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File: /home/thefkyzp/
<?php /** * @package SureCartCore * @author SureCart <> * @copyright 2017-2019 SureCart * @license GPL-2.0 * @link */ namespace SureCartCore\Kernels; use Exception; use SureCartVendors\Pimple\Container; use SureCartVendors\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use WP_Query; use SureCartCore\Application\GenericFactory; use SureCartCore\Exceptions\ConfigurationException; use SureCartCore\Exceptions\ErrorHandlerInterface; use SureCartCore\Helpers\Handler; use SureCartCore\Helpers\HandlerFactory; use SureCartCore\Middleware\ExecutesMiddlewareTrait; use SureCartCore\Middleware\HasMiddlewareDefinitionsTrait; use SureCartCore\Middleware\ReadsHandlerMiddlewareTrait; use SureCartCore\Requests\RequestInterface; use SureCartCore\Responses\ConvertsToResponseTrait; use SureCartCore\Responses\ResponseService; use SureCartCore\Routing\HasQueryFilterInterface; use SureCartCore\Routing\Router; use SureCartCore\Routing\SortsMiddlewareTrait; use SureCartCore\View\ViewService; /** * Describes how a request is handled. */ class HttpKernel implements HttpKernelInterface { use HasMiddlewareDefinitionsTrait; use SortsMiddlewareTrait; use ConvertsToResponseTrait; use ReadsHandlerMiddlewareTrait; use ExecutesMiddlewareTrait; /** * Container. * * @var Container */ protected $container = null; /** * Injection factory. * * @var GenericFactory */ protected $factory = null; /** * Handler factory. * * @var HandlerFactory */ protected $handler_factory = null; /** * Response service. * * @var ResponseService */ protected $response_service = null; /** * Request. * * @var RequestInterface */ protected $request = null; /** * Router. * * @var Router */ protected $router = null; /** * View Service. * * @var ViewService */ protected $view_service = null; /** * Error handler. * * @var ErrorHandlerInterface */ protected $error_handler = null; /** * Template WordPress attempted to load. * * @var string */ protected $template = ''; /** * Constructor. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @param Container $container * @param GenericFactory $factory * @param HandlerFactory $handler_factory * @param ResponseService $response_service * @param RequestInterface $request * @param Router $router * @param ViewService $view_service * @param ErrorHandlerInterface $error_handler */ public function __construct( Container $container, GenericFactory $factory, HandlerFactory $handler_factory, ResponseService $response_service, RequestInterface $request, Router $router, ViewService $view_service, ErrorHandlerInterface $error_handler ) { $this->container = $container; $this->factory = $factory; $this->handler_factory = $handler_factory; $this->response_service = $response_service; $this->request = $request; $this->router = $router; $this->view_service = $view_service; $this->error_handler = $error_handler; } /** * Get the current response. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @return ResponseInterface|null */ protected function getResponse() { return isset( $this->container[ SURECART_RESPONSE_KEY ] ) ? $this->container[ SURECART_RESPONSE_KEY ] : null; } /** * Get a Response Service instance. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @return ResponseService */ protected function getResponseService() { return $this->response_service; } /** * Make a middleware class instance. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @param string $class * @return object */ protected function makeMiddleware( $class ) { return $this->factory->make( $class ); } /** * Execute a handler. * * @param Handler $handler * @param array $arguments * @return ResponseInterface */ protected function executeHandler( Handler $handler, $arguments = [] ) { $response = call_user_func_array( [ $handler, 'execute' ], array_values( $arguments ) ); $response = $this->toResponse( $response ); if ( ! $response instanceof ResponseInterface ) { throw new ConfigurationException( 'Response returned by controller is not valid ' . '(expected ' . ResponseInterface::class . '; received ' . gettype( $response ) . ').' ); } return $response; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function run( RequestInterface $request, $middleware, $handler, $arguments = [] ) { $this->error_handler->register(); try { $handler = $handler instanceof Handler ? $handler : $this->handler_factory->make( $handler ); $middleware = array_merge( $middleware, $this->getHandlerMiddleware( $handler ) ); $middleware = $this->expandMiddleware( $middleware ); $middleware = $this->uniqueMiddleware( $middleware ); $middleware = $this->sortMiddleware( $middleware ); $response = $this->executeMiddleware( $middleware, $request, function () use ( $handler, $arguments ) { return $this->executeHandler( $handler, $arguments ); } ); } catch ( Exception $exception ) { $response = $this->error_handler->getResponse( $request, $exception ); } $this->error_handler->unregister(); return $response; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle( RequestInterface $request, $arguments = [] ) { $route = $this->router->execute( $request ); if ( $route === null ) { return null; } $route_arguments = $route->getArguments( $request ); $request = $request ->withAttribute( 'route', $route ) ->withAttribute( 'route_arguments', $route_arguments ); $response = $this->run( $request, $route->getAttribute( 'middleware', [] ), $route->getAttribute( 'handler' ), array_merge( [ $request ], $arguments, $route_arguments ) ); $this->container[ SURECART_RESPONSE_KEY ] = $response; return $response; } /** * Respond with the current response. * * @return void */ public function respond() { $response = $this->getResponse(); if ( ! $response instanceof ResponseInterface ) { return; } $this->response_service->respond( $response ); } /** * Output the current view outside of the routing flow. * * @return void */ public function compose() { $view = $this->view_service->make( $this->template ); echo $view->toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function bootstrap() { // Web. Use 3100 so it's high enough and has uncommonly used numbers // before and after. For example, 1000 is too common and it would have 999 before it // which is too common as well.). add_action( 'request', [ $this, 'filterRequest' ], 3100 ); add_action( 'template_include', [ $this, 'filterTemplateInclude' ], 3100 ); // Ajax. add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'registerAjaxAction' ] ); // Admin. add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'registerAdminAction' ] ); } /** * Filter the main query vars. * * @param array $query_vars * @return array */ public function filterRequest( $query_vars ) { $routes = $this->router->getRoutes(); foreach ( $routes as $route ) { if ( ! $route instanceof HasQueryFilterInterface ) { continue; } if ( ! $route->isSatisfied( $this->request ) ) { continue; } $this->container[ SURECART_APPLICATION_KEY ] ->renderConfigExceptions( function () use ( $route, &$query_vars ) { $query_vars = $route->applyQueryFilter( $this->request, $query_vars ); } ); break; } return $query_vars; } /** * Filter the main template file. * * @param string $template * @return string */ public function filterTemplateInclude( $template ) { /** @var WP_Query $wp_query */ global $wp_query; $this->template = $template; $response = $this->handle( $this->request, [ $template ] ); // A route has matched so we use its response. if ( $response instanceof ResponseInterface ) { if ( $response->getStatusCode() === 404 ) { $wp_query->set_404(); } add_action( 'surecart.kernels.http_kernel.respond', [ $this, 'respond' ] ); return SURECART_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'view.php'; } // No route has matched, but we still want to compose views. $composers = $this->view_service->getComposersForView( $template ); if ( ! empty( $composers ) ) { add_action( 'surecart.kernels.http_kernel.respond', [ $this, 'compose' ] ); return SURECART_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'view.php'; } return $template; } /** * Register ajax action to hook into current one. * * @return void */ public function registerAjaxAction() { if ( ! wp_doing_ajax() ) { return; } $action = $this->request->body( 'action', $this->request->query( 'action' ) ); $action = sanitize_text_field( $action ); add_action( "wp_ajax_{$action}", [ $this, 'actionAjax' ] ); add_action( "wp_ajax_nopriv_{$action}", [ $this, 'actionAjax' ] ); } /** * Act on ajax action. * * @return void */ public function actionAjax() { $response = $this->handle( $this->request, [ '' ] ); if ( ! $response instanceof ResponseInterface ) { return; } $this->response_service->respond( $response ); wp_die( '', '', [ 'response' => null ] ); } /** * Get page hook. * Slightly modified version of code from wp-admin/admin.php. * * @return string */ protected function getAdminPageHook() { global $pagenow, $typenow, $plugin_page; $page_hook = ''; if ( isset( $plugin_page ) ) { $the_parent = $pagenow; if ( ! empty( $typenow ) ) { $the_parent = $pagenow . '?post_type=' . $typenow; } $page_hook = get_plugin_page_hook( $plugin_page, $the_parent ); } return $page_hook; } /** * Get admin page hook. * Slightly modified version of code from wp-admin/admin.php. * * @param string $page_hook * @return string */ protected function getAdminHook( $page_hook ) { global $pagenow, $plugin_page; if ( ! empty( $page_hook ) ) { return $page_hook; } if ( isset( $plugin_page ) ) { return $plugin_page; } if ( isset( $pagenow ) ) { return $pagenow; } return ''; } /** * Register admin action to hook into current one. * * @return void */ public function registerAdminAction() { $page_hook = $this->getAdminPageHook(); $hook_suffix = $this->getAdminHook( $page_hook ); add_action( "load-{$hook_suffix}", [ $this, 'actionAdminLoad' ] ); add_action( $hook_suffix, [ $this, 'actionAdmin' ] ); } /** * Act on admin action load. * * @return void */ public function actionAdminLoad() { $response = $this->handle( $this->request, [ '' ] ); if ( ! $response instanceof ResponseInterface ) { return; } if ( ! headers_sent() ) { $this->response_service->sendHeaders( $response ); } } /** * Act on admin action. * * @return void */ public function actionAdmin() { $response = $this->getResponse(); if ( ! $response instanceof ResponseInterface ) { return; } $this->response_service->sendBody( $response ); } }