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File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/forminator/library/fields/paypal.php
<?php /** * The Forminator_PayPal class. * * @package Forminator */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die(); } /** * Class Forminator_PayPal * * @since 1.7 */ class Forminator_PayPal extends Forminator_Field { /** * Name * * @var string */ public $name = ''; /** * Slug * * @var string */ public $slug = 'paypal'; /** * Type * * @var string */ public $type = 'paypal'; /** * Position * * @var int */ public $position = 24; /** * Options * * @var array */ public $options = array(); /** * Category * * @var string */ public $category = 'standard'; /** * Icon * * @var string */ public $icon = 'sui-icon forminator-icon-paypal'; /** * Is calculable * * @var bool */ public $is_connected = false; /** * Forminator_PayPal constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->name = esc_html__( 'PayPal', 'forminator' ); } /** * Field defaults * * @return array */ public function defaults() { $default_currency = 'USD'; try { $paypal = new Forminator_PayPal_Express(); $default_currency = $paypal->get_default_currency(); } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { forminator_maybe_log( __METHOD__, $e->getMessage() ); } return array( 'mode' => 'sandbox', 'currency' => $default_currency, 'amount_type' => 'fixed', 'label' => 'checkout', 'color' => 'gold', 'shape' => 'rect', 'layout' => 'vertical', 'tagline' => 'true', 'shipping_address' => 'disable', 'locale' => 'en_US', 'debug_mode' => 'disable', 'height' => '40', 'options' => array(), ); } /** * Field front-end markup * * @param array $field Field. * @param Forminator_Render_Form $views_obj Forminator_Render_Form object. * * @return mixed */ public function markup( $field, $views_obj ) { $settings = $views_obj->model->settings; $this->field = $field; $this->form_settings = $settings; $element_name = self::get_property( 'element_id', $field ); $field_id = $element_name . '-field'; $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'sandbox' ); $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); $amount_type = self::get_property( 'amount_type', $field, 'fixed' ); $amount = self::get_property( 'amount', $field, '0' ); $amount_variable = self::get_property( 'variable', $field, '' ); $logo = self::get_property( 'logo', $field, '' ); $company_name = esc_html( self::get_property( 'company_name', $field, '' ) ); $product_description = esc_html( self::get_property( 'product_description', $field, '' ) ); $customer_email = self::get_property( 'customer_email', $field, '' ); $checkout_label = esc_html( self::get_property( 'checkout_label', $field, '' ) ); $collect_address = esc_html( self::get_property( 'collect_address', $field, 'none', 'string' ) ); $verify_zip = esc_html( self::get_property( 'verify_zip', $field, false, 'bool' ) ); $language = self::get_property( 'language', $field, 'en' ); $attr = array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $element_name, 'id' => 'forminator-' . $field_id . '_' . Forminator_CForm_Front::$uid, 'class' => 'forminator-paypal-input', 'data-is-payment' => 'true', 'data-payment-type' => $this->type, 'data-currency' => esc_html( strtolower( $currency ) ), 'data-amount-type' => esc_html( $amount_type ), 'data-amount' => ( 'fixed' === $amount_type ? esc_html( $amount ) : $amount_variable ), 'data-label' => esc_html( $checkout_label ), 'data-locale' => esc_html( $language ), ); if ( ! empty( $logo ) ) { $attr['data-image'] = esc_url( $logo ); } if ( ! empty( $company_name ) ) { $attr['data-name'] = esc_html( $company_name ); } if ( ! empty( $company_name ) ) { $attr['data-description'] = esc_html( $product_description ); } if ( ! empty( $customer_email ) ) { $attr['data-email'] = esc_html( $customer_email ); } if ( 'billing' === $collect_address || 'billing_shipping' === $collect_address ) { $attr['data-billing-address'] = 'true'; } if ( 'billing_shipping' === $collect_address ) { $attr['data-shipping-address'] = 'true'; } if ( $verify_zip ) { $attr['data-zip-code'] = 'true'; } $html = self::create_input( $attr ); return apply_filters( 'forminator_field_paypal_markup', $html, $attr, $field ); } /** * Field back-end validation * * @param array $field Field. * @param array|string $data Data. */ public function validate( $field, $data ) { $id = self::get_property( 'element_id', $field ); } /** * Sanitize data * * @param array $field Field. * @param array|string $data - the data to be sanitized. * * @return array|string $data - the data after sanitization */ public function sanitize( $field, $data ) { $original_data = $data; // Sanitize. $data = forminator_sanitize_field( $data ); return apply_filters( 'forminator_field_paypal_sanitize', $data, $field, $original_data ); } /** * Is available * * @since 1.7 * @inheritdoc * @param mixed $field Field. */ public function is_available( $field ) { $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'sandbox' ); try { $paypal = new Forminator_PayPal_Express(); if ( 'sandbox' !== $mode ) { $paypal->set_live( true ); } if ( $paypal->is_ready() ) { return true; } } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { return false; } } /** * Get publishable key * * @since 1.7 * * @param bool $live Is live?. * * @return bool|string */ private function get_publishable_key( $live = false ) { try { $paypal = new Forminator_PayPal_Express(); if ( $live ) { return $paypal->get_live_id(); } return $paypal->get_sandbox_id(); } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { return false; } } /** * Get default currency * * @return string */ private function get_default_currency() { try { $paypal = new Forminator_PayPal_Express(); return $paypal->get_default_currency(); } catch ( Forminator_Gateway_Exception $e ) { return 'USD'; } } /** * Process entry data * * @param array $field Field. * * @return array */ public function process_to_entry_data( $field ) { $entry_data = array( 'mode' => '', 'status' => '', 'amount' => '', 'currency' => '', 'transaction_id' => '', 'transaction_link' => '', ); $element_id = self::get_property( 'element_id', $field ); $mode = self::get_property( 'mode', $field, 'sandbox' ); $currency = self::get_property( 'currency', $field, $this->get_default_currency() ); $entry_data['mode'] = $mode; $entry_data['currency'] = $currency; $charge_amount = $this->get_payment_amount( $field ); $charge_amount = number_format( $charge_amount, 2, '.', '' ); $transaction_id = Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data['payment_transaction_id']; $paypal = new Forminator_PayPal_Express(); $order = $paypal->get_order( $transaction_id, $mode ); // Validate intent. if ( ! isset( $order->intent ) || 'CAPTURE' !== $order->intent ) { return array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'Error! Something went wrong during checkout and payment couldn\'t be approved.', 'forminator' ), ); } // Validate status. if ( ! isset( $order->status ) || 'APPROVED' !== $order->status ) { return array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'Error! Something went wrong during checkout and payment couldn\'t be approved.', 'forminator' ), ); } // Validate amount. if ( ! isset( $order->purchase_units[0]->amount->value ) || floatval( $order->purchase_units[0]->amount->value ) !== floatval( $charge_amount ) ) { return array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'Error! Invalid payment amount!', 'forminator' ), ); } // Validate currency. if ( ! isset( $order->purchase_units[0]->amount->currency_code ) || $order->purchase_units[0]->amount->currency_code !== $currency ) { return array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'Error! Invalid currency code!', 'forminator' ), ); } $entry_data['amount'] = $charge_amount; $entry_data['status'] = $order->status; $entry_data['transaction_id'] = $transaction_id; $entry_data['transaction_link'] = self::get_transanction_link( $mode, $transaction_id ); /** * Filter PayPal entry data that will be stored * * @since 1.7 * * @param array $entry_data * @param array $field field properties. * @param Forminator_Form_Model $module_object * @param array $submitted_data * @param array $field_data_array current entry meta. * * @return array */ $entry_data = apply_filters( 'forminator_field_paypal_process_to_entry_data', $entry_data, $field, Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object, Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data, Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$info['field_data_array'] ); return $entry_data; } /** * Get transaction link * * @param string $mode Payment mode. * @param string $transaction_id Transaction id. * @return string */ public static function get_transanction_link( $mode, $transaction_id ) { if ( 'sandbox' === $mode ) { $link_base = ''; } else { $link_base = ''; } $transaction_link = $link_base . rawurlencode( $transaction_id ); return $transaction_link; } /** * Make linkify transaction_id * * @param string $transaction_id Transaction Id. * @param array $meta_value Meta value. * * @return string */ public static function linkify_transaction_id( $transaction_id, $meta_value ) { $transaction_link = $transaction_id; if ( isset( $meta_value['transaction_link'] ) && ! empty( $meta_value['transaction_link'] ) ) { $url = $meta_value['transaction_link']; $transaction_link = '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="' . $transaction_id . '">' . $transaction_id . '</a>'; } /** * Filter link to PayPal transaction id * * @since 1.7 * * @param string $transaction_link * @param string $transaction_id * @param array $meta_value * * @return string */ $transaction_link = apply_filters( 'forminator_field_paypal_linkify_transaction_id', $transaction_link, $transaction_id, $meta_value ); return $transaction_link; } /** * Get payment amount * * @since 1.7 * * @param array $field Field. * * @return double */ public function get_payment_amount( $field ) { $payment_amount = 0.0; $amount_type = self::get_property( 'amount_type', $field, 'fixed' ); $amount = self::get_property( 'amount', $field, '0' ); $amount_var = self::get_property( 'variable', $field, '' ); if ( 'fixed' === $amount_type ) { $payment_amount = $amount; } else { $form_field = Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object->get_field( $amount_var, false ); if ( $form_field ) { $form_field = $form_field->to_formatted_array(); if ( isset( $form_field['type'] ) ) { $field_id = $form_field['element_id']; $submitted_field_data = isset( Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ $field_id ] ) ? Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ $field_id ] : null; if ( 'calculation' === $form_field['type'] ) { // Calculation field get the amount from pseudo_submit_data. if ( isset( Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ $amount_var ] ) ) { $payment_amount = Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ $amount_var ]; } } elseif ( 'currency' === $form_field['type'] ) { // Currency field get the amount from submitted_data. if ( ! is_null( $submitted_field_data ) ) { $payment_amount = self::forminator_replace_number( $form_field, $submitted_field_data ); } } else { $field_object = Forminator_Core::get_field_object( $form_field['type'] ); if ( $field_object ) { $payment_amount = $field_object::get_calculable_value( $submitted_field_data, $form_field ); } } } } } if ( ! is_numeric( $payment_amount ) ) { $payment_amount = 0.0; } /** * Filter payment amount of PayPal * * @since 1.7 * * @param double $payment_amount * @param array $field field settings. * @param Forminator_Form_Model $module_object * @param array $prepared_data */ $payment_amount = apply_filters( 'forminator_field_paypal_payment_amount', $payment_amount, $field, Forminator_Front_Action::$module_object, Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data ); return $payment_amount; } /** * Get the fields that an amount depends on * * @param array $field_settings Field settings. * @return array */ public function get_amount_dependent_fields( $field_settings ) { $depend_field = array(); $amount_type = self::get_property( 'amount_type', $field_settings, 'fixed' ); $amount_var = self::get_property( 'variable', $field_settings, '' ); if ( 'variable' === $amount_type && ! empty( $amount_var ) ) { $depend_field[] = $amount_var; } return $depend_field; } }