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File: /home/thefkyzp/
/** * * Handle Mobile Cart events. * * @since 3.1.0 * @package Astra */ (function () { var cart_flyout = document.getElementById('astra-mobile-cart-drawer'), main_header_masthead = document.getElementById('masthead'), responsive_cart_click = astra_cart.responsive_cart_click; // Return if masthead not exixts. if (!main_header_masthead) { return; } var woo_data = '', mobileHeader = main_header_masthead.querySelector("#ast-mobile-header"), edd_data = ''; if (undefined !== cart_flyout && '' !== cart_flyout && null !== cart_flyout) { woo_data = cart_flyout.querySelector('.widget_shopping_cart.woocommerce'); edd_data = cart_flyout.querySelector('.widget_edd_cart_widget'); } /** * Opens the Cart Flyout. */ cartFlyoutOpen = function (event) { // Check if responsive_cart_click is "redirect" and body has class "ast-header-break-point" if ((responsive_cart_click === 'redirect' && document.body.classList.contains('ast-header-break-point')) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); var current_cart = event.currentTarget.cart_type; if ('woocommerce' === current_cart && document.body.classList.contains('woocommerce-cart')) { return; } cart_flyout.classList.remove('active'); cart_flyout.classList.remove('woocommerce-active'); cart_flyout.classList.remove('edd-active'); if (undefined !== cart_flyout && '' !== cart_flyout && null !== cart_flyout) { cart_flyout.classList.add('active'); document.documentElement.classList.add('ast-mobile-cart-active'); if (undefined !== edd_data && '' !== edd_data && null !== edd_data) { = 'block'; if ('woocommerce' === current_cart) { = 'none'; cart_flyout.classList.add('woocommerce-active'); } } if (undefined !== woo_data && '' !== woo_data && null !== woo_data) { = 'block'; if ('edd' === current_cart) { = 'none'; cart_flyout.classList.add('edd-active'); } } } document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( "astra_on_slide_In_cart_open", { "detail": {} }) ); } /** * Closes the Cart Flyout. */ cartFlyoutClose = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if (undefined !== cart_flyout && '' !== cart_flyout && null !== cart_flyout) { cart_flyout.classList.remove('active'); document.documentElement.classList.remove('ast-mobile-cart-active'); } } /** * Main Init Function. */ function cartInit() { // Close Popup if esc is pressed. document.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { // 27 is keymap for esc key. if (event.keyCode === 27) { event.preventDefault(); cart_flyout.classList.remove('active'); document.documentElement.classList.remove('ast-mobile-cart-active'); updateTrigger(); } }); // Close Popup on outside click. document.addEventListener('click', function (event) { var target =; var cart_modal = document.querySelector('.ast-mobile-cart-active .astra-mobile-cart-overlay'); if (target === cart_modal) { cart_flyout.classList.remove('active'); document.documentElement.classList.remove('ast-mobile-cart-active'); } }); if (undefined !== mobileHeader && '' !== mobileHeader && null !== mobileHeader) { // Mobile Header Cart Flyout. if( 'flyout' == astra_cart.desktop_layout ) { var woo_carts = document.querySelectorAll('.ast-mobile-header-wrap .ast-header-woo-cart, #ast-desktop-header .ast-desktop-cart-flyout'); } else { var woo_carts = document.querySelectorAll('.ast-mobile-header-wrap .ast-header-woo-cart'); } var edd_cart = document.querySelector('.ast-mobile-header-wrap .ast-header-edd-cart'); var cart_close = document.querySelector('.astra-cart-drawer-close'); if( 0 < woo_carts.length ){ woo_carts.forEach(function callbackFn(woo_cart) { if (undefined !== woo_cart && '' !== woo_cart && null !== woo_cart && cart_flyout) { woo_cart.addEventListener("click", cartFlyoutOpen, false); woo_cart.cart_type = 'woocommerce'; } }) } if (undefined !== edd_cart && '' !== edd_cart && null !== edd_cart && cart_flyout) { edd_cart.addEventListener("click", cartFlyoutOpen, false); edd_cart.cart_type = 'edd'; } if (undefined !== cart_close && '' !== cart_close && null !== cart_close) { cart_close.addEventListener("click", cartFlyoutClose, false); } } } // Slide in cart 'astra_woo_slide_in_cart' PRO shortcode compatibility. if(document.querySelector('.ast-slidein-cart')){ document.querySelector('.ast-slidein-cart').addEventListener('click', (e)=> { document.querySelector('#astra-mobile-cart-drawer').classList.add('active'); document.querySelector('html').classList.add('ast-mobile-cart-active'); e.preventDefault(); }); } // Get the screen inner width. var screenInnerWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { // Close Cart var cart_close = document.querySelector('.astra-cart-drawer-close'); if ( undefined !== cart_close && '' !== cart_close && null !== cart_close && 'INPUT' !== document.activeElement.tagName && cart_flyout.classList.contains( 'active' ) ) { // Get the modified screen inner width. var modifiedInnerWidth = window.innerWidth; if ( modifiedInnerWidth !== screenInnerWidth ) { screenInnerWidth = modifiedInnerWidth;; } } }); window.addEventListener('load', function () { cartInit(); }); document.addEventListener('astLayoutWidthChanged', function () { cartInit(); }); document.addEventListener('astPartialContentRendered', function () { cartInit(); }); let initialWidth = window.innerWidth; // Store the initial device width. var layoutChangeDelay; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { let newWidth = window.innerWidth; // Get the device width after resize. clearTimeout(layoutChangeDelay); layoutChangeDelay = setTimeout(function () { cartInit(); // Dispatch 'astLayoutWidthChanged' event only if the width has changed. // This prevents input elements from losing focus unnecessarily. if ( initialWidth !== newWidth ) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("astLayoutWidthChanged", {"detail": {'response': ''}})); } // Update the initial width to the new width after resizing completes. initialWidth = newWidth; }, 50); }); // Using jQuery here because WooCommerce and the variation swatches plugin rely on jQuery for AJAX handling and DOM updates. jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { // Listening for WooCommerce's default 'added_to_cart' and 'cfvsw_ajax_add_to_cart' both events. $(document.body).on('added_to_cart cfvsw_ajax_add_to_cart', function (event, fragments, cart_hash) { // Refreshing WooCommerce cart fragments. $.get(wc_add_to_cart_params.wc_ajax_url.toString().replace('%%endpoint%%', 'get_refreshed_fragments'), function (data) { if (data && data.fragments) { $.each(data.fragments, function (key, value) { $(key).replaceWith(value); }); } }); }); // Triggering the 'added_to_cart' event if needed elsewhere on page reload in the flow. $(document.body).trigger('added_to_cart'); }); })();