index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/js/front/front.repeater.js
// the semi-colon before function invocation is a safety net against concatenated // scripts and/or other plugins which may not be closed properly. ;// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols (function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; setTimeout( function() { // Init Group fields. Clone group fields if minimum more than 1. $( 'div.forminator-all-group-copies' ).each( function() { const groupField = $( this ), form = groupField.closest( 'form.forminator-custom-form' ), firstBlock = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields:first-child' ), fieldOptions ='options'); if ( ! fieldOptions.is_repeater ) { return; } if ( 'variable' === fieldOptions.min_type ) { const dependMinFromField = form.find( '[name="' + fieldOptions.min + '"]' ); // Add handler on changing min limit field. dependMinFromField.on( 'change', function( e ) { const changedMinField = $( ); forminatorChangedRepeaterMin( groupField, forminatorUtils().get_field_value( changedMinField ) ); } ).trigger( 'change' ); } else { forminatorChangedRepeaterMin( groupField, fieldOptions.min ); } if ( 'variable' === fieldOptions.max_type ) { const dependMaxFromField = form.find( '[name="' + fieldOptions.max + '"]' ); // Add handler on changing max limit field. dependMaxFromField.on( 'change', function( e ) { const changedMaxField = $( ); forminatorChangedRepeaterMax( groupField, forminatorUtils().get_field_value( changedMaxField ) ); } ); } forminatorHideIrrelevantActions( fieldOptions, groupField ); } ); }, 100 ); // Click on Add Item \ Remove Item. $( 'form.forminator-custom-form' ).on( 'click', '.forminator-repeater-remove, .forminator-repeater-add', function( e ) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const actionButton = $( this ), currentBlock = actionButton.closest( '.forminator-grouped-fields' ), fieldOptions ='options'), groupField = actionButton.closest( '.forminator-all-group-copies' ), firstBlock = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields:first-child' ); // Click Add Item. if ( actionButton.hasClass( 'forminator-repeater-add' ) ) { forminatorCloneItem( groupField ); } // Click Remove Item. if ( actionButton.hasClass( 'forminator-repeater-remove' ) ) { forminatorRemoveItem( currentBlock, fieldOptions ); } forminatorHideIrrelevantActions( fieldOptions, groupField ); }); /** * Remove item */ function forminatorRemoveItem( removingBlock, fieldOptions ) { const groupField = removingBlock.closest( '.forminator-all-group-copies' ), blockAmount = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields' ).length, form = groupField.closest( 'form.forminator-custom-form' ), min = forminatorGetMin( fieldOptions, form ); if ( min >= blockAmount ) { return false; } // If removing the first element if ( ! removingBlock.prev().length ) { // The first Block isn't possible to remove because visibility conditions of other fields can be based on this fields. return false; } removingBlock.remove(); form.trigger( 'forminator:recalculate' ); } /** * Clone item */ function forminatorCloneItem( groupField ) { const firstBlock = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields:first-child' ), fieldOptions ='options'), form = groupField.closest( 'form.forminator-custom-form' ), blockAmount = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields' ).length, max = forminatorGetMax( fieldOptions, form ); if ( ! firstBlock.length || max <= blockAmount ) { return false; } const newBlock = forminatorPrepareCloningBlock( firstBlock ); groupField.append( newBlock ); var pattern = new RegExp('((?:calculation|number|slider|currency|radio|select|checkbox)-\\d+(?:-min|-max)?)', 'g'); var matches; const names = newBlock.find('[name]'); names.each(function () { while( matches = pattern.exec( $(this).attr('name') ) ) { const selector = matches[1], groupCalculation = form.find("[data-formula*='" + selector + "-*']"); if ( groupCalculation.length ) { $(this).on( 'change', function (e) { form.trigger( 'forminator:recalculate' ); }); } } }); newBlock.trigger( 'forminator-clone-group' ); form.trigger( 'forminator:recalculate' ); } /** * Prepare block for cloning */ function forminatorPrepareCloningBlock( baseBlock ) { const newSuffix = String( + Math.random().toString(16) ).replace(/\./g, ''), form = baseBlock.closest( 'form.forminator-custom-form' ), grouId = baseBlock.closest( 'div[id^="group-"]' ).prop( 'id' ), formId = 'form-id' ); let newBlock = baseBlock.clone(); if (form.find('input[name="previous_draft_id"]').length > 0) { newBlock.find('.forminator-input').attr('value', ''); newBlock.find('.forminator-textarea').empty(); newBlock.find('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]').each(function () { $(this).attr('checked', false); }); if (newBlock.find('.forminator-select2').length > 0) { newBlock.find('.forminator-select2').each(function (index, value) { $(value).find('option:selected').attr('selected', false); $(value).find('option:first').attr('selected', 'selected'); }); } if (newBlock.find('.forminator-rating').length > 0) { newBlock.find('.forminator-rating').each(function (index, value) { $(value).find('option:selected').attr('selected', false); $(value).find('option:first').attr('selected', 'selected'); }); } newBlock.find('.forminator-slider').each(function () { let $element = $(this), $slide = $element.find('.forminator-slide'), $minRange = parseInt($'min')) || 0, $maxRange = parseInt($'max')) || 100; if ('1' === $slide.attr('data-is-range')) { $slide.attr('data-value-max', $maxRange); $slide.attr('data-value', $minRange); } else { $slide.attr('data-value', $minRange); } }); } newBlock.find( '.select2-container, .forminator-error-message' ).remove(); // Cloning Rich-Text editors. newBlock.find( '.wp-editor-wrap' ).each( function() { let textarea = $( this ).find( 'textarea' ); textarea.css( 'display', 'block' ); $( this ).replaceWith( textarea ); } ); // Cloning Singular File Upload. newBlock.find( '.forminator-file-upload [data-empty-text]' ).each( function() { let text = $( this ).data( 'empty-text' ) || ''; $( this ).text( text ); } ); // Unselect options in Multiselect. newBlock.find( '.forminator-multiselect' ).each( function (j, multiSelect) { $(multiSelect).find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function (i, val) { if( $(val).attr('checked' ) ) { $(val).closest('label').addClass('forminator-is_checked'); } else { $(val).closest('label').removeClass('forminator-is_checked'); } }); }); // Remove selected files for Multiple Upload fields. newBlock.find( '.forminator-uploaded-files.forminator-has-files, .forminator-slide' ).html(''); // Change id and name attributes. let newHtml = newBlock.html().replace( /(id=|name=|for=|data-element=|wp.editor.initialize\()"([^"]+?)(\[\]|-multiselect-default-values|-label)?"/g, '$1"$2-' + newSuffix + '$3"' ); // for cloning Multiple Upload fields. newHtml = newHtml.replace( /(forminator-upload-file--forminator-field-upload-|upload-container-upload-)([^" ]+)/g, '$1$2-' + newSuffix ); const regexp = new RegExp( `(forminator-field-upload-)([^"]+?)(-${formId})`, 'g' ); newHtml = newHtml.replace( regexp, '$1$2-' + newSuffix + '$3' ); newHtml = newHtml.replace( /hasDatepicker|forminator-has_error/g, '' ); newHtml = forminatorUpdateCalculationFormulas( newHtml, newSuffix, baseBlock ); const copyInput = '<input name="' + grouId + '-copies[]" type="hidden" value="' + newSuffix + '" />'; newBlock.html( copyInput + newHtml ); 'suffix', newSuffix ); return newBlock; } function forminatorUpdateCalculationFormulas( newHtml, newSuffix, baseBlock ) { const groupFields = baseBlock.find( '[name]' ).map(function() { return; }).get(); $.each( groupFields, function( index, fieldName ) { fieldName = fieldName.replace( '[]', '' ); const regexp = new RegExp( `{${fieldName}}`, 'g' ); newHtml = newHtml.replace( regexp, '{' + fieldName + '-' + newSuffix + '}' ); } ); return newHtml; } /** * Add new group items if min limit field is increased */ function forminatorChangedRepeaterMin( groupField, newMin ) { const itemAmount = groupField.find('>.forminator-grouped-fields').length, firstBlock = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields:first-child' ), fieldOptions ='options'), diff = newMin - itemAmount; // Add Group items. for ( var i = 0; i < diff; i++ ) { forminatorCloneItem( groupField ); } forminatorHideIrrelevantActions( fieldOptions, groupField ); } /** * Remove group items if max limit field is decreased */ function forminatorChangedRepeaterMax( groupField, newMax ) { const itemAmount = groupField.find('>.forminator-grouped-fields').length, firstBlock = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields:first-child' ), fieldOptions ='options'), diff = itemAmount - newMax; if ( 1 > newMax ) { return false; } // Remove Group items. for ( var i = 0; i < diff; i++ ) { const lastBlock = groupField.find('>.forminator-grouped-fields:last-child'); forminatorRemoveItem( lastBlock,'options') ); } forminatorHideIrrelevantActions( fieldOptions, groupField ); } /** * Get min limit */ function forminatorGetMin( fieldOptions, form ) { let min = fieldOptions.min; if ( 'variable' === fieldOptions.min_type ) { const dependFromField = form.find( '[name="' + min + '"]' ); min = forminatorUtils().get_field_value( dependFromField ); } return Math.max( 1, min ); } /** * Get max limit */ function forminatorGetMax( fieldOptions, form ) { const min = forminatorGetMin( fieldOptions, form ); let max = fieldOptions.max; if ( 'variable' === fieldOptions.max_type ) { const dependFromField = form.find( '[name="' + fieldOptions.max + '"]' ); max = forminatorUtils().get_field_value( dependFromField ); } return Math.max( 1, max, min ); } /** * Hide impossible action buttons */ function forminatorHideIrrelevantActions( fieldOptions, groupField ) { const form = groupField.closest( 'form.forminator-custom-form' ), min = forminatorGetMin( fieldOptions, form ), max = forminatorGetMax( fieldOptions, form ), items = groupField.find( '>.forminator-grouped-fields' ), addButtons = items.find( '>.forminator-action-buttons .forminator-repeater-add' ), removeButtons = items.find( '>.forminator-action-buttons .forminator-repeater-remove' ), blockAmount = items.length; if ( blockAmount >= max ) { addButtons.hide(); } else {; } if ( blockAmount <= min ) { removeButtons.hide(); } else {; // The first Block isn't possible to remove because visibility conditions of other fields can be based on this fields. $( removeButtons[0] ).hide(); } } })(jQuery, window, document);