $intent = \Forminator\Stripe\PaymentIntent::create( $options ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $response = array( 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'errors' => array(), ); wp_send_json_error( $response ); } return $intent; } /** * Calculate Stripe amount * * @since 1.11 * * @param int|float $amount Amount. * @param string $currency Currency. * * @return float|int */ public function calculate_amount( $amount, $currency ) { $zero_decimal_currencies = $this->get_zero_decimal_currencies(); // Check if currency is zero decimal, then return original amount. if ( in_array( $currency, $zero_decimal_currencies, true ) ) { return $amount; } // If JOD, amount needs to have 3 decimals and multiplied to 1000. if ( 'JOD' === $currency ) { $amount = number_format( $amount, 3, '.', '' ); return $amount * 1000; } $amount = number_format( $amount, 2, '.', '' ); // Currency has decimals, multiply by 100. return $amount * 100; } /** * Return currencies without decimal * * @since 1.11 * * @return array */ public function get_zero_decimal_currencies() { return array( 'MGA', 'BIF', 'CLP', 'PYG', 'DJF', 'RWF', 'GNF', 'UGX', 'VND', 'JPY', 'VUV', 'XAF', 'KMF', 'XOF', 'KRW', 'XPF', ); } /** * Update amount * * @since 1.7.3 * * @param array $submitted_data Submitted data. * @param array $field Field. * @throws Exception When there is an error. */ public function update_paymentIntent( $submitted_data, $field ) { $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'test' ); $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); if ( isset( $this->payment_plan['payment_method'] ) && ! empty( $this->payment_plan['payment_method'] ) && 'subscription' === $this->payment_plan['payment_method'] ) { wp_send_json_success( array( 'paymentid' => 'subscription', 'paymentsecret' => 'subscription', ) ); } // apply merge tags to payment description. $product_description = isset( $field['product_description'] ) ? $field['product_description'] : ''; if ( ! empty( $product_description ) ) { $product_description = forminator_replace_form_data( $product_description, Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object ); $field['product_description'] = $product_description; } // Get Stripe key. $key = $this->get_secret_key( 'test' !== $mode ); // Set Stripe key. \Forminator\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey( $key ); Forminator_Gateway_Stripe::set_stripe_app_info(); $field_id = Forminator_Field::get_property( 'element_id', $field ); $amount = $submitted_data[ $field_id ]; $id = $submitted_data['paymentid']; // Check if we already have payment ID, if not generate new one. if ( empty( $id ) ) { $payment_intent = $this->generate_paymentIntent( $amount, $field ); $id = $payment_intent->id; } try { // Retrieve PI object. $intent = \Forminator\Stripe\PaymentIntent::retrieve( $id ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $payment_intent = $this->generate_paymentIntent( $amount, $field ); $intent = \Forminator\Stripe\PaymentIntent::retrieve( $payment_intent->id ); } // Convert object to array. $metadata_key = $intent->metadata->keys(); $metadata_value = $intent->metadata->values(); $stored_metadata = array_combine( $metadata_key, $metadata_value ); // New metadata array. $metadata = array(); if ( ! empty( $stored_metadata ) ) { foreach ( (array) $stored_metadata as $key => $meta ) { $metadata[ $key ] = forminator_replace_form_data( '{' . $meta . '}', Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object ); } } // Throw error if payment ID is empty. if ( empty( $id ) ) { $response = array( 'message' => esc_html__( 'Your Payment ID is empty, please reload the page and try again!', 'forminator' ), 'errors' => array(), ); wp_send_json_error( $response ); } // Check if the PaymentIntent already succeeded and continue. if ( 'succeeded' === $intent->status ) { wp_send_json_success( array( 'paymentid' => $id, 'paymentsecret' => $intent->client_secret, ) ); } else { try { // Check payment amount. if ( 0 > $amount ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Payment amount should be larger than 0.', 'forminator' ) ); } // Check payment ID. if ( empty( $id ) ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Your Payment ID is empty!', 'forminator' ) ); } // Check payment method. if ( ! isset( $submitted_data['payment_method'] ) || is_null( $submitted_data['payment_method'] ) ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Your Payment ID is empty!', 'forminator' ) ); } $options = array( 'amount' => $this->calculate_amount( $amount, $currency ), 'payment_method' => $submitted_data['payment_method'], ); // Update receipt email if set on front-end. if ( isset( $submitted_data['receipt_email'] ) && ! empty( $submitted_data['receipt_email'] ) ) { $options['receipt_email'] = $submitted_data['receipt_email']; } if ( ! empty( $metadata ) ) { $options['metadata'] = $metadata; } // Update Payment Intent amount. \Forminator\Stripe\PaymentIntent::update( $id, $options ); // Return success. wp_send_json_success( array( 'paymentid' => $id, 'paymentsecret' => $intent->client_secret, ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $response = array( 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'errors' => array(), ); wp_send_json_error( $response ); } } } /** * Get form setting * * @since 1.9 * * @param int $id Id. * @param array $settings Settings. * @param mixed $fallback Fallback method. * * @return mixed */ public function get_form_setting( $id, $settings, $fallback ) { // Check if user settings exist. if ( isset( $settings[ $id ] ) ) { return $settings[ $id ]; } // Return fallback. return $fallback; } /** * Field back-end validation * * @param array $field Field. * @param array|string $data Data. */ public function validate( $field, $data ) { $id = self::get_property( 'element_id', $field ); } /** * Sanitize data * * @param array $field Field. * @param array|string $data - the data to be sanitized. * * @return array|string $data - the data after sanitization */ public function sanitize( $field, $data ) { $original_data = $data; // Sanitize. $data = forminator_sanitize_field( $data ); return apply_filters( 'forminator_field_stripe_sanitize', $data, $field, $original_data ); } /** * Is available * * @since 1.7 * @inheritdoc * @param array $field Field. */ public function is_available( $field ) { $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'test' ); try { $stripe = new Forminator_Gateway_Stripe(); if ( 'test' !== $mode ) { $stripe->set_live( true ); } if ( $stripe->is_ready() ) { return true; } } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { return false; } } /** * Get publishable key * * @since 1.7 * * @param bool $live Live?. * * @return bool|string */ private function get_publishable_key( $live = false ) { try { $stripe = new Forminator_Gateway_Stripe(); if ( $live ) { return $stripe->get_live_key(); } return $stripe->get_test_key(); } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { return false; } } /** * Get publishable key * * @since 1.7 * * @param bool $live Live?. * * @return bool|string */ private function get_secret_key( $live = false ) { try { $stripe = new Forminator_Gateway_Stripe(); if ( $live ) { return $stripe->get_live_secret( true ); } return $stripe->get_test_secret( true ); } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { return false; } } /** * Get default currency * * @return string */ private function get_default_currency() { try { $stripe = new Forminator_Gateway_Stripe(); return $stripe->get_default_currency(); } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { return 'USD'; } } /** * Process to entry data * * @param array $field Field. * * @return array * @throws Exception When there is an error. */ public function process_to_entry_data( $field ) { $entry_data = array( 'mode' => '', 'product_name' => '', 'payment_type' => '', 'amount' => '', 'quantity' => '', 'currency' => '', 'transaction_id' => '', 'transaction_link' => '', ); $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'test' ); $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); try { // Get Payment intent. $intent = $this->get_paymentIntent( $field ); if ( is_wp_error( $intent ) ) { throw new Exception( $intent->get_error_message() ); } elseif ( ! is_object( $intent ) ) { // Make sure Payment Intent is object. throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Payment Intent object is not valid Payment object.', 'forminator' ) ); } // Check if the PaymentIntent is set or empty. if ( empty( $intent->id ) ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Payment Intent ID is not valid!', 'forminator' ) ); } $charge_amount = $this->get_payment_amount( $field ); $entry_data['mode'] = $mode; $entry_data['currency'] = $currency; $entry_data['amount'] = number_format( $charge_amount, 2, '.', '' ); if ( ! empty( $this->payment_plan ) ) { $entry_data['product_name'] = $this->payment_plan['plan_name']; $entry_data['payment_type'] = $this->payment_method( $this->payment_plan['payment_method'] ); $entry_data['quantity'] = $this->payment_plan['quantity']; } $entry_data['transaction_link'] = self::get_transanction_link( $mode, $intent->id ); $entry_data['transaction_id'] = $intent->id; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $entry_data['error'] = $e->getMessage(); } /** * Filter stripe entry data that will be stored * * @since 1.7 * * @param array $entry_data Entry data. * @param array $field Field properties. * @param Forminator_Form_Model $module_object Forminator_Form_Model. * @param array $submitted_data Submitted data. * @param array $field_data_array current entry meta. * * @return array */ $entry_data = apply_filters( 'forminator_field_stripe_process_to_entry_data', $entry_data, $field, Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object, Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data, Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$info['field_data_array'] ); return $entry_data; } /** * Make linkify transaction_id * * @param string $transaction_id Transaction Id. * @param array $meta_value Meta value. * * @return string */ public static function linkify_transaction_id( $transaction_id, $meta_value ) { $transaction_link = $transaction_id; if ( isset( $meta_value['transaction_link'] ) && ! empty( $meta_value['transaction_link'] ) ) { $url = $meta_value['transaction_link']; $transaction_link = '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="' . $transaction_id . '">' . $transaction_id . '</a>'; } /** * Filter link to Stripe transaction id * * @since 1.7 * * @param string $transaction_link * @param string $transaction_id * @param array $meta_value * * @return string */ $transaction_link = apply_filters( 'forminator_field_stripe_linkify_transaction_id', $transaction_link, $transaction_id, $meta_value ); return $transaction_link; } /** * Retrieve PaymentIntent object * * @param array $field Field. * * @return mixed object|string * @throws Exception When there is an error. */ public function get_paymentIntent( $field ) { $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'test' ); $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); // Check Stripe key. $key = $this->get_secret_key( 'test' !== $mode ); // Set Stripe key. \Forminator\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey( $key ); Forminator_Gateway_Stripe::set_stripe_app_info(); try { // Makue sure payment ID exist. if ( empty( Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data['paymentid'] ) ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Stripe Payment ID does not exist.', 'forminator' ) ); } // Check payment amount. $intent = \Forminator\Stripe\PaymentIntent::retrieve( Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data['paymentid'] ); return $intent; } catch ( Exception $e ) { return $this->get_error( $e ); } } /** * Retrieve PaymentMethod object * * @since 1.15 * * @param array $field Field. * @param array $submitted_data Submitted data. * * @return mixed object|string * @throws Exception When there is an error. */ public function get_paymentMethod( $field, $submitted_data ) { $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'test' ); $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); // Check Stripe key. $key = $this->get_secret_key( 'test' !== $mode ); // Set Stripe key. \Forminator\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey( $key ); Forminator_Gateway_Stripe::set_stripe_app_info(); try { // Makue sure payment ID exist. if ( ! isset( $submitted_data['paymentid'] ) ) { throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Stripe Payment ID does not exist.', 'forminator' ) ); } // Check payment amount. $intent = \Forminator\Stripe\PaymentMethod::retrieve( $submitted_data['paymentmethod'] ); return $intent; } catch ( Exception $e ) { return $this->get_error( $e ); } } /** * Confirm paymentIntent * * @param mixed $intent Payment Intent. * * @since 1.14.9 * * @return object|WP_Error */ public function confirm_paymentIntent( $intent ) { try { return $intent->confirm(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return $this->get_error( $e ); } } /** * Get the exception error and return WP_Error * * @param mixed $e Exception. * * @since 1.14.9 * * @return WP_Error */ private function get_error( $e ) { $code = $e->getCode(); if ( is_int( $code ) ) { $code = ( 0 === $code ) ? 'zero' : $code; return new WP_Error( $code, $e->getMessage() ); } else { return new WP_Error( $e->getError()->code, $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Get the fields that an amount depends on * * @param array $field_settings Field settings. * @return array */ public function get_amount_dependent_fields( $field_settings ) { $depend_field = array(); $this->payment_plan = $this->get_payment_plan( $field_settings ); $plan = $this->payment_plan; $payments = self::get_property( 'payments', $field_settings, array() ); $payments = wp_list_pluck( $payments, 'conditions' ); foreach ( $payments as $conditions ) { if ( empty( $conditions ) || ! is_array( $conditions ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $conditions as $condition ) { if ( ! empty( $condition['element_id'] ) ) { $depend_field[] = $condition['element_id']; } } } if ( empty( $plan['payment_method'] ) ) { return $depend_field; } if ( 'single' === $plan['payment_method'] && ! empty( $plan['amount_type'] ) && 'variable' === $plan['amount_type'] && ! empty( $plan['variable'] ) ) { $depend_field[] = $plan['variable']; } if ( 'subscription' === $plan['payment_method'] && ! empty( $plan['subscription_amount_type'] ) && 'variable' === $plan['subscription_amount_type'] && ! empty( $plan['subscription_variable'] ) ) { $depend_field[] = $plan['subscription_variable']; } return $depend_field; } /** * Get payment amount * * @since 1.7 * * @param array $field Field. * * @return double */ public function get_payment_amount( $field ) { $payment_amount = 0.0; $amount_type = self::get_property( 'amount_type', $field, 'fixed' ); $amount = self::get_property( 'amount', $field, '0' ); $amount_variable = self::get_property( 'variable', $field, '' ); $submitted_data = Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data; if ( ! empty( $this->payment_plan ) ) { $amount_type = isset( $this->payment_plan['amount_type'] ) ? $this->payment_plan['amount_type'] : $amount_type; $amount = isset( $this->payment_plan['amount'] ) ? $this->payment_plan['amount'] : $amount; $amount_variable = isset( $this->payment_plan['variable'] ) ? $this->payment_plan['variable'] : $amount_variable; } if ( 'fixed' === $amount_type ) { $payment_amount = $amount; } else { $amount_var = $amount_variable; $form_field = Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object->get_field( $amount_var, false ); if ( $form_field ) { $form_field = $form_field->to_formatted_array(); if ( isset( $form_field['type'] ) ) { if ( 'calculation' === $form_field['type'] ) { // Calculation field get the amount from pseudo_submit_data. if ( isset( Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ $amount_var ] ) ) { $payment_amount = Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ $amount_var ]; } } elseif ( 'currency' === $form_field['type'] ) { // Currency field get the amount from submitted_data. $field_id = $form_field['element_id']; if ( isset( $submitted_data[ $field_id ] ) ) { $payment_amount = self::forminator_replace_number( $form_field, $submitted_data[ $field_id ] ); } } else { $field_object = Forminator_Core::get_field_object( $form_field['type'] ); if ( $field_object ) { $field_id = $form_field['element_id']; $submitted_field_data = isset( $submitted_data[ $field_id ] ) ? $submitted_data[ $field_id ] : null; $payment_amount = $field_object::get_calculable_value( $submitted_field_data, $form_field ); } } } } } if ( ! is_numeric( $payment_amount ) ) { $payment_amount = 0.0; } /** * Filter payment amount of stripe * * @since 1.7 * * @param double $payment_amount * @param array $field field settings. * @param Forminator_Form_Model $module_object * @param array $prepared_data */ $payment_amount = apply_filters( 'forminator_field_stripe_payment_amount', $payment_amount, $field, Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object, Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data ); return $payment_amount; } /** * Get Payment plan * * @param array $field Field. * * @return array */ public function get_payment_plan( $field ) { $payments = self::get_property( 'payments', $field, array() ); if ( ! empty( $payments ) ) { foreach ( $payments as $payment_settings ) { $payment_settings['condition_rule'] = ! empty( $payment_settings['condition_rule'] ) ? $payment_settings['condition_rule'] : 'all'; $payment_settings['condition_action'] = 'show'; if ( ! Forminator_Field::is_hidden( $field, $payment_settings ) ) { return $payment_settings; } } } return array(); } /** * Get transaction link * * @param string $mode Payment mode. * @param string $transaction_id Transaction id. * @return string */ public static function get_transanction_link( $mode, $transaction_id ) { if ( 'test' === $mode ) { $link_base = ''; } else { $link_base = ''; } $transaction_link = $link_base . rawurlencode( $transaction_id ); return $transaction_link; } /** * Payment method * * @param string $method Payment method. * * @return string|void */ public function payment_method( $method ) { switch ( $method ) { case 'single': $method = esc_html__( 'One Time', 'forminator' ); break; case 'subscription': $method = esc_html__( 'Subscription', 'forminator' ); break; default: $method = ''; } return $method; } }