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File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Modules/Acl/Acl.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Modules\Acl; use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper; class Acl { public static $capability = ''; public static $role = ''; public static function getPermissionSet() { $data = [ 'fluentform_dashboard_access', 'fluentform_forms_manager', 'fluentform_entries_viewer', 'fluentform_manage_entries', 'fluentform_view_payments', 'fluentform_manage_payments', 'fluentform_settings_manager', 'fluentform_full_access', ]; $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_permission_set', [ $data ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/permission_set', 'Use fluentform/permission_set instead of fluentform_permission_set.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/permission_set', $data); } /** * Fluentform access controll permissions assignment. */ public static function setPermissions() { // Fire an event letting others know that fluentform // is going to assign permission set to a role. do_action_deprecated( 'before_fluentform_permission_set_assignment', [ ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/before_permission_set_assignment', 'Use fluentform/before_permission_set_assignment instead of before_fluentform_permission_set_assignment.' ); do_action('fluentform/before_permission_set_assignment'); // The permissions that fluentform supports altogether. $permissions = self::getPermissionSet(); // The role that fluentform will use // to attach the permission set. $role = get_role('administrator'); if ($role) { // Looping through permission set to add to the role. foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $role->add_cap($permission); } } // Fire an event letting others know that fluentform is // done with the permission assignment to the role. do_action_deprecated( 'after_fluentform_permission_set_assignment', [ ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/after_permission_set_assignment', 'Use fluentform/after_permission_set_assignment instead of after_fluentform_permission_set_assignment.' ); do_action('fluentform/after_permission_set_assignment'); } /** * Verify if current user has a fluentform permission. * * @param $permission * @param null $formId * @param string $message * @param bool $json * * @throws \Exception */ public static function verify( $permission, $formId = null, $message = 'You do not have permission to perform this action.', $json = true ) { static::verifyNonce(); $allowed = static::hasPermission($permission, $formId); if (!$allowed) { if ($json) { wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $message, ], 422); } else { throw new \Exception($message); } } } public static function hasPermission($permissions, $formId = false) { $userCapability = static::getCurrentUserCapability(); if ($userCapability) { return $userCapability; } else { if (current_user_can('fluentform_full_access')) { return true; } $permissions = (array) $permissions; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $allowed = current_user_can($permission); if ($allowed) { $allowed = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_verify_user_permission_' . $permission, [ $allowed, $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/verify_user_permission_' . $permission, 'Use fluentform/verify_user_permission_' . $permission . ' instead of fluentform_verify_user_permission_' . $permission ); return apply_filters('fluentform/verify_user_permission_' . $permission, $allowed, $formId); } } return false; } } public static function hasAnyFormPermission($form_id = false) { $allPermissions = static::getPermissionSet(); foreach ($allPermissions as $permission) { if (static::hasPermission($permission, $form_id)) { return true; } } return false; } public static function getCurrentUserCapability() { if (static::$capability) { return static::$capability; } if (is_user_logged_in()) { static::$capability = static::findUserCapability(wp_get_current_user()); } else { static::$capability = false; } return apply_filters('fluentform/current_user_capability', static::$capability); } public static function findUserCapability($user) { if (!$user) { return false; } if (static::isSuperMan($user)) { return 'manage_options'; } $capabilities = get_option('_fluentform_form_permission'); if (is_string($capabilities)) { $capabilities = (array) $capabilities; } if (!$capabilities) { return false; } foreach ($capabilities as $capability) { if ($user->has_cap($capability)) { return $capability; } } return false; } public static function getCurrentUserRole() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); return static::$role = $user->roles[0]; } public static function verifyNonce($key = 'fluent_forms_admin_nonce') { if (!wp_doing_ajax()) { return; } $nonce = wpFluentForm('request')->get($key); if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $key)) { $message = __('Nonce verification failed, please try again.', 'fluentform'); $message = apply_filters('fluentform/nonce_error', $message); wp_send_json_error([ 'message' => $message, ], 422); } } public static function getReadablePermissions() { return [ 'fluentform_dashboard_access' => [ 'title' => __('View Forms', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [], ], 'fluentform_forms_manager' => [ 'title' => __('Manage Forms', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [ 'fluentform_dashboard_access', ], ], 'fluentform_entries_viewer' => [ 'title' => __('View Entries', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [ 'fluentform_dashboard_access', ], ], 'fluentform_manage_entries' => [ 'title' => __('Manage Entries', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [ 'fluentform_entries_viewer', ], ], 'fluentform_view_payments' => [ 'title' => __('View Payments', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [ 'fluentform_dashboard_access', 'fluentform_entries_viewer', ], ], 'fluentform_manage_payments' => [ 'title' => __('Manage Payments', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [ 'fluentform_view_payments', ], ], 'fluentform_settings_manager' => [ 'title' => __('Manage Settings', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [], ], 'fluentform_full_access' => [ 'title' => __('Full Access', 'fluentform'), 'depends' => [], ], ]; } public static function getUserPermissions($user = false) { if (is_numeric($user)) { $user = get_user_by('ID', $user); } if (!$user) { return []; } $permissionSet = static::getPermissionSet(); $isSuperMan = static::isSuperMan($user); $capability = static::findUserCapability($user); if ($isSuperMan || $capability) { if ($isSuperMan) { // $permissionSet[] = 'administrator'; } return $permissionSet; } $userPermissions = array_values(array_intersect(array_keys($user->allcaps), $permissionSet)); return apply_filters('fluentform/current_user_permissions', $userPermissions); } public static function isSuperMan($user = false) { if ($user) { return $user->has_cap('manage_options'); } else { return current_user_can('manage_options'); } } public static function getCurrentUserPermissions() { return static::getUserPermissions(wp_get_current_user()); } public static function attachPermissions($user, $permissions) { if (is_numeric($user)) { $user = get_user_by('ID', $user); } if (!$user) { return false; } if (user_can($user, 'manage_options')) { return $user; } $allPermissions = static::getPermissionSet(); foreach ($allPermissions as $permission) { $user->remove_cap($permission); } $permissions = array_intersect($allPermissions, $permissions); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $user->add_cap($permission); } return $user; } }