index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/app/Helpers/Helper.php
<?php namespace FluentForm\App\Helpers; use FluentForm\App\Models\EntryDetails; use FluentForm\App\Models\Form; use FluentForm\App\Models\FormMeta; use FluentForm\App\Models\Submission; use FluentForm\App\Models\SubmissionMeta; use FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\Components\SelectCountry; use FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\ShortCodeParser; use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper; use FluentForm\App\Helpers\Traits\GlobalDefaultMessages; class Helper { use GlobalDefaultMessages; public static $tabIndex = 0; public static $formInstance = 0; public static $loadedForms = []; public static $tabIndexStatus = 'na'; /** * Sanitize form inputs recursively. * * @param $input * * @return string $input */ public static function sanitizer($input, $attribute = null, $fields = []) { if (is_string($input)) { if ('textarea' === ArrayHelper::get($fields, $attribute . '.element')) { $input = sanitize_textarea_field($input); } else { $input = sanitize_text_field($input); } } elseif (is_array($input)) { foreach ($input as $key => &$value) { $attribute = $attribute ? $attribute . '[' . $key . ']' : $key; $value = static::sanitizer($value, $attribute, $fields); $attribute = null; } } return $input; } public static function makeMenuUrl($page = 'fluent_forms_settings', $component = null) { $baseUrl = admin_url('admin.php?page=' . $page); $hash = ArrayHelper::get($component, 'hash', ''); if ($hash) { $baseUrl = $baseUrl . '#' . $hash; } $query = ArrayHelper::get($component, 'query'); if ($query) { $paramString = http_build_query($query); if ($hash) { $baseUrl .= '?' . $paramString; } else { $baseUrl .= '&' . $paramString; } } return $baseUrl; } public static function getHtmlElementClass($value1, $value2, $class = 'active', $default = '') { return $value1 === $value2 ? $class : $default; } /** * Determines if the given string is a valid json. * * @param $string * * @return bool */ public static function isJson($string) { json_decode($string); return JSON_ERROR_NONE === json_last_error(); } public static function isSlackEnabled() { $globalModules = get_option('fluentform_global_modules_status'); return $globalModules && isset($globalModules['slack']) && 'yes' == $globalModules['slack']; } public static function getEntryStatuses($form_id = false) { $statuses = [ 'unread' => __('Unread', 'fluentform'), 'read' => __('Read', 'fluentform'), 'favorites' => __('Favorites', 'fluentform'), ]; $statuses = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_entry_statuses_core', [ $statuses, $form_id ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/entry_statuses_core', 'Use fluentform/entry_statuses_core instead of fluentform_entry_statuses_core.' ); $statuses = apply_filters('fluentform/entry_statuses_core', $statuses, $form_id); $statuses['trashed'] = 'Trashed'; return $statuses; } public static function getReportableInputs() { $data = [ 'select', 'input_radio', 'input_checkbox', 'ratings', 'net_promoter', 'select_country', 'net_promoter_score', ]; $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_reportable_inputs', [ $data ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/reportable_inputs', 'Use fluentform/reportable_inputs instead of fluentform_reportable_inputs.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/reportable_inputs', $data); } public static function getSubFieldReportableInputs() { $grid = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_subfield_reportable_inputs', [ ['tabular_grid'] ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/subfield_reportable_inputs', 'Use fluentform/subfield_reportable_inputs instead of fluentform_subfield_reportable_inputs.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/subfield_reportable_inputs', $grid); } public static function getFormMeta($formId, $metaKey, $default = '') { return FormMeta::retrieve($metaKey, $formId, $default); } public static function setFormMeta($formId, $metaKey, $value) { if ($meta = FormMeta::persist($formId, $metaKey, $value)) { return $meta->id; } return null; } public static function deleteFormMeta($formId, $metaKey) { try { FormMeta::remove($formId, $metaKey); return true; } catch (\Exception $ex) { return null; } } public static function getSubmissionMeta($submissionId, $metaKey, $default = false) { return SubmissionMeta::retrieve($metaKey, $submissionId, $default); } public static function setSubmissionMeta($submissionId, $metaKey, $value, $formId = false) { if ($meta = SubmissionMeta::persist($submissionId, $metaKey, $value, $formId)) { return $meta->id; } return null; } public static function isEntryAutoDeleteEnabled($formId) { if ( 'yes' == ArrayHelper::get(static::getFormMeta($formId, 'formSettings', []), 'delete_entry_on_submission', '') ) { return true; } return false; } public static function formExtraCssClass($form) { if (!$form->settings) { $formSettings = static::getFormMeta($form->id, 'formSettings'); } else { $formSettings = $form->settings; } if (!$formSettings) { return ''; } if ($extraClass = ArrayHelper::get($formSettings, 'form_extra_css_class')) { return esc_attr($extraClass); } return ''; } public static function getNextTabIndex($increment = 1) { if (static::isTabIndexEnabled()) { static::$tabIndex += $increment; return static::$tabIndex; } return ''; } public static function getFormInstaceClass($formId) { static::$formInstance += 1; return 'ff_form_instance_' . $formId . '_' . static::$formInstance; } public static function resetTabIndex() { static::$tabIndex = 0; } public static function isFluentAdminPage() { $fluentPages = [ 'fluent_forms', 'fluent_forms_all_entries', 'fluent_forms_transfer', 'fluent_forms_settings', 'fluent_forms_add_ons', 'fluent_forms_docs', 'fluent_forms_payment_entries', 'fluent_forms_smtp' ]; $status = true; $page = wpFluentForm('request')->get('page'); if (!$page || !in_array($page, $fluentPages)) { $status = false; } $status = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_is_admin_page', [ $status ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/is_admin_page', 'Use fluentform/is_admin_page instead of fluentform_is_admin_page.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/is_admin_page', $status); } public static function getShortCodeIds($content, $tag = 'fluentform', $selector = 'id') { if (false === strpos($content, '[')) { return []; } preg_match_all('/' . get_shortcode_regex() . '/', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (empty($matches)) { return []; } $ids = []; $attributes = []; foreach ($matches as $shortcode) { if (count($shortcode) >= 2 && $tag === $shortcode[2]) { // Replace braces with empty string. $parsedCode = str_replace(['[', ']', '[', ']'], '', $shortcode[0]); $result = shortcode_parse_atts($parsedCode); if (!empty($result[$selector])) { if ($tag == 'fluentform' && !empty($result['type']) && $result['type'] == 'conversational') { continue; } $ids[$result[$selector]] = $result[$selector]; $theme = ArrayHelper::get($result, 'theme'); if ($theme) { $attributes[] = [ 'formId' => $result[$selector], 'theme' => $theme ]; } } } } if ($attributes) { $ids['attributes'] = $attributes; } return $ids; } public static function getFormsIdsFromBlocks($content) { $ids = []; $attributes = []; if (!function_exists('parse_blocks')) { return $ids; } $has_block = false !== strpos($content, '<!-- wp:fluentfom/guten-block' . ' '); if (!$has_block) { return $ids; } $parsedBlocks = parse_blocks($content); foreach ($parsedBlocks as $block) { if (!ArrayHelper::exists($block, 'blockName') || !ArrayHelper::get($block, 'attrs.formId')) { continue; } $hasBlock = strpos($block['blockName'], 'fluentfom/guten-block') === 0; if ($hasBlock) { $formId = (int)$block['attrs']['formId']; $ids[] = $formId; $theme = ArrayHelper::get($block, 'attrs.themeStyle'); if ($theme) { $attributes[] = [ 'formId' => $formId, 'theme' => $theme ]; } } } if ($attributes) { $ids['attributes'] = $attributes; } return $ids; } public static function isTabIndexEnabled() { if ('na' == static::$tabIndexStatus) { $globalSettings = get_option('_fluentform_global_form_settings'); static::$tabIndexStatus = 'yes' == ArrayHelper::get($globalSettings, 'misc.tabIndex'); } return static::$tabIndexStatus; } public static function isMultiStepForm($formId) { $form = Form::find($formId); $fields = json_decode($form->form_fields, true); if (ArrayHelper::get($fields, 'stepsWrapper')) { return true; } return false; } public static function hasFormElement($formId, $elementName) { $form = Form::find($formId); $fieldsJson = $form->form_fields; return false != strpos($fieldsJson, '"element":"' . $elementName . '"'); } public static function isUniqueValidation($validation, $field, $formData, $fields, $form) { if ('yes' == ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw.settings.is_unique')) { $fieldName = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'name'); if ($inputValue = ArrayHelper::get($formData, $fieldName)) { $exist = EntryDetails::where('form_id', $form->id) ->where('field_name', $fieldName) ->where('field_value', $inputValue) ->exists(); // if form has pending payment then the value doesn't exist in EntryDetails table // further checking on Submission table if the value exists if (!$exist && $form->has_payment) { $allSubmission = Submission::where('form_id', $form->id)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($allSubmission as $submission) { $response = json_decode(ArrayHelper::get($submission, 'response'), true); $exist = $inputValue == ArrayHelper::get($response, $fieldName); } } if ($exist) { $typeName = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'element', 'input_text'); return [ 'unique' => apply_filters('fluentform/validation_message_unique_' . $typeName, ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw.settings.unique_validation_message'), $field), ]; } } } return $validation; } public static function hasPartialEntries($formId) { static $cache = []; if (isset($cache[$formId])) { return $cache[$formId]; } $cache[$formId] = 'yes' == static::getFormMeta($formId, 'form_save_state_status'); return $cache[$formId]; } public static function getNumericFormatters() { $data = [ 'none' => [ 'value' => '', 'label' => 'None', ], 'comma_dot_style' => [ 'value' => 'comma_dot_style', 'label' => __('US Style with Decimal (EX: 123,456.00)', 'fluentform'), 'settings' => [ 'decimal' => '.', 'separator' => ',', 'precision' => 2, 'symbol' => '', ], ], 'dot_comma_style_zero' => [ 'value' => 'dot_comma_style_zero', 'label' => __('US Style without Decimal (Ex: 123,456,789)', 'fluentform'), 'settings' => [ 'decimal' => '.', 'separator' => ',', 'precision' => 0, 'symbol' => '', ], ], 'dot_comma_style' => [ 'value' => 'dot_comma_style', 'label' => __('EU Style with Decimal (Ex: 123.456,00)', 'fluentform'), 'settings' => [ 'decimal' => ',', 'separator' => '.', 'precision' => 2, 'symbol' => '', ], ], 'comma_dot_style_zero' => [ 'value' => 'comma_dot_style_zero', 'label' => __('EU Style without Decimal (EX: 123.456.789)', 'fluentform'), 'settings' => [ 'decimal' => ',', 'separator' => '.', 'precision' => 0, 'symbol' => '', ], ], ]; $data = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_numeric_styles', [ $data ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/numeric_styles', 'Use fluentform/numeric_styles instead of fluentform_numeric_styles.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/numeric_styles', $data); } public static function getNumericValue($input, $formatterName) { $formatters = static::getNumericFormatters(); if (empty($formatters[$formatterName]['settings'])) { return $input; } $settings = $formatters[$formatterName]['settings']; $number = floatval(str_replace($settings['decimal'], '.', preg_replace('/[^-?\d' . preg_quote($settings['decimal']) . ']/', '', $input))); return number_format($number, $settings['precision'], '.', ''); } public static function getNumericFormatted($input, $formatterName) { if (!is_numeric($input)) { return $input; } $formatters = static::getNumericFormatters(); if (empty($formatters[$formatterName]['settings'])) { return $input; } $settings = $formatters[$formatterName]['settings']; return number_format($input, $settings['precision'], $settings['decimal'], $settings['separator']); } public static function getDuplicateFieldNames($fields) { $fields = json_decode($fields, true); $items = $fields['fields']; $inputNames = static::getFieldNamesStatuses($items); $uniqueNames = array_unique($inputNames); if (count($inputNames) == count($uniqueNames)) { return []; } return array_diff_assoc($inputNames, $uniqueNames); } protected static function getFieldNamesStatuses($fields) { $names = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ('container' == ArrayHelper::get($field, 'element')) { $columns = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'columns', []); foreach ($columns as $column) { $columnInputs = static::getFieldNamesStatuses(ArrayHelper::get($column, 'fields', [])); $names = array_merge($names, $columnInputs); } } else { if ($name = ArrayHelper::get($field, '')) { $names[] = $name; } } } return $names; } public static function isConversionForm($formId) { static $cache = []; if (isset($cache[$formId])) { return $cache[$formId]; } $cache[$formId] = 'yes' == static::getFormMeta($formId, 'is_conversion_form'); return $cache[$formId]; } public static function getPreviewUrl($formId, $type = '') { if ('conversational' == $type) { return static::getConversionUrl($formId); } elseif ('classic' == $type) { return site_url('?fluent_forms_pages=1&design_mode=1&preview_id=' . $formId) . '#ff_preview'; } else { if (static::isConversionForm($formId)) { return static::getConversionUrl($formId); } } return site_url('?fluent_forms_pages=1&design_mode=1&preview_id=' . $formId) . '#ff_preview'; } public static function getFormAdminPermalink($route, $form) { $baseUrl = admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms'); return $baseUrl . '&route=' . $route . '&form_id=' . $form->id; } public static function getFormSettingsUrl($form) { $baseUrl = admin_url('admin.php?page=fluent_forms'); return $baseUrl . '&form_id=' . $form->id . '&route=settings&sub_route=form_settings#basic_settings'; } private static function getConversionUrl($formId) { $meta = static::getFormMeta($formId, 'ffc_form_settings_meta', []); $key = ArrayHelper::get($meta, 'share_key', ''); $slug = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_conversational_url_slug', [ 'fluent-form' ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/conversational_url_slug', 'Use fluentform/conversational_url_slug instead of fluentform_conversational_url_slug.' ); $paramKey = apply_filters('fluentform/conversational_url_slug', $slug); if ('form' == $paramKey) { $paramKey = 'fluent-form'; } if ($key) { return site_url('?' . $paramKey . '=' . $formId . '&form=' . $key); } return site_url('?' . $paramKey . '=' . $formId); } public static function fileUploadLocations() { $locations = [ [ 'value' => 'default', 'label' => __('Fluent Forms Default', 'fluentform'), ], [ 'value' => 'wp_media', 'label' => __('Media Library', 'fluentform'), ], ]; $locations = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_file_upload_options', [ $locations ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/file_upload_options', 'Use fluentform/file_upload_options instead of fluentform_file_upload_options' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/file_upload_options', $locations); } public static function unreadCount($formId) { return Submission::where('status', 'unread') ->where('form_id', $formId) ->count(); } public static function getForms() { $ff_list = Form::select(['id', 'title'])->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(); $forms = []; if ($ff_list) { $forms[0] = esc_html__('Select a Fluent Forms', 'fluentform'); foreach ($ff_list as $form) { $forms[$form->id] = esc_html($form->title) . ' (' . $form->id . ')'; } } else { $forms[0] = esc_html__('Create a Form First', 'fluentform'); } return $forms; } public static function replaceBrTag($content, $with = '') { if (is_array($content)) { foreach ($content as $key => $value) { $content[$key] = static::replaceBrTag($value, $with); } } elseif (static::hasBrTag($content)) { $content = str_replace('<br />', $with, $content); } return $content; } public static function hasBrTag($content) { return is_string($content) && false !== strpos($content, '<br />'); } public static function sanitizeForCSV($content) { $formulas = ['=', '-', '+', '@', "\t", "\r"]; $formulas = apply_filters('fluentform/csv_sanitize_formulas', $formulas); if (Str::startsWith($content, $formulas)) { $content = "'" . $content; } return $content; } public static function sanitizeOrderValue($orderType = '') { $orderBys = ['ASC', 'DESC']; $orderType = trim(strtoupper($orderType)); return in_array($orderType, $orderBys) ? $orderType : 'DESC'; } public static function getForm($id) { return Form::where('id', $id)->first(); } public static function shouldHidePassword($formId) { $isTruncate = apply_filters_deprecated( 'fluentform_truncate_password_values', [ true, $formId ], FLUENTFORM_FRAMEWORK_UPGRADE, 'fluentform/truncate_password_values', 'Use fluentform/truncate_password_values instead of fluentform_truncate_password_values.' ); return apply_filters('fluentform/truncate_password_values', $isTruncate, $formId) && ( (defined('FLUENTFORM_RENDERING_ENTRIES') && FLUENTFORM_RENDERING_ENTRIES) || (defined('FLUENTFORM_RENDERING_ENTRY') && FLUENTFORM_RENDERING_ENTRY) || (defined('FLUENTFORM_EXPORTING_ENTRIES') && FLUENTFORM_EXPORTING_ENTRIES) ); } // make tabular-grid value markdown format public static function getTabularGridFormatValue( $girdData, $field, $rowJoiner = '<br />', $colJoiner = ', ', $type = '' ) { if (!$girdData || !$field) { return ''; } $girdRows = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw.settings.grid_rows', ''); $girdCols = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw.settings.grid_columns', ''); $value = ''; $lastRow = key(array_slice($girdData, -1, 1, true)); foreach ($girdData as $row => $column) { $_row = $row; if ($girdRows && isset($girdRows[$row])) { $row = $girdRows[$row]; } if ('markdown' === $type) { $value .= '- *' . $row . '* : '; } else { $value .= $row . ': '; } if (is_array($column)) { foreach ($column as $index => $item) { $_colJoiner = $colJoiner; if ($girdCols && isset($girdCols[$item])) { $item = $girdCols[$item]; } if ($index == (count($column) - 1)) { $_colJoiner = ''; } $value .= $item . $_colJoiner; } } else { if ($girdCols && isset($girdCols[$column])) { $column = $girdCols[$column]; } $value .= $column; } if ($_row != $lastRow) { $value .= $rowJoiner; } } return $value; } public static function getInputNameFromShortCode($value) { preg_match('/{+(.*?)}/', $value, $matches); if ($matches && false !== strpos($matches[1], 'inputs.')) { return substr($matches[1], strlen('inputs.')); } return ''; } public static function getRestInfo() { $config = wpFluentForm('config'); $namespace = $config->get('app.rest_namespace'); $version = $config->get('app.rest_version'); $restUrl = rest_url($namespace . '/' . $version); $restUrl = rtrim($restUrl, '/\\'); return [ 'base_url' => esc_url_raw(rest_url()), 'url' => $restUrl, 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('wp_rest'), 'namespace' => $namespace, 'version' => $version, ]; } public static function getLogInitiator($action, $type = 'log') { if ('log' === $type) { $title = ucwords(implode(' ', preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/', $action))); } else { $title = ucwords( str_replace( ['fluentform/integration_notify_', 'fluentform_', '_notification_feed', '_'], ['', '', '', ' '], $action ) ); } return $title; } public static function getIpinfo() { return ArrayHelper::get(get_option('_fluentform_global_form_settings'), 'misc.geo_provider_token'); } public static function isAutoloadCaptchaEnabled() { return ArrayHelper::get(get_option('_fluentform_global_form_settings'), 'misc.autoload_captcha'); } public static function maybeDecryptUrl($url) { $uploadDir = str_replace('/', '\/', FLUENTFORM_UPLOAD_DIR . '/temp'); $pattern = "/(?<={$uploadDir}\/).*$/"; preg_match($pattern, $url, $match); if (!empty($match)) { $url = str_replace($match[0], Protector::decrypt($match[0]), $url); } return $url; } public static function arrayFilterRecursive($arrayItems) { foreach ($arrayItems as $key => $item) { is_array($item) && $arrayItems[$key] = self::arrayFilterRecursive($item); if (empty($arrayItems[$key])) { unset($arrayItems[$key]); } } return $arrayItems; } public static function isBlockEditor() { return defined('REST_REQUEST') && REST_REQUEST && !empty($_REQUEST['context']) && $_REQUEST['context'] === 'edit'; } public static function resolveValidationRulesGlobalOption(&$field) { if (isset($field['fields']) && is_array($field['fields'])) { foreach ($field['fields'] as &$subField) { static::resolveValidationRulesGlobalOption($subField); } } else { if (ArrayHelper::get($field, 'settings.validation_rules')) { foreach ($field['settings']['validation_rules'] as $key => &$rule) { if (!isset($rule['global'])) { $rule['global'] = false; } $rule['global_message'] = static::getGlobalDefaultMessage($key); } } } } /** * Validate form input value against database values * * @param $field array Form Field * @param $formData array From Data * @param $form object From * @param $fieldName string optional * @param $inputValue mixed optional * * @return string * Return Error message on fail. Otherwise, return empty string */ public static function validateInput($field, $formData, $form, $fieldName = '', $inputValue = []) { $error = ''; if (!$fieldName) { $fieldName = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'name'); } if (!$fieldName) { return $error; } if (!$inputValue) { $inputValue = ArrayHelper::get($formData, $fieldName); } if ($inputValue) { $rawField = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw'); if (!$rawField) { $rawField = $field; } $fieldType = ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'element'); $rawField = apply_filters('fluentform/rendering_field_data_' . $fieldType, $rawField, $form); $options = []; if ("net_promoter_score" === $fieldType) { $options = array_flip(ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'options', [])); } elseif ('ratings' == $fieldType) { $options = array_keys(ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'options', [])); } elseif ('gdpr_agreement' == $fieldType || 'terms_and_condition' == $fieldType) { $options = ['on']; } elseif (in_array($fieldType, ['input_radio', 'select', 'input_checkbox'])) { if (ArrayHelper::isTrue($rawField, 'attributes.multiple')) { $fieldType = 'multi_select'; } $options = array_column( ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'settings.advanced_options', []), 'value' ); } elseif ("dynamic_field" == $fieldType) { $dynamicFetchValue = 'yes' == ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'settings.dynamic_fetch'); if ($dynamicFetchValue) { $rawField = apply_filters('fluentform/dynamic_field_re_fetch_result_and_resolve_value', $rawField); } $dfElementType = ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'attributes.type'); if (in_array($dfElementType, ['radio', 'select', 'checkbox'])) { $fieldType = 'dynamic_field_options'; $options = array_column( ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'settings.advanced_options', []), 'value' ); } } if ($options) { $options = array_map('sanitize_text_field', $options); } $isValid = true; switch ($fieldType) { case 'input_radio': case 'select': case 'net_promoter_score': case 'ratings': case 'gdpr_agreement': case 'terms_and_condition': case 'input_checkbox': case 'multi_select': case 'dynamic_field_options': $skipValidationInputsWithOptions = apply_filters('fluentform/skip_validation_inputs_with_options', false, $fieldType, $form, $formData); if ($skipValidationInputsWithOptions) { break; } if (is_array($inputValue)) { $isValid = array_diff($inputValue, $options); $isValid = empty($isValid); } else { $isValid = in_array($inputValue, $options); } break; case 'input_number': if (is_array($inputValue)) { $hasNonNumricValue = in_array(false, array_map('is_numeric', $inputValue)); if ($hasNonNumricValue) { $isValid = false; } } else { $isValid = is_numeric($inputValue); } break; case 'select_country': $fieldData = ArrayHelper::get($field, 'raw'); $data = (new SelectCountry())->loadCountries($fieldData); $validCountries = ArrayHelper::get($fieldData, 'settings.country_list.priority_based', []); $validCountries = array_merge($validCountries, array_keys(ArrayHelper::get($data, 'options'))); $isValid = in_array($inputValue, $validCountries); break; case 'repeater_field': foreach (ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'fields', []) as $index => $repeaterField) { $repeaterFieldValue = array_filter(array_column($inputValue, $index)); if ($repeaterFieldValue && $error = static::validateInput($repeaterField, $formData, $form, $fieldName, $repeaterFieldValue)) { $isValid = false; break; } } break; case 'tabular_grid': $rows = array_keys(ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'settings.grid_rows', [])); $submittedRows = array_keys(ArrayHelper::get($formData, $fieldName, [])); $rowDiff = array_diff($submittedRows, $rows); $isValid = empty($rowDiff); if ($isValid) { $columns = array_keys(ArrayHelper::get($rawField, 'settings.grid_columns', [])); $submittedCols = ArrayHelper::flatten(ArrayHelper::get($formData, $fieldName, [])); $colDiff = array_diff($submittedCols, $columns); $isValid = empty($colDiff); } break; default: break; } if (!$isValid) { $error = __('The given data was invalid', 'fluentform'); } } return $error; } public static function getWhiteListedFields($formId) { $whiteListedFields = [ '__fluent_form_embded_post_id', '_fluentform_' . $formId . '_fluentformnonce', '_wp_http_referer', 'g-recaptcha-response', 'h-captcha-response', 'cf-turnstile-response', '__stripe_payment_method_id', '__ff_all_applied_coupons', '__entry_intermediate_hash', ]; return apply_filters('fluentform/white_listed_fields', $whiteListedFields, $formId); } /** * Shortcode parse on validation message * @param string $message * @param object $form * @param string $fieldName * @return string */ public static function shortCodeParseOnValidationMessage($message, $form, $fieldName) { // For validation message there is no entry & form data // Add 'current_field' name as data array to resolve {labels.current_field} shortcode if it has return ShortCodeParser::parse( $message, (object)['response' => "", 'form_id' => $form->id], ['current_field' => $fieldName], $form ); } }