index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/forminator-ui/js/forminator-form.js
/*! * WPMU DEV Forminator UI * Copyright 2019 Incsub ( * Licensed under GPL v3 ( */ function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; } function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; } function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; } function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + ""; } function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i =, r || "default"); if ("object" != _typeof(i)) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); } function _typeof(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { return typeof o; } : function (o) { return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; }, _typeof(o); } (function ($) { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global SUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.inputStates = function (el) { var input = $(el); var form = input.closest('form'); if (!'input') && (!'.forminator-poll') || !'.forminator-ui') && !'.forminator-custom-form'))) { return; } function hover(element) { var getInput = $(element); var getField = getInput.closest('.forminator-field'); getInput.mouseover(function (e) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_hover'); e.stopPropagation(); }).mouseout(function (e) { getField.removeClass('forminator-is_hover'); e.stopPropagation(); }); } function focused(element) { var getInput = $(element); var getField = getInput.closest('.forminator-field'); getInput.focus(function (e) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_active'); e.stopPropagation(); }).blur(function (e) { getField.removeClass('forminator-is_active'); e.stopPropagation(); }); } function filled(element) { var getInput = $(element); var getField = getInput.closest('.forminator-field'); // On input load if ('' !== getInput.val().trim()) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_filled'); } // On input changes getInput.on('change', function () { if ('' !== getInput.val().trim()) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_filled'); } else { getField.removeClass('forminator-is_filled'); } }); } function init() { input.each(function () { hover(this); focused(this); filled(this); }); } init(); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global SUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.inputMaterial = function (el) { var input = $(el); var field = input.closest('.forminator-field'); var label = field.find('.forminator-label'); var form = input.closest('form'); if (!'input') && (!'.forminator-poll') || !'.forminator-ui') && !'.forminator-custom-form'))) { return; } function init() { // Wrap Element if (!input.parent().hasClass('forminator-input--wrap')) { input.wrap('<div class="forminator-input--wrap"></div>'); } // Wrap Label if (label.length) { // Add floating class label.addClass('forminator-floating--input'); // Add icon class (if applies) if (field.find('.forminator-input-with-icon').length) { label.addClass('forminator-has_icon'); } // Add phone class (if applies) if (field.find('.forminator-input-with-phone').length) { label.addClass('forminator-has_phone'); if (field.find('.intl-tel-input').hasClass('allow-dropdown')) { label.addClass('allow-dropdown'); } } } } init(); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global SUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.textareaStates = function (el) { var textarea = $(el); var form = textarea.closest('form'); if (!'textarea') && !'.forminator-ui') && !'.forminator-custom-form')) { return; } function hover(element) { var getTextarea = $(element); var getField = getTextarea.closest('.forminator-field'); getTextarea.mouseover(function (e) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_hover'); e.stopPropagation(); }).mouseout(function (e) { getField.removeClass('forminator-is_hover'); e.stopPropagation(); }); } function focused(element) { var getTextarea = $(element); var getField = getTextarea.closest('.forminator-field'); getTextarea.focus(function (e) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_active'); e.stopPropagation(); }).blur(function (e) { getField.removeClass('forminator-is_active'); e.stopPropagation(); }); } function filled(element) { var getTextarea = $(element); var getField = getTextarea.closest('.forminator-field'); // On textarea load getTextarea.on('load', function () { if ('' !== getTextarea.val().trim()) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_filled'); } }); // On textarea changes getTextarea.on('change', function () { if ('' !== getTextarea.val().trim()) { getField.addClass('forminator-is_filled'); } else { getField.removeClass('forminator-is_filled'); } }); } function init() { textarea.each(function () { hover(this); focused(this); filled(this); }); } init(); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global SUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.textareaMaterial = function (el) { var textarea = $(el); var field = textarea.closest('.forminator-field'); var label = field.find('.forminator-label'); var form = textarea.closest('form'); if (!'textarea') && !'.forminator-ui') && !'.forminator-custom-form')) { return; } if (textarea.hasClass('wp-editor-area')) { return; } function init() { // Wrap Element if (!textarea.parent().hasClass('forminator-textarea--wrap')) { textarea.wrap('<div class="forminator-textarea--wrap"></div>'); } // Wrap Label if (label.length) { var labelHeight = 0 === label.height() ? 20 : label.height(); var labelPadding = 9; var labelMath = labelHeight + labelPadding; // Add floating class label.addClass('forminator-floating--textarea'); // Align textarea field.css({ 'position': 'relative' }); if (textarea.val()) { field.addClass('forminator-is_filled'); } if (!field.hasClass('forminator-is_filled') || !field.hasClass('forminator-is_active')) { label.css({ 'padding-top': labelMath + 'px' }); } textarea.css({ 'padding-top': labelMath + 'px' }); } } init(); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global FUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.radioStates = function (el) { var label = $(el); var input = label.find('input'); if (!'label') || 'radio' !== input.prop('type')) { return; } function init() { input.each(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { var radioInput = $(this); var radioLabel = radioInput.parent(); var radioField = radioLabel.closest('.forminator-field'); var radioOptions = radioField.find('.forminator-radio'); // Remove checked attribute radioOptions.find('input').prop('checked', false); // Remove checked class radioOptions.removeClass('forminator-is_checked'); // Assign checked attribute radioInput.prop('checked', 'checked'); // Assign checked class radioLabel.addClass('forminator-is_checked'); }); }); } init(); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global FUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.checkboxStates = function (el) { var label = $(el); var input = label.find('input'); if (!'label') || 'checkbox' !== input.prop('type')) { return; } function init() { input.each(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { var checkInput = $(this); var checkLabel = checkInput.parent(); if ('.forminator-is_checked')) { checkLabel.removeClass('forminator-is_checked'); } else { checkLabel.addClass('forminator-is_checked'); } }); }); } init(); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global FUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.multiSelectStates = function (el) { var container = $(el); var option = container.find('.forminator-option'); var input = option.find('input'); if (!'.forminator-multiselect') || 0 === option.length) { return; } function init() { input.each(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { var checkInput = $(this); var checkLabel = checkInput.parent(); if ('.forminator-is_checked')) { checkLabel.removeClass('forminator-is_checked'); } else { checkLabel.addClass('forminator-is_checked'); } }); }); } init(); return this; }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode 'use strict'; // Define global FUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } = {}; = function (string) { // Create a temporary <div> element using jQuery and set the HTML content. var div = $('<div>').html(string); // Get the text content of the <div> element and remove script tags var text = div.text().replace(/<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, ''); // Return the escaped text return text; }; = function (data, container) { var label =; var selected = data.selected; var markup, id = label.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-'); if ( { id =; } markup = '<label for="' + id + '" class="forminator-checkbox">' + '<input type="checkbox" value="' + label + '" id="' + id + '" ' + (selected ? 'checked' : '') + ' />' + '<span class="forminator-checkbox-box" aria-hidden="true"></span>' + '<span class="forminator-select-label">' + label + '</span>' + '</label>'; return markup; }; FUI.select2 = function () { $('.forminator-custom-form').each(function () { var $element = $(this), $formid = $'form-id'), $select = $element.find('.forminator-select2'); var $themes = ['bold', 'flat', 'default', 'material', 'none']; $.each($themes, function (index, $theme) { var $dir, $language = 'en', $placeholder = 'Select', $hasSearch = -1, $hasCheckbox = false; if ($element.hasClass('forminator-design--' + $theme) && $select.length) { $select.each(function () { var $select = $(this), $dialog = $select.closest('.sui-dialog-content'), $parent = $dialog.length ? $dialog : $select.closest('.elementor-popup-modal'), $dropdownClass = 'forminator-custom-form-' + $formid + ' forminator-dropdown--' + $theme; if (true === $'rtl-support')) { $dir = 'rtl'; } else { $dir = 'ltr'; } if ($'placeholder')) { $placeholder = $'placeholder'); } else { $placeholder = 'Select'; } if ($'language')) { $language = $'language'); } else { $language = 'en'; } if (true === $'search')) { $hasSearch = 0; } else { $hasSearch = -1; } if (true === $'checkbox')) { $hasCheckbox = true; $dropdownClass += ' forminator-dropdown--checkbox'; } else { $hasCheckbox = false; } if ($select.prop('multiple')) { $dropdownClass += ' forminator-dropdown--multiple'; } if (!$parent.length) { $parent = $(document.body); } $select.FUIselect2(_objectSpread({ dir: $dir, language: $language, placeholder: $placeholder, dropdownCssClass: $dropdownClass, minimumResultsForSearch: $hasSearch, dropdownParent: $parent }, $hasCheckbox && { closeOnSelect: false, templateResult:, escapeMarkup: function escapeMarkup(markup) { return markup; } })).on('select2:opening', function () { if ($'search-placeholder')) { $'select2').$dropdown.find(':input.select2-search__field').prop('placeholder', $'search-placeholder')); } else { $'select2').$dropdown.find(':input.select2-search__field').prop('placeholder', $'placeholder') ? $'placeholder') : 'Search'); } if ($select.closest('.hustle-popup').length || $select.closest('.hustle-slidein')) { $(document.body).addClass('forminator-hustle-dropdown-fix'); } }).on('select2:closing', function () { $(document.body).removeClass('forminator-hustle-dropdown-fix'); }); }); } }); }); }; })(jQuery); (function () { // Enable strict mode. 'use strict'; // Define global FUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } /** * @namespace aria */ var aria = aria || {}; // REF: Key codes. aria.KeyCode = { BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, RETURN: 13, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, DELETE: 46 }; aria.Utils = aria.Utils || {}; // UTILS: Remove function. aria.Utils.remove = function (item) { if (item.remove && 'function' === typeof item.remove) { return item.remove(); } if (item.parentNode && item.parentNode.removeChild && 'function' === typeof item.parentNode.removeChild) { return item.parentNode.removeChild(item); } return false; }; // UTILS: Verify if element can be focused. aria.Utils.isFocusable = function (element) { if (0 < element.tabIndex || 0 === element.tabIndex && null !== element.getAttribute('tabIndex')) { return true; } if (element.disabled) { return false; } switch (element.nodeName) { case 'A': return !!element.href && 'ignore' != element.rel; case 'INPUT': return 'hidden' != element.type && 'file' != element.type; case 'BUTTON': case 'SELECT': case 'TEXTAREA': return true; default: return false; } }; /** * Simulate a click event. * @public * @param {Element} element the element to simulate a click on */ aria.Utils.simulateClick = function (element) { // Create our event (with options) var evt = new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window }); // If cancelled, don't dispatch our event var canceled = !element.dispatchEvent(evt); }; // When util functions move focus around, set this true so // the focus listener can ignore the events. aria.Utils.IgnoreUtilFocusChanges = false; aria.Utils.dialogOpenClass = 'forminator-authentication-enabled'; /** * @desc Set focus on descendant nodes until the first * focusable element is found. * * @param element * DOM node for which to find the first focusable descendant. * * @returns * true if a focusable element is found and focus is set. */ aria.Utils.focusFirstDescendant = function (element) { for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = element.childNodes[i]; if (aria.Utils.attemptFocus(child) || aria.Utils.focusFirstDescendant(child)) { return true; } } return false; }; // end focusFirstDescendant. /** * @desc Find the last descendant node that is focusable. * * @param element * DOM node for which to find the last focusable descendant. * * @returns * true if a focusable element is found and focus is set. */ aria.Utils.focusLastDescendant = function (element) { for (var i = element.childNodes.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { var child = element.childNodes[i]; if (aria.Utils.attemptFocus(child) || aria.Utils.focusLastDescendant(child)) { return true; } } return false; }; // end focusLastDescendant /** * @desc Set Attempt to set focus on the current node. * * @param element * The node to attempt to focus on. * * @returns * true if element is focused. */ aria.Utils.attemptFocus = function (element) { if (!aria.Utils.isFocusable(element)) { return false; } aria.Utils.IgnoreUtilFocusChanges = true; try { element.focus(); } catch (e) {} aria.Utils.IgnoreUtilFocusChanges = false; return document.activeElement === element; }; // end attemptFocus // Modals can open modals. Keep track of them with this array. aria.OpenDialogList = aria.OpenDialogList || new Array(0); /** * @returns the last opened dialog (the current dialog) */ aria.getCurrentDialog = function () { if (aria.OpenDialogList && aria.OpenDialogList.length) { return aria.OpenDialogList[aria.OpenDialogList.length - 1]; } }; aria.closeCurrentDialog = function () { var currentDialog = aria.getCurrentDialog(); if (currentDialog) { currentDialog.close(); return true; } return false; }; aria.handleEscape = function (event) { var key = event.which || event.keyCode; if (key === aria.Utils.ESC && aria.closeCurrentDialog()) { event.stopPropagation(); } }; document.addEventListener('keyup', aria.handleEscape); /** * @constructor * @desc Dialog object providing modal focus management. * * Assumptions: The element serving as the dialog container is present in the * DOM and hidden. The dialog container has role='dialog'. * * @param dialogId * The ID of the element serving as the dialog container. * * @param focusAfterClosed * Either the DOM node or the ID of the DOM node to focus when the * dialog closes. * * @param focusFirst * Optional parameter containing either the DOM node or the ID of the * DOM node to focus when the dialog opens. If not specified, the * first focusable element in the dialog will receive focus. */ aria.Authentication = function (dialogId, focusAfterClosed, focusFirst) { this.dialogNode = document.getElementById(dialogId); if (null === this.dialogNode) { throw new Error('No element found with id="' + dialogId + '".'); } var validRoles = ['dialog', 'alertdialog']; var isDialog = (this.dialogNode.getAttribute('role') || '').trim().split(/\s+/g).some(function (token) { return validRoles.some(function (role) { return token === role; }); }); if (!isDialog) { throw new Error('Dialog() requires a DOM element with ARIA role of dialog or alertdialog.'); } // Wrap in an individual backdrop element if one doesn't exist // Native <dialog> elements use the ::backdrop pseudo-element, which // works similarly. var backdropClass = 'forminator-authentication'; if (this.dialogNode.parentNode.classList.contains(backdropClass)) { this.backdropNode = this.dialogNode.parentNode; } else { this.backdropNode = document.createElement('div'); this.backdropNode.className = backdropClass;'markup', 'new'); this.dialogNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this.backdropNode, this.dialogNodev); this.backdropNode.appendChild(this.dialogNode); } this.backdropNode.classList.add('forminator-active'); // Disable scroll on the body element document.body.parentNode.classList.add(aria.Utils.dialogOpenClass); if ('string' === typeof focusAfterClosed) { this.focusAfterClosed = document.getElementById(focusAfterClosed); } else if ('object' === _typeof(focusAfterClosed)) { this.focusAfterClosed = focusAfterClosed; } else { throw new Error('the focusAfterClosed parameter is required for the aria.Authentication constructor.'); } if ('string' === typeof focusFirst) { this.focusFirst = document.getElementById(focusFirst); } else if ('object' === _typeof(focusFirst)) { this.focusFirst = focusFirst; } else { this.focusFirst = null; } // Bracket the dialog node with two invisible, focusable nodes. // While this dialog is open, we use these to make sure that focus never // leaves the document even if dialogNode is the first or last node. var preDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.preNode = this.dialogNode.parentNode.insertBefore(preDiv, this.dialogNode); this.preNode.tabIndex = 0; var postDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.postNode = this.dialogNode.parentNode.insertBefore(postDiv, this.dialogNode.nextSibling); this.postNode.tabIndex = 0; // If this modal is opening on top of one that is already open, // get rid of the document focus listener of the open dialog. if (0 < aria.OpenDialogList.length) { aria.getCurrentDialog().removeListeners(); } this.addListeners(); aria.OpenDialogList.push(this); this.dialogNode.classList.add('forminator-authentication-fade-in'); // make visible this.dialogNode.classList.remove('forminator-authentication-fade-out'); if (this.focusFirst) { this.focusFirst.focus(); } else { aria.Utils.focusFirstDescendant(this.dialogNode); } this.lastFocus = document.activeElement; }; // end Dialog constructor. /** * @desc Hides the current top dialog, removes listeners of the top dialog, * restore listeners of a parent dialog if one was open under the one that * just closed, and sets focus on the element specified for focusAfterClosed. */ aria.Authentication.prototype.close = function () { var self = this; aria.OpenDialogList.pop(); this.removeListeners(); this.preNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.preNode); this.postNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.postNode); this.dialogNode.classList.add('forminator-content-fade-out'); this.dialogNode.classList.remove('forminator-content-fade-in'); this.focusAfterClosed.focus(); setTimeout(function () { self.backdropNode.classList.remove('forminator-active'); }, 300); // If a dialog was open underneath this one, restore its listeners. if (0 < aria.OpenDialogList.length) { aria.getCurrentDialog().addListeners(); } else { document.body.parentNode.classList.remove(aria.Utils.dialogOpenClass); } }; // end close. aria.Authentication.prototype.addListeners = function () { document.addEventListener('focus', this.trapFocus, true); }; // end addListeners. aria.Authentication.prototype.removeListeners = function () { document.removeEventListener('focus', this.trapFocus, true); }; // end removeListeners. aria.Authentication.prototype.trapFocus = function (event) { if (aria.Utils.IgnoreUtilFocusChanges) { return; } var currentDialog = aria.getCurrentDialog(); if (currentDialog.dialogNode.contains( { currentDialog.lastFocus =; } else { aria.Utils.focusFirstDescendant(currentDialog.dialogNode); if (currentDialog.lastFocus == document.activeElement) { aria.Utils.focusLastDescendant(currentDialog.dialogNode); } currentDialog.lastFocus = document.activeElement; } }; // end trapFocus. FUI.openAuthentication = function (dialogId, focusAfterClosed, focusFirst) { var dialog = new aria.Authentication(dialogId, focusAfterClosed, focusFirst); }; // end openAuthentication. FUI.closeAuthentication = function () { var topDialog = aria.getCurrentDialog(); topDialog.close(); }; // end closeAuthentication. })(); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode 'use strict'; // Define global FUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.slider = function () { $('.forminator-slider').each(function () { // Cache the current slider element var $element = $(this); var $slide = $element.find('.forminator-slide'); var $input = $element.find('.forminator-hidden-input'); var $disabled = $element.hasClass('forminator-disabled'); // Check if it's a range slider var $isRange = $'is-range'); // Parse integer values from data attributes with error handling var $minRange = parseInt($'min')) || 0; var $maxRange = parseInt($'max')) || 100; var $value = parseInt($'value')) || $minRange; var $valueMax = parseInt($'value-max')) || $maxRange; var $step = parseInt($'step')) || 1; var $sliderValueWrapper = $element.find('.forminator-slider-amount'); // Get the label associated with this slider var $label = $('label[for="' + $input.attr('id') + '"]'); // Check if slider is already intialised. if (true === $'init')) { return; } // Initialize the slider with the parsed values $slide.slider(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({ range: $isRange ? true : 'min', min: $minRange, max: $maxRange, disabled: $disabled, step: $step }, $isRange ? { values: [$value, $valueMax] } : { value: $value }), {}, { create: function create(event, ui) { // Format the slider values using the template var $formattedValue = valueTemplate($element, $value); var $formattedValueMax = $isRange ? valueTemplate($element, $valueMax) : null; // add data-attribute to check intialization. $'init', true); $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-hidden-min').val($value).change(); if ($isRange) { $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-hidden-max').val($valueMax).change(); } // Create the UI with the formatted values updateSliderValues($element, $formattedValue, $formattedValueMax, $value, $valueMax); }, slide: function slide(event, ui) { // Format the slider values using the template var $value = $isRange ? ui.values[0] : ui.value; var $valueMax = $isRange ? ui.values[1] : null; var $formattedValue = valueTemplate($element, $value); var $formattedValueMax = $isRange ? valueTemplate($element, $valueMax) : null; // Update the UI with the formatted values updateSliderValues($element, $formattedValue, $formattedValueMax, $value, $valueMax); }, stop: function stop(event, ui) { // Format the slider values using the template var $value = $isRange ? ui.values[0] : ui.value; var $valueMax = $isRange ? ui.values[1] : null; if (ui.handle === $element.find('.ui-slider-handle')[0]) { $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-hidden-min').val($value).change(); } else if (ui.handle === $element.find('.ui-slider-handle')[1]) { $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-hidden-max').val($valueMax).change(); } else { $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-hidden-min').val($value).change(); } } })); // Add a click event listener to the label $label.on('click', function () { var $handles = $slide.find('.ui-slider-handle'); if ($disabled) { return; } if ($isRange && 1 < $handles.length) { $($handles[0]).focus(); // Focus on the first handle for range sliders } else { $handles.focus(); // Focus on the handle for single sliders } }); }); // Function to format the slider value using the template function valueTemplate($element, $sliderValue) { var $sliderValueWrapper = $element.find('.forminator-slider-amount'); var $sliderValueTemplate = $'value-template') || '{slider-value}'; return $sliderValueTemplate.replace('{slider-value}', '<span class="forminator-slider-value">' + $('<div>').text($sliderValue).html() + '</span>'); } // Function to update the UI with the formatted values function updateSliderValues($element, $formattedValue, $formattedValueMax, $value, $valueMax) { var $sliderValueWrapper = $element.find('.forminator-slider-amount'); var $slide = $element.find('.forminator-slide'); var $isRange = $'is-range'); $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-value-min').html($formattedValue); if ($isRange) { if ($value === $valueMax) { $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-separator').hide(); $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-value-max').html(''); } else { $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-separator').show(); $sliderValueWrapper.find('.forminator-slider-value-max').html($formattedValueMax); } } } }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { // Enable strict mode 'use strict'; // Flag to track if events are already bound var eventsBound = false; // Define global FUI object if it doesn't exist. if ('object' !== _typeof(window.FUI)) { window.FUI = {}; } FUI.rating = function (rating) { function init() { var $rating = rating; $rating.each(function () { var $element = $(this), i; // Get the id var id = $element.attr('id'); // Get the number of options, excluding the first placeholder option var $options = $element.find('option').not(':disabled'); var numOptions = $options.length; // Get the icon type from the data-type attribute var iconType = $element.attr('data-type') || 'star'; // Get the icon type from the data-type attribute var iconSize = $element.attr('data-size') || 'md'; // Calculate the selected value. var selectedValue = Number($element.find('option:selected').val()) || 0; // Create the wrapper element var $wrapper = $('<div class="forminator-rating-wrapper"></div>'); // Create the rating items container var $ratingItemsContainer = $('<span data-id="' + id + '" data-selected-value="' + selectedValue + '" class="forminator-rating-items forminator-rating-' + iconSize + '"></span>'); // Intialized var isInitialized = $element.attr('data-init') || 'false'; if ('true' === isInitialized) { $'.forminator-rating-wrapper').remove(); } // Add the rating items to the container based on the number of options for (i = 0; i < numOptions; i++) { var optionValue = Number($options.eq(i).val()); var itemClass = optionValue <= selectedValue ? 'forminator-rating-item forminator-rating-selected' : 'forminator-rating-item'; $ratingItemsContainer.append('<span class="' + itemClass + '" data-value="' + optionValue + '">' + '<i class="forminator-icon-' + iconType + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>' + '</span>'); } // Add selected-value and total-value in select. $element.attr('data-selected-value', selectedValue); $element.attr('data-total-value', numOptions); // Append the rating items container to the wrapper $wrapper.append($ratingItemsContainer); // Check if data-suffix is true if ('true' === $element.attr('data-suffix')) { // Add the suffix span $ratingItemsContainer.append('<span class="forminator-rating-suffix">(' + selectedValue + '/' + numOptions + ')</span>'); } // Insert the wrapper after the select element $element.after($wrapper); $element.attr('data-init', 'true'); // Add change event inside the rating field initialization $element.on('change', function () { var value = Number($(this).val()) || 0; var $container = $('[data-id="' + id + '"]'); var $suffix = $container.find('.forminator-rating-suffix'); $container.attr('data-selected-value', value); $(this).attr('data-selected-value', value); $container.children().removeClass('forminator-rating-selected'); $container.children().each(function () { if ($(this).data('value') <= value) { $(this).addClass('forminator-rating-selected'); } }); if ($suffix.length) { $suffix.text('(' + value + '/' + $container.children().not('.forminator-rating-suffix').length + ')'); } }); }); } // Init rating init(); // Call rating field events if they are not already bound if (!eventsBound) {; eventsBound = true; // Set the flag to indicate that events are bound } }; = function () { $(document).on('mouseenter', '.forminator-rating-item', function () { var $item = $(this); $item.siblings().removeClass('forminator-rating-selected'); $item.prevAll().addBack().addClass('forminator-rating-hover'); }); $(document).on('mouseleave', '.forminator-rating-item', function () { var $item = $(this); var $container = $item.closest('.forminator-rating-items'); var id = $'id'); var $select = $('#' + id); var selectedValue = Number($select.find('option:selected').val()); $item.prevAll().addBack().removeClass('forminator-rating-hover'); $item.siblings().addBack().each(function () { if ($(this).data('value') <= selectedValue) { $(this).addClass('forminator-rating-selected'); } else { $(this).removeClass('forminator-rating-selected'); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.forminator-rating-item', function () { var $item = $(this), value = Number($'value')), $container = $item.closest('.forminator-rating-items'), id = $'id'), $select = $('#' + id), $suffix = $container.find('.forminator-rating-suffix'); $select.val(value).trigger('change'); $container.attr('data-selected-value', value); $select.attr('data-selected-value', value); $item.siblings().removeClass('forminator-rating-selected'); $item.prevAll().addBack().addClass('forminator-rating-selected'); if ($suffix.length) { $suffix.text('(' + value + '/' + $container.children().not('.forminator-rating-suffix').length + ')'); } }); $(document).on('focus', '.forminator-rating', function () { var $select = $(this), $wrapper = $'.forminator-rating-wrapper'); $wrapper.addClass('forminator-rating-focused'); }); $(document).on('blur', '.forminator-rating', function () { var $select = $(this), $wrapper = $'.forminator-rating-wrapper'); $wrapper.removeClass('forminator-rating-focused'); }); $(document).on('keydown', '.forminator-rating', function (e) { var $select = $(this), $options = $select.find('option'), currentIndex = $options.index($select.find('option:selected')); if ('ArrowUp' === e.key || 'ArrowRight' === e.key || 'ArrowDown' === e.key || 'ArrowLeft' === e.key) { e.preventDefault(); } if (('ArrowUp' === e.key || 'ArrowRight' === e.key) && currentIndex < $options.length - 1) { $options.eq(currentIndex + 1).prop('selected', true).trigger('change'); } else if (('ArrowDown' === e.key || 'ArrowLeft' === e.key) && 0 < currentIndex) { $options.eq(currentIndex - 1).prop('selected', true).trigger('change'); } }); }; })(jQuery);