index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/js/front/front.multifile.js
// the semi-colon before function invocation is a safety net against concatenated // scripts and/or other plugins which may not be closed properly. ;// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols (function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; // undefined is used here as the undefined global variable in ECMAScript 3 is // mutable (ie. it can be changed by someone else). undefined isn't really being // passed in so we can ensure the value of it is truly undefined. In ES5, undefined // can no longer be modified. // window and document are passed through as local variables rather than global // as this (slightly) quickens the resolution process and can be more efficiently // minified (especially when both are regularly referenced in your plugin). // Create the defaults once var pluginName = "forminatorFrontMultiFile", defaults = {}; // The actual plugin constructor function ForminatorFrontMultiFile(element, options) { this.element = element; this.$el = $(this.element); // jQuery has an extend method which merges the contents of two or // more objects, storing the result in the first object. The first object // is generally empty as we don't want to alter the default options for // future instances of the plugin this.form = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.form_id = 0; this.uploader = this.$el; this.element ='element'); this.init(); } // Avoid Plugin.prototype conflicts $.extend(ForminatorFrontMultiFile.prototype, { init: function () { var self = this, fileList = [], ajax_request = []; if (this.form.find('input[name=form_id]').length > 0) { this.form_id = this.form.find('input[name=form_id]').val(); } this.uploader.on("drag dragstart dragend dragover dragenter dragleave drop", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); this.uploader.on("dragover dragenter", function(a) { $(this).addClass("forminator-dragover"); }); this.uploader.on("dragleave dragend drop", function(a) { $(this).removeClass("forminator-dragover"); }); this.uploader.find( ".forminator-upload-file--forminator-field-" + this.element ).on("click", function(e) { self.form.find( '.forminator-field-' + self.element + '-' + self.form_id ).click(); }); this.uploader.on("drop", function(e) { document.querySelector( '.forminator-field-' + self.element + '-' + self.form_id ).files = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; self.form.find( '.forminator-field-' + self.element + '-' + self.form_id ).change(); }); this.uploader.on("click", function(e) { if ( === e.currentTarget ) { self.form.find( '.forminator-field-' + self.element + '-' + self.form_id ).click(); } }); this.uploader.find('.forminator-multi-upload-message, .forminator-multi-upload-message p, .forminator-multi-upload-message .forminator-icon-upload').on("click", function(e) { if ( === e.currentTarget ) { self.form.find( '.forminator-field-' + self.element + '-' + self.form_id ).click(); } }); this.form.on("forminator:form:submit:success", function(e) { fileList = []; }); this.form.find( '.forminator-field-' + self.element + '-' + self.form_id ).on("change", function(e) { if( ! self.uploadingFile ){ self.uploadingFile = 1; var $this = $(this), param = this.files, uploadParam = []; $.when().then(function(){ $this.closest('.forminator-field').removeClass('forminator-has_error'); for ( var i = 0; i < param.length; i++ ) { uploadParam.push( param[ i ] ); fileList.push( param[ i ] ); } ajax_request = self.handleChangeCallback( uploadParam, $this, ajax_request ); var file_list = fileList ); if ( file_list.length > 0 ) { param = self.FileObjectItem(file_list); if ( 'submission' === $ 'method' ) ) { $this.prop( 'files', param ); } } }).done(function(){ self.uploadingFile = null; }); } }); this.delete_files( fileList, ajax_request ); }, /** * Upload Ajax call * * @param param * @param $this * @param ajax_request */ handleChangeCallback: function ( param, $this, ajax_request ) { var self = this, ajax_inc = 0, uploadData = new FormData, nonce = this.form.find('input[name="forminator_nonce"]').val(), method = $'method'), elementId = self.element; elementId = elementId.split('_')[0]; uploadData.append( "action", "forminator_multiple_file_upload" ); uploadData.append( "form_id", this.form_id ); uploadData.append( "element_id", elementId ); uploadData.append( "nonce", nonce ); $.each( param, function ( i, item ) { var unique_id = self.progress_bar( item, method ), totalFile = self.form.find('.upload-container-' + self.element + ' li').length, fileType = 'undefined' !== typeof $'filetype') ? $'filetype') : '', file_reg = new RegExp("(.*?)\.("+ fileType +")$"), itemName =; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof $'size') && $'size') <= item.size ) { error_messsage = $'size-message'); self.upload_fail_response( unique_id, error_messsage ); return; } else if( ! file_reg.test( itemName ) ) { var ext = itemName.split('.').pop(); error_messsage = '.' + ext + ' ' + $'filetype-message'); self.upload_fail_response( unique_id, error_messsage ); return; } if( 'ajax' === method ) { uploadData.delete( self.element ); uploadData.delete( 'totalFiles' ); uploadData.append( "totalFiles", totalFile ); uploadData.append( elementId, item ); ajax_request.push( $.ajax({ xhr: function () { var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (evt) { if (evt.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = ( ( evt.loaded / ) * 100 ); if( 90 > percentComplete ) { self.form.find('#' + unique_id + ' .progress-percentage') .html(Math.round(percentComplete) + '% of '); } } }, false); return xhr; }, type: 'POST', url: window.ForminatorFront.ajaxUrl, data: uploadData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, beforeSend: function () { self.form.find('.forminator-button-submit').attr( 'disabled', true ); self.$el.trigger('before:forminator:multiple:upload', uploadData); }, success: function (data) { var element = self.element, current_file = { success: data.success, message: 'undefined' !== ? : '', file_id: unique_id, file_name: 'undefined' !== typeof ?^.*[\\\/]/, '') :, mime_type: item.type, }; self.add_upload_file( element, current_file ); if ( true === data.success && true === && 'undefined' !== typeof ) { self.upload_success_response( unique_id ); self.$el.trigger('success:forminator:multiple:upload', uploadData); } else { self.upload_fail_response( unique_id, ); if( 'undefined' !== typeof && 'limit' === ) { self.form.find('#' + unique_id).addClass('forminator-upload-limit_error'); } self.$el.trigger('fail:forminator:multiple:upload', uploadData); } }, complete: function (xhr, status) { ajax_inc++; if ( param.length === ajax_inc ) { self.form.find('.forminator-button-submit').attr( 'disabled', false ); } self.$el.trigger('complete:forminator:multiple:upload', uploadData); }, error: function (err) { self.upload_fail_response( unique_id, window.ForminatorFront.cform.process_error ); } })) } else { var has_error = true, error_messsage = window.ForminatorFront.cform.process_error; if( 'undefined' !== typeof $'limit') && $'limit') < totalFile ) { has_error = false; self.form.find('#' + unique_id).addClass('forminator-upload-limit_error'); error_messsage = $'limit-message'); } if( ! has_error ) { self.upload_fail_response( unique_id, error_messsage ); } else { self.upload_success_response( unique_id ); } } }); return ajax_request; }, /** * Ajax fail response * * @param unique_id * @param message */ upload_fail_response: function( unique_id, message ) { this.form.trigger( 'validation:error' ); this.form.find('#' + unique_id).addClass('forminator-has_error'); this.form.find('#' + unique_id).find('.forminator-uploaded-file--size [class*="forminator-icon-"]') .addClass('forminator-icon-warning') .removeClass('forminator-icon-loader') .removeClass('forminator-loading'); this.form.find('#' + unique_id + ' .progress-percentage').html('0% of '); this.form.find('#' + unique_id + ' .forminator-uploaded-file--content') .after('<div class="forminator-error-message">' + message + '</div>'); }, /** * Ajax success response * * @param unique_id */ upload_success_response: function( unique_id ) { this.form.find('#' + unique_id + ' .progress-percentage').html('100% of '); this.form.find('#' + unique_id + ' .forminator-uploaded-file--size [class*="forminator-icon-"]').remove(); this.form.find('#' + unique_id + ' .progress-percentage').remove(); }, /** * Show progress bar * * @param file * @param method */ progress_bar: function( file, method ) { var self = this, uniqueID = Math.random().toString( 36 ).substr( 2, 7 ), uniqueId = 'upload-process-' + uniqueID, filename =, filesize = self.bytes_to_size( file.size, 2 ), wrapper = this.uploader.closest( '.forminator-field' ).find( '.forminator-uploaded-files' ), markup = '' ; this.progress_image_preview( file, uniqueId ); function getFileExtension( element ) { var parts = element.split( '.' ); return parts[ parts.length - 1 ]; } function isImage( element ) { var ext = getFileExtension( element ); switch ( ext.toLowerCase() ) { case 'jpg': case 'jpe': case 'jpeg': case 'png': case 'gif': case 'ico': return true; } return false; } /** * File Preview Markup. * * Get the icon file or replace it with image preview. */ var preview = '<div class="forminator-uploaded-file--preview" aria-hidden="true">' + '<span class="forminator-icon-file" aria-hidden="true"></span>' + '</div>'; if ( isImage( filename ) ) { preview = '<div class="forminator-uploaded-file--image" aria-hidden="true">' + '<div class="forminator-img-preview" role="image"></div>' + '</div>'; } /** * File Name. * * Get the name of the uploaded file (extension included). */ var name = '<p class="forminator-uploaded-file--title">' + filename.replace( /[<>:"/\\|?*]+/g, '_' ) + '</p>'; /** * File Size. * * Depending on the state of the file user will get a: * - Loading Icon: When file is still being uploaded. * This will be accompanied by percent amount. * - Warning Icon: When file finished loading but an * error happened. * - File Size. */ var size = '<p class="forminator-uploaded-file--size">' + '<span class="forminator-icon-loader forminator-loading" aria-hidden="true"></span>' + '<span class="progress-percentage">29% of </span>' + filesize + '</p>'; /** * File Delete Button. * * This icon button will have the ability to remove * the uploaded file. */ var trash = '<button type="button" class="forminator-uploaded-file--delete forminator-button-delete" data-method="' + method + '" data-element="' + self.element + '" data-value="' + uniqueId + '">' + '<span class="forminator-icon-close" aria-hidden="true"></span>' + '<span class="forminator-screen-reader-only">Delete uploaded file</span>' + '</button>'; /** * Markup. */ markup += '<li id="' + uniqueId + '" class="forminator-uploaded-file">'; markup += '<div class="forminator-uploaded-file--content">'; markup += preview; markup += '<div class="forminator-uploaded-file--text">'; markup += name; markup += size; markup += '</div>'; markup += trash; markup += '</div>'; markup += '</li>'; /** * Has Files Class. * * Add "forminator-has-files" class to wrapper. */ if ( ! wrapper.hasClass( '.forminator-has-files' ) ) { wrapper.addClass( 'forminator-has-files' ); } return wrapper.append( markup ), uniqueId; }, bytes_to_size: function ( bytes, decimals ) { if ( 0 === bytes ) return '0 Bytes'; var k = 1024, dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals, sizes = [ 'Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' ], i = Math.floor( Math.log( bytes ) / Math.log( k ) ); return parseFloat( ( bytes / Math.pow( k, i ) ).toFixed( dm ) ) + ' ' + sizes[ i ]; }, /** * image preview * * @param image * @param uniqueId */ progress_image_preview: function ( image, uniqueId ) { if ( image ) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { $('#'+ uniqueId + ' .forminator-img-preview').css('background-image', 'url(' + + ')'); }; reader.readAsDataURL(image); } }, /** * Get all uploaded file * * @returns {*} */ get_uplaoded_files: function () { var uploaded_value = this.form.find( '.forminator-multifile-hidden' ), files; files = uploaded_value.val(); files = ( typeof files === "undefined" ) || files === '' ? {} : $.parseJSON( files ); return files; }, /** * Get file by element * * @param element * @returns {*} */ get_uplaoded_file: function ( element ) { var uploaded_file = this.get_uplaoded_files(); if( typeof uploaded_file[ element ] === 'undefined' ) uploaded_file[ element ] = []; return uploaded_file[ element ]; }, /** * Add uploaded file * * @param element * @param response */ add_upload_file: function ( element, response ) { var files = this.get_uplaoded_file( element ); files.unshift( response ); this.set_upload_file( element, files ); }, /** * Set upload file * * @param element * @param files */ set_upload_file: function ( element, files ) { var upload_file = this.get_uplaoded_files(), uploaded_value = this.form.find( '.forminator-multifile-hidden' ); upload_file[ element ] = files; uploaded_value.val( JSON.stringify( upload_file ) ); }, /** * Get uploaded by file id * * @param element * @param file_id * @returns {*} */ get_uploaded_file_id: function ( element, file_id ) { var file_index = null, upload_file = this.get_uplaoded_file( element ); $.each( upload_file, function ( key, val ) { if( file_id === val['file_id'] ) file_index = key; }); return file_index; }, /** * Delete files */ delete_files: function ( fileList, ajax_request ) { var self = this; $( document ).on( "click", ".forminator-uploaded-file--delete", function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var deleteButton = $( this ), file_id ='value'), method ='method'), element_id ='element'); if( 'undefined' !== typeof file_id && 'undefined' !== typeof element_id && 'undefined' !== typeof method ) { var index = self.form.find('#' + file_id ).index(), fileContainer = $( deleteButton ).closest( 'li#' + file_id ), uploaded_arr = self.get_uplaoded_files(), uploaded_value = self.form.find( '.forminator-multifile-hidden' ); if ( uploaded_arr && 'ajax' === method ) { if( 'undefined' !== typeof ajax_request[ index ] ) { ajax_request[ index ].abort(); ajax_request.splice( index, 1 ); } if( 'undefined' !== typeof uploaded_value ) { var file_index = self.get_uploaded_file_id( element_id, file_id ); if( '' !== file_index && null !== file_index ) { uploaded_arr[ element_id ].splice( file_index, 1 ); } uploaded_value.val( JSON.stringify( uploaded_arr ) ); } } if( 'undefined' !== typeof method && 'submission' === method ) { self.remove_object( index, fileList, element_id ); } $( fileContainer ).remove(); } var fileInput = self.form.find( '.forminator-field-'+ element_id + '-' + self.form_id ); var liList = self.form.find('.upload-container-' + element_id + ' li' ); if( 'undefined' !== typeof'limit') ) { $.each( liList,function( index ) { if('limit') > index && $(this).hasClass('forminator-upload-limit_error') ) { var fileID = $(this).attr('id'), fileIndex = self.get_uploaded_file_id( element_id, fileID ); $(this).removeClass('forminator-has_error'); $(this).find('.forminator-error-message, .forminator-icon-warning, .progress-percentage').remove(); if( '' !== fileIndex && null !== fileIndex && 'undefined' !== typeof uploaded_arr[ element_id ][ fileIndex ] ) { uploaded_arr[ element_id ][ fileIndex ].success = true; } } }); uploaded_value.val( JSON.stringify( uploaded_arr ) ); } // empty file input value if no files left if ( liList.length === 0 ) { fileInput.val(''); } // Re-enable submit button if there are no errors on the upload fields. if ( 0 === self.form.find( '.forminator-uploaded-file.forminator-has_error' ).length ) { self.form.trigger( 'forminator:uploads:valid' ); self.form.find('.forminator-button-submit').attr( 'disabled', false ); } }) }, remove_object: function( index, fileList, element_id ) { var upload_input = document.querySelector( '.forminator-field-'+ element_id + '-' + this.form_id ); if( 'undefined' !== typeof upload_input ) { var upload_files = upload_input.files; if( upload_files.length > 0 ) { var upload_slice = upload_files ); fileList.splice( index, 1 ); upload_slice.splice( index, 1 ); upload_input.files = this.FileObjectItem( upload_slice ); } } }, /** * File list object * * @param a * @returns {FileList} * @constructor */ FileObjectItem: function ( a ) { a = [] Array.isArray( a ) ? a : arguments ); a = a.reverse(); for ( var c, b = c = a.length, d = !0; b-- && d; ) { d = a[ b ] instanceof File; } if ( ! d ) throw new TypeError("expected argument to FileList is File or array of File objects"); for ( b = ( new ClipboardEvent("") ).clipboardData || new DataTransfer; c--;) { b.items.add( a[ c ] ); } return b.files } }); // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, pluginName)) { $.data(this, pluginName, new ForminatorFrontMultiFile(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);