index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Services/Transfer/TransferService.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Services\Transfer; use Exception; use FluentForm\App\Helpers\Helper; use FluentForm\App\Models\Form; use FluentForm\App\Models\FormMeta; use FluentForm\App\Models\Submission; use FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\FormDataParser; use FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\FormFieldsParser; use FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\ShortCodeParser; use FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\App; use FluentForm\Framework\Request\File; use FluentForm\Framework\Support\Arr; class TransferService { public static function exportForms($formIds) { $result = Form::with(['formMeta']) ->whereIn('id', $formIds) ->get(); $forms = []; foreach ($result as $item) { $form = json_decode($item); $formMetaFiltered = array_filter($form->form_meta, function ($item) { return ($item->meta_key !== '_total_views'); }); $form->metas = $formMetaFiltered; $form->form_fields = json_decode($form->form_fields); $forms[] = $form; } $fileName = 'fluentform-export-forms-' . count($forms) . '-' . date('d-m-Y') . '.json'; header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=' . $fileName); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array_values($forms)); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- $forms is escaped before being passed in. die(); } /** * @throws Exception */ public static function importForms($file) { if ($file instanceof File) { $forms = \json_decode($file->getContents(), true); $insertedForms = []; if ($forms && is_array($forms)) { foreach ($forms as $formItem) { $formFields = json_encode([]); if ($fields = Arr::get($formItem, 'form', '')) { $formFields = json_encode($fields); } elseif ($fields = Arr::get($formItem, 'form_fields', '')) { $formFields = json_encode($fields); } else { throw new Exception(__('You have a faulty JSON file, please export the Fluent Forms again.', 'fluentform')); } $formTitle = sanitize_text_field(Arr::get($formItem, 'title')); $form = [ 'title' => $formTitle ?: 'Blank Form', 'form_fields' => $formFields, 'status' => sanitize_text_field(Arr::get($formItem, 'status', 'published')), 'has_payment' => sanitize_text_field(Arr::get($formItem, 'has_payment', 0)), 'type' => sanitize_text_field(Arr::get($formItem, 'type', 'form')), 'created_by' => get_current_user_id(), ]; if (Arr::get($formItem, 'conditions')) { $form['conditions'] = Arr::get($formItem, 'conditions'); } if (isset($formItem['appearance_settings'])) { $form['appearance_settings'] = Arr::get($formItem, 'appearance_settings'); } $formId = Form::insertGetId($form); $insertedForms[$formId] = [ 'title' => $form['title'], 'edit_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms&route=editor&form_id=' . $formId), ]; if (isset($formItem['metas'])) { foreach ($formItem['metas'] as $metaData) { $metaKey = sanitize_text_field(Arr::get($metaData, 'meta_key')); $metaValue = Arr::get($metaData, 'value'); if ("ffc_form_settings_generated_css" == $metaKey || "ffc_form_settings_meta" == $metaKey) { $metaValue = str_replace('ff_conv_app_' . Arr::get($formItem, 'id'), 'ff_conv_app_' . $formId, $metaValue); } $settings = [ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => $metaKey, 'value' => $metaValue, ]; FormMeta::insert($settings); } } else { $oldKeys = [ 'formSettings', 'notifications', 'mailchimp_feeds', 'slack', ]; foreach ($oldKeys as $key) { if (isset($formItem[$key])) { FormMeta::persist($formId, $key, json_encode(Arr::get($formItem, $key))); } } } do_action_deprecated('fluentform_form_imported', [ $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/form_imported', 'Use fluentform/form_imported instead of fluentform_form_imported.' ); do_action('fluentform/form_imported', $formId); } return ([ 'message' => __('You form has been successfully imported.', 'fluentform'), 'inserted_forms' => $insertedForms, ]); } } throw new Exception(__('You have a faulty JSON file, please export the Fluent Forms again.', 'fluentform')); } public static function exportEntries($args) { if (!defined('FLUENTFORM_EXPORTING_ENTRIES')) { define('FLUENTFORM_EXPORTING_ENTRIES', true); } $formId = (int)Arr::get($args, 'form_id'); try { $form = Form::findOrFail($formId); } catch (Exception $e) { exit('No Form Found'); } $type = sanitize_key(Arr::get($args, 'format', 'csv')); if (!in_array($type, ['csv', 'ods', 'xlsx', 'json'])) { exit('Invalid requested format'); } if ('json' == $type) { self::exportAsJSON($form, $args); } if (!defined('FLUENTFORM_DOING_CSV_EXPORT')) { define('FLUENTFORM_DOING_CSV_EXPORT', true); } $formInputs = FormFieldsParser::getEntryInputs($form, ['admin_label', 'raw']); $inputLabels = FormFieldsParser::getAdminLabels($form, $formInputs); $selectedLabels = Arr::get($args,'fields_to_export'); $selectedLabels = fluentFormSanitizer($selectedLabels); //filter out unselected fields foreach ($inputLabels as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key,$selectedLabels) && isset($inputLabels[$key])) { unset($inputLabels[$key]); // Remove the element with the specified key } } $submissions = self::getSubmissions($args); $submissions = FormDataParser::parseFormEntries($submissions, $form, $formInputs); $parsedShortCodes = []; $exportData = []; foreach ($submissions as $submission) { $submission->response = json_decode($submission->response, true); $temp = []; foreach ($inputLabels as $field => $label) { //format tabular grid data for CSV/XLSV/ODS export if (isset($formInputs[$field]['element']) && "tabular_grid" === $formInputs[$field]['element']) { $gridRawData = Arr::get($submission->response, $field); $content = Helper::getTabularGridFormatValue($gridRawData, Arr::get($formInputs, $field), ' | '); } else { $content = trim(wp_strip_all_tags(FormDataParser::formatValue( Arr::get($submission->user_inputs, $field))) ); } $temp[] = Helper::sanitizeForCSV($content); } if($selectedShortcodes = Arr::get($args,'shortcodes_to_export')){ $selectedShortcodes = fluentFormSanitizer($selectedShortcodes); $parsedShortCodes = ShortCodeParser::parse( $selectedShortcodes, $submission->id, $submission->response, $form, false, true ); if(!empty($parsedShortCodes)){ foreach ($parsedShortCodes as $code){ $temp[] = Arr::get($code,'value'); } } } $exportData[] = $temp; } $extraLabels = []; if(!empty($parsedShortCodes)){ foreach ($parsedShortCodes as $code){ $extraLabels[] = Arr::get($code,'label'); } } $inputLabels = array_merge($inputLabels, $extraLabels); $data = array_merge([array_values($inputLabels)], $exportData); $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_export_data', [ $data, $form, $exportData, $inputLabels ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/export_data', 'Use fluentform/export_data instead of fluentform_export_data' ); $data = apply_filters('fluentform/export_data', $data, $form, $exportData, $inputLabels); $fileName = sanitize_title($form->title, 'export', 'view') . '-' . date('Y-m-d'); self::downloadOfficeDoc($data, $type, $fileName); } private static function exportAsJSON($form, $args) { $formInputs = FormFieldsParser::getEntryInputs($form, ['admin_label', 'raw']); $submissions = self::getSubmissions($args); $submissions = FormDataParser::parseFormEntries($submissions, $form, $formInputs); foreach ($submissions as $submission) { $submission->response = json_decode($submission->response, true); } header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=' . sanitize_title($form->title, 'export', 'view') . '-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.json'); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($submissions); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- $submissions is escaped before being passed in. exit(); } private static function getSubmissions($args) { $query = (new Submission)->customQuery($args); $entries = fluentFormSanitizer(Arr::get($args, 'entries', [])); $query->when(is_array($entries) && (count($entries) > 0), function ($q) use ($entries) { return $q->whereIn('id', $entries); }); if (Arr::get($args, 'advanced_filter')) { $query = apply_filters('fluentform/apply_entries_advance_filter', $query, $args); } return $query->get(); } private static function downloadOfficeDoc($data, $type = 'csv', $fileName = null) { $data = array_map(function ($item) { return array_map(function ($itemValue) { if (is_array($itemValue)) { return implode(', ', $itemValue); } return $itemValue; }, $item); }, $data); $autoloaderPath = App::getInstance()->make('') . '/Services/Spout/Autoloader/autoload.php'; // Check if the file is already included if (!in_array(realpath($autoloaderPath), get_included_files())) { // Include the autoloader file if it has not been included yet require_once $autoloaderPath; } $fileName = ($fileName) ? $fileName . '.' . $type : 'export-data-' . date('d-m-Y') . '.' . $type; $writer = \Box\Spout\Writer\WriterFactory::create($type); $writer->openToBrowser($fileName); $writer->addRows($data); $writer->close(); die(); } }