index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/
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Please update your cart and try again.":[],"Exceeds purchase limit":[],"Out of stock":[],"Item no longer available":[],"Options no longer available":[],"Price has changed":[],"No longer available":[],"When enabled, this setting prevents customers from receiving multiple trial periods for the same product. If a customer has previously used a trial for the product, they will be charged the full price instead of receiving another trial.":[],"Prevent Duplicate Trials":[],"Edit Upsell":[],"Edit License":[],"block title\u0004Address":[],"Trial Label":[],"Billing Address Label":[],"Billing Address Toggle":[],"If enabled, the user can enter a separate billing address. 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This can lead to subscription payments failing since there is no payment method on file.":[],"Allow Customers To Remove Default Payment Method":[],"Affiliation Product":[],"This setting will overwrite any global or individual affiliate commissions for this product.":[],"Custom product affiliate settings":[],"Custom Affiliate Commission":[],"Shipping Address Updated":[],"Shipping Address Deleted":[],"Add Billing Address":[],"Update Billing Address":[],"Billing Address Updated":[],"Delete Billing Address":[],"Billing address deleted":[],"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.":[],"This setting will overwrite any global affiliate settings.":[],"Custom affiliate commissions":[],"Add a custom commission for this affiliate.":[],"Affiliate commission added.":[],"Affiliate commission updated.":[],"Edit Commission":[],"Custom Commission":[],"Affiliate commission deleted.":[],"Individual Affiliate Product Commissions (Highest)":[],"Individual Product Commissions":[],"Individual Affiliate Commissions":[],"Global Affiliate Commissions (Lowest)":[],"This setting will overwrite any other comission settings for the affiliate and product.":[],"Affiliate product commissions":[],"New Product Commission":[],"Edit Product Commission":[],"Add Commission":[],"Add a product-specific commission for this affiliate.":[],"Lifetime Commission":[],"Subscription Commission":[],"Product Commissions":[],"Affiliate product commission updated.":[],"Affiliate product commission created.":[],"Affiliate product deleted.":[],"Affiliate commission already exists for this product. 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If left blank, the default limit set for the product will apply.":[],"License activation limit":[],"The maximum number of unique activations allowed per license key for this price.":[],"Custom license activation limit":[],"When turned on, customers cannot choose this price in the update plans section of the customer dashboard.":[],"Exclude from upgrade options":[],"Minimum commission amount":[],"The minimum amount of commission that must be earned by an affiliate to be included in this payout batch.":[],"Create New Payout Batch":[],"Could not create payout batch. Please try again.":[],"Payout Batch":[],"Payout Groups":[],"No affiliates have earned more than the minimum commission amount within the selected date range.":[],"Display the checkout content unless a custom template has been applied.":[],"Template name\u0004Checkout":[],"Template name\u0004SureCart Checkout":[],"In Payout":[],"Payout Date":[],"Payout Status":[],"Cancel Now":[],"Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?":[],"Update Price":[],"Edit Price":[],"More Options":[],"Price added.":[],"Charge the setup fee during the free trial period.":[],"Paid trial":[],"Trial Days":[],"Offer a trial period before charging the first payment.":[],"Charge an initial fee or offer a discount for the first payment.":[],"Access ends after the number of days you set. Integrations and licenses will deactivate automatically.":[],"Allow customers to pay any amount they want, ideal for donations or perceived value they place on your cause or service.":[],"Automatically revoke access to integrations and licenses after all payments are completed.":[],"Enable a test processor (in test mode only)":[],"Test Processor":[],"Maximum order subtotal":[],"No Maximum":[],"The maximum order subtotal amount required to apply this coupon.":[],"This discount is not redeemable.":[],"Product deleted.":[],"There is no checkout form block on this page.":[],"Invalid request.":[],"Are you sure you want to change this form to %1$s? \n\nThis will change the form to %2$s for EVERYONE, and %3$s cart contents will be used - your cart contents may not transfer.":[],"test mode":[],"live mode":[],"Live Mode":[],"Fallback Tax Rate":[],"If enabled, the tax amount will be included in the product price and shipping rates for all products.":[],"Tax Included":[],"Please specify a tax rate for %s, as it requires manual entry":[],"Edit Settings":[],"Tax is included in prices":[],"Could not create export. Please try again.":[],"Could not create payout. Please try again.":[],"Completed":[],"Commission On This Subscription":[],"Affiliate commissions updated.":[],"Referral":[],"Affiliations":[],"Affiliation Request":[],"Whether or not to create a referral from a checkout when the resulting referral has a commission of zero. This is useful for tracking referrals that do not have a commission, such as when a customer uses a coupon code.":[],"Zero Commission Referrals":[],"Commissions On All Purchases":[],"Select a customer to limit this promotion to.":[],"Select an affiliate to link this promotion to.":[],"Link to Affiliate":[],"Referral Items":[],"View Coupon":[],"Update Commission Expiration":[],"Affiliate Commissions":[],"This will give the affiliate commissions for a specified period of time.":[],"Select an affiliate":[],"Connect an affiliate":[],"Remove Limit":[],"Until":[],"Are you sure you want to deactivate the affiliate?":[],"Are you sure you want to activate the affiliate?":[],"Affiliate user deactivated.":[],"Affiliate user activated.":[],"Affiliate updated.":[],"Referral Url":[],"No more promotions.":[],"No more payouts.":[],"Referral Code":[],"Profile":[],"No more clicks.":[],"A short blurb from this affiliate describing how they will promote this store.":[],"Bio":[],"Your affiliate request's payout email address.":[],"Your affiliate request's email address.":[],"Your affiliate request's last name.":[],"Your affiliate request's first name.":[],"Affiliate Request Details":[],"Permanently delete this affiliate request? You cannot undo this action.":[],"Are you sure to deny this affiliate request?":[],"Are you sure to approve affiliate request?":[],"Affiliate Request":[],"Affiliate request rejected.":[],"Affiliate request approved.":[],"Affiliate request updated.":[],"Create New Affiliate Request":[],"Creation Mode":[],"No more referrals.":[],"Not associated to any payout.":[],"Not associated to any order.":[],"Order Number":[],"Referral Details":[],"Expires on":[],"Domain":[],"Not associated to any click.":[],"View Referral":[],"Affiliate referral marked as reviewing.":[],"Referral updated.":[],"A brief description of what this referral is for.":[],"Commission Amount":[],"Create New Referral":[],"Export":[],"We will send you an email with a link to your export when it is ready.":[],"Create New Payout":[],"Are you sure you want to delete this referral? This action cannot be undone.":[],"Test mode referrals are created when an order is placed in test mode and an affiliate is associated with the order. These referrals do not impact stats, are not included in payouts, and are not visible to affiliates. They are solely for testing your affiliate setup and can be deleted or ignored.":[],"What are test mode referrals?":[],"Payouts":[],"Requests":[],"The affiliate request's email is already in use.":[],"The affiliate request's bio cannot be blank.":[],"The affiliate request's email cannot be blank.":[],"The affiliate request's name cannot be blank.":[],"There are no applicable referrals for this payout.":[],"Cancelled":[],"Toggle Affiliate active status":[],"Are you sure you want to activate this affiliate?":[],"Are you sure you want to deactivate this affilate?":[],"Deactivate":[],"View Affiliate":[],"No affiliates found.":[],"Unpaid Earnings":[],"Total Earnings":[],"Affiliation deactivated successfully.":[],"Affiliation activated successfully.":[],"No affiliate requests found.":[],"Affiliate Requests":[],"Denied":[],"Approved":[],"Reviewing":[],"No affiliate referrals found . 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Please check your pages after you enable this option in a private browser window as this might change the CSS load order.":[],"On Demand Block Assets":[],"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this product? This cannot be undone.":[],"Delete Products":[],"The minimum order amount for the processor is %s.":[],"Queued for deletion.":[],"Successfully deleted.":[],"Delete Product":[],"This product has already been deleted.":[],"SureCart bulk action progress status.":[],"Bulk Action Summary:":[],"%1$d %2$s":[],"Your storage limit has been reached. 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All unsaved changes will be lost.":[],"Un-Archive this upsell?":[],"Save Funnel":[],"Funnel Inactive":[],"Funnel Active":[],"Upsell funnel restored.":[],"Upsell funnel archived.":[],"Upsell deleted.":[],"Permanently delete this upsell? You cannot undo this action.":[],"Upsell funnel saved.":[],"Internal upsell funnel name. This is NOT visible to customers.":[],"Create New Upsell Funnel":[],"Upsell Page Title":[],"Previous page":[],"Affiliation Protocol":[],"Upsell Funnel":[],"Upsell":[],"Minutes":[],"The number of minutes that the upsell offer will be available for after the initial purchase.":[],"Time Limit":[],"Upsell behavior settings.":[],"Post Purchase Offer Accepted":[],"Sent after an order is placed.":[],"Sent when a post purchase offer is accepted and the order is updated.":[],"Post Purchase Offer Accepted Emails":[],"Let affiliates know how they will be paid, how often, and any terms or conditions for payment. These details will be shown to affiliates so they know what to expect.":[],"Payout Instructions":[],"For how long should future purchase commissions be awarded? (Leave empty if you want to award commission forever.)":[],"Lifetime Commission Duration":[],"Do you want to award commissions on future purchases?":[],"Lifetime Commissions":[],"For how long should subscription commissions be awarded? (Leave empty if you want to award commissions forever.)":[],"Subscription Commission Duration":[],"Do you want to award commissions on subscription renewal payments?":[],"Subscription Commissions":[],"Amount Commission":[],"Percent Commission":[],"Select a commission type":[],"Configure how affiliates earn commissions and how they get paid.":[],"Commissions & Payouts":[],"Where should affiliates send their traffic? This URL will be used to generate the affiliate referral link for each affiliate with their unique affiliate code.":[],"Affiliate Referral URL":[],"Do you want to automatically approve new referrals? If disabled, you will need to manually approve each referral.":[],"Auto Approve New Referrals":[],"How many days should the tracking code last for?":[],"Tracking Length":[],"Should the first or last referrer be credited?":[],"Referrer Type":[],"Last":[],"First":[],"Copy and paste the tracking code into the <head> section or just before the closing <\/body> tag of your website. 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If provided, this URL will be shown to affiliates when they sign up for your affiliate program.":[],"Affiliate Terms URL":[],"How will you promote this store?":[],"What question do you want to ask affiliates on the signup form? If blank, the default question \"How will you promote this store?\" will be used.":[],"Signup Question":[],"Let affiliates know any specifics about your program and what to expect from being an affiliate. This is shown to affiliates when they sign up for your affiliate program.":[],"Program Description":[],"Do you want to allow new affiliates to sign up?":[],"Allow New Affiliate Signups":[],"Configure how affiliates signup and get approved to promote products in your store.":[],"Affiliate Signups":[],"Affiliates Settings":[],"Start With Demo Products":[],"Test your checkout":[],"Place a test order to experience the payment flow.":[],"Experience":[],"Create a product":[],"Create your first product to start selling to buyers.":[],"Connect payment":[],"Connect to a payment gateway to start taking orders.":[],"Connect payments":[],"Connect":[],"High":[],"Low":[],"Affiliates":[],"Payment method not found.":[],"You do not have permission to edit this subscription.":[],"Wait! 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Must be in the range of 1 - 5.":[],"Whether or not this upsell is currently enabled and being shown to customers.":[],"The products to filter this upsell funnel by.":[],"The prices to filter this upsell funnel by.":[],"The matching strategy to use when filtering upsell funnels \u2013 can be null or one of all, any, none. If null, the upsell funnel will not be filtered and will be applicable to all checkouts.":[],"Type of object (upsell_funnel)":[],"This is shown to the customer on invoices and line items.":[],"You do not have permission to access this page.":[],"Edit Upsell Funnel":[],"No upsell funnels found.":[],"Funnel disabled.":[],"Funnel enabled.":[],"View Upsell":[],"Upsell Funnels":[],"Success & Redirecting":[],"contact support.":[],"This option is locked after live orders are placed. 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Toggle to constrain.":[],"Nested blocks use content width with options for full and wide widths.":[],"Inner blocks use content width":[],"Justify items right":[],"Justify items center":[],"Justify items left":[],"Sticky":["Sticky"],"No collections found.":[],"Loading...":[],"Search or type a collection name":[],"Select Collection Page":[],"Select an icon":["W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Symbol aus"],"Tab Icon":["Tab-Symbol"],"Search for a form...":["Suche nach einem Formular ..."],"Choose a form":["W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Formular aus"],"To add some products \"Add Products\" button.":["Um einige Produkte hinzuzuf\u00fcgen, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che \"Produkte hinzuf\u00fcgen\"."],"Custom":["Benutzerdefiniert"],"Create Product":["Produkt erstellen"],"New Form":["Neues Formular"],"Add a checkout form":["F\u00fcgen Sie ein Bestellformular hinzu"],"Get started by selecting a form or start build a new form.":["Beginnen Sie mit der Auswahl eines Formulars oder beginnen Sie mit der Erstellung eines neuen Formulars."],"Select a checkout form":["W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Bestellformular aus"],"Enter a title for your form":["Geben Sie einen Titel f\u00fcr Ihr Formular ein"],"Create a Checkout Form":["Erstellen Sie ein Bestellformular"],"Untitled Form":["Unbenanntes Formular"],"Form Title":["Formulartitel"],"This form has been deleted or is unavailable.":["Dieses Formular wurde gel\u00f6scht oder ist nicht verf\u00fcgbar."],"If there are errors in the checkout, they will display here.":["Wenn beim Bestellprozess Fehler auftreten, werden diese hier angezeigt."],"Add some checkbox text...":["F\u00fcgen Sie einen Checkbox Text hinzu ..."],"Checkbox Text":["Checkbox Text"],"Checked by default":["Standardm\u00e4\u00dfig aktiviert"],"Value":["Wert"],"Bottom Border":["Border unten"],"Border":["Border"],"Padding":["Padding"],"Spacing":["Abstand"],"Section Color":[],"Always show cart":[],"every month":["jeden Monat"],"Basic":[],"Example Product":["Beispielprodukt"],"Allow line item quantities to be editable.":["Bearbeitbare Mengen der Einzelposten zulassen."],"Editable":["Bearbeitbar"],"Allow line items to be removed.":["Lassen Sie zu, dass einzele Artikel entfernt werden."],"Removable":[],"Placeholder":["Platzhalter"],"Collapsed":[],"Width":["Breite"],"Borderless":["Randlos"],"Create Buy Button":["Kaufen-Button erstellen"],"Update Buy Button":[],"Select some products":["W\u00e4hlen Sie einige Produkte aus"],"Products Info":[],"Change selected products":[],"Bundle Discount":["Bundle-Rabatt"],"Select Product":[],"To add a product for the cart button, click the \"Select Product\" button.":[],"Product Info":["Produktinformation"],"Text Color":["Textfarbe"],"Background Color":["Hintergrundfarbe"],"Text Link":["Textlink"],"Secondary Button":["Sekund\u00e4rer Button"],"Primary Button":["Prim\u00e4rer Button"],"Button Type":["Button Typ"],"Large":["Gro\u00df"],"Medium":["Mittel"],"Small":["Klein"],"Button Size":["Buttongr\u00f6\u00dfe"],"Button Text":["Buttontext"],"Input Placeholder":["Platzhalter eingeben"],"Input Help":["Eingabehilfe"],"Input Label":["Eingabe Label"],"Change selected product":[],"Default country":["Standardland"],"State Placeholder":["Staat Platzhalter"],"Postal Code Placeholder":["PLZ Platzhalter"],"Address Placeholder":["Adress Platzhalter"],"City Placeholder":["Stadt Platzhalter"],"Country Placeholder":["Land Platzhalter"],"Name Placeholder":["Nachnamen Platzhalter"],"Show the \"name or company name\" field in the form.":["Zeigen Sie das Feld \"Name oder Firmenname\" im Formular an."],"If products in the cart require tax but not shipping, we will show a condensed version specifically for tax collection.":["Wenn f\u00fcr Produkte im Einkaufswagen Steuern, aber kein Versand erforderlich sind, zeigen wir eine komprimierte Version speziell f\u00fcr die Steuererhebung."],"Use a compact address if possible":["Verwenden Sie nach M\u00f6glichkeit eine kompakte Adresse"],"If tax or shipping is required for checkout the address field will automatically be required.":["Wenn Steuern oder Versand f\u00fcr den Bestellprozess erforderlich sind, wird das Adressfeld automatisch ausgef\u00fcllt."],"Required":["Erforderlich"],"Attributes":["Attribute"],"%d payment":[],"once":["einmal"],"Previous":["Vorherige"],"Last 365 Days":[],"This is a demo of a premium feature. To get this feature, please upgrade your plan.":[],"This is a demo of a premium feature. To get this feature, complete your setup and upgrade your plan.":[],"Go back.":["Zur\u00fcck."],"Cancel Pending Update":["Ausstehendes Update abbrechen"],"Change Renewal Date":[],"Restore At...":[],"Pay Off Subscription":[],"Pay Off":[],"Restore Now":[],"Payment method updated.":["Zahlungsmethode aktualisiert."],"Tax disabled.":["Steuer deaktiviert."],"Tax enabled.":["Steuer aktiviert."],"Next retry:":["N\u00e4chste Wiederholung:"],"No billing periods":["Keine Abrechnungszeitr\u00e4ume"],"Time Period":["Zeitraum"],"Enable Automatic Retries":[],"Billing Periods":["Abrechnungszeitr\u00e4ume"],"Pending Update":["Ausstehende Aktualisierung"],"Retry Payment":["Zahlung erneut versuchen"],"Are you sure you want to retry the payment? This will attempt to charge the customer.":["M\u00f6chten Sie die Zahlung wirklich wiederholen? Dies wird versuchen, den Kunden zu belasten."],"Payment retry successful!":["Zahlungswiederholung erfolgreich!"],"Could not complete the payment. Please check the order for additional details.":["Die Zahlung konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie die Bestellung f\u00fcr weitere Details."],"This will make the subscription active again and charge the customer immediately.":[],"The customer will immediately be charged the first billing period.":[],"The customer will immediately be charged %s for the first billing period.":[],"Restore Subscription":["Abonnement wiederherstellen"],"Subscription restored.":["Abonnement wiederhergestellt."],"Restore Subscription At":[],"Renew Subscription At":[],"Pay off":[],"Are you sure you want to pay off subscription? This will immediately charge the customer the remaining payments on their plan.":[],"Subscription paid off.":[],"Pause":[],"Don't Pause":[],"Pause Subscription":[],"Subscription paused.":[],"Resume Subscription":["Abonnement fortsetzen"],"Are you sure you wish to resume this subscription?":["M\u00f6chten Sie dieses Abonnement wirklich fortsetzen?"],"Subscription resumed.":["Abonnement wieder aufgenommen."],"Revoke Purchase":[],"Unrevoke Purchase":[],"Revoke Purchase & Cancel Subscription":[],"Unrevoke Purchase & Restore Subscription":[],"This action will remove the associated access and trigger any cancelation automations you have set up.":[],"This action will re-enable associated access.":[],"The subscription will be canceled in order to revoke the purchase.":[],"The subscription will be restored in order to restore the purchase. The customer will immediately be charged the first billing period.":[],"The subscription will be restored in order to restore the purchase. The customer will immediately be charged %s for the first billing period.":[],"Complete Subscription":["Abonnement vervollst\u00e4ndigen"],"Are you sure you want to complete this payment plan? This will eliminate any additional payments and mark the plan as complete. You cannot undo this.":["M\u00f6chten Sie diesen Zahlungsplan wirklich abschlie\u00dfen? Dadurch werden alle zus\u00e4tzlichen Zahlungen eliminiert und der Plan als abgeschlossen markiert. Sie k\u00f6nnen dies nicht r\u00fcckg\u00e4ngig machen."],"Subscription completed.":["Abonnement abgeschlossen."],"Are you sure you wish to cancel the pending update?":["M\u00f6chten Sie das ausstehende Update wirklich abbrechen?"],"Update canceled.":["Aktualisierung abgebrochen."],"Don't cancel":["Nicht stornieren"],"When do you want to cancel the subscription?":["Wann m\u00f6chten Sie das Abonnement k\u00fcndigen?"],"Subscription scheduled for cancelation.":["Abonnement zur K\u00fcndigung vorgesehen."],"Subscription canceled.":["Abonnement gek\u00fcndigt."],"Bills on":["Rechnungen an"],"Upcoming Billing Period":["Kommender Abrechnungszeitraum"],"%d Remaining":["%d verbleibend"],"Restores on":[],"Add Coupon":[],"Coupon Removed":[],"Coupon Added":[],"Renews on":["Erneuerung am"],"Trial ends on":["Die Testversion endet am"],"Cancels on":["Abbruch am"],"Lifetime Subscription":["Lifetime Abonnement"],"Lifetime":["Lifetime"],"Prorate Charges":["Anteilige Geb\u00fchren"],"%d day left in trial":["%d Testtag \u00fcbrig","%d Tage in der Testphase \u00fcbrig"],"Applied to balance":["Angewandt auf das Gleichgewicht"],"Customer Credit":["Kunden Konto"],"Bills Now":["Rechnungen jetzt"],"Choose a trial end date":["W\u00e4hlen Sie ein Enddatum f\u00fcr die Testversion aus"],"Started":["Gestartet"],"Change Price":[],"Edit Amount":[],"Update Subscription Price":[],"Update Amount":["Betrag aktualisieren"],"Schedule Update":["Update planen"],"Update Subscription":["Abonnement aktualisieren"],"Update Immediately":["Sofort aktualisieren"],"Subscription Details":["Abonnementdetails"],"Subscription updated.":["Abonnement aktualisiert."],"Total Of Installment Payments Remaining":[],"Outstanding Installments":[],"Lost Monthly Recurring Revenue":[],"MRR Lost":[],"Total Monthly Recurring Revenue":[],"MRR":[],"Number Of New Trials":[],"New Trials":[],"Number Of New Subscriptions":[],"New Subscriptions":[],"Total Number Of Subscriptions":[],"Total Subscriptions":[],"Integration Providers":["Integrationsanbieter"],"Failed to save.":["Speichern fehlgeschlagen."],"Return Request":[],"Variant Option":[],"Incoming Webhook":[],"Statistic":["Statistik"],"Shipping Rate":[],"Shipping Zone":[],"Shipping Profile":[],"Shipping Protocol":[],"Promotion":["Promotion"],"Product Group":["Produktgruppe"],"Processor":["Zahlungsabwickler"],"Product Media":[],"Billing Period":["Abrechnungszeitraum"],"Manual Payment Method":["Manuelle Zahlungsmethode"],"Provisional Accounts":[],"Payment Intent":["Zahlungsabsicht"],"Media":["Medien"],"Line Items":[],"Integration Provider Items":["Elemente des Integrationsanbieters"],"Integration Provider":["Integrationsanbieter"],"Draft Checkout":[],"Coupon":["Gutschein"],"Cancellation Acts":["Widerrufsbelehrung"],"Bump":["Bump"],"Brand":[],"Activation":["Aktivierung"],"Store":["Shop"],"Enter your license key":["Gib deinen Lizenz-Schl\u00fcssel ein"],"Enter your license key to activate your plan on thie store.":["Geben Sie Ihren Lizenzschl\u00fcssel ein, um Ihren Plan in diesem Shop zu aktivieren."],"Upgrade This Store":["Aktualisieren Sie diesen Shop"],"Upgrade to Premium":[],"Manage how your store charges sales tax within each tax region. Check with a tax expert to understand your tax obligations.":["Verwalten Sie, wie Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft Umsatzsteuer in jeder Steuerregion berechnet. Wenden Sie sich an einen Steuerexperten, um Ihre steuerlichen Pflichten zu verstehen."],"Tax Regions":["Steuerregionen"],"Accept the order and apply reverse charge.":["Akzeptieren Sie die Bestellung und wenden Sie Reverse Charge an."],"Accept the order but don\u2019t apply reverse charge.":["Akzeptieren Sie die Bestellung, aber wenden Sie keine Reverse Charge an."],"Reject the order and show an error.":["Lehnen Sie die Bestellung ab und zeigen Sie einen Fehler an."],"Choose the checkout behavior when VAT verification fails.":["W\u00e4hlen Sie das Checkout-Verhalten, wenn die MwSt.-\u00dcberpr\u00fcfung fehlschl\u00e4gt."],"VAT Number Verification Failure":["\u00dcberpr\u00fcfung der Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer fehlgeschlagen"],"If enabled, apply reverse charge when applicable even when customers are in your home country.":["Falls aktiviert, wenden Sie gegebenenfalls Reverse Charge an, auch wenn sich Kunden in Ihrem Heimatland befinden."],"Local Reverse Charge":["Lokales Reverse-Charge"],"If enabled, require all customer\u2019s in the EU to enter a EU VAT number when checking out.":["Wenn aktiviert, m\u00fcssen alle Kunden in der EU beim Bezahlen eine EU-Umsatzsteuernummer eingeben."],"Require VAT Number":["Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer erforderlich"],"Change how your store manages EU VAT collection and validation.":["\u00c4ndern Sie, wie Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft die Erhebung und Validierung der EU-Umsatzsteuer verwaltet."],"EU VAT Settings":["EU-Mehrwertsteuereinstellungen"],"The fallback tax rate to use for checkouts when a specific tax registration is not found.":["Der Fallback-Steuersatz, der f\u00fcr den Bestellprozess verwendet werden soll, wenn eine bestimmte Steuerregistrierung nicht gefunden wird."],"Fallback Rate":["Fallback-Rate"],"If enabled, you can enter a tax rate to apply when a specific tax registration is not found.":["Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, k\u00f6nnen Sie einen anzuwendenden Steuersatz eingeben, wenn eine bestimmte Steuerregistrierung nicht gefunden wird."],"If enabled, you need to configure which tax regions you have tax nexus. Tax will only be collected for tax regions that are enabled. If disabled, no tax will be collected.":["Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, m\u00fcssen Sie konfigurieren, f\u00fcr welche Steuerregionen Sie einen Steuer-Nexus haben. Steuern werden nur f\u00fcr aktivierte Steuerregionen erhoben. Bei Deaktivierung wird keine Steuer erhoben."],"Tax Collection":["Steuererhebung"],"Manage how your store charges sales tax on orders, invoices, and subscriptions.":["Verwalten Sie, wie Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft Umsatzsteuer auf Bestellungen, Rechnungen und Abonnements berechnet."],"Store Tax Settings":["Shop Steuereinstellung"],"You don't have any tax registrations. Add a tax registration to start collecting tax.":["Sie haben keine steuerlichen Registrierungen. F\u00fcgen Sie eine Steuerregistrierung hinzu, um mit der Steuererhebung zu beginnen."],"%s Tax Region":["%s Steuerregion"],"You're not collecting sales tax for any states. Add a tax registration to start collecting tax.":["Sie erheben keine Umsatzsteuer f\u00fcr Bundesstaaten. F\u00fcgen Sie eine Steuerregistrierung hinzu, um mit der Steuererhebung zu beginnen."],"You're not collecting VAT in the UK. Add a tax registration to start collecting tax.":["Sie erheben keine Mehrwertsteuer im Vereinigten K\u00f6nigreich. F\u00fcgen Sie eine Steuerregistrierung hinzu, um mit der Steuererhebung zu beginnen."],"You don't have any country-specific VAT registrations. If you're registered under one-stop shop then you don't need to create country-specific tax registrations. If you're not, add a tax registration to start collecting tax.":["Sie haben keine l\u00e4nderspezifischen Mehrwertsteuerregistrierungen. Wenn Sie im One-Stop-Shop registriert sind, m\u00fcssen Sie keine l\u00e4nderspezifischen Steuerregistrierungen erstellen. Wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, f\u00fcgen Sie eine Steuerregistrierung hinzu, um mit der Erhebung von Steuern zu beginnen."],"You're not collecting any provincial tax in Canada. Add a tax registration to start collecting tax.":["Sie erheben keine Provinzsteuer in Kanada. F\u00fcgen Sie eine Steuerregistrierung hinzu, um mit der Steuererhebung zu beginnen."],"You're not collecting GST in Australia. Add a tax registration to start collecting tax.":["Sie erheben keine GST in Australien. F\u00fcgen Sie eine Steuerregistrierung hinzu, um mit der Steuererhebung zu beginnen."],"Add custom manual tax rates for specific countries.":["F\u00fcgen Sie benutzerdefinierte und manuelle Steuers\u00e4tze f\u00fcr bestimmte L\u00e4nder hinzu."],"You\u2019ll need to collect sales tax if you meet certain state requirements, also known as nexus. To start collecting tax, you need to register with the appropriate state tax authority.":["Sie m\u00fcssen Umsatzsteuer erheben, wenn Sie bestimmte staatliche Anforderungen erf\u00fcllen, die auch als Nexus bezeichnet werden. Um Steuern erheben zu k\u00f6nnen, m\u00fcssen Sie sich bei der zust\u00e4ndigen staatlichen Steuerbeh\u00f6rde registrieren."],"If you do business in the United Kingdom, you may be required to collect Value Added Tax (VAT).":["Wenn Sie im Vereinigten K\u00f6nigreich gesch\u00e4ftlich t\u00e4tig sind, m\u00fcssen Sie m\u00f6glicherweise Mehrwertsteuer (VAT) erheben."],"If you plan to submit a separate VAT return to each EU country, then you'll need to setup tax registrations for each country.":["Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, f\u00fcr jedes EU-Land eine separate Umsatzsteuererkl\u00e4rung einzureichen, m\u00fcssen Sie f\u00fcr jedes Land eine Steuerregistrierung einrichten."],"If you need to collect provincial tax (British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, and Saskatchewan) in addition to GST\/HST, then you'll need to setup registrations for each province.":["Wenn Sie zus\u00e4tzlich zur GST\/HST Provinzsteuern (British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec und Saskatchewan) erheben m\u00fcssen, m\u00fcssen Sie Registrierungen f\u00fcr jede Provinz einrichten."],"If you do business in Australia, you may be required to collect GST on sales in Australia.":["Wenn Sie in Australien gesch\u00e4ftlich t\u00e4tig sind, m\u00fcssen Sie m\u00f6glicherweise GST f\u00fcr Verk\u00e4ufe in Australien erheben."],"State Sales Tax Registrations":["Staatliche Umsatzsteuerregistrierungen"],"VAT Registration":["Mehrwertsteuerregistrierung"],"Country-Specific VAT Registrations":["L\u00e4nderspezifische Mehrwertsteuerregistrierungen"],"GST Registration":["GST-Registrierung"],"Rest Of The World":["Rest der Welt"],"United States":["Vereinigte Staaten"],"Canada":["Kanada"],"United Kingdom":["Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"],"European Union":["Europ\u00e4ische Union"],"Australia":["Australien"],"Tax Zone":["Steuerzone"],"Tax Registration":["Steuerregistrierung"],"Tax is automatically calculated and applied to orders. Make sure you\u2019re registered with the appropriate tax jurisdictions before enabling tax collection.":["Die Steuer wird automatisch berechnet und auf Bestellungen angewendet. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie bei den zust\u00e4ndigen Finanz\u00e4mtern registriert sind, bevor Sie die Steuererhebung aktivieren."],"Make sure you\u2019re registered with the appropriate tax jurisdictions before enabling tax collection.":["Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie bei den zust\u00e4ndigen Finanz\u00e4mtern registriert sind, bevor Sie die Steuererhebung aktivieren."],"Tax Rate":["Steuersatz"],"Automatic":["Automatisch"],"Manual":["Handbuch"],"Tax Calculation":["Steuerberechnung"],"Region":["Region"],"State":["Staat"],"Province":["Provinz"],"Country":["Land"],"Collect Tax":["Steuern einziehen"],"Enable this if your business makes up to \u20ac10,000 EUR in sales to other EU countries and you only plan to submit a domestic VAT return. If enabled, your home country VAT rate will apply to all EU orders.":["Aktivieren Sie dies, wenn Ihr Unternehmen bis zu 10.000 EUR Umsatz in andere EU-L\u00e4nder macht und Sie nur eine inl\u00e4ndische Umsatzsteuererkl\u00e4rung abgeben m\u00f6chten. Wenn aktiviert, gilt der Mehrwertsteuersatz Ihres Heimatlandes f\u00fcr alle EU-Bestellungen."],"Micro-Business Exemption":["Ausnahmeregelung f\u00fcr Kleinunternehmen"],"If enabled, your store will collect EU VAT for all EU countries. You should enable this option if you are registered via \"One-Stop Shop\" and plan to submit a single VAT return for all EU countries. If you are planning to submit separate VAT returns for each EU country then you should not enable this option. You should instead create separate tax registrations for each EU country.":["Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, erhebt Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft die EU-Umsatzsteuer f\u00fcr alle EU-L\u00e4nder. Sie sollten diese Option aktivieren, wenn Sie \u00fcber \"One-Stop-Shop\" registriert sind und beabsichtigen, eine einzige Umsatzsteuererkl\u00e4rung f\u00fcr alle EU-L\u00e4nder einzureichen. Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, f\u00fcr jedes EU-Land separate Umsatzsteuererkl\u00e4rungen einzureichen, sollten Sie diese Option nicht aktivieren. Sie sollten stattdessen separate Steuerregistrierungen f\u00fcr jedes EU-Land erstellen."],"Manage how your store collects EU VAT for all EU countries.":["Verwalten Sie, wie Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft die EU-Mehrwertsteuer f\u00fcr alle EU-L\u00e4nder erhebt."],"Collect EU VAT":["EU-Mehrwertsteuer einziehen"],"In applicable tax jurisdictions, your tax ID will show on invoices. If you don't have your tax ID number yet, you can enter it later.":["In anwendbaren Steuerhoheitsgebieten wird Ihre Steuernummer auf Rechnungen angegeben. Wenn Sie Ihre Steueridentifikationsnummer noch nicht haben, k\u00f6nnen Sie sie sp\u00e4ter eingeben."],"If enabled, your store will collect Canada GST\/HST for all provinces. If you need to collect additional provincial taxes for Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba, or Saskatchewan then you will need to additionally create separate tax registrations for these provinces.":["Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, erhebt Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft die kanadische GST\/HST f\u00fcr alle Provinzen. Wenn Sie zus\u00e4tzliche Provinzsteuern f\u00fcr Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba oder Saskatchewan erheben m\u00fcssen, m\u00fcssen Sie zus\u00e4tzlich separate Steuerregistrierungen f\u00fcr diese Provinzen erstellen."],"Collect Canada GST\/HST":["Kanada GST\/HST einziehen"],"Manage how your store collects GST\/HST for all Canadian provinces.":["Verwalten Sie, wie Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft GST\/HST f\u00fcr alle kanadischen Provinzen erhebt."],"Canada GST\/HST":["Kanada GST\/HST"],"Customers will be able to cancel their subscriptions from the customer portal. You can configure what happens when a subscription cancellation happens from the Subscriptions settings page.":["Kunden k\u00f6nnen ihre Abonnements \u00fcber das Kundenportal k\u00fcndigen. Auf der Seite Abonnementeinstellungen k\u00f6nnen Sie konfigurieren, was passiert, wenn eine Abonnementk\u00fcndigung erfolgt."],"Allow Subscription Cancellations":["Abonnementk\u00fcndigungen zulassen"],"Customers will be able to change subscription quantities from the customer portal.":["Kunden k\u00f6nnen die Abonnementmengen \u00fcber das Kundenportal \u00e4ndern."],"Allow Subscription Quantity Changes":["\u00c4nderungen der Abonnementmenge zulassen"],"Customers will be able to switch pricing plans from the customer portal. You can configure what happens when a subscription change happens from the Subscriptions settings page.":["Kunden k\u00f6nnen Preispl\u00e4ne \u00fcber das Kundenportal wechseln. Auf der Seite Abonnementeinstellungen k\u00f6nnen Sie konfigurieren, was passiert, wenn eine Abonnement\u00e4nderung erfolgt."],"Allow Subscription Changes":["Abonnement\u00e4nderungen zulassen"],"Manage what your customers are able to see and do from the customer portal.":["Verwalten Sie, was Ihre Kunden im Kundenportal sehen und tun k\u00f6nnen."],"Customer Portal":[],"Revoke Purchase After All Payment Retries Fail":["Widerrufen Sie den Kauf, nachdem alle Zahlungsversuche fehlgeschlagen sind"],"Revoke Immediately":["Sofort widerrufen"],"Purchase Revoke Behavior":["Widerrufsverhalten beim Kauf"],"Whether or not a payment method should be required for subscriptions that have an initial period amount of $0 (free trial or coupon). This is useful if you want to offer a \"no credit card required\" free trials.":["Ob f\u00fcr Abonnements mit einem Anfangszeitraum von 0\u00a0$ (kostenlose Testversion oder Coupon) eine Zahlungsmethode erforderlich sein soll oder nicht. Dies ist n\u00fctzlich, wenn Sie kostenlose Testversionen anbieten m\u00f6chten, bei denen keine Kreditkarte erforderlich ist."],"Require Upfront Payment Method":["Vorauszahlungsmethode erforderlich"],"Manage your subscription purchase behavior.":["Verwalten Sie Ihr Abonnement-Kaufverhalten."],"Purchase Behavior":[],"If a subscription payment fails, the subscription is marked past due. When this happens we automatically retry the payment based on our smart retry logic. If the payment is still unsuccessful after the duration set above, the subscription will be canceled.":["Wenn eine Abonnementzahlung fehlschl\u00e4gt, wird das Abonnement als \u00fcberf\u00e4llig markiert. In diesem Fall versuchen wir die Zahlung automatisch erneut, basierend auf unserer intelligenten Wiederholungslogik. Wenn die Zahlung nach der oben festgelegten Dauer immer noch nicht erfolgreich ist, wird das Abonnement gek\u00fcndigt."],"Three Weeks":["Drei Wochen"],"Two Weeks":["Zwei Wochen"],"One Week":["Eine Woche"],"Cancel Subscriptions After":["Abonnements k\u00fcndigen nach"],"Manage how your store handles failed subscription payments.":["Verwalten Sie, wie Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft mit fehlgeschlagenen Abonnementzahlungen umgeht."],"Failed Payments":["Fehlgeschlagene Zahlungen"],"Days Before Renewal":[],"Choose how many days before the subscription renewal customers can cancel their plan through the customer dashboard. For example, if you set this to 7 days, customers will only be able to cancel their subscription during the week it renews. Please check for the legality of this setting in your region before enabling.":[],"Allow Self-Service Cancellations":[],"When enabled, this feature prevents customers from cancelling their subscription on the customer dashboard until a set number of days before renewal.":[],"Delay Self-Service Cancellations":[],"When a cancellation happens immediately, the subscription is canceled right away. When a cancellation happens at the billing period end, the subscription remains active until the end of the current billing period.":["Wenn eine K\u00fcndigung sofort erfolgt, wird das Abonnement sofort gek\u00fcndigt. Bei einer K\u00fcndigung zum Ende des Abrechnungszeitraums bleibt das Abonnement bis zum Ende des aktuellen Abrechnungszeitraums aktiv."],"Cancellations Happen":["Stornierungen passieren"],"When an upgrade or downgrade happens immediately, a prorated invoice will be generated and paid. If the invoice payment fails, the subscription will not be updated. In the case of a downgrade, the invoice will likely have a $0 balance and a credit may be applied to the customer. When an upgrade or downgrade happens at the next billing period, the subscription won't be updated until the next payment date.":["Wenn ein Upgrade oder Downgrade sofort erfolgt, wird eine anteilige Rechnung erstellt und bezahlt. Wenn die Rechnungszahlung fehlschl\u00e4gt, wird das Abonnement nicht aktualisiert. Im Falle einer Herabstufung weist die Rechnung wahrscheinlich einen Saldo von 0 auf, und dem Kunden kann eine Gutschrift gutgeschrieben werden. Wenn im n\u00e4chsten Abrechnungszeitraum ein Upgrade oder Downgrade erfolgt, wird das Abonnement erst zum n\u00e4chsten Zahlungsdatum aktualisiert."],"Upgrades Happen":["Upgrades passieren"],"Downgrades Happen":["Downgrades passieren"],"Manage how your store handles subscription upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations.":["Verwalten Sie, wie Ihr Shop mit Abonnement-Upgrades, -Downgrades und -K\u00fcndigungen umgeht."],"Upgrades, Downgrades, and Cancellations":["Upgrades, Downgrades und K\u00fcndigungen"],"Next Billing Period":["N\u00e4chster Abrechnungszeitraum"],"You don't have any survey answers. Please add at least one to collect cancellation feedback.":["Sie haben keine Umfrageantworten. Bitte f\u00fcgen Sie mindestens eine hinzu, um Feedback zu Stornierungen zu sammeln."],"Survey Answers":["Umfrageantworten"],"Are you sure you want to delete this?":["M\u00f6chten Sie dies wirklich l\u00f6schen?"],"Cancel Link":["Link abbrechen"],"Button":["Button"],"Provide a discount to keep a subscription.":["Bieten Sie einen Rabatt an, um ein Abonnement zu behalten."],"Renewal Discount":["Verl\u00e4ngerungsrabatt"],"Skip Link":["Link \u00fcberspringen"],"Cancellation survey options.":["Optionen f\u00fcr Stornierungsumfragen."],"Cancellation Survey":["Stornierungsumfrage"],"Turning this on will collect subscription cancelation reasons and optionally offer a discount to keep their subscription active.":[],"Pro":["Pro"],"Subscription Saver & Cancelation Insights":["Subscription Saver & K\u00fcndigung Auswertung"],"Subscription Saver & Cancellation Insights":["Subscription Saver & K\u00fcndigung Auswertung"],"The prompt that will appear when you request more information.":["Die Eingabeaufforderung, die angezeigt wird, wenn Sie weitere Informationen anfordern."],"Comment Prompt":["Kommentaraufforderung"],"Should the customer be prompted for additional information?":["Soll der Kunde zur Eingabe zus\u00e4tzlicher Informationen aufgefordert werden?"],"Request Comments":["Kommentare anfordern"],"Offer the rewewal discount when this option is selected":["Bieten Sie den Verl\u00e4ngerungsrabatt an, wenn diese Option ausgew\u00e4hlt ist."],"Offer Discount":["Rabatt anbieten"],"The customer-facing label for this cancellation reason.":["Das kundenseitige Label f\u00fcr diesen Stornierungsgrund."],"Label":["Label"],"New Cancellation Reason":["Neuer K\u00fcndigungsgrund"],"Edit Cancellation Reason":["Stornierungsgrund bearbeiten"],"Answer created.":["Antwort erstellt."],"Answer updated.":["Antwort aktualisiert."],"Can you tell us a little more?":["Kannst du uns ein bisschen mehr erz\u00e4hlen?"],"The amount of times a single customer use the renewal discount.":["Die H\u00e4ufigkeit, mit der ein einzelner Kunde den Verl\u00e4ngerungsrabatt nutzt."],"No shipping zones or rates":[],"Create Zone":[],"Shipping zones are geographic regions where you ship products.":[],"Shipping Zones & Rates":[],"2. Create Rate":[],"1. Create Zone":[],"Add Zone":[],"Edit Zone":[],"Next":["N\u00e4chste"],"Select Countries":[],"United States, United Kingdom, Global ...":[],"Zone Name":[],"Zone added":[],"Zone updated":[],"Select at least one country to create zone.":[],"Fallback":[],"Condition":[],"Customers won't be able to complete checkout for products in this zone.":[],"Shipping rate deleted":[],"Fallback Zone":[],"This zone is optionally used for regions that are not included in any other shipping zone.":[],"Rest Of The World Fallback Zone":[],"Are you sure?":[],"Shipping zone deleted":[],"Add New Profile":[],"Add custom rates or destination restrictions for groups of products.":[],"Custom Shipping Profiles":[],"All products":[],"Set where you ship and how much you charge for shipping.":[],"Shipping Profiles":[],"Enabling shipping rates allows you to charge shipping costs and restrict purchase areas.":[],"Enable Shipping Rates":[],"Shipping Settings":[],"To complete the shipping setup, please add shipping rates to a shipping profile below.":[],"Based on order price":[],"Based on item weight":[],"Select":[],"Shipping Method":[],"Maximum weight":[],"Minimum weight":[],"No limit":[],"Add Rate":[],"Shipping rate added":[],"Shipping rate updated":[],"Failed to create shipping method":[],"Please select a shipping method":[],"Flat Rate":[],"Edit Shipping Rate":[],"Add New Shipping Rate":[],"No shipping rates available for customers to choose from.":[],"Rates for":[],"%d product":[],"Customers won't see this.":[],"Profile Details":[],"First create a shipping zone (where you ship to) and then a shipping rate (the cost to ship there).":[],"No shipping rates":[],"Manage Shipping Profile":[],"Saving failed.":[],"shipping settings":[],"To charge different rates for only certain products, create a new profile in":[],"No products in this profile.":[],"New products are added to this profile.":[],"Add products to this shipping profile.":[],"All products not in other profiles":[],"%d price":[],"Product added":[],"Product removed":[],"Are you sure you want to delete shipping profile? Deleting the shipping profile will remove associated shipping rates and shipping zones.":[],"Delete Shipping Profile":[],"Shipping profile deleted":[],"Customers won\u2019t see this.":[],"Add Shipping Profile":[],"The profile name is required.":[],"Shipping methods represent the different speeds or classes of shipping that your store offers.":[],"Upgrade to SureCart Premium to add unlimited shipping methods.":[],"Shipping Methods":[],"Shipping method removed":[],"A description to let the customer know the average time it takes for shipping.":[],"E.g. 1-2 days":[],"Add Shipping Method":[],"Edit Shipping Method":[],"Shipping method added":[],"Shipping method updated":[],"Available Processors":[],"Processors":[],"Connect with paystack to add a paystack express button to your checkout.":[],"Connect with Mollie to add a Mollie express button to your checkout.":[],"Connect with PayPal to add a PayPal express button to your checkout.":[],"Connect with Stripe to accept credit cards and other payment methods.":[],"Live Payments Disabled":[],"Live Payments Enabled":[],"Test Payments Disabled":[],"Test Payments Enabled":[],"Beta":[],"Payments that are made outside your online store. When a customer selects a manual payment method, you'll need to approve their order before it can be fulfilled":["Zahlungen, die au\u00dferhalb Ihres Online-Shops get\u00e4tigt werden. Wenn ein Kunde eine manuelle Zahlungsmethode ausw\u00e4hlt, m\u00fcssen Sie seine Bestellung genehmigen, bevor sie ausgef\u00fchrt werden kann"],"Manual Payment Methods":["Manuelle Zahlungsmethoden"],"No manual payment methods.":["Keine manuellen Zahlungsmethoden."],"Enable":["Erm\u00f6glichen"],"Payment method enabled.":["Zahlungsmethode aktiviert."],"Payment method disabled.":["Zahlungsmethode deaktiviert."],"Instructions on how to pay.":["Anweisungen zur Zahlung."],"The instructions that you want your customers to follow to pay for an order. These instructions are shown on the confirmation page after a customer completes the checkout.":["Die Anweisungen, die Ihre Kunden befolgen sollen, um eine Bestellung zu bezahlen. Diese Anweisungen werden auf der Best\u00e4tigungsseite angezeigt, nachdem ein Kunde den Bestellprozess abgeschlossen hat."],"Payment instructions":["Zahlungsanweisungen"],"I.E. Pay with cash upon delivery.":["IE Zahlung per Nachnahme."],"The description of this payment method that will be shown in the checkout.":["Die Beschreibung dieser Zahlungsmethode, die Bestellprozess angezeigt wird."],"I.E. Cash On Delivery":["IE Nachnahme"],"Custom payment method name":["Name der benutzerdefinierten Zahlungsmethode"],"Create Manual Payment Method":["Erstellen Sie eine manuelle Zahlungsmethode"],"Edit Manual Payment Method":["Manuelle Zahlungsmethode bearbeiten"],"Footer":["Fusszeile"],"This appears in the memo area of your invoices and receipts.":["Diese erscheint im Notizbereich Ihrer Rechnungen und Quittungen."],"Memo":["Memo"],"Add additional information to receipts and invoices.":["F\u00fcgen Sie Quittungen und Rechnungen zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen hinzu."],"Invoices & Receipts":["Rechnungen & Quittungen"],"It must be greater than the largest existing order number.":["Sie muss gr\u00f6\u00dfer sein, als die gr\u00f6\u00dfte vorhandene Bestellnummer."],"Start Order Number At":["Beginnen Sie mit der Bestellnummer bei"],"Random Numbers And Letters":["Zufallszahlen und Buchstaben"],"Sequential":["Sequentiell"],"Choose the style of order numbers.":["W\u00e4hlen Sie den Stil der Bestellnummern."],"Order Numbers Counter":["Auftragsnummernz\u00e4hler"],"If you would like your order numbers to have a special prefix, you can enter it here. It must not contain underscores, spaces or dashes.":["Wenn Sie m\u00f6chten, dass Ihre Bestellnummern einen speziellen Pr\u00e4fix haben, k\u00f6nnen Sie diesen hier eingeben. Es darf keine Unterstriche, Leerzeichen oder Bindestriche enthalten."],"Order Number Prefix":["Pr\u00e4fix der Bestellnummer"],"Configure your order numbering style.":["Konfigurieren Sie Ihren Bestellnummerierungsstil."],"Order Numbering":["Bestellnummerierung"],"Promotions":["Werbeaktionen"],"Products\/Prices":["Produkte\/Preise"],"Export CSV":["CSV-Datei exportieren"],"Sent when a subscription payment fails.":["Wird gesendet, wenn eine Abonnementzahlung fehlschl\u00e4gt."],"Subscription Payment Failure":["Fehler bei der Abonnementzahlung"],"Sent when a subscription renews.":["Wird gesendet, wenn ein Abonnement verl\u00e4ngert wird."],"Subscription Payment":["Abonnementzahlung"],"Sent when a subscription is canceled.":["Wird gesendet, wenn ein Abonnement gek\u00fcndigt wird."],"Sent when an order is created.":["Wird gesendet, wenn eine Bestellung erstellt wird."],"New Order":["Neue Bestellung"],"These are the emails that are sent to you and other team members of this store.":["Dies sind die E-Mails, die an Sie und andere Teammitglieder dieses Shops gesendet werden."],"Store Emails":["Shop E-Mails"],"Sent to customers when a charge is refunded.":["Wird an Kunden gesendet, wenn eine Geb\u00fchr erstattet wird."],"Sent to customers when a purchase is downloadable or has a license.":["Wird an Kunden gesendet, wenn ein Kauf herunterladbar ist oder eine Lizenz hat."],"Product Access":["Produktzugang"],"Sent to customers when their subscription cancellation.":["Wird an Kunden gesendet, wenn dessen Abonnement gek\u00fcndigt wird."],"Subscription Cancellation":["K\u00fcndigung des Abonnements"],"Sent to customers when their subscription renews.":["Wird an Kunden gesendet, wenn dessen Abonnement verl\u00e4ngert wird."],"Subscription Renewal":["Abonnement Verl\u00e4ngerung"],"Sent to customers 3 days before a subscription renews.":["Wird 3 Tage vor der Verl\u00e4ngerung eines Abonnements an Kunden gesendet."],"Subscription Reminder":["Abonnement Erinnerung"],"Sent to customers when their subscription's payment method fails.":["Wird an Kunden gesendet, wenn die Zahlungsmethode ihres Abonnements fehlschl\u00e4gt."],"Subscription Recovery":["Wiederherstellung des Abonnements"],"Sent when a fulfillment is marked as delivered.":[],"Fulfillment Delivered":[],"Sent to when a fulfillment is updated or a tracking number is added.":[],"Fulfillment Updated":[],"Sent to when a fulfillment is created (i.e. your order is on the way).":[],"Fulfillment Confirmation":[],"Sent to customers to login to the customer portal without a password.":["Wird an Kunden gesendet, um sich ohne Passwort im Kundenportal anzumelden."],"Email Verification Code":[],"Third (final) email sent when a checkout is abandoned.":["Dritte (letzte) E-Mail, die gesendet wird, wenn ein Bestellprozess abgebrochen wird."],"Abandoned Checkout #3":["Abgebrochener Kauf Nr. 3"],"Second email sent when a checkout is abandoned.":["Zweite E-Mail, die gesendet wird, wenn ein Kauf abgebrochen wird."],"Abandoned Checkout #2":["Abgebrochener Kauf Nr. 2"],"First email sent when a checkout is abandoned.":["Erste E-Mail, die gesendet wird, wenn ein Kauf abgebrochen wird."],"Abandoned Checkout #1":["Abgebrochener Kauf Nr. 1"],"Customize the content of each notification that is sent to your customers.":["Passen Sie den Inhalt jeder Benachrichtigung an, die an Ihre Kunden gesendet wird."],"Customer Emails":["Kunden E-Mails"],"Subscription payments fail all the time. Don't leave your recurring revenue to chance - turn on recovery emails to increase your chances of recovering subscriptions with failed payments.":["Abonnementzahlungen schlagen die ganze Zeit fehl. \u00dcberlassen Sie Ihre wiederkehrenden Einnahmen nicht dem Zufall \u2013 aktivieren Sie Wiederherstellungs-E-Mails, um Ihre Chancen zu erh\u00f6hen, Abonnements mit fehlgeschlagenen Zahlungen zur\u00fcckzuerhalten."],"Subscription Recovery Emails":["Abonnement-Wiederherstellungs-E-Mails"],"Send a reminder to your subscribers 3 days before their subscription renews.":["Senden Sie 3 Tage vor der Verl\u00e4ngerung ihres Abonnements eine Erinnerung an Ihre Abonnenten."],"Subscription Reminder Notifications":["Abonnement-Erinnerungsbenachrichtigungen"],"Send a general subscription cancellation confirmation email to your customers when subscription canceled.":["Senden Sie eine allgemeine Best\u00e4tigungs-E-Mail f\u00fcr die Abonnementk\u00fcndigung an Ihre Kunden, wenn das Abonnement gek\u00fcndigt wurde."],"Subscription Cancellation Notification":["Benachrichtigung \u00fcber die K\u00fcndigung des Abonnements"],"Send an email customers when their subscription renews.":["Senden Sie eine E-Mail an Kunden, wenn ihr Abonnement verl\u00e4ngert wird."],"Subscription Renewal Emails":["E-Mails zur Verl\u00e4ngerung des Abonnements"],"Send a quick reminder when a refund is created for a customer. These emails contain the amount and payment method being refunded.":["Senden Sie eine kurze Erinnerung, wenn eine R\u00fcckerstattung f\u00fcr einen Kunden erstellt wird. Diese E-Mails enthalten den zu erstattenden Betrag und die Zahlungsmethode."],"Refund Emails":["R\u00fcckerstattungs-E-Mails"],"Send an order email to customers even when the order is free.":["Senden Sie eine Bestell-E-Mail an Kunden, auch wenn die Bestellung kostenlos ist."],"Free Order Emails":["Kostenlose Bestell-E-Mails"],"Send a general order confirmation email to your customers when an order is paid. These emails include a breakdown of the order, and a link to a page where they can download their invoice and receipt.":["Senden Sie eine allgemeine Bestellbest\u00e4tigungs-E-Mail an Ihre Kunden, wenn eine Bestellung bezahlt wurde. Diese E-Mails enthalten eine Aufschl\u00fcsselung der Bestellung und einen Link zu einer Seite, auf der sie ihre Rechnung und Quittung herunterladen k\u00f6nnen."],"Order Confirmation Emails":["Bestellbest\u00e4tigungs-E-Mails"],"Send a product access email to your customer when a purchase is made for a licensed and\/or downloadable product.":[],"Product Access Emails":[],"Manage which notifications are sent to your customers.":["Verwalten Sie, welche Benachrichtigungen an Ihre Kunden gesendet werden."],"Webhook Details":[],"There are no more webhooks to show.":[],"Webhooks are functioning normally.":[],"Retry":[],"View Details":[],"Not Processed":[],"Processed":[],"Event":[],"If you have any webhooks that failed to process on your site, you can retry them here.":[],"SureCart Event Processing Health":[],"Retry successful!":[],"This will refetch the webhooks connection settings with your store in the case of an invalid signature or similar issue.":[],"Advanced connection options and troubleshooting.":[],"Advanced Options":[],"Enter your api token":["Geben Sie Ihr API-Token ein"],"API Token":["API-Token"],"Resync Webhooks":[],"View Logs":[],"If this endpoint is important to your integration, please try and fix the issue. We will disable this endpoint on %s if it continues to fail.":[],"This webhook endpoint is being monitored due to repeated errors.":[],"Error":[],"Webhook resynced.":[],"Are you sure you want to remove this logo?":["M\u00f6chten Sie dieses Logo wirklich entfernen?"],"Both":[],"Menu Icon":[],"Floating Icon":[],"What type of cart icon would you like to use?":[],"Cart Icon Type":[],"Show a floating cart icon in the bottom corner of your site, if there are items in the cart.":[],"Show Floating Cart Icon":[],"Icon":[],"Enable to always show the cart button, even your cart is empty.":[],"Always Show Cart (Menu Only)":[],"Left":[],"Right":[],"Select the cart button position, i.e. left or right, where it will look best with your website design.":[],"Select Position":[],"Position of cart button":[],"Select the menu(s) where the cart icon will appear.":[],"Select Menus":[],"This will enable slide-out cart. If you do not wish to use the cart, you can disable this to prevent cart scripts from loading on your pages.":[],"Enable Cart":[],"Change cart settings.":[],"Remove \"Powered By SureCart\" in the footer of emails and reciepts\/invoices.":["Entfernen Sie \u201ePowered By SureCart\u201c in der Fu\u00dfzeile von E-Mails und Quittungen\/Rechnungen."],"Remove SureCart Branding":["Entfernen Sie das SureCart Branding"],"Dark":["Dunkel"],"Light":["Hell"],"Choose \"Dark\" if your theme already has a dark background.":["W\u00e4hlen Sie \u201eDunkel\u201c, wenn Ihr Design bereits einen dunklen Hintergrund hat."],"Select Theme":["Thema w\u00e4hlen"],"Select Theme (Beta)":["Design ausw\u00e4hlen (Beta)"],"Logo":["Logo"],"This color will be used for the main button color, links, and various UI elements.":["Diese Farbe wird f\u00fcr die Hauptsbuttonfarbe, Links und verschiedene UI-Elemente verwendet."],"Customize how your brand appears globally across SureCart. Your logo and colors will be used on hosted pages and emails that are sent to your customers.":["Passen Sie an, wie Ihre Marke weltweit in SureCart erscheint. Ihr Logo und Ihre Farben werden auf gehosteten Seiten und E-Mails verwendet, die an Ihre Kunden gesendet werden."],"Brand Settings":["Markeneinstellungen"],"Start Sync":[],"Run any integration automations for purchases. This will run any actions that are set to run on purchase.":[],"Run purchase actions":[],"Create WordPress users if the user does not yet exist.":[],"Create WordPress Users":[],"This will change your user data on your install. We recommend creating a backup of your site before running this.":[],"Customer Sync":[],"Customer sync started in the background":[],"Clear out all of your test data with one-click.":["L\u00f6schen Sie alle Ihre Testdaten mit einem Klick."],"Clear Test Data":["Testdaten l\u00f6schen"],"Sync Customers":[],"Match all SureCart customers with WordPress users. This is helpful if you have migrated from another eCommerce platform.":[],"Manually sync your WordPress install with SureCart.":[],"Syncing":[],"Use The Stripe Card Element":[],"Show a link to edit the customer area in the menu.":[],"Show a link to edit the checkout page in the menu.":[],"Checkout Page":[],"Show a link to edit the cart in the menu.":[],"Cart Page":[],"Show a link to edit the shop page in the menu.":[],"Change some admin UI options.":[],"Admin Appearance":[],"This ensures all the password fields have a stronger validation for user password input i.e. at least 6 characters and one special character.":[],"Strong Password Validation":[],"This will load stripe.js on every page to help with Fraud monitoring.":["Dadurch wird stripe.js auf jeder Seite geladen, um bei der Betrugs\u00fcberwachung zu helfen."],"Stripe Fraud Monitoring":["Stripe-Betrugs\u00fcberwachung"],"register a new site and choose v3.":["Registrieren Sie eine neue Site und w\u00e4hlen Sie v3."],"To get your Recaptcha keys":["Um Ihren Recaptcha-Key zu erhalten"],"reCaptcha Secret Key":["reCaptcha-Secret-Key"],"You can find this on your google Recaptcha dashboard.":["Sie finden dies auf Ihrem Google Recaptcha-Dashboard."],"reCaptcha Site Key":["reCaptcha-Site-Key"],"Please clear checkout page cache after changing this setting.":["Bitte l\u00f6schen Sie den Cache der Bestellseite, nachdem Sie diese Einstellung ge\u00e4ndert haben."],"Important":["Wichtig"],"Enable Recaptcha spam protection on checkout forms.":["Aktivieren Sie den Recaptcha-Spamschutz f\u00fcr die Bestellformulare."],"Recaptcha v3":["Recaptcha v3"],"This adds a field that is invisible to users, but visible to bots in an attempt to trick them into filling it out.":["Dadurch wird ein Feld hinzugef\u00fcgt, dass f\u00fcr Benutzer unsichtbar, aber f\u00fcr Bots sichtbar ist, um sie zum Ausf\u00fcllen zu verleiten."],"Honeypot":["Honeypot"],"Change your checkout spam protection and security settings.":["\u00c4ndern Sie Ihren Spamschutz und Ihre Sicherheitseinstellungen f\u00fcr den Bestellprozess."],"Spam Protection & Security":["Spamschutz & Sicherheit"],"Enter a website URL":["Geben Sie eine Website-URL ein"],"Website":["Webseite"],"Enter an phone number":["Geben Sie eine Telefonnummer ein"],"Enter an email":["Geben Sie eine E-Mail ein"],"This information helps customers recognize your business and contact you when necessary. It will be visible on invoices\/receipts and any emails that need to be CAN-SPAM compliant (i.e. abandoned order emails).":["Diese Informationen helfen Kunden, Ihr Unternehmen zu erkennen und Sie bei Bedarf zu kontaktieren. Es wird auf Rechnungen\/Quittungen und allen E-Mails angezeigt, die CAN-SPAM-konform sein m\u00fcssen (z. B. E-Mails zu abgebrochenen Bestellungen)."],"Contact Information":["Kontakt Informationen"],"":[""],"Reply To Email":["Antwort auf E-Mail"],"Enter the sender name":["Geben Sie den Absendernamen ein"],"Sender Name":["Absender"],"Use these settings to configure how notifications are sent to your customers.":["Verwenden Sie diese Einstellungen, um zu konfigurieren, wie Benachrichtigungen an Ihre Kunden gesendet werden."],"A link to your privacy policy page.":["Ein Link zu Ihrer Datenschutzrichtlinien."],"Privacy Policy Page":[],"A link to your store terms page.":[],"Terms Page":[],"The language used for notifications, invoices, etc.":["Die Sprache f\u00fcr Benachrichtigungen, Rechnungen usw."],"Store Language":["Shop Sprache"],"Change this if you want the store to be in a different time zone than your server.":["\u00c4ndern Sie dies, wenn Sie m\u00f6chten, dass sich der Shop in einer anderen Zeitzone als Ihr Server befindet."],"Time Zone":["Zeitzone"],"The default currency for new products.":["Die Standardw\u00e4hrung f\u00fcr neue Produkte."],"This should be your live storefront URL.":["Dies sollte Ihre Live-Storefront-URL sein."],"https:\/\/":[],"This is displayed in the UI and in notifications.":["Dies wird in der Benutzeroberfl\u00e4che und in Benachrichtigungen angezeigt."],"Store Name":["Gesch\u00e4ftsname"],"The name of your store will be visible to customers, so you should use a name that is recognizable and identifies your store to your customers.":["Der Name Ihres Gesch\u00e4fts ist f\u00fcr Kunden sichtbar, daher sollten Sie einen Namen verwenden, der erkennbar ist und Ihr Gesch\u00e4ft f\u00fcr Ihre Kunden identifiziert."],"Store Details":["Gesch\u00e4ftsdetails"],"1 week":["1 Woche"],"6 Days":["6 Tage"],"5 Days":["5 Tage"],"4 Days":["4 Tage"],"3 Days":["3 Tage"],"2 Days":["2 Tage"],"1.5 Days":["1,5 Tage"],"1 Day":["1 Tag"],"12 Hours":["12 Stunden"],"6 Hours":["6 Stunden"],"3 Hours":["3 Stunden"],"2 Hours":["2 Stunden"],"1 Hour":["1 Stunde"],"The number of days to wait after a customer's purchase before allowing an abandoned checkout to be created. 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Es basiert auf Produkten, die sie zuvor gekauft haben."],"What are Upgrade Groups?":["Was sind Upgrade-Gruppen?"],"Search product collections":[],"Save Settings":["Einstellungen speichern"],"Plugin Settings":["Plugin Einstellungen"],"Saved.":["Gesichert."],"Get Help":["Hilfe bekommen"],"Create A Form":["Erstellen Sie ein Formular"],"Create A Product":["Erstellen Sie ein Produkt"],"Get started by creating your first product or creating a new checkout form.":["Legen Sie los, indem Sie Ihr erstes Produkt erstellen oder ein neues Checkout-Formular erstellen"],"Set Up My Store":["Meinen Shop einrichten"],"Commerce on WordPress has never been easier, faster, or more flexible.":["E-Commerce auf WordPress war noch nie einfacher, schneller oder flexibler."],"Welcome to SureCart!":["Willkommen bei SureCart!"],"Complete Installation":["Vollst\u00e4ndige Installation"],"Api token":["API-Token"],"Enter your API Token":["Geben Sie Ihr API-Token ein"],"Just one last step!":["Nur noch ein letzter Schritt!"],"Please enter an API key.":["Bitte geben Sie einen API-Schl\u00fcssel ein."],"This Is A Duplicate Or Staging Site":[],"We will create a new connection for this site. This can happen if you are using a staging site or want to have more than one website connected to the same store.":[],"I want to have both sites connected to the store \"%s\".":[],"I Changed My Site Address":[],"We will update the SureCart connection to the your new url. This is often the case when you have changed your website url or have migrated your site to a new domain.":[],"I want to update this site connection to the store \"%s\".":[],"Learn More":[],"Two sites that are telling SureCart they are the same site. Please let us know how to treat this website change.":[],"There are two websites connected to the same SureCart store.":[],"Search Licenses":["Lizenzen suchen"],"Invoices are similar to orders, but are used for payments and plan changes on active subscriptions. In the future you will be able to create an invoice to send out.":["Rechnungen \u00e4hneln Bestellungen, werden jedoch f\u00fcr Zahlungen und Tarif\u00e4nderungen bei aktiven Abonnements verwendet. In Zukunft k\u00f6nnen Sie eine Rechnung zum Versenden erstellen."],"What are Invoices?":["Was sind Rechnungen?"],"Search Customers":["Kunden suchen"],"Update your api token to change or update the connection to SureCart.":["Aktualisieren Sie Ihr API-Token, um die Verbindung zu SureCart zu \u00e4ndern oder zu aktualisieren."],"Connection Settings":["Verbindungseinstellungen"],"Find My Api Token":["Mein API-Token finden"],"Enter your api token.":["Geben Sie Ihr API-Token ein."],"Api Token":["API-Token"],"Add your API token to connect to SureCart.":["F\u00fcgen Sie Ihr API-Token hinzu, um eine Verbindung zu SureCart herzustellen."],"Connection Details":["Verbindungsdetails"],"Update Your Connection":["Aktualisieren Sie Ihre Verbindung"],"We are currently working on our Pro features. Please check back once we release new revenue and time saving features.":["Wir arbeiten derzeit an unseren Pro-Funktionen. Bitte schauen Sie wieder vorbei, sobald wir neue Umsatz- und Zeitsparfunktionen ver\u00f6ffentlichen."],"Coming soon...":["Kommt bald ..."],"Cancellation Attempts":["Stornierungsversuche"],"Get Subscription Saver":["Holen Sie sich den Abonnement-Sparer"],"Automatically lower your subscription cancellation while making customers happy and saving more revenue with Subscription Saver.":[],"The easiest thing you can do to increase subscription revenue.":["Das einfachste, was Sie tun k\u00f6nnen, um den Abonnementumsatz zu steigern."],"Completely remove all plugin data when deleted. This cannot be undone.":["Entfernen Sie beim L\u00f6schen alle Plugin-Daten vollst\u00e4ndig. Das kann nicht r\u00fcckg\u00e4ngig gemacht werden."],"Remove Plugin Data":["Plug-in-Daten entfernen"],"Change your plugin uninstall settings.":["\u00c4ndern Sie Ihre Plugin-Deinstallationseinstellungen."],"Uninstall":["Deinstallieren"],"Use Stripe's Card Element instead of the Payment Element in all forms.":[],"Use the Stripe Card Element":[],"Opt-in to some legacy features of the plugin.":[],"Legacy Features":[],"This can slightly increase page load speed, but may require you to enable CORS headers for .js files on your CDN. Please check your checkout forms after you enable this option in a private browser window.":["Dies kann die Seitenladegeschwindigkeit leicht erh\u00f6hen, erfordert aber m\u00f6glicherweise, dass Sie CORS-Header f\u00fcr .js-Dateien in Ihrem CDN aktivieren. 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Please try again.":[],"Invalid recaptcha check. Please try again.":[],"SureCart Product updated.":[],"SureCart Product scheduled.":[],"SureCart Product reverted to draft.":[],"SureCart Product published privately.":[],"SureCart Product published.":[],"SureCart Products list":[],"SureCart Products list navigation":[],"Search SureCart Products":[],"All SureCart Products":[],"View SureCart Product":[],"Edit SureCart Product":[],"New SureCart Product":[],"Add new SureCart Product":[],"SureCart Product\u0004Add New":[],"post type singular name\u0004SureCart Product":[],"post type general name\u0004SureCart Products":[],"SureCart Product Collection updated.":[],"SureCart Product Collection scheduled.":[],"SureCart Product Collection reverted to draft.":[],"SureCart Product Collection published privately.":[],"SureCart Product Collection published.":[],"SureCart Product Collections list":[],"SureCart Product Collections list navigation":[],"Search SureCart Product Collections":[],"All SureCart Product Collections":[],"View SureCart Product Collection":[],"Edit SureCart Product Collection":[],"New SureCart Product Collection":[],"Add new SureCart Product Collection":[],"SureCart Product Collection\u0004Add New":[],"post type singular name\u0004SureCart Product Collection":[],"post type general name\u0004SureCart Product Collections":[],"(no title)":["(kein Titel)"],"Shortcode":["Shortcode"],"Mode":["Modus"],"Published In":["Ver\u00f6ffentlicht in"],"Checkout Form updated.":["Bestellformular aktualisiert."],"Checkout Form scheduled.":["Bestellformular geplant."],"Checkout Form reverted to draft.":["Das Bestellformular wurde auf den Entwurf zur\u00fcckgesetzt."],"Checkout Form published privately.":["Bestellformular privat ver\u00f6ffentlicht."],"Checkout Form published.":["Bestellformlar ver\u00f6ffentlicht."],"Checkout Forms list":["Bestellformular Liste"],"Checkout Forms list navigation":["Bestellformular Listen Navidaation"],"Search Checkout Forms":["Bestellformulare suchen"],"All Checkout Forms":["Alle Bestellformulare"],"View Checkout Form":["Bestellformulare anzeigen"],"Edit Checkout Form":["Bestellformulare bearbeiten"],"New Checkout Form":["Neues Bestellformular"],"Add new Checkout Form":["Neues Bestellformular hinzuf\u00fcgen"],"Checkout Form\u0004Add New":["Neu hinzuf\u00fcgen"],"post type singular name\u0004Checkout Form":["Bestellformular"],"post type general name\u0004Checkout Forms":["Bestellformulare"],"Cart updated.":["Warenkorb aktualisiert."],"Cart scheduled.":["Warenkorb geplant."],"Cart reverted to draft.":["Warenkorb wurde auf Entwurf zur\u00fcckgesetzt."],"Cart published privately.":["Warenkorb privat ver\u00f6ffentlicht."],"Cart published.":["Warenkorb ver\u00f6ffentlicht."],"Carts list":["Warenkorb Liste"],"Carts list navigation":["Warenkorb Listen Navigation"],"Filter checkout forms list":["Bestellformulare filtern"],"No checkout forms found in Trash.":["Keine Bestellformulare im Papierkorb gefunden."],"No checkout forms found.":["Keine Bestellformulare gefunden."],"Search Carts":["Warenkorb suchen"],"All Carts":["Alle Warenk\u00f6rbe"],"View Cart":["Warenkorb ansehen"],"Edit Cart":["Warenkorb bearbeiten"],"New Cart":["Neuer Warenkorb"],"Add new Cart":["Neuen Warenkorb hinzuf\u00fcgen"],"Cart\u0004Add New":["Neu hinzuf\u00fcgen"],"post type singular name\u0004Cart":["Warenkorb"],"post type general name\u0004Carts":["Warenl\u00f6rbe"],"Shop Page":[],"Order Confirmation":["Bestellbest\u00e4tigung"],"Customer Dashboard":["Kunden Dashboard"],"Store Checkout":["Shop-Kasse"],"Deleting This is Restricted":[],"To prevent misconfiguration, you cannot delete the default checkout page. Please deactivate SureCart to delete this page.":[],"To prevent misconfiguration, you cannot delete the default checkout form. Please deactivate SureCart to delete this form.":[],"Shop page title\u0004Shop":[],"Shop page slug\u0004shop":[],"Please troubleshoot the issue if integrations are important to your store.":[],"The SureCart webhook has received repeated errors.":[],"webhook connection is being monitored for errors.":[],"The SureCart webhook is currently disabled which can cause issues with integrations. This can happen automatically due to repeated errors, or could have been disabled manually. Please re-enable the webhook and troubleshoot the issue if integrations are important to your store.":[],"webhook is disabled.":[],"Webhooks":[],"Webhooks are working normally.":[],"Troubleshoot Connection":[],"Webhook processing is working normally.":[],"%d of your webhooks failed to process on your site. Please check your error logs to make sure errors did not occur in webhook processing.":[],"SureCart Webhooks Processing":[],"SureCart Webhooks Processing Error":[],"API for is not reachable.":[],"API for is reachable.":[],"Webhooks Connection":[],"API connectivity":[],"Working":[],"%d Unprocessed webhooks":[],"Webhooks Processing":[],"Not registered":[],"Registered Webhook URL":[],"Store URL":["Shop URL"],"Store ID":[],"Not connected":[],"Connected":[],"API Connectivity":[],"<p>The Gutenberg plugin is currently active. SureCart blocks might not perform as expected within the block editor. If you encounter any issues, consider disabling the Gutenberg plugin.<p>":[],"Your store does not appear to be using a secure connection. A secure connection (https) is required to use SureCart to process live transactions.":["Ihr Shop scheint keine sichere Verbindung zu verwenden. Eine sichere Verbindung (https) ist erforderlich, um SureCart zur Verarbeitung von Live-Transaktionen zu verwenden."],"Add to menu":[],"Select all":[],"No product collections added.":[],"Deleted":[],"Custom Forms":[],"Forms":["Formulare"],"Customer Area":[],"Cancellations":["Stornierungen"],"Cancellation Insights":["Auswertung Stornierungen"],"Upgrade Groups":["Upgrade-Gruppen"],"Order Bumps":["Order Bumps"],"Add New":["Neu hinzuf\u00fcgen"],"Checkouts":[],"Claim Account":[],"Complete Signup":["Schlie\u00dfe die Anmeldung ab"],"Get Started":["Loslegen"],"Visit Store":[],"Visit SureCart Store":[],"(GMT+13:00) Tokelau Is.":[],"(GMT+13:00) Samoa":[],"(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa":[],"(GMT+12:45) Chatham Is.":[],"(GMT+12:00) Wellington":[],"(GMT+12:00) Marshall Is.":[],"(GMT+12:00) Kamchatka":[],"(GMT+12:00) Fiji":[],"(GMT+12:00) Auckland":[],"(GMT+11:00) Srednekolymsk":[],"(GMT+11:00) Solomon Is.":[],"(GMT+11:00) New Caledonia":[],"(GMT+11:00) Magadan":[],"(GMT+10:00) 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valid or reusable saved payment methods available.":[],"This payment method is not valid or reusable.":[],"This coupon is not applicable to this subscription.":[],"The minimum amount must be a number.":[],"The minimum amount must be greater than or equal to zero.":[],"The maximum amount must be a number.":[],"The maximum amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum amount.":[],"The minimum weight must be a number.":[],"The minimum weight must be greater than or equal to zero.":[],"The maximum weight must be a number.":[],"The maximum weight must be greater than or equal to the minimum weight.":[],"The shipping method cannot be blank.":[],"The shipping weight unit is not valid.":[],"The shipping weight unit cannot be blank.":[],"The shipping rate type is not valid.":[],"The shipping rate type cannot be blank.":[],"The shipping method description is too long. Please enter a shorter description.":[],"The shipping method name is already in use.":[],"The shipping method name is too long. Please enter a shorter name.":[],"The shipping method name cannot be blank.":[],"The selected countries are not valid.":[],"The selected countries are already used in another shipping zone.":[],"The shipping zone name is too long. Please enter a shorter name.":[],"The shipping zone name is already in use.":[],"The shipping zone name cannot be blank.":[],"The shipping profile name is too long. Please enter a shorter name.":[],"The shipping profile name cannot be blank.":[],"The shipping method name is already in use .":[],"We don't currently ship to your address.":[],"This URL part is already taken. Please choose another URL part.":[],"The name cannot be blank.":[],"This name is already taken. Please choose another name.":[],"You have reached the maximum number of options for this product.":[],"This option name is already taken. Please use a different name.":[],"You have already requested a code in the last 60 seconds. Please wait before requesting again.":["Sie haben in den letzten 60 Sekunden bereits einen Code angefordert. Bitte warten Sie, bevor Sie erneut eine Anfrage stellen."],"This file type is not supported.":[],"You cannot delete this media item because it is currently being used.":["Sie k\u00f6nnen dieses Medienelement nicht l\u00f6schen, da es derzeit verwendet wird."],"You cannot enable taxes unless a valid tax address is provided":["Sie k\u00f6nnen Steuern nur aktivieren, wenn eine g\u00fcltige Steueradresse angegeben ist"],"You cannot enable EU Micro Exemption if your address is outside of the EU.":["Sie k\u00f6nnen die EU-Mikrobefreiung nicht aktivieren, wenn sich Ihre Adresse au\u00dferhalb der EU befindet."],"You are already collecting tax for this zone.":["Sie erheben bereits Steuern f\u00fcr diese Zone."],"The maximum price must be greater than the minimum price.":["Der H\u00f6chstpreis muss gr\u00f6\u00dfer sein als der Mindestpreis."],"The minimum price must be smaller.":["Der Mindestpreis muss kleiner sein."],"The maximum price must be smaller.":["Der H\u00f6chstpreis muss kleiner sein."],"This price is currently being used in subscriptions or checkout sessions. Please archive the price and create another one.":["Dieser Preis wird derzeit in Abonnements oder Bestell-Sitzungen verwendet. Bitte archivieren Sie den Preis und erstellen Sie einen anderen."],"This product is no longer purchaseable.":["Dieses Produkt ist nicht mehr k\u00e4uflich."],"You can only apply this offer once.":["Sie k\u00f6nnen dieses Angebot nur einmal anwenden."],"This prefix is too short. Please enter a longer prefix.":["Dieses Pr\u00e4fix ist zu kurz. Bitte geben Sie ein l\u00e4ngeres Pr\u00e4fix ein."],"This prefix is too long. Please enter a shorter prefix.":["Dieses Pr\u00e4fix ist zu lang. Bitte geben Sie ein k\u00fcrzeres Pr\u00e4fix ein."],"Please double-check your prefix does not contain any spaces, underscores, dashes or special characters.":["Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob Ihr Pr\u00e4fix keine Leerzeichen, Unterstriche, Bindestriche oder Sonderzeichen enth\u00e4lt."],"This is not a valid coupon code":["Dies ist kein g\u00fcltiger Gutscheincode"],"This discount code does not apply to this currency.":["Dieser Rabattcode gilt nicht f\u00fcr diese W\u00e4hrung."],"This coupon has expired.":["Dieser Gutschein ist abgelaufen."],"Your postal code is not valid.":["Ihre Postleitzahl ist ung\u00fcltig."],"Failed to update. Please check for errors and try again.":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren. Bitte suchen Sie nach Fehlern und versuchen Sie es erneut."],"This coupon code is invalid.":["Dieser Gutscheincode ist ung\u00fcltig."],"The prices in this checkout session have changed. Please recheck it before submitting again.":["Die Preise in dieser Bestellprozess-Sitzung haben sich ge\u00e4ndert. Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie es erneut, bevor Sie es erneut senden."],"Please enter a valid tax number.":["Bitte geben Sie eine g\u00fcltige Steuernummer ein."],"Please add a valid address with necessary shipping information.":[],"The product image must be an image.":["Das Produktbild muss ein Bild sein."],"This product has prices that are currently being used. Please archive the product instead if it is not already archived.":["Dieses Produkt hat Preise, die derzeit verwendet werden. Bitte archivieren Sie stattdessen das Produkt, falls es noch nicht archiviert ist."],"There are no processors to make the payment. Please contact us for assistance.":["Es gibt keine Zahlungsabwickler, um die Zahlung vorzunehmen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns f\u00fcr Unterst\u00fctzung."],"This promotion code already exists. Please archive the old code or use a different code.":["Dieser Aktionscode existiert bereits. Bitte archivieren Sie den alten Code oder verwenden Sie einen anderen Code."],"A price with this currency and recurring interval already exists. Please create a new product to create this price.":["Ein Preis mit dieser W\u00e4hrung und diesem wiederkehrenden Intervall ist bereits vorhanden. Bitte erstellen Sie ein neues Produkt, um diesen Preis zu erstellen."],"The compare at price must be greater than the price.":["Der Vergleichspreis muss gr\u00f6\u00dfer sein als der Preis."],"The price cannot be blank.":["Der Preis darf nicht leer sein."],"You cannot add a one-time product to a subscription.":["Sie k\u00f6nnen einem Abonnement kein einmaliges Produkt hinzuf\u00fcgen."],"The payment method is not valid (chargeable fingerprint blank). Please double-check it and try again.":[],"This payment method cannot be used for subscriptions.":["Diese Zahlungsmethode kann nicht f\u00fcr Abonnements verwendet werden."],"The refund amount is greater than the refundable amount.":["Der Erstattungsbetrag ist h\u00f6her als der erstattungsf\u00e4hige Betrag."],"This download cannot be removed or archived when it is set as the current release.":["Dieser Download kann nicht entfernt oder archiviert werden, wenn er als aktuelle Version festgelegt ist."],"Please select a customer.":[],"This coupon is not valid. Please double-check it and try again.":["Dieser Gutschein ist nicht g\u00fcltig. Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie es noch einmal und versuchen Sie es erneut."],"Please fill out your address.":["Bitte f\u00fcllen Sie Ihre Adresse aus."],"One of these products is no longer purchaseable.":[],"Please add at least one product.":["Bitte f\u00fcgen Sie mindestens ein Produkt hinzu."],"Invalid Checkout":[],"Invalid promotion code.":["Ung\u00fcltiger Aktionscode."],"The price is already being used in subscriptions or checkout sessions. Please archive the price and create another one.":["Der Preis wird bereits in Abonnements oder Bestellprozess-Sitzungen verwendet. Bitte archivieren Sie den Preis und erstellen Sie einen anderen."],"This coupon is for a different currency and cannot be applied.":["Dieser Gutschein gilt f\u00fcr eine andere W\u00e4hrung und kann nicht eingel\u00f6st werden."],"Failed to save coupon.":["Coupon konnte nicht gespeichert werden."],"Could not complete the request. Please try again.":["Die Anfrage konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte versuche es erneut."],"Repeat payment":["Zahlung wiederholen"],"Pay what you want":["Zahlen Sie, was Sie wollen"],"Amount":["H\u00f6he"],"Percent Off":["Rabatt in %"],"Amount Off":["Betrag reduziert"],"Promotion code":["Aktionscode"],"Error.":["Fehler."],"You must spend at least %s to use this coupon.":[],"You must enter a quantity greater than or equal to %s":[],"The product is out of stock. Please remove it from your cart.":[],"You must enter an amount between %1$s and %2$s":["Sie m\u00fcssen einen Betrag zwischen %1$s und %2$s eingeben"],"%s is invalid.":["%s ist ung\u00fcltig."],"Zambian Kwacha":["Sambischer Kwacha"],"Yemeni Rial":["Jemenitischer Rial"],"West African Cfa Franc":["Westafrikanischer Cfa-Franc"],"Vietnamese \u0110\u1ed3ng":["Vietnamesisch \u0110\u1ed3ng"],"Vanuatu Vatu":["Vanuatu Vatu"],"Uzbekistan Som":["Usbekistan Som"],"Uruguayan Peso":["Uruguayischer Peso"],"United States Dollar":["US-Dollar"],"United Arab Emirates Dirham":["Dirham der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate"],"Ukrainian Hryvnia":["Ukrainische Griwna"],"Ugandan Shilling":["Ugandischer Schilling"],"Turkish Lira":["T\u00fcrkische Lire"],"Trinidad and Tobago Dollar":["Trinidad- und Tobago-Dollar"],"Tongan Pa\u02bbanga":["Tongaisches Pa\u02bbanga"],"Thai Baht":["Thai Baht"],"Tanzanian Shilling":["Tansania-Schilling"],"Tajikistani Somoni":["Tadschikischer Somoni"],"S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 and 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Lek"],"No theme is defined for this template.":[],"Display all individual product collections content unless a custom template has been applied.":[],"Display all individual product collections unless a custom template has been applied.":[],"Template name\u0004Product Collections":[],"Template name\u0004SureCart Product Collections":[],"Display all individual products content unless a custom template has been applied.":[],"Display all individual products unless a custom template has been applied.":[],"Template name\u0004Products":[],"Template name\u0004SureCart Products":[],"Your email and cart are saved so we can send email reminders about this order.":["Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Ihr Warenkorb werden gespeichert, damit wir E-Mail-Erinnerungen zu dieser Bestellung senden k\u00f6nnen."],"collection-page-slug\u0004collections":[],"product-page-slug\u0004products":[],"buy-page-slug\u0004buy":[],"Enter a custom base to use. A base must be set or WordPress will use default instead.":[],"Custom base":[],"Product Collections":[],"If you like, you may enter custom structures for your product page URLs here. For example, using <code>collections<\/code> would make your product collection links like <code>%scollections\/sample-collection\/<\/code>.":[],"SureCart Product Collection Permalinks":[],"If you like, you may enter custom structures for your instant checkout URLs here. For example, using <code>buy<\/code> would make your product buy links like <code>%sbuy\/sample-product\/<\/code>.":[],"SureCart Instant Checkout Permalinks":[],"Shop":[],"Default":["Standard"],"If you like, you may enter custom structures for your product page URLs here. For example, using <code>products<\/code> would make your product buy links like <code>%sproducts\/sample-product\/<\/code>.":[],"SureCart Product Permalinks":[],"The associated tax zone.":["Die zugeh\u00f6rige Steuerzone."],"The associated tax identifier.":["Die zugeh\u00f6rige Steuerkennung."],"The associated EU tax identifier.":["Die zugeh\u00f6rige EU-Steuerkennung."],"The associated Canadian tax identifier.":["Die zugeh\u00f6rige kanadische Steuerkennung."],"If set to true taxes will be automatically calculated.":["Bei \"wahr\" werden die Steuern automatisch berechnet."],"If set to true VAT taxes will be calculated for all EU countries.":["Bei Einstellung auf \"wahr\" werden die Mehrwertsteuern f\u00fcr alle EU-L\u00e4nder berechnet."],"If set to true VAT taxes will be calculated using the account's home country VAT rate.":["Wenn dies auf \"wahr\" gesetzt ist, werden die Mehrwertsteuersteuern anhand des Mehrwertsteuersatzes des Heimatlandes des Kontos berechnet."],"If set to true GST taxes will be calculated for all Canadian provinces.":["Bei Einstellung auf \"wahr\" werden GST-Steuern f\u00fcr alle kanadischen Provinzen berechnet."],"Upgrade behavior. Either pending or immediate.":["Upgrade-Verhalten. Entweder ausstehend oder sofort."],"Downgrade behavior. Either pending or immediate.":["Downgrade-Verhalten. Entweder ausstehend oder sofort."],"Cancel behavior. Either pending or immediate.":["Verhalten abbrechen. Entweder ausstehend oder sofort."],"Payment retry window in weeks.":["Zahlungswiederholungsfenster in Wochen."],"The start of the date range to query.":["Der Beginn des abzufragenden Datumsbereichs."],"The interval to group statistics on \u2013 one of hour, day, week, month, or year.":["Das Intervall, in dem Statistiken gruppiert werden sollen \u2013 entweder Stunde, Tag, Woche, Monat oder Jahr."],"The end of the date range to query.":["Das Ende des abzufragenden Datumsbereichs."],"Only return objects that have this currency. If not set, this will fallback to the account's default currency.":["Geben Sie nur Objekte zur\u00fcck, die diese W\u00e4hrung haben. Wenn nicht festgelegt, wird auf die Standardw\u00e4hrung des Kontos zur\u00fcckgegriffen."],"Whether or not shipping is enabled":[],"Type of object (Settings)":["Art des Objekts (Einstellungen)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to edit products.":["Entschuldigung, Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Produkte zu bearbeiten."],"Only return objects that belong to the given product collections.":[],"Only return objects that belong to the given product groups.":["Geben Sie nur Objekte zur\u00fcck, die zu den angegebenen Produktgruppen geh\u00f6ren."],"Only return products that are recurring or not recurring (one time).":["Geben Sie nur wiederkehrende oder nicht wiederkehrende (einmalige) Produkte zur\u00fcck."],"Top level metrics for the product.":["Metriken der obersten Ebene f\u00fcr das Produkt."],"Stored product metadata":["Gesicherte Produktmetadaten"],"Files attached to the product.":["An das Produkt angeh\u00e4ngte Dateien."],"A limit on the number of records returned":[],"Sorry, you are not allowed to edit product collections.":[],"Only return objects that belong to the given products.":["Geben Sie nur Objekte zur\u00fcck, die zu den angegebenen Produkten geh\u00f6ren."],"Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.":["Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Ergebnismenge bestimmte IDs ausschlie\u00dft."],"The query to be used for full text search of this collection.":["Die Abfrage, die f\u00fcr die Volltextsuche dieser Sammlung verwendet werden soll."],"Only return prices that allow ad hoc amounts or not.":["Geben Sie nur Preise zur\u00fcck, die Ad-hoc-Betr\u00e4ge zulassen oder nicht."],"Whether to get archived products or not.":["Ob Sie archivierte Produkte erhalten oder nicht."],"The content for the object.":["Der Inhalt f\u00fcr das Objekt."],"The terms of service link that is shown to customers on the customer portal.":["Der Link zu den Nutzungsbedingungen, der Kunden im Kundenportal angezeigt wird."],"Whether or not customers can change subscription quantities from the customer portal.":["Ob Kunden Abonnementmengen \u00fcber das Kundenportal \u00e4ndern k\u00f6nnen oder nicht."],"Whether or not customers can make subscription changes from the customer portal.":["Ob Kunden Abonnement\u00e4nderungen \u00fcber das Kundenportal vornehmen k\u00f6nnen oder nicht."],"Whether or not customers can cancel subscriptions from the customer portal.":["Ob Kunden Abonnements \u00fcber das Kundenportal k\u00fcndigen k\u00f6nnen oder nicht."],"The type of number to use for orders \u2013 one of sequential or token.":["Die Art der Nummer, die f\u00fcr Bestellungen verwendet werden soll \u2013 entweder sequenziell oder Token."],"The prefix that is added to all order numbers. Must be between 3-12 characters and only include letters.":["Das Pr\u00e4fix, das allen Bestellnummern hinzugef\u00fcgt wird. Muss zwischen 3 und 12 Zeichen lang sein und darf nur Buchstaben enthalten."],"The default memo that is shown on all order statements (i.e. invoices and receipts).":["Die Standardnotiz, die auf allen Bestellausz\u00fcgen (dh Rechnungen und Quittungen) angezeigt wird."],"The default footer that is shown on all order statements (i.e. invoices and receipts).":["Die Standard-Fu\u00dfzeile, die auf allen Bestellausz\u00fcgen (dh Rechnungen und Quittungen) angezeigt wird."],"Password":["Passwort"],"The model to get integration providers for.":["Das Modell, f\u00fcr das Sie Integrationsanbieter erhalten."],"The SureCart model id.":["Die SureCart-Modell-ID."],"The SureCart model name.":["Der Name des SureCart Modells."],"Dry run the sync.":[],"Run any purchase syncing actions.":[],"Create the WordPress user.":[],"The reply-to email address to use when sending emails to customers.":["Die Antwort-E-Mail-Adresse, die beim Senden von E-Mails an Kunden verwendet werden soll."],"The language that will be used for all customer notifications. Current available locales are de, en, es, and fr.":["Die Sprache, die f\u00fcr alle Kundenbenachrichtigungen verwendet wird. Derzeit verf\u00fcgbare Gebietsschemata sind de, en, es und fr."],"The from name to use when sending emails to customers.":["Der Absendername, der beim Senden von E-Mails an Kunden verwendet werden soll."],"If set to true refund emails will be sent to customers.":["Bei Einstellung auf \u201ewahr\u201c werden R\u00fcckerstattungs-E-Mails an Kunden gesendet."],"If set to true subscription dunning emails will be sent to customers.":["Wenn das Abonnement auf \"wahr\" gesetzt ist, werden Mahn-E-Mails an Kunden gesendet."],"If set to true order confirmation emails will be sent to customers.":["Wenn auf \"wahr\" gesetzt, werden Auftragsbest\u00e4tigungs-E-Mails an Kunden gesendet."],"If set to true abandonded order reminder emails will be sent to customers.":["Bei Einstellung auf \u201ewahr\u201c werden E-Mails zur Erinnerung an abgebrochene Bestellungen an Kunden gesendet."],"Form ID is invalid.":["Formular-ID ist ung\u00fcltig."],"Form ID is required.":["Formular-ID ist erforderlich."],"The discount for the session.":["Der Rabatt f\u00fcr die Sitzung."],"The line items for the session.":["Die Werbebuchungen f\u00fcr die Sitzung."],"The customer for the session.":["Der Kunde f\u00fcr die Sitzung."],"The customer id for the order.":["Die Kunden-ID f\u00fcr die Bestellung."],"Metadata for the order.":["Metadaten zur Bestellung."],"The currency for the session.":["Die W\u00e4hrung f\u00fcr die Sitzung."],"Login":["Login"],"The UUID of the price.":["Die UUID des Preises."],"The priority of this bump in relation to other bumps. Must be in the range of 1 - 5.":["Die Priorit\u00e4t dieses Bumps im Verh\u00e4ltnis zu anderen Bumps. Muss im Bereich von 1 - 5 liegen."],"Percent that will be taken off line items associated with this bump.":["Prozentsatz, der mit diesem Bump verkn\u00fcpfte Werbebuchungen offline genommen werden."],"A name for this upsell that will be visible to customers. If empty, the product name will be used.":[],"The conditions that will filter this bump to be recommeneded. Accepted keys are price_ids, product_ids, and product_group_ids with array values.":["Die Bedingungen, die diesen Order Bump filtern, werden empfohlen. Akzeptierte Schl\u00fcssel sind price_ids, product_ids und product_group_ids mit Array-Werten."],"Whether or not this bump is currently enabled and being shown to customers.":["Ob dieser Bump derzeit aktiviert ist und Kunden angezeigt wird oder nicht."],"Amount (in the currency of the price) that will be taken off line items associated with this bump.":["Betrag (in der W\u00e4hrung des Preises), der von Werbebuchungen abgezogen wird, die mit dieser Erh\u00f6hung verbunden sind."],"Type of object (bump)":["Art des Objekts (Bump)"],"The default footer for invoices and receipts.":["Die Standardfu\u00dfzeile f\u00fcr Rechnungen und Quittungen."],"The default memo for invoices and receipts.":["Das Standardnotiz f\u00fcr Rechnungen und Quittungen."],"The associated address.":["Die zugeh\u00f6rige Adresse."],"The URL of the brand logo.":["Die URL des Markenlogos."],"The website that will be shown to customers for support, on invoices, etc.":["Die Website, die Kunden f\u00fcr Support, Rechnungen usw. angezeigt wird."],"The phone number that will be shown to customers for support, on invoices, etc.":["Die Telefonnummer, die Kunden f\u00fcr Support, auf Rechnungen usw. angezeigt wird."],"The email address that will be shown to customers for support, on invoices, etc.":["Die E-Mail-Adresse, die Kunden f\u00fcr Support, auf Rechnungen usw. angezeigt wird."],"The brand color.":["Die Markenfarbe."],"Determines whether the pattern is visible in inserter.":["Legt fest, ob das Muster im Inserter sichtbar ist."],"The pattern content.":["Der Musterinhalt."],"The pattern keywords.":["Die Muster Keywords."],"The pattern category slugs.":["Die Muster-Kategorie-Slugs."],"Block types that the pattern is intended to be used with.":["Blocktypen, mit denen das Muster verwendet werden soll."],"The pattern viewport width for inserter preview.":["Die Breite des Ansichtsfensters des Musters f\u00fcr die Einf\u00fcgevorschau."],"The pattern detailed description.":["Das Muster detaillierter Beschreibung."],"The pattern title, in human readable format.":["Der Mustertitel im f\u00fcr Menschen lesbaren Format."],"The pattern name.":["Mustername"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to view the registered form patterns.":["Entschuldigung, Sie sind nicht berechtigt, die registrierten Formularmuster anzuzeigen."],"A limit on the number of items to be returned, between 1 and 100.":["Eine Begrenzung der Anzahl der zur\u00fcckzusendenden Artikel zwischen 1 und 100."],"The page of items you want returned.":["Die Seite mit Artikeln, die Sie zur\u00fcckgeben m\u00f6chten."],"The UUID of the license.":["Die UUID der Lizenz."],"The name of this activation.":["Der Name dieser Aktivierung."],"The unique identifier for this activation. For example a URL, a machine fingerprint, etc.":["Die eindeutige Kennung f\u00fcr diese Aktivierung. Zum Beispiel eine URL, ein Maschinenfingerabdruck usw."],"Connected processors":["Verbundene Zahlungsabwickler"],"Owner data.":["Eigent\u00fcmerdaten."],"The default currency for the account.":["Die Standardw\u00e4hrung f\u00fcr das Konto."],"The name of the account.":["Der Name des Kontos."],"Created at timestamp":["Erstellt am Zeitstempel"],"Type of object (Account)":["Art des Objekts (Konto)"],"This customer's most recent checkout that has been abandoned.":["Der letzte Bestellprozess dieses Kunden, der abgebrochen wurde."],"The customer for the checkout.":["Der Kunde f\u00fcr den Bestellvorgang."],"The checkout id for the checkout.":["Die Kassen-ID f\u00fcr den Bestellvorgang."],"The current status of this abandonded checkout, which can be one of not_notified, notified, or recovered.":["Der aktuelle Status dieses abgebrochenen Kaufes, der \u201enicht_benachrichtigt\u201c, \u201ebenachrichtigt\u201c oder \u201ewiederhergestellt\u201c sein kann."],"The current notification status for this abandonded checkout, which can be one of not_sent, scheduled, or sent.":["Der aktuelle Benachrichtigungsstatus f\u00fcr diesen abgebrochenen Kaufes, der \u201enot_sent\u201c, \u201egeplant\u201c oder \u201egesendet\u201c sein kann."],"Unique identifier for the object.":["Eindeutiger Bezeichner f\u00fcr das Objekt."],"Invalid API token.":[],"Please connect your site to SureCart.":[],"SureCart Customer":["SureCart Kunde"],"SureCart Shop Worker":["SureCart Shop-Mitarbeiter"],"SureCart Accountant":["SureCart Buchhalter"],"SureCart Shop Manager":["SureCart Shop-Manager"],"This user is already linked to a customer.":["Dieser Benutzer ist bereits mit einem Kunden verkn\u00fcpft."],"You have already set up your store.":[],"No customer ID or email provided.":[],"Something is wrong with the provided link.":["Irgendetwas stimmt mit dem angegebenen Link nicht."],"You do not have permission do this.":["Sie haben dazu keine Berechtigung."],"Your session expired - 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