index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wfUpdateCheck.php
<?php class wfUpdateCheck { const VULN_SEVERITY_CRITICAL = 90; const VULN_SEVERITY_HIGH = 70; const VULN_SEVERITY_MEDIUM = 40; const VULN_SEVERITY_LOW = 1; const VULN_SEVERITY_NONE = 0; const LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_KEY = 'lastUpdateCheckError'; const LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_SLUG_KEY = 'lastUpdateCheckErrorSlug'; private $needs_core_update = false; private $core_update_version = 0; private $plugin_updates = array(); private $all_plugins = array(); private $plugin_slugs = array(); private $theme_updates = array(); private $api = null; /** * This hook exists because some plugins override their own update check and can return invalid * responses (e.g., null) due to logic errors or their update check server being unreachable. This * can interfere with our scan running the outdated plugins check. When scanning, we adjust the * response in those cases to be `false`, which causes WP to fall back to the plugin repo data. */ public static function installPluginAPIFixer() { add_filter('plugins_api', 'wfUpdateCheck::_pluginAPIFixer', 999, 3); } public static function _pluginAPIFixer($result, $action, $args) { if ($result === false || is_object($result) || is_array($result)) { return $result; } if (!wfScanEngine::isScanRunning(true)) { //Skip fixing if it's not the call the scanner made return $result; } $slug = null; if (is_object($args) && isset($args->slug)) { $slug = $args->slug; } else if (is_array($args) && isset($args['slug'])) { $slug = $args['slug']; } wordfence::status(2, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: 1. Plugin slug. */ __('Outdated plugin scan adjusted invalid return value in plugins_api filter for %s', 'wordfence'), $slug)); return false; } public static function syncAllVersionInfo() { // Load the core/plugin/theme versions into the WAF configuration. wfConfig::set('wordpressVersion', wfUtils::getWPVersion()); wfWAFConfig::set('wordpressVersion', wfUtils::getWPVersion(), wfWAF::getInstance(), 'synced'); if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } $pluginVersions = array(); foreach (get_plugins() as $pluginFile => $pluginData) { $slug = plugin_basename($pluginFile); if (preg_match('/^([^\/]+)\//', $pluginFile, $matches)) { $slug = $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match('/^([^\/.]+)\.php$/', $pluginFile, $matches)) { $slug = $matches[1]; } $pluginVersions[$slug] = isset($pluginData['Version']) ? $pluginData['Version'] : null; } wfConfig::set_ser('wordpressPluginVersions', $pluginVersions); wfWAFConfig::set('wordpressPluginVersions', $pluginVersions, wfWAF::getInstance(), 'synced'); if (!function_exists('wp_get_themes')) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/theme.php'); } $themeVersions = array(); foreach (wp_get_themes() as $slug => $theme) { $themeVersions[$slug] = isset($theme['Version']) ? $theme['Version'] : null; } wfConfig::set_ser('wordpressThemeVersions', $themeVersions); wfWAFConfig::set('wordpressThemeVersions', $themeVersions, wfWAF::getInstance(), 'synced'); } public static function cvssScoreSeverity($score) { $intScore = floor($score * 10); if ($intScore >= self::VULN_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) { return self::VULN_SEVERITY_CRITICAL; } else if ($intScore >= self::VULN_SEVERITY_HIGH) { return self::VULN_SEVERITY_HIGH; } else if ($intScore >= self::VULN_SEVERITY_MEDIUM) { return self::VULN_SEVERITY_MEDIUM; } else if ($intScore >= self::VULN_SEVERITY_LOW) { return self::VULN_SEVERITY_LOW; } return self::VULN_SEVERITY_NONE; } public static function cvssScoreSeverityLabel($score) { $severity = self::cvssScoreSeverity($score); switch ($severity) { case self::VULN_SEVERITY_CRITICAL: return __('Critical', 'wordfence'); case self::VULN_SEVERITY_HIGH: return __('High', 'wordfence'); case self::VULN_SEVERITY_MEDIUM: return __('Medium', 'wordfence'); case self::VULN_SEVERITY_LOW: return __('Low', 'wordfence'); } return __('None', 'wordfence'); } public static function cvssScoreSeverityHexColor($score) { $severity = self::cvssScoreSeverity($score); switch ($severity) { case self::VULN_SEVERITY_CRITICAL: return '#cc0500'; case self::VULN_SEVERITY_HIGH: return '#df3d03'; case self::VULN_SEVERITY_MEDIUM: return '#f9a009'; case self::VULN_SEVERITY_LOW: return '#ffcb0d'; } return '#000000'; } public static function cvssScoreSeverityClass($score) { $severity = self::cvssScoreSeverity($score); switch ($severity) { case self::VULN_SEVERITY_CRITICAL: return 'wf-vulnerability-severity-critical'; case self::VULN_SEVERITY_HIGH: return 'wf-vulnerability-severity-high'; case self::VULN_SEVERITY_MEDIUM: return 'wf-vulnerability-severity-medium'; case self::VULN_SEVERITY_LOW: return 'wf-vulnerability-severity-low'; } return 'wf-vulnerability-severity-none'; } public function __construct() { $this->api = new wfAPI(wfConfig::get('apiKey'), wfUtils::getWPVersion()); } public function __sleep() { return array('needs_core_update', 'core_update_version', 'plugin_updates', 'all_plugins', 'plugin_slugs', 'theme_updates'); } public function __wakeup() { $this->api = new wfAPI(wfConfig::get('apiKey'), wfUtils::getWPVersion()); } /** * @return bool */ public function needsAnyUpdates() { return $this->needsCoreUpdate() || count($this->getPluginUpdates()) > 0 || count($this->getThemeUpdates()) > 0; } /** * Check for any core, plugin or theme updates. * * @return $this */ public function checkAllUpdates($useCachedValued = true) { if (!$useCachedValued) { wfConfig::remove(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_KEY); wfConfig::remove(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_SLUG_KEY); } return $this->checkCoreUpdates($useCachedValued) ->checkPluginUpdates($useCachedValued) ->checkThemeUpdates($useCachedValued); } /** * Check if there is an update to the WordPress core. * * @return $this */ public function checkCoreUpdates($useCachedValued = true) { $this->needs_core_update = false; if (!function_exists('wp_version_check')) { require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/update.php'); } if (!function_exists('get_preferred_from_update_core')) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/update.php'); } include(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php'); /** @var $wp_version */ $update_core = get_preferred_from_update_core(); if ($useCachedValued && isset($update_core->last_checked) && isset($update_core->version_checked) && 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS > (time() - $update_core->last_checked) && $update_core->version_checked == $wp_version) { //Duplicate of _maybe_update_core, which is a private call //Do nothing, use cached value } else { wp_version_check(); $update_core = get_preferred_from_update_core(); } if (isset($update_core->response) && $update_core->response == 'upgrade') { $this->needs_core_update = true; $this->core_update_version = $update_core->current; } return $this; } private function checkPluginFile($plugin, &$installedPlugins) { if (!array_key_exists($plugin, $installedPlugins)) return null; $file = wfUtils::getPluginBaseDir() . $plugin; if (!file_exists($file)) { unset($installedPlugins[$plugin]); return null; } return $file; } private function initializePluginUpdateData($plugin, &$installedPlugins, $checkVulnerabilities, $populator = null) { $file = $this->checkPluginFile($plugin, $installedPlugins); if ($file === null) return null; $data = $installedPlugins[$plugin]; $data['pluginFile'] = $file; if ($populator !== null) $populator($data, $file); if (!array_key_exists('slug', $data) || empty($data['slug'])) $data['slug'] = $this->extractSlug($plugin); $slug = $data['slug']; if ($slug !== null) { $vulnerable = $checkVulnerabilities ? $this->isPluginVulnerable($slug, $data['Version']) : null; $data['vulnerable'] = !empty($vulnerable); if ($data['vulnerable']) { if (isset($vulnerable['link']) && is_string($vulnerable['link'])) { $data['vulnerabilityLink'] = $vulnerable['link']; } if (isset($vulnerable['score'])) { $data['cvssScore'] = number_format(floatval($vulnerable['score']), 1); $data['severityColor'] = self::cvssScoreSeverityHexColor($data['cvssScore']); $data['severityLabel'] = self::cvssScoreSeverityLabel($data['cvssScore']); $data['severityClass'] = self::cvssScoreSeverityClass($data['cvssScore']); } if (isset($vulnerable['vector']) && is_string($vulnerable['vector'])) { $data['cvssVector'] = $vulnerable['vector']; } } $this->plugin_slugs[] = $slug; $this->all_plugins[$slug] = $data; } unset($installedPlugins[$plugin]); return $data; } public function extractSlug($plugin, $data = null) { $slug = null; if (is_array($data) && array_key_exists('slug', $data)) $slug = $data['slug']; if (!is_string($slug) || empty($slug)) { if (preg_match('/^([^\/]+)\//', $plugin, $matches)) { $slug = $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match('/^([^\/.]+)\.php$/', $plugin, $matches)) { $slug = $matches[1]; } } return $slug; } private static function requirePluginsApi() { if (!function_exists('plugins_api')) require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'); } private function fetchPluginUpdates($useCache = true) { $update_plugins = get_site_transient('update_plugins'); if ($useCache && isset($update_plugins->last_checked) && 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS > (time() - $update_plugins->last_checked)) //Duplicate of _maybe_update_plugins, which is a private call return $update_plugins; if (!function_exists('wp_update_plugins')) require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/update.php'); try { wp_update_plugins(); } catch (Exception $e) { wfConfig::set(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_KEY, $e->getMessage(), false); wfConfig::remove(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_SLUG_KEY); error_log('Caught exception while attempting to refresh plugin update status: ' . $e->getMessage()); } catch (Throwable $t) { wfConfig::set(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_KEY, $t->getMessage(), false); wfConfig::remove(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_SLUG_KEY); error_log('Caught error while attempting to refresh plugin update status: ' . $t->getMessage()); } return get_site_transient('update_plugins'); } /** * Check if any plugins need an update. * * @param bool $checkVulnerabilities whether or not to check for vulnerabilities while checking updates * * @return $this */ public function checkPluginUpdates($useCachedValued = true, $checkVulnerabilities = true) { if($checkVulnerabilities) $this->plugin_updates = array(); self::requirePluginsApi(); $update_plugins = $this->fetchPluginUpdates($useCachedValued); //Get the full plugin list if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } $installedPlugins = get_plugins(); $context = $this; if ($update_plugins && !empty($update_plugins->response)) { foreach ($update_plugins->response as $plugin => $vals) { $data = $this->initializePluginUpdateData($plugin, $installedPlugins, $checkVulnerabilities, function (&$data, $file) use ($context, $plugin, $vals) { $vals = (array) $vals; $data['slug'] = $context->extractSlug($plugin, $vals); $data['newVersion'] = (isset($vals['new_version']) ? $vals['new_version'] : 'Unknown'); $data['wpURL'] = (isset($vals['url']) ? rtrim($vals['url'], '/') : null); $data['updateAvailable'] = true; }); if($checkVulnerabilities && $data !== null) $this->plugin_updates[] = $data; } } //We have to grab the slugs from the update response because no built-in function exists to return the true slug from the local files if ($update_plugins && !empty($update_plugins->no_update)) { foreach ($update_plugins->no_update as $plugin => $vals) { $this->initializePluginUpdateData($plugin, $installedPlugins, $checkVulnerabilities, function (&$data, $file) use ($context, $plugin, $vals) { $vals = (array) $vals; $data['slug'] = $context->extractSlug($plugin, $vals); $data['wpURL'] = (isset($vals['url']) ? rtrim($vals['url'], '/') : null); }); } } //Get the remaining plugins (not in the repo for whatever reason) foreach ($installedPlugins as $plugin => $data) { $data = $this->initializePluginUpdateData($plugin, $installedPlugins, $checkVulnerabilities); } return $this; } /** * Check if any themes need an update. * * @param bool $checkVulnerabilities whether or not to check for vulnerabilities while checking for updates * * @return $this */ public function checkThemeUpdates($useCachedValued = true, $checkVulnerabilities = true) { if($checkVulnerabilities) $this->theme_updates = array(); if (!function_exists('wp_update_themes')) { require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/update.php'); } $update_themes = get_site_transient('update_themes'); if ($useCachedValued && isset($update_themes->last_checked) && 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS > (time() - $update_themes->last_checked)) { //Duplicate of _maybe_update_themes, which is a private call //Do nothing, use cached value } else { try { wp_update_themes(); } catch (Exception $e) { wfConfig::set(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_KEY, $e->getMessage(), false); error_log('Caught exception while attempting to refresh theme update status: ' . $e->getMessage()); } catch (Throwable $t) { wfConfig::set(self::LAST_UPDATE_CHECK_ERROR_KEY, $t->getMessage(), false); error_log('Caught error while attempting to refresh theme update status: ' . $t->getMessage()); } $update_themes = get_site_transient('update_themes'); } if ($update_themes && (!empty($update_themes->response)) && $checkVulnerabilities) { if (!function_exists('wp_get_themes')) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/theme.php'); } $themes = wp_get_themes(); foreach ($update_themes->response as $theme => $vals) { foreach ($themes as $name => $themeData) { if (strtolower($name) == $theme) { $vulnerable = false; if (isset($themeData['Version'])) { $vulnerable = $this->isThemeVulnerable($theme, $themeData['Version']); } $data = array( 'newVersion' => (isset($vals['new_version']) ? $vals['new_version'] : 'Unknown'), 'package' => (isset($vals['package']) ? $vals['package'] : null), 'URL' => (isset($vals['url']) ? $vals['url'] : null), 'Name' => $themeData['Name'], 'name' => $themeData['Name'], 'version' => $themeData['Version'], 'vulnerable' => $vulnerable ); $data['vulnerable'] = !empty($vulnerable); if ($data['vulnerable']) { if (isset($vulnerable['link']) && is_string($vulnerable['link'])) { $data['vulnerabilityLink'] = $vulnerable['link']; } if (isset($vulnerable['score'])) { $data['cvssScore'] = number_format(floatval($vulnerable['score']), 1); $data['severityColor'] = self::cvssScoreSeverityHexColor($data['cvssScore']); $data['severityLabel'] = self::cvssScoreSeverityLabel($data['cvssScore']); $data['severityClass'] = self::cvssScoreSeverityClass($data['cvssScore']); } if (isset($vulnerable['vector']) && is_string($vulnerable['vector'])) { $data['cvssVector'] = $vulnerable['vector']; } } $this->theme_updates[] = $data; } } } } return $this; } public function checkAllVulnerabilities() { $this->checkPluginVulnerabilities(); $this->checkThemeVulnerabilities(); } private function initializePluginVulnerabilityData($plugin, &$installedPlugins, &$records, $values = null, $update = false) { $file = $this->checkPluginFile($plugin, $installedPlugins); if ($file === null) return null; $data = $installedPlugins[$plugin]; $record = array( 'slug' => $this->extractSlug($plugin, $values), 'fromVersion' => isset($data['Version']) ? $data['Version'] : 'Unknown', 'vulnerable' => false ); if ($update && is_array($values)) $record['toVersion'] = isset($values['new_version']) ? $values['new_version'] : 'Unknown'; $records[] = $record; unset($installedPlugins[$plugin]); } /** * @param bool $initial if true, treat as the initial scan run */ public function checkPluginVulnerabilities($initial=false) { self::requirePluginsApi(); $vulnerabilities = array(); //Get the full plugin list if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } $installedPlugins = get_plugins(); //Get the info for plugins on $update_plugins = $this->fetchPluginUpdates(); if ($update_plugins) { if (!empty($update_plugins->response)) { foreach ($update_plugins->response as $plugin => $vals) { $this->initializePluginVulnerabilityData($plugin, $installedPlugins, $vulnerabilities, (array) $vals, true); } } if (!empty($update_plugins->no_update)) { foreach ($update_plugins->no_update as $plugin => $vals) { $this->initializePluginVulnerabilityData($plugin, $installedPlugins, $vulnerabilities, (array) $vals); } } } //Get the remaining plugins (not in the repo for whatever reason) foreach ($installedPlugins as $plugin => $data) { $this->initializePluginVulnerabilityData($plugin, $installedPlugins, $vulnerabilities, $data); } if (count($vulnerabilities) > 0) { try { $result = $this->api->call('plugin_vulnerability_check', array(), array( 'plugins' => json_encode($vulnerabilities), )); foreach ($vulnerabilities as &$v) { $vulnerableList = $result['vulnerable']; foreach ($vulnerableList as $r) { if ($r['slug'] == $v['slug']) { $v['vulnerable'] = !!$r['vulnerable']; if (isset($r['link'])) { $v['link'] = $r['link']; } if (isset($r['score'])) { $v['score'] = $r['score']; } if (isset($r['vector'])) { $v['vector'] = $r['vector']; } break; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { //Do nothing } wfConfig::set_ser('vulnerabilities_plugin', $vulnerabilities); } } /** * @param bool $initial whether or not this is the initial run */ public function checkThemeVulnerabilities($initial = false) { if (!function_exists('wp_update_themes')) { require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/update.php'); } self::requirePluginsApi(); $this->checkThemeUpdates(!$initial, false); $update_themes = get_site_transient('update_themes'); $vulnerabilities = array(); if ($update_themes && !empty($update_themes->response)) { if (!function_exists('get_plugin_data')) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } foreach ($update_themes->response as $themeSlug => $vals) { $valsArray = (array) $vals; $theme = wp_get_theme($themeSlug); $record = array(); $record['slug'] = $themeSlug; $record['toVersion'] = (isset($valsArray['new_version']) ? $valsArray['new_version'] : 'Unknown'); $record['fromVersion'] = $theme->version; $record['vulnerable'] = false; $vulnerabilities[] = $record; } try { $result = $this->api->call('theme_vulnerability_check', array(), array( 'themes' => json_encode($vulnerabilities), )); foreach ($vulnerabilities as &$v) { $vulnerableList = $result['vulnerable']; foreach ($vulnerableList as $r) { if ($r['slug'] == $v['slug']) { $v['vulnerable'] = !!$r['vulnerable']; if (isset($r['link'])) { $v['link'] = $r['link']; } if (isset($r['score'])) { $v['score'] = $r['score']; } if (isset($r['vector'])) { $v['vector'] = $r['vector']; } break; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { //Do nothing } wfConfig::set_ser('vulnerabilities_theme', $vulnerabilities); } } public function isPluginVulnerable($slug, $version) { return $this->_isSlugVulnerable('vulnerabilities_plugin', $slug, $version, function(){ $this->checkPluginVulnerabilities(true); }); } public function isThemeVulnerable($slug, $version) { return $this->_isSlugVulnerable('vulnerabilities_theme', $slug, $version, function(){ $this->checkThemeVulnerabilities(true); }); } private function _isSlugVulnerable($vulnerabilitiesKey, $slug, $version, $populateVulnerabilities=null) { $vulnerabilities = wfConfig::get_ser($vulnerabilitiesKey, null); if($vulnerabilities===null){ if(is_callable($populateVulnerabilities)){ $populateVulnerabilities(); return $this->_isSlugVulnerable($vulnerabilitiesKey, $slug, $version); } return false; } foreach ($vulnerabilities as $v) { if ($v['slug'] == $slug) { if ( ($v['fromVersion'] == 'Unknown' && $v['toVersion'] == 'Unknown') || ((!isset($v['toVersion']) || $v['toVersion'] == 'Unknown') && version_compare($version, $v['fromVersion']) >= 0) || ($v['fromVersion'] == 'Unknown' && isset($v['toVersion']) && version_compare($version, $v['toVersion']) < 0) || (version_compare($version, $v['fromVersion']) >= 0 && isset($v['toVersion']) && version_compare($version, $v['toVersion']) < 0) ) { if ($v['vulnerable']) { return $v; } return false; } } } return false; } /** * @return boolean */ public function needsCoreUpdate() { return $this->needs_core_update; } /** * @return int */ public function getCoreUpdateVersion() { return $this->core_update_version; } /** * @return array */ public function getPluginUpdates() { return $this->plugin_updates; } /** * @return array */ public function getAllPlugins() { return $this->all_plugins; } /** * @return array */ public function getPluginSlugs() { return $this->plugin_slugs; } /** * @return array */ public function getThemeUpdates() { return $this->theme_updates; } }