index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Modules/Form/Form.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Modules\Form; use FluentForm\App\Helpers\Helper; use FluentForm\App\Modules\Acl\Acl; use FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\Application; use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper; class Form { /** * Request object * * @var \FluentForm\Framework\Request\Request $request */ protected $request; /** * Set this value when we need predefined default settings. * * @var array $defaultSettings */ protected $defaultSettings; /** * Set this value when we need predefined default notifications. * * @var array $defaultNotifications */ protected $defaultNotifications; /** * Set this value when we need predefined form fields. * * @var array $formFields */ protected $formFields; protected $metas = []; protected $formType = 'form'; protected $hasPayment = 0; /** * @var \FluentForm\Framework\Database\Query\Builder */ protected $model = null; /** * Form constructor. * * @param \FluentForm\Framework\Foundation\Application $application */ public function __construct(Application $application) { $this->request = $application->request; $this->model = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms'); } /** * Get all forms from database */ public function index() { $forms = fluentFormApi('forms')->forms([ 'search' => $this->request->get('search'), 'status' => $this->request->get('status'), 'filter_by' => $this->request->get('filter_by', 'all'), 'date_range' => $this->request->get('date_range', []), 'sort_column' => $this->request->get('sort_column', 'id'), 'sort_by' => $this->request->get('sort_by', 'DESC'), 'per_page' => $this->request->get('per_page', 10), 'page' => $this->request->get('page', 1), ]); wp_send_json($forms, 200); } /** * Create a form from backend/editor * * @return void|array */ public function store($returnJSON = true) { $type = $this->request->get('type', $this->formType); $title = $this->request->get('title', 'My New Form'); $status = $this->request->get('status', 'published'); $createdBy = get_current_user_id(); $now = current_time('mysql'); $insertData = [ 'title' => $title, 'type' => $type, 'status' => $status, 'created_by' => $createdBy, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]; if ($this->formFields) { $insertData['form_fields'] = $this->formFields; } if ($this->hasPayment) { $insertData['has_payment'] = $this->hasPayment; } $formId = $this->model->insertGetId($insertData); // Rename the form name here wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms')->where('id', $formId)->update([ 'title' => $title . ' (#' . $formId . ')', ]); if ($this->metas && is_array($this->metas)) { foreach ($this->metas as $meta) { $meta['value'] = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $meta['value'])); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->insert([ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => $meta['meta_key'], 'value' => $meta['value'], ]); } } else { // add default form settings now $defaultSettings = $this->defaultSettings ?: $this->getFormsDefaultSettings($formId); $defaultSettings = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_create_default_settings', [ $defaultSettings ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/create_default_settings', 'Use fluentform/create_default_settings instead of fluentform_create_default_settings.' ); $defaultSettings = apply_filters('fluentform/create_default_settings', $defaultSettings); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->insert([ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => 'formSettings', 'value' => json_encode($defaultSettings), ]); if ($this->defaultNotifications) { wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->insert([ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => 'notifications', 'value' => json_encode($this->defaultNotifications), ]); } } do_action_deprecated( 'fluentform_inserted_new_form', [ $formId, $insertData ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/inserted_new_form', 'Use fluentform/inserted_new_form instead of fluentform_inserted_new_form.' ); do_action('fluentform/inserted_new_form', $formId, $insertData); $data = [ 'formId' => $formId, 'redirect_url' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms&form_id=' . $formId . '&route=editor'), 'message' => __('Successfully created a form.', 'fluentform'), ]; if ($returnJSON) { wp_send_json_success($data, 200); } return $data; } public function getFormsDefaultSettings($formId = false) { $defaultSettings = [ 'confirmation' => [ 'redirectTo' => 'samePage', 'messageToShow' => __('Thank you for your message. We will get in touch with you shortly', 'fluentform'), 'customPage' => null, 'samePageFormBehavior' => 'hide_form', 'customUrl' => null, ], 'restrictions' => [ 'limitNumberOfEntries' => [ 'enabled' => false, 'numberOfEntries' => null, 'period' => 'total', 'limitReachedMsg' => 'Maximum number of entries exceeded.', ], 'scheduleForm' => [ 'enabled' => false, 'start' => null, 'end' => null, 'selectedDays' => null, 'pendingMsg' => __('Form submission is not started yet.', 'fluentform'), 'expiredMsg' => __('Form submission is now closed.', 'fluentform'), ], 'requireLogin' => [ 'enabled' => false, 'requireLoginMsg' => 'You must be logged in to submit the form.', ], 'denyEmptySubmission' => [ 'enabled' => false, 'message' => __('Sorry, you cannot submit an empty form. Let\'s hear what you wanna say.', 'fluentform'), ], ], 'layout' => [ 'labelPlacement' => 'top', 'helpMessagePlacement' => 'with_label', 'errorMessagePlacement' => 'inline', 'cssClassName' => '', 'asteriskPlacement' => 'asterisk-right' ], 'delete_entry_on_submission' => 'no', ]; if ($formId) { $value = $this->getMeta($formId, 'formSettings', true); if ($value) { $defaultSettings = wp_parse_args($value, $defaultSettings); } } else { $globalSettings = get_option('_fluentform_global_form_settings'); if (isset($globalSettings['layout'])) { $defaultSettings['layout'] = $globalSettings['layout']; } } return $defaultSettings; } public function getAdvancedValidationSettings($formId) { $settings = [ 'status' => false, 'type' => 'all', 'conditions' => [ [ 'field' => '', 'operator' => '=', 'value' => '', ], ], 'error_message' => '', 'validation_type' => 'fail_on_condition_met', ]; $metaSettings = $this->getMeta($formId, 'advancedValidationSettings', true); if ($metaSettings && is_array($metaSettings)) { $settings = wp_parse_args($metaSettings, $settings); } return $settings; } public function getMeta($formId, $metaKey, $isJson = true) { $settingsMeta = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', $metaKey) ->first(); if ($settingsMeta) { if ($isJson) { return \json_decode($settingsMeta->value, true); } else { return $settingsMeta->value; } } return false; } public function updateMeta($formId, $metaKey, $metaValue) { $exist = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', $metaKey) ->first(); if (is_array($metaValue) || is_object($metaValue)) { $metaValue = \json_encode($metaValue); } if ($exist) { return wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('id', $exist->id) ->update([ 'value' => $metaValue, ]); } return wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta')->insertGetId([ 'form_id' => $formId, 'meta_key' => $metaKey, 'value' => $metaValue, ]); } public function deleteMeta($formId, $metaKey) { return wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->where('meta_key', $metaKey) ->delete(); } /** * Find/Read a from from the database */ public function find() { $form = $this->fetchForm($this->request->get('formId')); wp_send_json(['form' => $form, 'metas' => []], 200); } /** * Fetch a from from the database * Note: required for ninja-tables * * @return mixed */ public function fetchForm($formId) { return $this->model->find($formId); } /** * Save/update a form from backend/editor */ public function update() { $formId = $this->request->get('formId'); $title = sanitize_text_field($this->request->get('title')); $status = $this->request->get('status', 'published'); $this->validate(); $data = [ 'title' => $title, 'status' => $status, 'updated_at' => current_time('mysql'), ]; if ($formFields = $this->request->get('formFields')) { $formFields = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_form_fields_update', [ $formFields, $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/form_fields_update', 'Use fluentform/form_fields_update instead of fluentform_form_fields_update.' ); $formFields = apply_filters('fluentform/form_fields_update', $formFields, $formId); $formFields = $this->sanitizeFields($formFields); $data['form_fields'] = $formFields; } $this->model->where('id', $formId)->update($data); $form = $this->fetchForm($formId); if (FormFieldsParser::hasPaymentFields($form)) { $this->model->where('id', $formId)->update([ 'has_payment' => 1, ]); } elseif ($form->has_payment) { $this->model->where('id', $formId)->update([ 'has_payment' => 0, ]); } $emailInputs = FormFieldsParser::getElement($form, ['input_email'], ['element', 'attributes']); if ($emailInputs) { $emailInput = array_shift($emailInputs); $emailInputName = ArrayHelper::get($emailInput, ''); $this->updateMeta($formId, '_primary_email_field', $emailInputName); } else { $this->updateMeta($formId, '_primary_email_field', ''); } wp_send_json([ 'message' => __('The form is successfully updated.', 'fluentform'), ], 200); } private function sanitizeFields($formFields) { if (fluentformCanUnfilteredHTML()) { return $formFields; } $fieldsArray = json_decode($formFields, true); if (isset($fieldsArray['submitButton'])) { $fieldsArray['submitButton']['settings']['button_ui']['text'] = fluentform_sanitize_html($fieldsArray['submitButton']['settings']['button_ui']['text']); if (!empty($fieldsArray['submitButton']['settings']['button_ui']['img_url'])) { $fieldsArray['submitButton']['settings']['button_ui']['img_url'] = sanitize_url($fieldsArray['submitButton']['settings']['button_ui']['img_url']); } } $fieldsArray['fields'] = $this->sanitizeFieldMaps($fieldsArray['fields']); return json_encode($fieldsArray); } private function sanitizeFieldMaps($fields) { if (!is_array($fields)) { return $fields; } $attributesMap = [ 'name' => 'sanitize_key', 'value' => 'sanitize_textarea_field', 'id' => 'sanitize_key', 'class' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'placeholder' => 'sanitize_text_field', ]; $attributesKeys = array_keys($attributesMap); $settingsMap = [ 'container_class' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'label' => 'wp_kses_post', 'label_placement' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'help_message' => 'wp_kses_post', 'admin_field_label' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'prefix_label' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'suffix_label' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'unique_validation_message' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'advanced_options' => 'fluentform_options_sanitize', 'html_codes' => 'fluentform_sanitize_html', ]; $settingsKeys = array_keys($settingsMap); $stylePrefMap = [ 'layout' => 'sanitize_key', 'media' => 'sanitize_url', 'alt_text' => 'sanitize_text_field', ]; $stylePrefKeys = array_keys($stylePrefMap); foreach ($fields as $fieldIndex => $field) { $element = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'element'); if ('container' == $element) { $columns = $field['columns']; foreach ($columns as $columnIndex => $column) { $fields[$fieldIndex]['columns'][$columnIndex]['fields'] = $this->sanitizeFieldMaps($column['fields']); } return $fields; } /* * Handle Name or address fields */ if (!empty($field['fields'])) { $fields[$fieldIndex]['fields'] = $this->sanitizeFieldMaps($field['fields']); return $fields; } if (!empty($field['attributes'])) { $attributes = array_filter(ArrayHelper::only($field['attributes'], $attributesKeys)); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $fields[$fieldIndex]['attributes'][$key] = call_user_func($attributesMap[$key], $value); } } if (!empty($field['settings'])) { $settings = array_filter(ArrayHelper::only($field['settings'], $settingsKeys)); foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { $fields[$fieldIndex]['settings'][$key] = call_user_func($settingsMap[$key], $value); } } if (!empty($field['style_pref'])) { $settings = array_filter(ArrayHelper::only($field['style_pref'], $stylePrefKeys)); foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { $fields[$fieldIndex]['style_pref'][$key] = call_user_func($stylePrefMap[$key], $value); } } } return $fields; } /** * Delete a from from database */ public function delete() { $formId = $this->request->get('formId'); $this->model->where('id', $formId)->delete(); $maybeErrors = $this->deleteFormAssests($formId); wp_send_json([ 'message' => __('Successfully deleted the form.', 'fluentform'), 'errors' => $maybeErrors, ], 200); } protected function deleteFormAssests($formId) { // Now Let's delete associate items wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submissions') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_submission_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_entry_details') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_analytics') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_logs') ->where('parent_source_id', $formId) ->whereIn('source_type', ['submission_item', 'form_item', 'draft_submission_meta']) ->delete(); ob_start(); if (defined('FLUENTFORMPRO')) { try { wpFluent()->table('fluentform_order_items') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); wpFluent()->table('fluentform_transactions') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->delete(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { } } $errors = ob_get_clean(); return $errors; } /** * Duplicate a from */ public function duplicate() { $formId = absint($this->request->get('formId')); $form = $this->model->where('id', $formId)->first(); $data = [ 'title' => $form->title, 'status' => $form->status, 'appearance_settings' => $form->appearance_settings, 'form_fields' => $form->form_fields, 'type' => $form->type, 'has_payment' => $form->has_payment, 'conditions' => $form->conditions, 'created_by' => get_current_user_id(), 'created_at' => current_time('mysql'), 'updated_at' => current_time('mysql'), ]; $newFormId = $this->model->insertGetId($data); // Rename the form name here wpFluent()->table('fluentform_forms') ->where('id', $newFormId) ->update([ 'title' => $form->title . ' (#' . $newFormId . ')', ]); $formMetas = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->whereNot('meta_key', ['_total_views']) ->get(); // Required for duplicating PDF feeds $extras = []; foreach ($formMetas as $meta) { if ('notifications' == $meta->meta_key || '_pdf_feeds' == $meta->meta_key) { $extras[$meta->meta_key][] = $meta; continue; } if ("ffc_form_settings_generated_css" == $meta->meta_key || "ffc_form_settings_meta" == $meta->meta_key) { $meta->value = str_replace('ff_conv_app_' . $formId, 'ff_conv_app_' . $newFormId, $meta->value); } $metaData = [ 'meta_key' => $meta->meta_key, 'value' => $meta->value, 'form_id' => $newFormId, ]; wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta')->insert($metaData); } $pdfFeedMap = $this->getPdfFeedMap($extras, $newFormId); if (array_key_exists('notifications', $extras)) { $extras = $this->notificationWithPdfMap($extras, $pdfFeedMap); foreach ($extras['notifications'] as $notify) { $notifyData = [ 'meta_key' => $notify->meta_key, 'value' => $notify->value, 'form_id' => $newFormId, ]; wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta')->insert($notifyData); } } do_action_deprecated( 'flentform_form_duplicated', [ $newFormId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/form_duplicated', 'Use fluentform/form_duplicated instead of flentform_form_duplicated.' ); do_action('flentform/form_duplicated', $newFormId); wp_send_json([ 'message' => __('Form has been successfully duplicated.', 'fluentform'), 'form_id' => $newFormId, 'redirect' => admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms&route=editor&form_id=' . $newFormId), ], 200); } /** * Validate a form by form title & for duplicate name attributes */ private function validate() { $fields = $this->request->get('formFields'); if ($fields) { $duplicates = Helper::getDuplicateFieldNames($fields); if ($duplicates) { $duplicateString = implode(', ', $duplicates); wp_send_json([ 'title' => sprintf('Name attribute %s has duplicate value.', $duplicateString), ], 422); } } if (!sanitize_text_field($this->request->get('title'))) { wp_send_json([ 'title' => 'The title field is required.', ], 422); } } public function convertToConversational() { $formId = $this->request->get('form_id'); $form = $this->fetchForm($formId); if (!$form) { wp_send_json([ 'message' => __('Form Not Found! Try Again.', 'fluentform'), ], 422); } $conversationalMeta = $this->getMeta($formId, 'is_conversion_form', false); $shouldConvert = in_array($conversationalMeta, [false, 'no']); if ($shouldConvert) { $formConverted['form_fields'] = \FluentForm\App\Services\FluentConversational\Classes\Converter\Converter::convertExistingForm($form); $this->model->where('id', $formId)->update($formConverted); $conversationalMetaValue = 'yes'; } else { $conversationalMetaValue = 'no'; } $this->updateMeta($formId, 'is_conversion_form', $conversationalMetaValue); wp_send_json_success([ 'message' => __('Form has been successfully converted.', 'fluentform'), ], 200); } private function getAdminPermalink($route, $form) { $baseUrl = admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms'); return $baseUrl . '&route=' . $route . '&form_id=' . $form->id; } private function getSettingsUrl($form) { $baseUrl = admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms'); return $baseUrl . '&form_id=' . $form->id . '&route=settings&sub_route=form_settings#basic_settings'; } /** * Map pdf feed ID to replace with duplicated PDF feed ID when duplicating form * * @param array $extras * @param array $newFormId * * @return array */ private function getPdfFeedMap($extras, $newFormId) { $pdfFeedMap = []; if (array_key_exists('_pdf_feeds', $extras)) { foreach ($extras['_pdf_feeds'] as $pdf_feed) { $pdfData = [ 'meta_key' => $pdf_feed->meta_key, 'value' => $pdf_feed->value, 'form_id' => $newFormId, ]; $pdfFeedMap[$pdf_feed->id] = wpFluent()->table('fluentform_form_meta')->insertGetId($pdfData); } } return $pdfFeedMap; } /** * Map notification data with PDF feed map * * @param array $extras * @param array $pdfFeedMap * * @return array */ private function notificationWithPdfMap($extras, $pdfFeedMap) { foreach ($extras['notifications'] as $key => $notification) { $notificationValue = json_decode($notification->value); $pdf_attachments = []; if (isset($notificationValue->pdf_attachments) && count($notificationValue->pdf_attachments)) { foreach ($notificationValue->pdf_attachments as $attachment) { $pdf_attachments[] = json_encode($pdfFeedMap[$attachment]); } } $notificationValue->pdf_attachments = $pdf_attachments; $notification->value = json_encode($notificationValue); $extras['notifications'][$key] = $notification; } return $extras; } public function findFormLocations() { $formId = intval($this->request->get('form_id')); $excluded = ['attachment']; $post_types = get_post_types(['show_in_menu' => true], 'objects', 'or'); $postTypes = []; foreach($post_types as $post_type) { $postTypeName = $post_type->name; if (in_array($postTypeName, $excluded)) { continue; } $postTypes[] = $postTypeName; } $params = array( 'post_type' => $postTypes, 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); $params = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_find_shortcode_params', [ $params ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/find_shortcode_params', 'Use fluentform/find_shortcode_params instead of fluentform_find_shortcode_params.' ); $params = apply_filters('fluentform/find_shortcode_params', $params); $formLocations = []; $posts = get_posts($params); foreach($posts as $post) { $formIds = self::getShortCodeIds($post->post_content); if(!empty($formIds) && in_array($formId,$formIds)) { $postType = get_post_type_object($post->post_type); $formLocations[] = [ 'id' => $post->ID, 'name' => $postType->labels->singular_name, 'title' => (empty($post->post_title) ? $post->ID : $post->post_title), 'edit_link' => sprintf("%spost.php?post=%s&action=edit", admin_url(), $post->ID), ]; } } $data = [ 'locations' => $formLocations, 'status' => !empty($formLocations), ]; wp_send_json($data, 200); } public static function getShortCodeIds($content) { $ids = []; $tag = 'fluentform'; $selector = 'id'; if (function_exists('parse_blocks')) { $parsedBlocks = parse_blocks($content); foreach ($parsedBlocks as $block) { if (!ArrayHelper::exists($block, 'blockName') || ArrayHelper::exists($block, 'attrs.formId')) { continue; } $hasBlock = strpos($block['blockName'], 'fluentfom/guten-block') === 0; if ($hasBlock) { $ids[] = intval($block['attrs']['formId']); } } } $hasShortCode = has_shortcode($content, $tag); if(!$hasShortCode){ return $ids; } preg_match_all('/' . get_shortcode_regex() . '/', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (empty($matches)) { return $ids; } foreach ($matches as $shortcode) { if (count($shortcode) >= 2 && $tag === $shortcode[2]) { $parsedCode = str_replace(['[', ']', '[', ']'], '', $shortcode[0]); $result = shortcode_parse_atts($parsedCode); if (!empty($result[$selector])) { $ids[] = $result[$selector]; } } } return $ids; } }