index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/www/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Modules/Component/Component.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Modules\Component; use FluentForm\App\Helpers\Helper; use FluentForm\App\Modules\Acl\Acl; use FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\EditorShortcodeParser; use FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\Notifications\EmailNotificationActions; use FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\Application; use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper; class Component { /** * FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\Application * * @var $app */ protected $app = null; /** * Determine whether to register Elementor PopUp handler. * * @var bool */ protected $elementorPopUpHandler = false; /** * Biuld the instance of this class * * @param \FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\Application $app */ public function __construct(Application $app) { $this->app = $app; } public function registerScripts() { $app = $this->app; // We will just register the scripts here. We will not load any scripts from here $fluentFormPublicCss = fluentFormMix('css/fluent-forms-public.css'); $fluentFormPublicDefaultCss = fluentFormMix('css/fluentform-public-default.css'); if (is_rtl()) { $fluentFormPublicCss = fluentFormMix('css/fluent-forms-public-rtl.css'); $fluentFormPublicDefaultCss = fluentFormMix('css/fluentform-public-default-rtl.css'); } wp_register_style( 'fluent-form-styles', $fluentFormPublicCss, [], FLUENTFORM_VERSION ); wp_register_style( 'fluentform-public-default', $fluentFormPublicDefaultCss, [], FLUENTFORM_VERSION ); wp_register_script( 'fluent-form-submission', fluentFormMix('js/form-submission.js'), ['jquery'], FLUENTFORM_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'fluentform-advanced', fluentFormMix('js/fluentform-advanced.js'), ['jquery'], FLUENTFORM_VERSION, true ); // Date Pickckr Style //fix for essential addon event picker conflict if (!wp_script_is('flatpickr', 'registered')) { wp_register_style( 'flatpickr', fluentFormMix('libs/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.css'), [], '4.6.9' ); } // Date Pickckr Script wp_register_script( 'flatpickr', fluentFormMix('libs/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.js'), ['jquery'], '4.6.9', true ); wp_register_script( 'choices', fluentFormMix('libs/choices/choices.min.js'), [], '9.0.1', true ); wp_register_style( 'ff_choices', fluentFormMix('css/choices.css'), [], FLUENTFORM_VERSION ); wp_register_script( 'form-save-progress', fluentFormMix('js/form-save-progress.js'), ['jquery'], FLUENTFORM_VERSION, true ); do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_scripts_registered', [ ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/scripts_registered', 'Use fluentform/scripts_registered instead of fluentform_scripts_registered.' ); $this->app->doAction('fluentform/scripts_registered'); $this->maybeLoadFluentFormStyles(); } protected function maybeLoadFluentFormStyles() { global $post; $postId = isset($post->ID) ? $post->ID : false; if (!$postId) { return; } $fluentFormIds = get_post_meta($postId, '_has_fluentform', true); $hasFluentformMeta = is_a($post, 'WP_Post') && $fluentFormIds; $loadStyle = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_load_styles', [ false, $post ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/load_styles', 'Use fluentform/load_styles instead of fluentform_load_styles.' ); if ($hasFluentformMeta || apply_filters('fluentform/load_styles', $loadStyle, $post)) { wp_enqueue_style('fluent-form-styles'); wp_enqueue_style('fluentform-public-default'); do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_pre_load_scripts', [ $post ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/pre_load_scripts', 'Use fluentform/pre_load_scripts instead of fluentform_pre_load_scripts.' ); $this->app->doAction('fluentform/pre_load_scripts', $post); wp_enqueue_script('fluent-form-submission'); } } /** * Get all the available components * @deprecated Use \FluentForm\App\Http\Controllers\FormController::resources * @return void * * @throws \Exception * @throws \FluentForm\Framework\Exception\UnResolveableEntityException */ public function index() { $formId = intval($this->app->request->get('formId')); $components = $this->app->make('components'); do_action_deprecated( 'fluent_editor_init', [ $components ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/editor_init', 'Use fluentform/editor_init instead of fluent_editor_init.' ); $this->app->doAction('fluentform/editor_init', $components); $editorComponents = $components->sort()->toArray(); $editorComponents = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluent_editor_components', [ $editorComponents, $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/editor_components', 'Use fluentform/editor_components instead of fluent_editor_components.' ); $editorComponents = apply_filters('fluentform/editor_components', $editorComponents, $formId); wp_send_json_success([ 'countries' => getFluentFormCountryList(), 'components' => $editorComponents, 'disabled_components' => $this->getDisabledComponents(), ]); } /** * Get disabled components * * @return array */ private function getDisabledComponents() { $isReCaptchaDisabled = !get_option('_fluentform_reCaptcha_keys_status', false); $isHCaptchaDisabled = !get_option('_fluentform_hCaptcha_keys_status', false); $isTurnstileDisabled = !get_option('_fluentform_turnstile_keys_status', false); $disabled = [ 'recaptcha' => [ 'disabled' => $isReCaptchaDisabled, 'title' => __('reCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Please enter a valid API key on FluentForms->Settings->reCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'hidePro' => true, ], 'hcaptcha' => [ 'disabled' => $isHCaptchaDisabled, 'title' => __('hCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Please enter a valid API key on FluentForms->Settings->hCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'hidePro' => true, ], 'turnstile' => [ 'disabled' => $isTurnstileDisabled, 'title' => __('Turnstile', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Please enter a valid API key on FluentForms->Settings->Turnstile', 'fluentform'), 'hidePro' => true, ], 'input_image' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Image Upload', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Image Upload is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], 'input_file' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('File Upload', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('File Upload is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], 'shortcode' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Shortcode', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Shortcode is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], 'action_hook' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Action Hook', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Action Hook is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/action-hook.png'), 'video' => '', ], 'form_step' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Form Step', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Form Step is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], ]; if (!defined('FLUENTFORMPRO')) { $disabled['ratings'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Ratings', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Ratings is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['tabular_grid'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Checkable Grid', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Checkable Grid is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['chained_select'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Chained Select Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Chained Select Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/chained-select-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['phone'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => 'Phone Field', 'description' => __('Phone Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/phone-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['rich_text_input'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Rich Text Input', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Rich Text Input is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/rich-text-input.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['save_progress_button'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Save & Resume', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Save & Resume is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/save-progress-button.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['cpt_selection'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Post/CPT Selection', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Post/CPT Selection is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/post-cpt-selection.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['quiz_score'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Quiz Score', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Quiz Score is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['net_promoter_score'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Net Promoter Score', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Net Promoter Score is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/net-promoter-score.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['repeater_field'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Repeat Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Repeat Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['rangeslider'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Range Slider', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Range Slider is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['color-picker'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Color Picker', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Color Picker is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/color-picker.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['multi_payment_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Payment Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Payment Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/payment-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['custom_payment_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => 'Custom Payment Amount', 'description' => __('Custom Payment Amount is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/custom-payment-amount.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['subscription_payment_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Subscription Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Subscription Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/subscription-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['item_quantity_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Item Quantity', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Item Quantity is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/item-quantity.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['payment_method'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Payment Method', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Payment Method is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/payment-method.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['payment_summary_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Payment Summary', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Payment Summary is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/payment-summary.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['payment_coupon'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Coupon', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Coupon is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/coupon.png'), 'video' => '', ]; } $disabled = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_disabled_components', [ $disabled ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/disabled_components', 'Use fluentform/disabled_components instead of fluentform_disabled_components.' ); return $this->app->applyFilters('fluentform/disabled_components', $disabled); } /** * Get available shortcodes for editor * * @return void * * @throws \Exception */ public function getEditorShortcodes() { $editor_shortcodes = fluentFormEditorShortCodes(); wp_send_json_success(['shortcodes' => $editor_shortcodes], 200); } /** * @deprecated Use \FluentForm\App\Services\Form\FormService::shortcodes * Get all available shortcodes for editor * * @return void * * @throws \Exception */ public function getAllEditorShortcodes() { wp_send_json(fluentFormGetAllEditorShortCodes( $this->app->request->get('formId') ), 200); } /** * Register the form renderer shortcode * * @return void */ public function addFluentFormShortCode() { add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'registerScripts'], 9); $this->app->addShortCode('fluentform', function ($atts, $content) { $data = [ 'id' => null, 'title' => null, 'css_classes' => '', 'permission' => '', 'type' => 'classic', 'theme' => '', 'permission_message' => __('Sorry, You do not have permission to view this form', 'fluentform') ]; /* This filter is deprecated, will be removed soon */ $data = apply_filters('fluentform_shortcode_defaults', $data, $atts ); $shortcodeDefaults = apply_filters('fluentform/shortcode_defaults', $data, $atts); $atts = shortcode_atts($shortcodeDefaults, $atts); return $this->renderForm($atts); }); $this->registerHelperShortCodes(); } public function renderForm($atts) { $form_id = $atts['id']; $query = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms'); if (! $this->app->request->get('preview_id')) { $query->where('status', 'published'); } if ($form_id) { $form = $query->find($form_id); } elseif ($formTitle = $atts['title']) { $form = $query->where('title', $formTitle)->first(); } else { return ''; } if (!$form) { return ''; } if (!empty($atts['permission'])) { if (!current_user_can($atts['permission'])) { return "<div id='ff_form_{$form->id}' class='ff_form_not_render'>{$atts['permission_message']}</div>"; } } if (is_feed()) { global $post; $feedText = sprintf(__('The form can be filled in the actual <a href="%s">website url</a>.', 'fluentform'), get_permalink($post)); $feedText = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_shortcode_feed_text', [ $feedText, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/shortcode_feed_text', 'Use fluentform/shortcode_feed_text instead of fluentform_shortcode_feed_text.' ); $feedText = apply_filters('fluentform/shortcode_feed_text', $feedText, $form); return $feedText; } $formSettings = wpFluent() ->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $form_id) ->where('meta_key', 'formSettings') ->first(); if (!$formSettings) { return ''; } $form->fields = json_decode($form->form_fields, true); if (!$form->fields['fields']) { return ''; } $form->settings = json_decode($formSettings->value, true); $form = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_rendering_form', [ $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/rendering_form', 'Use fluentform/rendering_form instead of fluentform_rendering_form.' ); $form = $this->app->applyFilters('fluentform/rendering_form', $form); $isRenderable = [ 'status' => true, 'message' => '', ]; /* This filter is deprecated and will be removed soon */ $isRenderable = apply_filters('fluentform_is_form_renderable', $isRenderable, $form); $isRenderable = $this->app->applyFilters('fluentform/is_form_renderable', $isRenderable, $form); if (is_array($isRenderable) && !$isRenderable['status']) { return "<div id='ff_form_{$form->id}' class='ff_form_not_render'>{$isRenderable['message']}</div>"; } $instanceCssClass = Helper::getFormInstaceClass($form->id); $form->instance_css_class = $instanceCssClass; $form->instance_index = Helper::$formInstance; if ('conversational' == $atts['type']) { $this->addInlineVars(); return (new \FluentForm\App\Services\FluentConversational\Classes\Form())->renderShortcode($form); } $formBuilder = $this->app->make('formBuilder'); $cssClasses = trim($instanceCssClass . ' ff-form-loading'); $output = $formBuilder->build($form, $cssClasses, $instanceCssClass, $atts); $output = $this->replaceEditorSmartCodes($output, $form); if (!wp_script_is('fluent-form-submission', 'registered')) { $this->registerScripts(); } wp_enqueue_style('fluent-form-styles'); $loadStyle = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_load_default_public', [ true, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/load_default_public', 'Use fluentform/load_default_public instead of fluentform_load_default_public.' ); if (apply_filters('fluentform/load_default_public', $loadStyle, $form)) { wp_enqueue_style('fluentform-public-default'); } /* * We will load fluentform-advanced if the form has certain fields or feature */ $this->maybeHasAdvandedFields($form, $formBuilder); wp_enqueue_script('fluent-form-submission'); $stepText = __('Step %activeStep% of %totalStep% - %stepTitle%', 'fluentform'); $stepText = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_step_string', [ $stepText ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/step_string', 'Use fluentform/step_string instead of fluentform_step_string.' ); $stepText = apply_filters('fluentform/step_string', $stepText); $data = [ 'ajaxUrl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'forms' => [], 'step_text' => $stepText, 'is_rtl' => is_rtl(), 'date_i18n' => self::getDatei18n(), 'pro_version' => (defined('FLUENTFORMPRO_VERSION')) ? FLUENTFORMPRO_VERSION : false, 'fluentform_version' => FLUENTFORM_VERSION, 'force_init' => false, 'stepAnimationDuration' => 350, 'upload_completed_txt' => __('100% Completed', 'fluentform'), 'upload_start_txt' => __('0% Completed', 'fluentform'), 'uploading_txt' => __('Uploading', 'fluentform'), 'choice_js_vars' => [ 'noResultsText' => __('No results found', 'fluentform'), 'loadingText' => __('Loading...', 'fluentform'), 'noChoicesText' => __('No choices to choose from', 'fluentform'), 'itemSelectText' => __('Press to select', 'fluentform'), 'maxItemText' => __('Only %%maxItemCount%% options can be added', 'fluentform'), ], 'input_mask_vars' => [ 'clearIfNotMatch' => false, ], ]; $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_global_form_vars', [ $data ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/global_form_vars', 'Use fluentform/global_form_vars instead of fluentform_global_form_vars.' ); $vars = apply_filters('fluentform/global_form_vars', $data); wp_localize_script('fluent-form-submission', 'fluentFormVars', $vars); $formSettings = $form->settings; $formSettings = ArrayHelper::only($formSettings, ['layout', 'id']); $formSettings['restrictions']['denyEmptySubmission'] = [ 'enabled' => false, ]; if (!empty($formBuilder->validationRules)) { $formBuilder->validationRules = fluentform_backend_sanitizer($formBuilder->validationRules, [ 'message' => 'fluentform_sanitize_html' ]); } $form_vars = [ 'id' => $form->id, 'settings' => $formSettings, 'form_instance' => $instanceCssClass, 'form_id_selector' => 'fluentform_' . $form->id, 'rules' => $formBuilder->validationRules, ]; if ($conditionals = $formBuilder->conditions) { $form_vars['conditionals'] = $conditionals; } $form_vars = apply_filters('fluentform/form_vars_for_JS', $form_vars, $form); if ($form->has_payment) { do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_rendering_payment_form', [ $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/rendering_payment_form', 'Use fluentform/rendering_payment_form instead of fluentform_rendering_payment_form.' ); do_action('fluentform/rendering_payment_form', $form); } $otherScripts = ''; ob_start(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.fluent_form_<?php echo esc_attr($instanceCssClass); ?> = <?php echo wp_json_encode($form_vars); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- $form_vars is escaped before being passed in.?>; <?php if (wp_doing_ajax()): ?> function initFFInstance_<?php echo esc_attr($form_vars['id']); ?>() { if (!window.fluentFormApp) { console.log('No fluentFormApp found'); return; } var ajax_formInstance = window.fluentFormApp(jQuery('form.<?php echo esc_attr($form_vars['form_instance']); ?>')); if (ajax_formInstance) { ajax_formInstance.initFormHandlers(); } } initFFInstance_<?php echo esc_attr($form_vars['id']); ?>(); <?php endif; ?> </script> <?php $this->addInlineVars(); $otherScripts .= ob_get_clean(); $disableAnalytics = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform-disabled_analytics', [ false ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/disabled_analytics', 'Use fluentform/disabled_analytics instead of fluentform-disabled_analytics.' ); if (!$this->app->applyFilters('fluentform/disabled_analytics', $disableAnalytics)) { if (!Acl::hasAnyFormPermission($form->id)) { (new \FluentForm\App\Services\Analytics\AnalyticsService())->store($form->id); } } return $output . $otherScripts; } /** * Process the output HTML to generate the default values. * * @param string $output * @param \stdClass $form * * @return string */ public function replaceEditorSmartCodes($output, $form) { // Get the patterns for default values from the output HTML string. // The example of a pattern would be for user ID: {user.ID} preg_match_all('/{(.*?)}/', $output, $matches); $patterns = array_unique($matches[0]); $attrDefaultValues = []; foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { // The default value for each pattern will be resolved here. $attrDefaultValues[$pattern] = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_parse_default_value', [ $pattern, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/parse_default_value', 'Use fluentform/parse_default_value instead of fluentform_parse_default_value.' ); $attrDefaultValues[$pattern] = apply_filters('fluentform/parse_default_value', $attrDefaultValues[$pattern], $form); } // Raising an event so that others can hook into it and modify the default values later. $attrDefaultValues = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_parse_default_values', [ $attrDefaultValues ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/parse_default_values', 'Use fluentform/parse_default_values instead of fluentform_parse_default_values.' ); $attrDefaultValues = (array) apply_filters('fluentform/parse_default_values', $attrDefaultValues); if (isset($attrDefaultValues['{payment_total}'])) { $attrDefaultValues['{payment_total}'] = '<span class="ff_order_total"></span>'; } // Finally, replace the patterns with the replacements and return the output HTML. return str_replace(array_keys($attrDefaultValues), array_values($attrDefaultValues), $output); } /** * Register renderer actions for compiling each element * * @return void */ public function addRendererActions() { $actionMappings = [ 'Select@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_select'], 'Rating@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_ratings'], 'Address@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_address'], 'Name@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_input_name'], 'TextArea@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_textarea'], 'DateTime@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_input_date'], 'Recaptcha@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_recaptcha'], 'Hcaptcha@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_hcaptcha'], 'Turnstile@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_turnstile'], 'Container@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_container'], 'CustomHtml@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_custom_html'], 'SectionBreak@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_section_break'], 'SubmitButton@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_submit_button'], 'SelectCountry@compile' => ['fluentform/render_item_select_country'], 'TermsAndConditions@compile' => [ 'fluentform/render_item_terms_and_condition', 'fluentform/render_item_gdpr_agreement', ], 'TabularGrid@compile' => [ 'fluentform/render_item_tabular_grid', ], 'Checkable@compile' => [ 'fluentform/render_item_input_radio', 'fluentform/render_item_input_checkbox', ], 'Text@compile' => [ 'fluentform/render_item_input_url', 'fluentform/render_item_input_text', 'fluentform/render_item_input_email', 'fluentform/render_item_input_number', 'fluentform/render_item_input_hidden', 'fluentform/render_item_input_password', ], ]; $path = 'FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\Components\\'; foreach ($actionMappings as $handler => $actions) { foreach ($actions as $action) { $this->app->addAction($action, function () use ($path, $handler) { list($class, $method) = $this->app->parseHookHandler($path . $handler); call_user_func_array([$class, $method], func_get_args()); }, 10, 2); } } } /** * Register dynamic value shortcode parser (filter default value) * * @return void */ public function addFluentFormDefaultValueParser() { $this->app->addFilter('fluentform/parse_default_value', function ($value, $form) { return EditorShortcodeParser::filter($value, $form); }, 10, 2); } /** * Register filter to check whether the form is renderable or active * * @return mixed */ public function addIsRenderableFilter() { $this->app->addFilter('fluentform/is_form_renderable', function ($isRenderable, $form) { $checkables = ['limitNumberOfEntries', 'scheduleForm', 'requireLogin']; foreach ($form->settings['restrictions'] as $key => $restrictions) { if (in_array($key, $checkables)) { $isRenderable['status'] = $this->{$key}($restrictions, $form, $isRenderable); if (!$isRenderable['status']) { $isRenderable['status'] = false; return $isRenderable; } } } if($form->status == 'unpublished'){ $isRenderable['status'] = false; $isRenderable['message'] = apply_filters('fluentform/unpublished_form_submission_message',__('Invalid Form!')); } return $isRenderable; }, 10, 2); } /** * Check if limit is set on form submits and it's valid yet * * @param array $restrictions * * @return bool */ private function limitNumberOfEntries($restrictions, $form, &$isRenderable) { if (!$restrictions['enabled'] || !isset($restrictions['period']) || !isset($restrictions['numberOfEntries'])) { return true; } $col = 'created_at'; $period = $restrictions['period']; $maxAllowedEntries = $restrictions['numberOfEntries']; if (!$maxAllowedEntries) { return true; } $query = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions') ->where('form_id', $form->id) ->where('status', '!=', 'trashed'); if ('day' == $period) { $year = "YEAR(`{$col}`) = YEAR(NOW())"; $month = "MONTH(`{$col}`) = MONTH(NOW())"; $day = "DAY(`{$col}`) = DAY(NOW())"; $query->whereRaw(wpFluent()->raw("{$year} AND {$month} AND {$day}")); } elseif ('week' == $period) { $query->whereRaw( wpFluent()->raw("YEARWEEK(`{$col}`, 1) = YEARWEEK(CURDATE(), 1)") ); } elseif ('month' == $period) { $year = "YEAR(`{$col}`) = YEAR(NOW())"; $month = "MONTH(`{$col}`) = MONTH(NOW())"; $query->whereRaw(wpFluent()->raw("{$year} AND {$month}")); } elseif ('year' == $period) { $query->whereRaw(wpFluent()->raw("YEAR(`{$col}`) = YEAR(NOW())")); } elseif ('per_user_ip' == $period) { $ip = $this->app->request->getIp(); $query->where('ip', $ip); } elseif ('per_user_id' == $period) { $userId = get_current_user_id(); if (!$userId) { return true; } $query->where('user_id', $userId); } $count = $query->count(); if ($count >= $maxAllowedEntries) { $isRenderable['message'] = $restrictions['limitReachedMsg']; return false; } return true; } /** * Check if form has scheduled date & weekdays and open for submission * * @param array $restrictions * * @return bool */ private function scheduleForm($restrictions, $form, &$isRenderable) { if (!$restrictions['enabled']) { return true; } $time = time(); $start = strtotime($restrictions['start']); $end = strtotime($restrictions['end']); if ($time < $start) { $isRenderable['message'] = $restrictions['pendingMsg']; return false; } if ($time >= $end) { $isRenderable['message'] = $restrictions['expiredMsg']; return false; } $weekDayToday = date('l'); //day of the week $selectedWeekDays = ArrayHelper::get($restrictions, 'selectedDays'); //skip if it was not set initially and $selectedWeekDays is null if ($selectedWeekDays && is_array($selectedWeekDays) && !in_array($weekDayToday, $selectedWeekDays)) { $isRenderable['message'] = $restrictions['expiredMsg']; return false; } return true; } /** * * Check if form requires loged in user and user is logged in * * @param array $restrictions * * @return bool */ private function requireLogin($restrictions, $form, &$isRenderable) { if (!$restrictions['enabled']) { return true; } if (!($isLoggedIn = is_user_logged_in())) { $isRenderable['message'] = $restrictions['requireLoginMsg']; } return $isLoggedIn; } /** * Register fluentform_submission_inserted actions * * @return void */ public function addFluentformSubmissionInsertedFilter() { (new EmailNotificationActions($this->app))->register(); } /** * Add inline scripts [Add localized script using same var] * * @return void */ private function addInlineVars() { if (!defined('ELEMENTOR_PRO_VERSION') || $this->elementorPopUpHandler) { return ''; } // Previously this handler was registered for every form // in a single page. So multiple event handlers were // registered. This flag ensures the handler is // registered just once, since one is enough! $this->elementorPopUpHandler = true; $actionName = 'wp_footer'; if (is_admin()) { $actionName = 'admin_footer'; } add_action($actionName, function () { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php if (defined('ELEMENTOR_PRO_VERSION')): ?> window.addEventListener('elementor/popup/show', function (e) { var ffForms = jQuery('#elementor-popup-modal-' +'form.frm-fluent-form'); /** * Support conversation form in elementor popup * No regular form found, check for conversational form */ if (!ffForms.length) { const elements = document.getElementsByClassName('ffc_conv_form'); if (elements.length) { let jsEvent = new CustomEvent('ff-elm-conv-form-event', { detail: elements }); document.dispatchEvent(jsEvent); } } if (ffForms.length) { jQuery.each(ffForms, function(index, ffForm) { jQuery(ffForm).trigger('reInitExtras'); jQuery(document).trigger('ff_reinit', [ffForm]); }); } }); <?php endif; ?> </script> <?php }, 999); return ''; } public static function getDatei18n() { $i18n = [ 'previousMonth' => __('Previous Month', 'fluentform'), 'nextMonth' => __('Next Month', 'fluentform'), 'months' => [ 'shorthand' => [ __('Jan', 'fluentform'), __('Feb', 'fluentform'), __('Mar', 'fluentform'), __('Apr', 'fluentform'), __('May', 'fluentform'), __('Jun', 'fluentform'), __('Jul', 'fluentform'), __('Aug', 'fluentform'), __('Sep', 'fluentform'), __('Oct', 'fluentform'), __('Nov', 'fluentform'), __('Dec', 'fluentform'), ], 'longhand' => [ __('January', 'fluentform'), __('February', 'fluentform'), __('March', 'fluentform'), __('April', 'fluentform'), __('May', 'fluentform'), __('June', 'fluentform'), __('July', 'fluentform'), __('August', 'fluentform'), __('September', 'fluentform'), __('October', 'fluentform'), __('November', 'fluentform'), __('December', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'weekdays' => [ 'longhand' => [ __('Sunday', 'fluentform'), __('Monday', 'fluentform'), __('Tuesday', 'fluentform'), __('Wednesday', 'fluentform'), __('Thursday', 'fluentform'), __('Friday', 'fluentform'), __('Saturday', 'fluentform'), ], 'shorthand' => [ __('Sun', 'fluentform'), __('Mon', 'fluentform'), __('Tue', 'fluentform'), __('Wed', 'fluentform'), __('Thu', 'fluentform'), __('Fri', 'fluentform'), __('Sat', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'daysInMonth' => [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, ], 'rangeSeparator' => __(' to ', 'fluentform'), 'weekAbbreviation' => __('Wk', 'fluentform'), 'scrollTitle' => __('Scroll to increment', 'fluentform'), 'toggleTitle' => __('Click to toggle', 'fluentform'), 'amPM' => [ __('AM', 'fluentform'), __('PM', 'fluentform'), ], 'yearAriaLabel' => __('Year', 'fluentform'), 'firstDayOfWeek' => (int) get_option('start_of_week'), ]; return apply_filters('fluentform/date_i18n', $i18n); } protected function maybeHasAdvandedFields($form, $formBuilder) { $advancedFields = [ 'step_start', 'repeater_field', 'ratings', 'form_step', 'input_file', 'input_image', 'net_promoter_score', 'featured_image', ]; if ($formBuilder->conditions || array_intersect($formBuilder->fieldLists, $advancedFields)) { wp_enqueue_script('fluentform-advanced'); } } public function registerInputSanitizers() { add_filter('fluentform/input_data_input_number', [$this, 'getNumericInputValue'], 10, 2); add_filter('fluentform/input_data_custom_payment_component', [$this, 'getNumericInputValue'], 10, 2); } public function getNumericInputValue($value, $field) { $formatter = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw.settings.numeric_formatter'); if (!$formatter) { return $value; } return Helper::getNumericValue($value, $formatter); } public function registerHelperShortCodes() { $this->app->addShortCode('fluentform_info', function ($atts) { $data = [ 'id' => null, // This is the form id 'info' => 'submission_count', // submission_count | created_at | updated_at | payment_total 'status' => 'all', // get submission cound of a particular entry status favourites | unread | read 'with_trashed' => 'no', // yes | no 'substract_from' => 0, // [fluentform_info id="2" info="submission_count" substract_from="20"] 'hide_on_zero' => 'no', 'payment_status' => 'all', // it can be all / specific payment status 'currency_formatted' => 'yes', 'date_format' => '', ]; /* This filter is deprecated, will be removed soon */ $data = apply_filters('fluentform_info_shortcode_defaults', $data, $atts ); $shortcodeDefaults = apply_filters('fluentform/info_shortcode_defaults', $data, $atts); $atts = shortcode_atts($shortcodeDefaults, $atts); $formId = $atts['id']; $form = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->find($formId); if (!$form) { return ''; } if ('submission_count' == $atts['info']) { $countQuery = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions') ->where('form_id', $formId); if ('trashed' != $atts['status'] && 'no' == $atts['with_trashed']) { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('status', '!=', 'trashed'); } if ('all' == $atts['status']) { // ... } elseif ('favourites' == $atts['status']) { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('is_favourite', '=', 1); } else { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('status', '=', sanitize_key($atts['status'])); } if ($atts['payment_status'] && defined('FLUENTFORMPRO') && 'all' != $atts['payment_status']) { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('payment_status', '=', sanitize_key($atts['payment_status'])); } $total = $countQuery->count(); if ($atts['substract_from']) { $total = intval($atts['substract_from']) - $total; } if ('yes' == $atts['hide_on_zero'] && !$total || $total < 0) { return ''; } return $total; } elseif ('created_at' == $atts['info']) { if ($atts['date_format']) { $dateFormat = $atts['date_format']; } else { $dateFormat = get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'); } return date($dateFormat, strtotime($form->created_at)); } elseif ('updated_at' == $atts['info']) { if ($atts['date_format']) { $dateFormat = $atts['date_format']; } else { $dateFormat = get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'); } return date($dateFormat, strtotime($form->updated_at)); } elseif ('payment_total' == $atts['info']) { if (!defined('FLUENTFORMPRO')) { return ''; } global $wpdb; $countQuery = wpFluent() ->table('fluentform_submissions') ->select(wpFluent()->raw('SUM(payment_total) as payment_total')) ->where('form_id', $formId); if ('trashed' != $atts['status'] && 'no' == $atts['with_trashed']) { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('status', '!=', 'trashed'); } if ('all' == $atts['status']) { // ... } elseif ('favourites' == $atts['status']) { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('is_favourite', '=', 1); } else { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('status', '=', sanitize_key($atts['status'])); } if ('all' == $atts['payment_status']) { // ... } elseif ($atts['payment_status']) { $countQuery = $countQuery->where('payment_status', '=', sanitize_key($atts['payment_status'])); } $row = $countQuery->first(); $total = 0; if ($row) { $total = $row->payment_total; } if ($atts['substract_from']) { $total = intval($atts['substract_from'] * 100) - $total; } if ('yes' == $atts['hide_on_zero'] && !$total) { return ''; } if ('yes' == $atts['currency_formatted']) { $currency = \FluentFormPro\Payments\PaymentHelper::getFormCurrency($formId); return \FluentFormPro\Payments\PaymentHelper::formatMoney($total, $currency); } if (!$total) { return 0; } return $total / 100; } return ''; }); $this->app->addShortCode('ff_get', function ($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts([ 'param' => '', ], $atts); $value = $this->app->request->get($atts['param']); if ($atts['param'] && $value) { if (is_array($value)) { return implode(', ', $value); } return esc_html($value); } return ''; }); } }