index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/panel/assets/js/demos.js
( function( $ ) { "use strict"; $( document ).ready( function() { window['owpDemoImport'].init(); } ); window['owpDemoImport'] = { importData: {}, allowPopupClosing: true, init: function() { var that = this; // Search functionality. $( '.owp-search-input' ).on( 'keyup', function() { if ( 0 < $( this ).val().length ) { // Hide all items. $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes' ).find( '.theme-wrap' ).hide(); // Show just the ones that have a match on the import name. $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes' ).find( '.theme-wrap[data-name*="' + $( this ).val().toLowerCase() + '"]' ).show(); } else { $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes' ).find( '.theme-wrap' ).show(); } } ); // Prevent the popup from showing when the live preview button $( '.owp-demo-wrap .theme-actions a.button' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); } ); // Get demo data $( '.owp-open-popup' ).click( function( e ) { if( $( ).hasClass( 'owp-live-preview' ) ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); // Vars var $selected_demo = $( this ).data( 'demo-id' ), $demo_type = $( this ).data( 'demo-type' ), $loading_icon = $( '.preview-' + $selected_demo ), $disable_preview = $( '.preview-all-' + $selected_demo ); $; $; that.getDemoData( $selected_demo, $demo_type ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click' , '.install-now', this.installNow ); $( document ).on( 'click' , '.activate-now', this.activatePlugins ); $( document ).on( 'wp-plugin-install-success' , this.installSuccess ); $( document ).on( 'wp-plugin-installing' , this.pluginInstalling ); $( document ).on( 'wp-plugin-install-error' , this.installError ); // Elementor $( '.owp-elementor-link' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( this ).parent().addClass( 'active' ); $( '.owp-gutenberg-link' ).parent().removeClass( 'active' ); $( '.owp-navigation .elementor-demos' ).show(); $( '.owp-navigation .gutenberg-demos' ).hide(); $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes.elementor-items' ).show(); $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes.gutenberg-items' ).hide(); } ); // Gutenberg $( '.owp-gutenberg-link' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( this ).parent().addClass( 'active' ); $( '.owp-elementor-link' ).parent().removeClass( 'active' ); $( '.owp-navigation .gutenberg-demos' ).show(); $( '.owp-navigation .elementor-demos' ).hide(); $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes.gutenberg-items' ).show(); $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes.elementor-items' ).hide(); } ); // Filter for Elementor demos this.categoriesFilter( '.elementor-items', '.elementor-demos' ); // Filter for Gutenberg demos this.categoriesFilter( '.gutenberg-items', '.gutenberg-demos' ); }, // Category filter for Elementor demos categoriesFilter: function( items, link ) { // Cache selector to all items var $items = $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes' + items ).find( '.theme-wrap' ), fadeoutClass = 'owp-is-fadeout', fadeinClass = 'owp-is-fadein', animationDuration = 200; // Hide all items. var fadeOut = function () { var dfd = $.Deferred(); $items.addClass( fadeoutClass ); setTimeout( function() { $items.removeClass( fadeoutClass ).hide(); dfd.resolve(); }, animationDuration ); return dfd.promise(); }; var fadeIn = function ( category, dfd ) { var filter = category ? '[data-categories*="' + category + '"]' : 'div'; if ( 'all' === category ) { filter = 'div'; } $items.filter( filter ).show().addClass( 'owp-is-fadein' ); setTimeout( function() { $items.removeClass( fadeinClass ); dfd.resolve(); }, animationDuration ); }; var animate = function ( category ) { var dfd = $.Deferred(); var promise = fadeOut(); promise.done( function () { fadeIn( category, dfd ); } ); return dfd; }; $( link + ' .owp-navigation-link' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Remove 'active' class from the previous nav list items. $( this ).parent().siblings().removeClass( 'active' ); // Add the 'active' class to this nav list item. $( this ).parent().addClass( 'active' ); var category = this.hash.slice(1); // show/hide the right items, based on category selected var $container = $( '.owp-demo-wrap .themes' + items ); $container.css( 'min-width', $container.outerHeight() ); var promise = animate( category ); promise.done( function () { $container.removeAttr( 'style' ); } ); } ); }, // Get demo data. getDemoData: function( demo_name, demo_type ) { var that = this; // Get import data $.ajax( { url: owpDemos.ajaxurl, type: 'get', data: { action: 'owp_ajax_get_import_data', demo_name: demo_name, demo_type: demo_type, security: owpDemos.owp_import_data_nonce }, complete: function( data ) { that.importData = $.parseJSON( data.responseText ); } } ); // Run the import $.ajax( { url: owpDemos.ajaxurl, type: 'get', data: { action : 'owp_ajax_get_demo_data', demo_name: demo_name, demo_type: demo_type, demo_data_nonce: owpDemos.demo_data_nonce }, complete: function( data ) { that.runPopup( data ); // Vars var $loading_icon = $( '.preview-' + demo_name ), $disable_preview = $( '.preview-all-' + demo_name ); // Hide loader $loading_icon.hide(); $disable_preview.hide(); } } ); }, // Run popup. runPopup: function( data ) { var that = this var innerWidth = $( 'html' ).innerWidth(); $( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); var hiddenInnerWidth = $( 'html' ).innerWidth(); $( 'html' ).css( 'margin-right', hiddenInnerWidth - innerWidth ); // Show popup $( '#owp-demo-popup-wrap' ).fadeIn(); $( data.responseText ).appendTo( $( '#owp-demo-popup-content' ) ); // Close popup $( '.owp-demo-popup-close, .owp-demo-popup-overlay' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( that.allowPopupClosing === true ) { that.closePopup(); } } ); // Display the step two $( '.owp-plugins-next' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Hide step one $( '#owp-demo-plugins' ).hide(); // Display step two $( '#owp-demo-import-form' ).show(); } ); // if clicked on import data button $( '#owp-demo-import-form' ).submit( function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Vars var demo = $( this ).find( '[name="owp_import_demo"]' ).val(), demoType = $( this ).find( '[name="owp_import_demo"]' ).data( 'demo-type' ), nonce = $( this ).find( '[name="owp_import_demo_data_nonce"]' ).val(), contentToImport = []; // Check what need to be imported $( this ).find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) === true ) { contentToImport.push( $( this ).attr( 'name' ) ); } } ); // Hide the checkboxes and show the loader $( this ).hide(); $( '.owp-loader' ).show(); // Start importing the content that.importContent( { demo: demo, demoType: demoType, nonce: nonce, contentToImport: contentToImport, isXML: $( '#owp_import_xml' ).is( ':checked' ) } ); } ); }, // importing the content. importContent: function( importData ) { var that = this, currentContent, importingLimit, timerStart =, ajaxData = { owp_import_demo: importData.demo, owp_import_demo_type: importData.demoType, owp_import_demo_data_nonce: importData.nonce }; this.allowPopupClosing = false; $( '.owp-demo-popup-close' ).fadeOut(); // When all the selected content has been imported if ( importData.contentToImport.length === 0 ) { // Show the imported screen after 1 second setTimeout( function() { $( '.owp-loader' ).hide(); $( '.owp-last' ).show(); }, 1000 ); // Notify the server that the importing process is complete $.ajax( { url: owpDemos.ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: { action: 'owp_after_import', owp_import_demo: importData.demo, owp_import_demo_type: importData.demoType, owp_import_demo_data_nonce: importData.nonce, owp_import_is_xml: importData.isXML }, complete: function( data ) {} } ); this.allowPopupClosing = true; $( '.owp-demo-popup-close' ).fadeIn(); return; } // Check the content that was selected to be imported. for ( var key in this.importData ) { // Check if the current item in the iteration is in the list of importable content var contentIndex = $.inArray( this.importData[ key ][ 'input_name' ], importData.contentToImport ); // If it is: if ( contentIndex !== -1 ) { // Get a reference to the current content currentContent = key; // Remove the current content from the list of remaining importable content importData.contentToImport.splice( contentIndex, 1 ); // Get the AJAX action name that corresponds to the current content ajaxData.action = this.importData[ key ]['action']; // After an item is found get out of the loop and execute the rest of the function break; } } // Tell the user which content is currently being imported $( '.owp-import-status' ).append( '<p class="owp-importing">' + this.importData[ currentContent ]['loader'] + '</p>' ); // Tell the server to import the current content var ajaxRequest = $.ajax( { url: owpDemos.ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: ajaxData, complete: function( data ) { clearTimeout( importingLimit ); // Indicates if the importing of the content can continue var continueProcess = true; // Check if the importing of the content was successful or if there was any error if ( data.status === 500 || data.status === 502 || data.status === 503 ) { $( '.owp-importing' ) .addClass( 'owp-importing-failed' ) .removeClass( 'owp-importing' ) .text( owpDemos.content_importing_error + ' '+ data.status ); } else if ( data.responseText.indexOf( 'successful import' ) !== -1 ) { $( '.owp-importing' ).addClass( 'owp-imported' ).removeClass( 'owp-importing' ); } else { var errors = $.parseJSON( data.responseText ), errorMessage = ''; // Iterate through the list of errors for ( var error in errors ) { errorMessage += errors[ error ]; // If there was an error with the importing of the XML file, stop the process if ( error === 'xml_import_error' ) { continueProcess = false; } } // Display the error message $( '.owp-importing' ) .addClass( 'owp-importing-failed' ) .removeClass( 'owp-importing' ) .text( errorMessage ); that.allowPopupClosing = true; $( '.owp-demo-popup-close' ).fadeIn(); } // Continue with the loading only if an important error was not encountered if ( continueProcess === true ) { // Load the next content in the list that.importContent( importData ); } } } ); // Set a time limit of 15 minutes for the importing process. importingLimit = setTimeout( function() { // Abort the AJAX request ajaxRequest.abort(); // Allow the popup to be closed that.allowPopupClosing = true; $( '.owp-demo-popup-close' ).fadeIn(); $( '.owp-importing' ) .addClass( 'owp-importing-failed' ) .removeClass( 'owp-importing' ) .text( owpDemos.content_importing_error ); }, 15 * 60 * 1000 ); }, // Close demo popup. closePopup: function() { $( 'html' ).css( { 'overflow': '', 'margin-right': '' } ); // Hide loader $( '.preview-icon' ).hide(); $( '.preview-all' ).hide(); // Hide demo popup $( '#owp-demo-popup-wrap' ).fadeOut(); // Remove content in the popup setTimeout( function() { $( '#owp-demo-popup-content' ).html( '' ); }, 600); }, // Install required plugins. installNow: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Vars var $button = $( ), $document = $( document ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'updating-message' ) || $button.hasClass( 'button-disabled' ) ) { return; } if ( wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials && ! wp.updates.ajaxLocked ) { wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials( e ); $document.on( 'credential-modal-cancel', function() { var $message = $( '.install-now.updating-message' ); $message .removeClass( 'updating-message' ) .text( wp.updates.l10n.installNow ); wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updateCancel, 'polite' ); } ); } wp.updates.installPlugin( { slug: $ 'slug' ) } ); }, // Activate required plugins. activatePlugins: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Vars var $button = $( ), $init = $ 'init' ), $slug = $ 'slug' ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'updating-message' ) || $button.hasClass( 'button-disabled' ) ) { return; } $button.addClass( 'updating-message button-primary' ).html( owpDemos.button_activating ); $.ajax( { url: owpDemos.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: { action : 'owp_ajax_required_plugins_activate', _wpnonce: owpDemos.demo_plugins_activate_nonce, init : $init, }, } ).done( function( result ) { if ( result.success ) { $button.removeClass( 'button-primary install-now activate-now updating-message' ) .attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ) .addClass( 'disabled' ) .text( owpDemos.button_active ); } } ); }, // Install success. installSuccess: function( e, response ) { e.preventDefault(); var $message = $( '.owp-plugin-' + response.slug ).find( '.button' ); // Transform the 'Install' button into an 'Activate' button. var $init = $'init'); $message.removeClass( 'install-now installed button-disabled updated-message' ) .addClass( 'updating-message' ) .html( owpDemos.button_activating ); // WordPress adds "Activate" button after waiting for 1000ms. So we will run our activation after that. setTimeout( function() { $.ajax( { url: owpDemos.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: { action : 'owp_ajax_required_plugins_activate', _wpnonce: owpDemos.demo_plugins_activate_nonce, init : $init, }, } ).done( function( result ) { if ( result.success ) { $message.removeClass( 'button-primary install-now activate-now updating-message' ) .attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ) .addClass( 'disabled' ) .text( owpDemos.button_active ); } else { $message.removeClass( 'updating-message' ); } } ); }, 1200 ); }, // Plugin installing. pluginInstalling: function( e, args ) { e.preventDefault(); var $card = $( '.owp-plugin-' + args.slug ), $button = $card.find( '.button' ); $button.addClass( 'updating-message' ); }, // Plugin install error. installError: function( e, response ) { e.preventDefault(); var $card = $( '.owp-plugin-' + response.slug ); $card.removeClass( 'button-primary' ).addClass( 'disabled' ).html( wp.updates.l10n.installFailedShort ); } }; } ) ( jQuery );