index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Services/Migrator/Classes/BaseMigrator.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Services\Migrator\Classes; use FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\FormFieldsParser; use FluentForm\App\Services\Submission\SubmissionService; use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper; abstract class BaseMigrator { /** Constants used for default entry migrations max limit */ const DEFAULT_ENTRY_MIGRATION_MAX_LIMIT = 1000; public $key; public $title; public $shortcode; public $submitBtn; public $unSupportFields = []; public function import_forms($selectedForms = []) { if (!$this->exist()) { wp_send_json_error([ //translators: %s Target Plugin Name 'message' => sprintf(__('%s is not installed.', 'fluentform'), $this->title), ]); } $failed = []; $forms = $this->getForms(); if (!$forms) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __('No forms found!', 'fluentform'), ]); } $insertedForms = []; $refs = get_option('__ff_imorted_forms_map'); $refs = is_array($refs) ? $refs : []; if ($forms && is_array($forms)) { foreach ($forms as $formItem) { $formId = $this->getFormId($formItem); if (!empty($selectedForms) && !in_array($formId, $selectedForms)) { continue; } $formFields = $this->getFields($formItem); if ($formFields) { $formFields = json_encode($formFields); } else { $failed[] = $this->getFormName($formItem); continue; } $form = [ 'title' => $this->getFormName($formItem), 'form_fields' => $formFields, 'status' => 'published', 'has_payment' => 0, 'type' => 'form', 'created_by' => get_current_user_id(), 'conditions' => '', 'appearance_settings' => '' ]; if ($formId = $this->isAlreadyImported($formItem)) { $insertedForms = $this->updateForm($formId, $formFields, $insertedForms); } else { list($insertedForms, $formId) = $this->insertForm($form, $insertedForms, $formItem); } //get metas $metas = $this->getFormMetas($formItem); $this->updateMetas($metas, $formId); $refs[$formId] = [ 'imported_form_id' => $this->getFormId($formItem), 'form_type' => $this->key, ]; } $msg = ''; if (count($failed) > 0) { $msg = "These forms was not imported for invalid data : " . implode(', ', $failed); } if (count($insertedForms) > 0) { update_option('__ff_imorted_forms_map', $refs, 'no'); wp_send_json([ 'status' => true, 'message' => "Your forms has been successfully imported. " . $msg, 'inserted_forms' => array_values($insertedForms), 'unsupported_fields' => array_values(array_unique(array_filter($this->unSupportFields))) ], 200); return; } wp_send_json([ 'message' => "No form is selected " . $msg, ], 200); } wp_send_json([ 'message' => __('Export error, please try again.', 'fluentform') ], 422); } abstract protected function getForms(); abstract protected function getFields($form); abstract protected function getFormName($form); abstract protected function getFormMetas($form); abstract protected function getFormsFormatted(); abstract protected function exist(); public function getFluentClassicField($field, $args = []) { if (!$field) { return; } $defaults = [ 'index' => '', 'uniqElKey' => '', 'required' => false, 'label' => '', 'label_placement' => '', 'admin_field_label' => '', 'name' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'placeholder' => '', 'fields' => [], 'value' => '', 'default' => '', 'maxlength' => '', 'options' => [], 'class' => '', 'format' => '', 'validation_rules' => [], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'enable_image_input' => false, 'calc_value_status' => false, 'dynamic_default_value' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'id' => '', 'number_step' => '', 'step' => '1', 'min' => '0', 'max' => '10', 'mask' => '', 'temp_mask' => '', 'enable_select_2' => 'no', 'is_button_type' => '', 'max_file_count' => '', 'max_file_size' => '', 'upload_btn_text' => '', 'allowed_file_types' => '', 'max_size_unit' => '', 'html_codes' => '', 'section_break_desc' => '', 'tnc_html' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'layout_class' => '', 'input_name_args' => '', 'is_time_enabled' => '', 'address_args' => '', 'rows' => '', 'cols' => '', 'enable_calculation' => false, 'calculation_formula' => '' ]; $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); return ArrayHelper::get(self::defaultFieldConfig($args), $field); } public static function defaultFieldConfig($args) { $defaultElements = [ 'input_name' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_name', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'data-type' => 'name-element' ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'admin_field_label' => 'Name', 'conditional_logics' => [], 'label_placement' => 'top' ], 'fields' => [ 'first_name' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.first_name.default', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.first_name.placeholder' ,__('First Name', 'fluentform')), 'maxlength' => '', ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.first_name.label'), 'help_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'input_name_args.first_name.visible'), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'input_name_args.first_name.required'), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], 'middle_name' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.middle_name.default', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.middle_name.placeholder' , __('Middle Name', 'fluentform')), 'required' => false, 'maxlength' => '', ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.middle_name.label'), 'help_message' => '', 'error_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'input_name_args.middle_name.visible'), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'input_name_args.middle_name.required'), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], 'last_name' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.last_name.default', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.last_name.placeholder', __('Last Name', 'fluentform')), 'required' => false, 'maxlength' => '', ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'input_name_args.last_name.label'), 'help_message' => '', 'error_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'input_name_args.last_name.visible'), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'input_name_args.last_name.required'), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Name Fields', 'element' => 'name-fields', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-name', 'template' => 'nameFields' ], ], 'input_text' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'maxlength' => $args['maxlength'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => $args['container_class'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ] ], 'is_unique' => 'no', 'unique_validation_message' => 'This value need to be unique.' ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Simple Text', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-text', 'template' => 'inputText', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_hidden' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_hidden', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], ], 'settings' => [ 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Hidden Field', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-hidden-field', 'template' => 'inputHidden', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'color_picker' => [ 'index' => 15, 'element' => 'color_picker', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => $args['container_class'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ] ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Color Picker', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-tint', 'template' => 'inputText' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_url' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_url', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'url', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ], 'url' => [ 'value' => true, 'message' => __('This field must contain a valid url', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Website URL', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-website-url', 'template' => 'inputText' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'email' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_email', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'email', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => '', 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required', ], 'email' => [ 'value' => 1, 'message' => 'This field must contain a valid email' ] ], 'is_unique' => 'no', 'unique_validation_message' => 'This value need to be unique.' ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Email Address', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-email', 'template' => 'inputText', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_textarea' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'textarea', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => '', 'value' => $args['value'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'rows' => $args['rows'], 'cols' => 2, 'maxlength' => $args['maxlength'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ], ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Text Area', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-textarea', 'template' => 'inputTextarea', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'select' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'select', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => '', ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'advanced_options' => $args['options'], 'calc_value_status' => $args['calc_value_status'], 'enable_select_2' => $args['enable_select_2'], 'enable_image_input' => false, 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ] ], 'randomize_options' => 'no', 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Dropdown', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-dropdown', 'element' => 'select', 'template' => 'select', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'multi_select' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'select', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'multiple' => true, ], 'settings' => [ 'dynamic_default_value' => $args['dynamic_default_value'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'container_class' => $args['container_class'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'max_selection' => '', 'advanced_options' => $args['options'], 'calc_value_status' => $args['calc_value_status'], 'enable_image_input' => false, 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Multiple Choice', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-multiple-choice', 'element' => 'select', 'template' => 'select' ] ], 'input_checkbox' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_checkbox', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => '', 'type' => 'checkbox' ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'advanced_options' => $args['options'], 'calc_value_status' => $args['calc_value_status'], 'enable_image_input' => $args['enable_image_input'], 'randomize_options' => 'no', 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'layout_class' => $args['layout_class'] ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Checkbox', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-checkbox-1', 'template' => 'inputCheckable' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_radio' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_radio', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'type' => 'radio', ], 'settings' => [ 'dynamic_default_value' => $args['dynamic_default_value'], 'container_class' => '', 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'display_type' => '', 'randomize_options' => 'no', 'label' => $args['label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'advanced_options' => $args['options'], 'layout_class' => $args['layout_class'], 'calc_value_status' => $args['calc_value_status'], 'enable_image_input' => $args['enable_image_input'], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Radio Field', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-radio', 'element' => 'input-radio', 'template' => 'inputCheckable' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_date' => [ 'element' => 'input_date', 'index' => $args['index'], 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => $args['class'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'id' => '', ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'date_format' => $args['format'], 'is_time_enabled' => $args['is_time_enabled'], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ] ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Time & Date', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-date', 'template' => 'inputText', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_mask' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'data-mask' => $args['mask'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'prefix_label' => '', 'suffix_label' => '', 'temp_mask' => $args['temp_mask'], 'data-mask-reverse' => 'no', 'data-clear-if-not-match' => 'no', 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ] ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Mask Input', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-mask', 'template' => 'inputText' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_password' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_password', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'password', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => $args['container_class'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ] ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Password Field', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-password', 'template' => 'inputText', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_number' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_number', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'number', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'id' => '', 'class' => $args['class'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'] ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => $args['label'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'number_step' => $args['step'], 'prefix_label' => $args['prefix'], 'suffix_label' => $args['suffix'], 'numeric_formatter' => '', 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], 'numeric' => [ 'value' => true, 'message' => __('This field must contain numeric value', 'fluentform'), ], 'min' => [ 'value' => $args['min'], 'message' => 'Minimum value is ' . $args['min'], ], 'max' => [ 'value' => $args['max'], 'message' => 'Maximum value is ' . $args['max'], ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'calculation_settings' => [ 'status' => $args['enable_calculation'], 'formula' => $args['calculation_formula'] ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Numeric Field', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-numeric', 'template' => 'inputText' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'phone' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'phone', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'type' => 'tel' ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'placeholder' => '', // 'int_tel_number' => 'no', 'auto_select_country' => 'no', 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'phone_country_list' => array( 'active_list' => 'all', 'visible_list' => array(), 'hidden_list' => array(), ), 'default_country' => '', 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], 'valid_phone_number' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'valid_phone_number'), 'message' => __('Phone number is not valid', 'fluentform') ] ], 'conditional_logics' => [] ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Phone Field', 'icon_class' => 'el-icon-phone-outline', 'template' => 'inputText' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'input_file' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'input_file', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'file', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => '', 'id' => $args['id'], 'class' => $args['class'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => $args['label'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'btn_text' => $args['upload_btn_text'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], 'max_file_size' => [ 'value' => $args['max_file_size'], '_valueFrom' => $args['max_size_unit'], 'message' => __('Maximum file size limit reached', 'fluentform') ], 'max_file_count' => [ 'value' => $args['max_file_count'], 'message' => __('Maximum upload limit reached', 'fluentform') ], 'allowed_file_types' => [ 'value' => $args['allowed_file_types'], 'message' => __('Invalid file type', 'fluentform') ] ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('File Upload', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-files', 'template' => 'inputFile' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'custom_html' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'custom_html', 'attributes' => [], 'settings' => [ 'html_codes' => $args['html_codes'], 'conditional_logics' => [], 'container_class' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'container_class', '') ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Custom HTML', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-html', 'template' => 'customHTML', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'section_break' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'section_break', 'attributes' => [ 'id' => $args['id'], 'class' => $args['class'], ], 'settings' => [ 'label' => $args['label'], 'description' => $args['section_break_desc'], 'align' => 'left', 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Section Break', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-section-break', 'template' => 'sectionBreak', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'rangeslider' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'rangeslider', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'range', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'min' => $args['min'], 'max' => $args['max'], ], 'settings' => [ 'number_step' => $args['step'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'container_class' => '', 'conditional_logics' => [], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => 'This field is required' ] ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Range Slider', 'icon_class' => 'dashicons dashicons-leftright', 'template' => 'inputSlider' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'ratings' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'ratings', 'attributes' => [ 'class' => $args['class'], 'value' => 0, 'name' => $args['name'], ], 'settings' => [ 'label' => $args['label'], 'show_text' => 'no', 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'container_class' => '', 'conditional_logics' => [], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], ], 'options' => $args['options'], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Ratings', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-rating', 'template' => 'ratings', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'gdpr_agreement' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'gdpr_agreement', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => false, 'class' => $args['class'] . ' ff_gdpr_field', ], 'settings' => [ 'label' => $args['label'], 'tnc_html' => $args['tnc_html'], 'admin_field_label' => __('GDPR Agreement', 'fluentform'), 'has_checkbox' => true, 'container_class' => '', 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => true, 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'required_field_message' => '', 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('GDPR Agreement', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-gdpr', 'template' => 'termsCheckbox' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'form_step' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'form_step', 'attributes' => [ 'id' => '', 'class' => $args['class'], ], 'settings' => [ 'prev_btn' => [ 'type' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'prev_btn.type', 'default'), 'text' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'prev_btn.text', 'Previous'), 'img_url' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'prev_btn.img_url', '') ], 'next_btn' => [ 'type' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'next_btn.type', 'default'), 'text' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'next_btn.text', 'Next'), 'img_url' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'next_btn.img_url', '') ] ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Form Step', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-step', 'template' => 'formStep' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'select_country' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'select_country', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => $args['container_class'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'admin_field_label' => '', 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'enable_select_2' => 'no', 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'country_list' => [ 'active_list' => 'all', 'visible_list' => [], 'hidden_list' => [], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'options' => [ 'US' => 'United States of America', ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Country List', 'fluentform'), 'element' => 'country-list', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-country', 'template' => 'selectCountry' ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'repeater_field' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'repeater_field', 'attributes' => array( 'name' => $args['name'], 'data-type' => 'repeater_field' ), 'fields' => $args['fields'], 'settings' => array( 'label' => $args['label'], 'admin_field_label' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'label_placement' => '', 'validation_rules' => array(), 'conditional_logics' => array(), 'max_repeat_field' => '' ), 'editor_options' => array( 'title' => 'Repeat Field', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-repeat', 'template' => 'fieldsRepeatSettings' ), 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'reCaptcha' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'recaptcha', 'attributes' => ['name' => 'recaptcha'], 'settings' => [ 'label' => $args['label'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'validation_rules' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('reCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-recaptha', 'why_disabled_modal' => 'recaptcha', 'template' => 'recaptcha', ], 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], ], 'terms_and_condition' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'terms_and_condition', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => false, 'class' => $args['class'], ], 'settings' => [ 'tnc_html' => $args['tnc_html'], 'has_checkbox' => true, 'admin_field_label' => __('Terms and Conditions', 'fluentform'), 'container_class' => '', 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => $args['required'], 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Terms & Conditions', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-terms-condition', 'template' => 'termsCheckbox' ], ], 'address' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'address', 'attributes' => [ 'id' => '', 'class' => $args['class'], 'name' => $args['name'], 'data-type' => 'address-element' ], 'settings' => [ 'label' => $args['label'], 'admin_field_label' => 'Address', 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'fields' => [ 'address_line_1' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_1.default', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_1.placeholder', __('Address Line 1', 'fluentform')), ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_1.label'), 'admin_field_label' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_1.visible'), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'address_args.address_line_1.required'), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], 'address_line_2' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_2.default', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_2.placeholder', __('Address Line 2', 'fluentform')), ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_2.label'), 'admin_field_label' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.address_line_2.visible'), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'address_args.address_line_2.required'), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], 'city' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, '', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, '', __('City', 'fluentform')), ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'admin_field_label' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'error_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, ''), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], 'state' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.state.default', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.state.placeholder', __('State', 'fluentform')), ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.state.label'), 'admin_field_label' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'error_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'address_args.state.visible'), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, 'address_args.state.required'), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], 'zip' => [ 'element' => 'input_text', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, '', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, '', __('Zip', 'fluentform')), 'required' => false, ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'admin_field_label' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'error_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, ''), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'template' => 'inputText' ], ], 'country' => [ 'element' => 'select_country', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'value' => ArrayHelper::get($args, '', ''), 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'placeholder' => ArrayHelper::get($args, '', __('Country', 'fluentform')), 'required' => false, ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'label' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'admin_field_label' => '', 'help_message' => '', 'error_message' => '', 'visible' => ArrayHelper::get($args, ''), 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args, ''), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'country_list' => [ 'active_list' => 'all', 'visible_list' => [], 'hidden_list' => [], ], 'conditional_logics' => [], ], 'options' => [ 'US' => 'US of America', 'UK' => 'United Kingdom' ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Country List', 'element' => 'country-list', 'icon_class' => 'icon-text-width', 'template' => 'selectCountry' ], ], ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Address Fields', 'fluentform'), 'element' => 'address-fields', 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-address', 'template' => 'addressFields' ], ], 'rich_text_input' => [ 'index' => $args['index'], 'element' => 'rich_text_input', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $args['name'], 'value' => $args['value'], 'id' => '', 'class' => $args['class'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'rows' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'rows', 3), 'cols' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'cols', 2), 'maxlength' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'maxlength', ''), ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => $args['container_class'], 'placeholder' => $args['placeholder'], 'label_placement' => $args['label_placement'], 'admin_field_label' => $args['admin_field_label'], 'label' => $args['label'], 'help_message' => $args['help_message'], 'validation_rules' => [ 'required' => [ 'value' => ArrayHelper::isTrue($args,'required'), 'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentformpro'), ] ], 'conditional_logics' => [] ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => __('Rich Text Input', 'fluentform'), 'icon_class' => 'ff-edit-textarea', 'template' => 'inputTextarea' ], ], ]; if (!defined('FLUENTFORMPRO')) { $proElements = ['repeater_field', 'rangeslider', 'color_picker', 'form_step', 'phone', 'input_file', 'rich_text_input']; foreach ($proElements as $el) { unset($defaultElements[$el]); } } return $defaultElements; } public function getSubmitBttn($args) { return [ 'uniqElKey' => $args['uniqElKey'], 'element' => 'button', 'attributes' => [ 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => $args['class'] ], 'settings' => [ 'container_class' => '', 'align' => 'left', 'button_style' => 'default', 'button_size' => 'md', 'color' => '#ffffff', 'background_color' => '#1a7efb', 'button_ui' => [ 'type' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'type', 'default'), 'text' => $args['label'], 'img_url' => ArrayHelper::get($args, 'img_url', '') ], 'normal_styles' => [], 'hover_styles' => [], 'current_state' => "normal_styles" ], 'editor_options' => [ 'title' => 'Submit Button', ], ]; } abstract protected function getFormId($form); /** * @param $metas * @param $formId */ protected function updateMetas($metas, $formId) { if ($metas) { //when multiple notifications if ($notifications = ArrayHelper::get($metas, 'notifications')) { (new \FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\Form(wpFluentForm()))->deleteMeta($formId, 'notifications'); foreach ($notifications as $notify) { $settings = [ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => 'notifications', 'value' => json_encode($notify) ]; wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta')->insert($settings); } unset($metas['notifications']); } //when multiple confirmations if ($confirmations = ArrayHelper::get($metas, 'confirmations')) { (new \FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\Form(wpFluentForm()))->deleteMeta($formId, 'confirmations'); foreach ($confirmations as $confirmation) { $settings = [ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => 'confirmations', 'value' => json_encode($confirmation) ]; wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta')->insert($settings); } unset($metas['confirmations']); } //when have webhooks if ($webhooks = ArrayHelper::get($metas, 'webhooks')) { \FluentForm\App\Models\FormMeta::remove($formId, 'fluentform_webhook_feed'); foreach ($webhooks as $webhook) { \FluentForm\App\Models\FormMeta::create([ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => 'fluentform_webhook_feed', 'value' => json_encode($webhook) ]); } unset($metas['webhooks']); } foreach ($metas as $metaKey => $metaData) { (new \FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\Form(wpFluentForm()))->updateMeta($formId, $metaKey, $metaData); } } } /** * @param array $form * @param array $insertedForms * @param $formItem * @param array $refs * @return array */ public function insertForm($form, $insertedForms, $formItem) { $formId = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->insertGetId($form); $insertedForms[$formId] = [ 'title' => $form['title'], 'edit_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms&route=editor&form_id=' . $formId) ]; do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_form_imported', [ $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/form_imported', 'Use fluentform/form_imported instead of fluentform_form_imported.' ); do_action('fluentform/form_imported', $formId); return array($insertedForms, $formId); } protected function getFileTypes($field, $arg) { // All Supported File Types in Fluent Forms $allFileTypes = [ "jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp", "mp3|wav|ogg|oga|wma|mka|m4a|ra|mid|midi|mpga", "avi|divx|flv|mov|ogv|mkv|mp4|m4v|divx|mpg|mpeg|mpe|video/quicktime|qt", "pdf", "doc|ppt|pps|xls|mdb|docx|xlsx|pptx|odt|odp|ods|odg|odc|odb|odf|rtf|txt", "zip|gz|gzip|rar|7z", "exe", "csv" ]; $formattedTypes = explode(', ', ArrayHelper::get($field, $arg, '')); $fileTypeOptions = []; foreach ($formattedTypes as $format) { foreach ($allFileTypes as $fileTypes) { if (!empty($format) && (strpos($fileTypes, $format) !== false)) { array_push($fileTypeOptions, $fileTypes); } } } return array_unique($fileTypeOptions); } public function isAlreadyImported($formItem) { $importedFormMap = get_option('__ff_imorted_forms_map'); $deletedForms = []; if (is_array($importedFormMap)) { foreach ($importedFormMap as $fluentFormId => $value) { if ($this->getFormId($formItem) == ArrayHelper::get($value, 'imported_form_id') && $this->key == ArrayHelper::get($value, 'form_type')) { if (wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->find($fluentFormId)) { return $fluentFormId; } unset($importedFormMap[$fluentFormId]); } } update_option('__ff_imorted_forms_map', $importedFormMap); return false; } return false; } public function updateForm($formId, $formFields, $insertedForms) { $data = [ 'updated_at' => current_time('mysql'), 'form_fields' => $formFields, ]; wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->where('id', $formId)->update($data); $form = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->find($formId); $emailInputs = FormFieldsParser::getElement($form, ['input_email'], ['element', 'attributes']); if ($emailInputs) { $emailInput = array_shift($emailInputs); $emailInputName = ArrayHelper::get($emailInput, ''); (new \FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\Form(wpFluentForm()))->updateMeta($formId, '_primary_email_field', $emailInputName); } else { (new \FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\Form(wpFluentForm()))->updateMeta($formId, '_primary_email_field', ''); } $insertedForms[$formId] = [ 'title' => $form->title, 'edit_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms&route=editor&form_id=' . $formId) ]; return $insertedForms; } public function insertEntries($fluentFormId, $importFormId) { if (!wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->find($fluentFormId)) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __("Could not find form ,please import again", 'fluentform') ], 422); } $entries = $this->getEntries($importFormId); if (!is_array($entries) || empty($entries)) { wp_send_json([ 'message' => "No Entries Found", ], 200); return; } //delete prev entries $this->resetEntries($fluentFormId); foreach ($entries as $key => $entry) { if (empty($entry)) { continue; } $previousItem = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions') ->where('form_id', $fluentFormId) ->orderBy('id', 'DESC') ->first(); $serialNumber = 1; if ($previousItem) { $serialNumber = $previousItem->serial_number + 1; } $created_at = ArrayHelper::get($entry, 'created_at'); if ($created_at) { ArrayHelper::forget($entry, 'created_at'); } $updated_at = ArrayHelper::get($entry, 'updated_at'); if ($updated_at) { ArrayHelper::forget($entry, 'updated_at'); } $insertData = [ 'form_id' => $fluentFormId, 'serial_number' => $serialNumber, 'response' => json_encode($entry), 'source_url' => '', 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'browser' => '', 'device' => '', 'ip' => '', 'created_at' => $created_at ?: current_time('mysql'), 'updated_at' => $updated_at ?: current_time('mysql') ]; if ($is_favourite = ArrayHelper::get($entry, 'is_favourite')) { $insertData['is_favourite'] = $is_favourite; ArrayHelper::forget($entry, 'is_favourite'); } if ($status = ArrayHelper::get($entry, 'status')) { $insertData['status'] = $status; ArrayHelper::forget($entry, 'status'); } $insertId = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions')->insertGetId($insertData); $uidHash = md5(wp_generate_uuid4() . $insertId); \FluentForm\App\Helpers\Helper::setSubmissionMeta($insertId, '_entry_uid_hash', $uidHash, $fluentFormId); $submissionService = new SubmissionService(); $submissionService->recordEntryDetails($insertId, $fluentFormId, $entry); } wp_send_json([ 'message' => __("Entries Imported Successfully", 'fluentform'), 'entries_page_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms&route=entries&form_id=' . $fluentFormId), 'status' => true ], 200); } private function resetEntries($formId) { wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submission_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_entry_details') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_analytics') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_logs') ->where('parent_source_id', $formId) ->whereIn('source_type', ['submission_item', 'form_item', 'draft_submission_meta']) ->delete(); } /** * @param array $urls * * @return array */ public function migrateFilesAndGetUrls($urls) { if (is_string($urls)) { $urls = [$urls]; } $values = []; foreach ($urls as $url) { $file_name = 'ff-' . wp_basename($url); $basDir = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/fluentform/'; $baseurl = wp_upload_dir()['baseurl'] . '/fluentform/'; if (!file_exists($basDir) || (file_exists($basDir) && !is_dir($basDir))) { mkdir($basDir); } $destination = $basDir . $file_name; require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php'); $fileSystemDirect = new \WP_Filesystem_Direct(false); if ($fileSystemDirect->copy($url, $destination, true)) { $values[] = $baseurl . $file_name; } } return $values; } protected function getResolveOperator($key) { return ArrayHelper::get([ 'equal' => '=', 'is' => '=', '==' => '=', 'e' => '=', 'not_equal' => '!=', 'isnot' => '!=', '!=' => '!=', '!e' => '!=', 'greater_than' => '>', '>' => '>', 'greater_or_equal' => '>=', '>=' => '>=', 'less_than' => '<', '<' => '<', 'less_or_equal' => '<=', '<=' => '<=', 'starts_with' => 'startsWith', '^' => 'startsWith', 'ends_with' => 'endsWith', '~' => 'endsWith', 'contains' => 'contains', 'c' => 'contains', '!c' => 'doNotContains', 'not_contains' => 'doNotContains' ], $key); } }