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File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Modules/Form/Settings/FormCssJs.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\Settings; use FluentForm\App\Helpers\Helper; use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper; class FormCssJs { /** * Request object * * @var \FluentForm\Framework\Request\Request $request */ protected $request; public function __construct() { $this->request = wpFluentForm('request'); } public function addCustomCssJs($formId) { if (did_action('fluentform/adding_custom_css_js_' . $formId)) { return; } do_action('fluentform/adding_custom_css_js_' . $formId, $formId); $metaKeys = ['_custom_form_css', '_custom_form_js']; $metas = (new \FluentForm\App\Services\Settings\Customizer())->get($formId, $metaKeys); foreach ($metas as $metaKey => $metaValue) { if ($metaValue) { switch ($metaKey) { case 'css': $css = $metaValue; $css = str_replace('{form_id}', $formId, $css); $customCss = str_replace('FF_ID', $formId, $css); if ($customCss) { $this->addCss($formId, $customCss, 'fluentform_custom_css_' . $formId); } break; case 'js': $this->addJs($formId, $metaValue); break; } } } } public function addStylerCSS($formId, $styles = []) { $metaKeys = array_merge( ['_ff_form_styler_css', '_ff_selected_style'], $styles ); $metas = (new \FluentForm\App\Services\Settings\Customizer())->get($formId, $metaKeys); foreach ($styles as $style) { if (!$style) { continue; } if ('ffs_inherit_theme' === $style) { continue; } $loadCss = ArrayHelper::get($metas, $style); if (!$loadCss) { $loadCss = apply_filters('fluentform/build_style_from_theme', '', $formId, $style); // todo: remove this from next version. it's only here to support if the user updates the free version first. if (!$loadCss) { $selectedStyle = ArrayHelper::get($metas, '_ff_selected_style'); $selectedStyleCSS = ArrayHelper::get($metas, '_ff_form_styler_css'); if ($selectedStyle == $style && $selectedStyleCSS) { $loadCss = $selectedStyleCSS; } } } if ($loadCss) { $this->addCss($formId, $loadCss, 'fluentform_styler_css_' . $formId . '_' . $style); do_action('fluent_form/loaded_styler_' . $formId . '_' . $style); } } } public function getCss($formId) { $cssMeta = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', '_custom_form_css') ->first(); if (!$cssMeta || !$cssMeta->value) { return ''; } $css = $cssMeta->value; $css = str_replace('{form_id}', $formId, $css); $css = str_replace('FF_ID', $formId, $css); return fluentformSanitizeCSS($css); } public function getJs($formId) { $jsMeta = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', '_custom_form_js') ->first(); if (!$jsMeta || !$jsMeta->value) { return ''; } return $jsMeta->value; } public function addCss($formId, $css, $cssId = 'fluentform_custom_css') { if ($css) { $action = false; if (!did_action('wp_head')) { $action = 'wp_head'; } elseif (!did_action('wp_footer')) { $action = 'wp_footer'; } if (Helper::isBlockEditor()) { $action = false; } if ($action) { add_action($action, function () use ($css, $cssId) { ?> <style id="<?php echo esc_attr($cssId); ?>" type="text/css"> <?php echo fluentformSanitizeCSS($css); ?> </style> <?php }, 99); } else { ?> <style id="<?php echo esc_attr($cssId); ?>" type="text/css"> <?php echo fluentformSanitizeCSS($css); ?> </style> <?php } } } public function addJs($formId, $customJS) { if (trim($customJS)) { add_action('wp_footer', function () use ($formId, $customJS) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document.body).on('fluentform_init_<?php echo esc_attr($formId); ?>', function(event, data) { var $form = jQuery(data[0]); var formId = "<?php echo esc_attr($formId); ?>"; var $ = jQuery; try { <?php echo fluentform_kses_js($customJS); ?> } catch (e) { console.warn('Error in custom JS of Fluentform ID: ' + formId); console.error(e); } }); </script> <?php }, 100); } } /** * Get settings for a particular form by id */ public function getSettingsAjax() { $formId = absint($this->request->get('form_id')); wp_send_json_success([ 'custom_css' => $this->getData($formId, '_custom_form_css'), 'custom_js' => $this->getData($formId, '_custom_form_js'), ], 200); } /** * Save settings for a particular form by id */ public function saveSettingsAjax() { if (!fluentformCanUnfilteredHTML()) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => __('You need unfiltered_html permission to save Custom CSS & JS', 'fluentform'), ], 423); } $formId = absint($this->request->get('form_id')); $css = fluentformSanitizeCSS($this->request->get('custom_css')); $js = fluentform_kses_js($this->request->get('custom_js')); $this->store($formId, '_custom_form_css', $css); $this->store($formId, '_custom_form_js', $js); wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Custom CSS & JS successfully updated', 'fluentform'), ], 200); } protected function getData($formId, $metaKey) { $row = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', $metaKey) ->first(); if ($row) { return $row->value; } return ''; } protected function store($formId, $metaKey, $metaValue) { $row = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', $metaKey) ->first(); if (!$row) { return wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->insertGetId([ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => $metaKey, 'value' => $metaValue, ]); } return wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('id', $row->id) ->update([ 'value' => $metaValue, ]); } }