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File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Services/Form/FormService.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Services\Form; use Exception; use FluentForm\App\Models\Form; use FluentForm\App\Models\FormMeta; use FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\App; use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper; use FluentForm\Framework\Request\File; use FluentForm\Framework\Support\Arr; use FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\Application; use FluentForm\App\Modules\Form\FormFieldsParser; use FluentForm\App\Services\FluentConversational\Classes\Converter\Converter; class FormService { /** @var \FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\Application */ protected $app; /** @var \FluentForm\App\Models\Form|\FluentForm\Framework\Database\Query\Builder */ protected $model; /** @var \FluentForm\App\Services\Form\Updater */ protected $updater; /** @var \FluentForm\App\Services\Form\Duplicator */ protected $duplicator; /** @var \FluentForm\App\Services\Form\Fields */ protected $fields; public function __construct() { $this->model = new Form(); $this->fields = new Fields(); $this->app = App::getInstance(); $this->updater = new Updater(); $this->duplicator = new Duplicator(); } /** * Get the paginated forms matching search criteria. * * @param array $attributes * @return array */ public function get($attributes = []) { return fluentFormApi('forms')->forms([ 'search' => Arr::get($attributes, 'search'), 'status' => Arr::get($attributes, 'status'), 'filter_by' => Arr::get($attributes, 'filter_by', 'all'), 'date_range' => Arr::get($attributes, 'date_range', []), 'sort_column' => Arr::get($attributes, 'sort_column', 'id'), 'sort_by' => Arr::get($attributes, 'sort_by', 'DESC'), 'per_page' => Arr::get($attributes, 'per_page', 10), 'page' => Arr::get($attributes, 'page', 1), ]); } /** * Store a form with its associated meta. * * @param array $attributes * @return \FluentForm\App\Models\Form $form * @throws Exception */ public function store($attributes = []) { try { $predefinedForm = Form::resolvePredefinedForm($attributes); $data = Form::prepare($predefinedForm); $form = $this->model->create($data); $form->title = $form->title . ' (#' . $form->id . ')'; $form->save(); $formMeta = FormMeta::prepare($attributes, $predefinedForm); FormMeta::store($form, $formMeta); do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_inserted_new_form', [ $form->id, $data ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/inserted_new_form', 'Use fluentform/inserted_new_form instead of fluentform_inserted_new_form.' ); do_action('fluentform/inserted_new_form', $form->id, $data); return $form; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } } /** * Duplicate a form with its associated meta. * * @param array $attributes * @return \FluentForm\App\Models\Form $form * @throws Exception */ public function duplicate($attributes = []) { $formId = Arr::get($attributes, 'form_id'); $existingForm = $this->model->with([ 'formMeta' => function ($formMeta) { return $formMeta->whereNotIn('meta_key', ['_total_views']); }, ])->find($formId); if (!$existingForm) { throw new Exception( __("The form couldn't be found.", 'fluentform') ); } $data = Form::prepare($existingForm->toArray()); $form = $this->model->create($data); // Rename the form name here $form->title = $form->title . ' (#' . $form->id . ')'; $form->save(); $this->duplicator->duplicateFormMeta($form, $existingForm); $this->duplicator->maybeDuplicateFiles($form, $existingForm, $data); do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_form_duplicated', [ $form->id ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/form_duplicated', 'Use fluentform/form_duplicated instead of fluentform_form_duplicated.' ); do_action('fluentform/form_duplicated', $form->id); return $form; } public function find($id) { try { return $this->model->with('formMeta')->findOrFail($id); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception( __("The form couldn't be found.", 'fluentform') ); } } public function delete($id) { Form::remove($id); } /** * Update a form with its relevant fields. * * @param array $attributes * @return \FluentForm\App\Models\Form $form * @throws Exception */ public function update($attributes = []) { return $this->updater->update($attributes); } /** * Duplicate a form with its associated meta. * * @param int $id * @return \FluentForm\App\Models\Form $form * @throws Exception */ public function convert($id) { try { $form = Form::with('conversationalMeta')->findOrFail($id); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception( __("The form couldn't be found.", 'fluentform') ); } $isConversationalForm = $form->conversationalMeta && 'yes' === $form->conversationalMeta->value; if ($isConversationalForm) { $conversationalMetaValue = 'no'; } else { $form->fill([ 'form_fields' => Converter::convertExistingForm($form), ])->save(); $conversationalMetaValue = 'yes'; } FormMeta::persist($form->id, 'is_conversion_form', $conversationalMetaValue); return $form; } public function templates() { $forms = [ 'Basic' => [], ]; $predefinedForms = $this->model::findPredefinedForm(); foreach ($predefinedForms as $key => $item) { if (!$item['category']) { $item['category'] = 'Other'; } if (!isset($forms[$item['category']])) { $forms[$item['category']] = []; } $itemClass = 'item_' . str_replace([' ', '&', '/'], '_', strtolower($item['category'])); if (empty($item['screenshot'])) { $itemClass .= ' item_no_image'; } else { $itemClass .= ' item_has_image'; } $forms[$item['category']][$key] = [ 'class' => $itemClass, 'tags' => Arr::get($item, 'tag', ''), 'title' => $item['title'], 'brief' => $item['brief'], 'category' => $item['category'], 'screenshot' => $item['screenshot'], 'createable' => $item['createable'], 'is_pro' => Arr::get($item, 'is_pro'), 'type' => isset($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : 'form', ]; } $dropDownForms = [ 'post' => [ 'title' => 'Post Form', ], ]; $dropDownForms = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform-predefined-dropDown-forms', [ $dropDownForms ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/predefined_dropdown_forms', 'Use fluentform/predefined_dropdown_forms instead of fluentform-predefined-dropDown-forms.' ); return [ 'forms' => $forms, 'categories' => array_keys($forms), 'predefined_dropDown_forms' => apply_filters('fluentform/predefined_dropdown_forms', $dropDownForms), ]; } public function components($formId) { /** * @var \FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\Components */ $components = $this->app->make('components'); do_action_deprecated( 'fluent_editor_init', [ $components ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/editor_init', 'Use fluentform/editor_init instead of fluent_editor_init.' ); $this->app->doAction('fluentform/editor_init', $components); $editorComponents = $components->sort()->toArray(); $editorComponents = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluent_editor_components', [ $editorComponents, $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/editor_components', 'Use fluentform/editor_components instead of fluent_editor_components.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/editor_components', $editorComponents, $formId); } public function getDisabledComponents() { $isReCaptchaDisabled = !get_option('_fluentform_reCaptcha_keys_status', false); $isHCaptchaDisabled = !get_option('_fluentform_hCaptcha_keys_status', false); $isTurnstileDisabled = !get_option('_fluentform_turnstile_keys_status', false); $disabled = [ 'recaptcha' => [ 'disabled' => $isReCaptchaDisabled, 'title' => __('reCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Please enter a valid API key on FluentForms->Settings->reCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'hidePro' => true, ], 'hcaptcha' => [ 'disabled' => $isHCaptchaDisabled, 'title' => __('hCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Please enter a valid API key on FluentForms->Settings->hCaptcha', 'fluentform'), 'hidePro' => true, ], 'turnstile' => [ 'disabled' => $isTurnstileDisabled, 'title' => __('Turnstile', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Please enter a valid API key on FluentForms->Settings->Turnstile', 'fluentform'), 'hidePro' => true, ], 'input_image' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Image Upload', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Image Upload is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], 'input_file' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('File Upload', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('File Upload is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], 'shortcode' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Shortcode', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Shortcode is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], 'action_hook' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Action Hook', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Action Hook is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/action-hook.png'), 'video' => '', ], 'form_step' => [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Form Step', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Form Step is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ], ]; if (!defined('FLUENTFORMPRO')) { $disabled['ratings'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Ratings', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Ratings is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['tabular_grid'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Checkable Grid', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Checkable Grid is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['chained_select'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Chained Select Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Chained Select Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/chained-select-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['phone'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => 'Phone Field', 'description' => __('Phone Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/phone-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['rich_text_input'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Rich Text Input', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Rich Text Input is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/rich-text-input.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['save_progress_button'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Save & Resume', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Save & Resume is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/save-progress-button.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['cpt_selection'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Post/CPT Selection', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Post/CPT Selection is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/post-cpt-selection.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['quiz_score'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Quiz Score', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Quiz Score is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['net_promoter_score'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Net Promoter Score', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Net Promoter Score is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/net-promoter-score.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['repeater_field'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Repeat Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Repeat Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['rangeslider'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Range Slider', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Range Slider is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => '', 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['color-picker'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Color Picker', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Color Picker is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/color-picker.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['multi_payment_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Payment Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Payment Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/payment-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['custom_payment_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => 'Custom Payment Amount', 'description' => __('Custom Payment Amount is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/custom-payment-amount.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['subscription_payment_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Subscription Field', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Subscription Field is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/subscription-field.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['item_quantity_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Item Quantity', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Item Quantity is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/item-quantity.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['payment_method'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Payment Method', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Payment Method is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/payment-method.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['payment_summary_component'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'is_payment' => true, 'title' => __('Payment Summary', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Payment Summary is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/payment-summary.png'), 'video' => '', ]; $disabled['payment_coupon'] = [ 'disabled' => true, 'title' => __('Coupon', 'fluentform'), 'description' => __('Coupon is not available with the free version. Please upgrade to pro to get all the advanced features.', 'fluentform'), 'image' => fluentformMix('img/pro-fields/coupon.png'), 'video' => '', ]; } $disabled = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_disabled_components', [ $disabled ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/disabled_components', 'Use fluentform/disabled_components instead of fluentform_disabled_components.' ); return $this->app->applyFilters('fluentform/disabled_components', $disabled); } public function fields($id) { return $this->fields->get($id); } public function shortcodes($id) { return fluentFormGetAllEditorShortCodes($id); } public function pages() { return fluentformGetPages(); } public function getInputsAndLabels($formId, $with = ['admin_label', 'raw']) { try { $form = $this->model->findOrFail($formId); $inputs = FormFieldsParser::getEntryInputs($form, $with); $labels = FormFieldsParser::getAdminLabels($form, $inputs); $labels = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentfoform_entry_lists_labels', [ $labels, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/entry_lists_labels', 'Use fluentform/entry_lists_labels instead of fluentfoform_entry_lists_labels.' ); $labels = apply_filters('fluentform/entry_lists_labels', $labels, $form); $labels = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_all_entry_labels', [ $labels, $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/all_entry_labels', 'Use fluentform/all_entry_labels instead of fluentform_all_entry_labels.' ); $labels = apply_filters('fluentform/all_entry_labels', $labels, $formId); if ($form->has_payment) { $labels = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_all_entry_labels_with_payment', [ $labels, false, $form ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/all_entry_labels_with_payment', 'Use fluentform/all_entry_labels_with_payment instead of fluentform_all_entry_labels_with_payment.' ); $labels = apply_filters('fluentform/all_entry_labels_with_payment', $labels, false, $form); } return [ 'inputs' => $inputs, 'labels' => $labels, ]; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception( __("The form couldn't be found.", 'fluentform') ); } } public function findShortCodePage($formId) { $excluded = ['attachment']; $post_types = get_post_types(['show_in_menu' => true], 'objects', 'or'); $postTypes = []; foreach ($post_types as $post_type) { $postTypeName = $post_type->name; if (in_array($postTypeName, $excluded)) { continue; } $postTypes[] = $postTypeName; } $params = array( 'post_type' => $postTypes, 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); $params = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_find_shortcode_params', [ $params ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/find_shortcode_params', 'Use fluentform/find_shortcode_params instead of fluentform_find_shortcode_params.' ); $params = apply_filters('fluentform/find_shortcode_params', $params); $formLocations = []; $posts = get_posts($params); foreach ($posts as $post) { $formIds = self::getShortCodeId($post->post_content); if (!empty($formIds) && in_array($formId, $formIds)) { $postType = get_post_type_object($post->post_type); $formLocations[] = [ 'id' => $post->ID, 'name' => $postType->labels->singular_name, 'title' => (empty($post->post_title) ? $post->ID : $post->post_title), 'edit_link' => sprintf("%spost.php?post=%s&action=edit", admin_url(), $post->ID), ]; } } return [ 'locations' => $formLocations, 'status' => !empty($formLocations), ]; } public static function getShortCodeId($content, $shortcodeTag = 'fluentform') { $ids = []; $selector = 'id'; $formId = ''; if (!function_exists('parse_blocks')) { return $ids; } $parsedBlocks = parse_blocks($content); foreach ($parsedBlocks as $block) { if (!array_key_exists('blockName', $block) || !array_key_exists('attrs', $block) || !array_key_exists('formId', $block['attrs'])) { continue; } $hasBlock = strpos($block['blockName'], 'fluentfom/guten-block') === 0; if (!$hasBlock) { continue; } $ids[] = (int)$block['attrs']['formId']; } // Define the regex pattern with a placeholder for any number $hasFormWidgets = false; $pattern = '/<form data-form_id="(\d+)" id="fluentform_(\d+)" data-form_instance="ff_form_instance_(\d+)_(\d+)" method="POST" ><fieldset /'; // Perform the regex match if (preg_match($pattern, $content, $matches)) { $hasFormWidgets = isset($matches[0]); $ids[] = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; } if (!has_shortcode($content, $shortcodeTag) && !$hasFormWidgets) { return $ids; } preg_match_all('/' . get_shortcode_regex() . '/', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (empty($matches)) { return $ids; } foreach ($matches as $shortcode) { if (count($shortcode) >= 2 && $shortcodeTag === $shortcode[2]) { $parsedCode = str_replace(['[', ']', '[', ']'], '', $shortcode[0]); $result = shortcode_parse_atts($parsedCode); if (!empty($result[$selector])) { $ids[] = $result[$selector]; } } } return $ids; } }