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<?php namespace SureCart\Request; use SureCart\Models\ApiToken; use SureCart\Support\Errors\ErrorsService; /** * Provide api request functionality. */ class RequestService { /** * Has this been cached yet for the request? * * @var boolean */ protected static $cached = false; /** * Undocumented variable * * @var string */ protected $token = ''; /** * The base path for the request. * * @var string */ protected $base_path; /** * Errors service container * * @var \SureCart\Support\Errors\ErrorsService; */ protected $errors_service; /** * What type of cached request is this. * * @var string|null */ protected $cache_status = 'none'; /** * Is this request authorized? * * @var boolean */ protected $authorized = true; /** * Number of retries. * * @var integer */ protected $current_retries = 0; /** * Total number of retries. * * @var integer */ protected $total_retries = 1; /** * Status codes to retry. * * @var array */ protected $retry_status_codes = [ 409 ]; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $token The rest api base path. * @param string $base_path The rest api base path. * @param \SureCart\Support\Errors\ErrorsService $errors_service The error handling service. * @param boolean $authorized Is this request authorized. * * @return void */ public function __construct( $token = '', $base_path = '/v1', $errors_service = null, $authorized = true ) { // error handing service. $this->errors_service = $errors_service ? $errors_service : new ErrorsService(); // set the token. $this->token = $token; // set the base path and url. $this->base_path = $base_path; $this->authorized = $authorized; } /** * Set the API token on the fly. * * @param string $token API token. * * @return $this */ public function setToken( $token ) { $this->token = $token; return $this; } /** * Get the base url. */ public function getBaseUrl() { return untrailingslashit( SURECART_API_URL ) . trailingslashit( $this->base_path ); } /** * Should we get a cached request? * * @return boolean */ public function shouldFindCache( $cachable, $cache_key, $args = [] ) { // only for fetch requests. if ( isset( $args['method'] ) && 'GET' !== $args['method'] ) { return false; } // if the args are set, then do what they say. if ( isset( $args['query']['cached'] ) ) { return (bool) $args['query']['cached']; } // don't cache edit context. if ( isset( $args['query']['context'] ) && 'edit' === $args['query']['context'] ) { return false; } return (bool) $cachable && $cache_key; } /** * Respond to the request. * * @param array $response Reponse data. * @param array $args Request arguments. * @param string $endpoint The endpoint to request. * * @return array Response data. */ public function respond( $response, $args, $endpoint ) { if ( is_array( $response ) ) { foreach ( $response as $item ) { $item->cache_status = $this->cache_status; } } if ( is_object( $response ) ) { $response->cache_status = $this->cache_status; } return apply_filters( 'surecart/request/response', $response, $args, $endpoint ); } /** * Set the response cache status. * * @param object $response Response object. * @param string $status The response status. * * @return void */ public function setResponseCacheStatus( $response, $status ) { if ( is_array( $response ) ) { foreach ( $response as $item ) { $item->cached = $status; } } elseif ( is_object( $response ) ) { $response->cached = $status; } return $response; } /** * Make the request * * @param string $endpoint Endpoint to request. * @param array $args Arguments for request. * @param boolean $cachable Should this request be cached. * @param string $cache_key The cache key to use. * * @return mixed */ public function makeRequest( $endpoint, $args = [], $cachable = false, $cache_key = '' ) { // use the cache service for this request. $cache = new RequestCacheService( $endpoint, $args, $cache_key ); // check if we should get a cached version of this. if ( $this->shouldFindCache( $cachable, $cache_key, $args ) ) { // get from cache. $response_body = $cache->getTransientCache(); // we have a cached response. if ( false !== $response_body ) { $this->cache_status = 'transient'; return $this->respond( $response_body, $args, $endpoint ); } } // make the uncached request. $response_body = $this->makeUncachedRequest( $endpoint, $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $response_body ) ) { return $response_body; } // set in object cache. $cache->setCache( $response_body, 'object' ); if ( (bool) $cachable && $cache_key ) { $cache->setCache( $response_body, 'transient' ); } // return response. return $this->respond( $response_body, $args, $endpoint ); } /** * Make the uncached request. * * @param string $endpoint Endpoint to request. * @param array $args Arguments for request. * * @return mixed */ public function makeUncachedRequest( $endpoint, $args = [] ) { // must have a token for the request. if ( $this->authorized && empty( $this->token ) ) { return new \WP_Error( 'missing_token', __( 'Please connect your site to SureCart.', 'surecart' ) ); } // make sure we send json. if ( empty( $args['headers']['Content-Type'] ) ) { $args['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } // add auth. if ( $this->authorized && ! empty( $this->token ) && empty( $args['headers']['Authorization'] ) ) { $args['headers']['Authorization'] = "Bearer $this->token"; } // add version header. $args['headers']['X-SURECART-WP-PLUGIN-VERSION'] = \SureCart::plugin()->version(); // add referer header. if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ) { $args['headers']['X-SURECART-REFERRER'] = esc_url_raw( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ); } // parse args. $args = wp_parse_args( $args, [ 'timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => true, ] ); // filter args and endpoint. $args = apply_filters( 'surecart/request/args', $args, $endpoint ); $endpoint = apply_filters( 'surecart/request/endpoint', $endpoint, $args ); // make url. $url = trailingslashit( $this->getBaseUrl() ) . untrailingslashit( $endpoint ); // add query args. if ( ! empty( $args['query'] ) ) { $url = add_query_arg( $this->parseArgs( $args['query'] ), $url ); $url = preg_replace( '/%5B[0-9]+%5D/', '%5B%5D', $url ); unset( $args['query'] ); } // json encode body. if ( ! empty( $args['body'] ) ) { if ( 'application/json' === $args['headers']['Content-Type'] ) { $args['body'] = wp_json_encode( $this->parseArgs( $args['body'] ) ); } } // make request. $response = $this->remoteRequest( $url, $args ); // bail early if it's a wp_error. if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return $response; } $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ); // handle handle retries. if ( in_array( $response_code, $this->retry_status_codes ) ) { $this->current_retries++; if ( $this->current_retries <= $this->total_retries ) { call_user_func_array( [ $this, __METHOD__ ], func_get_args() ); } } $response_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); $admin_notice = (array) wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'X-SURECART-WP-ADMIN-NOTICE' ); if ( ! $this->authorized ) { $api_token = (string) wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'X-SURECART-API-TOKEN' ); ApiToken::save( $api_token ); } if ( $admin_notice ) { // we don't care if this fails. try { \SureCart::notices()->showResponseNotice( $admin_notice ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { error_log( $e->getMessage() ); } } // Handle invalid token first. if ( $this->authorized && 401 === $response_code ) { ApiToken::clear(); return new \WP_Error( 'invalid_token', __( 'Invalid API token.', 'surecart' ) ); } // check for errors. if ( ! in_array( $response_code, [ 200, 201 ], true ) ) { $body = json_decode( $response_body, true ); if ( is_string( $body ) ) { return new \WP_Error( 'error', $response_body ); } return $this->errors_service->translate( $body, $response_code ); } return json_decode( $response_body ); } /** * Make the remote request. * * @param string $url The url to request. * @param array $args The args to pass to the request. * * @return mixed */ public function remoteRequest( $url, $args = [] ) { return wp_remote_request( esc_url_raw( $url ), $args ); } /** * Make a get request * * @param string $endpoint Endpoint for the request. * @param array $args Request arguments. * * @return mixed */ public function get( $endpoint, $args = [] ) { $args['method'] = 'GET'; return $this->makeRequest( $endpoint, $args ); } /** * Make a post request * * @param string $endpoint Endpoint for the request. * @param array $args Request arguments. * * @return mixed */ public function post( $endpoint, $args = [] ) { $args['method'] = 'POST'; return $this->makeRequest( $endpoint, $args ); } /** * Make a put request * * @param string $endpoint Endpoint for the request. * @param array $args Request arguments. * * @return mixed */ public function put( $endpoint, $args = [] ) { $args['method'] = 'PUT'; return $this->makeRequest( $endpoint, $args ); } /** * Make a patch request * * @param string $endpoint Endpoint for the request. * @param array $args Request arguments. * * @return mixed */ public function patch( $endpoint, $args = [] ) { $args['method'] = 'PATCH'; return $this->makeRequest( $endpoint, $args ); } /** * Make a delete request * * @param string $endpoint Endpoint for the request. * @param array $args Request arguments. * * @return mixed */ public function delete( $endpoint, $args = [] ) { $args['method'] = 'DELETE'; return $this->makeRequest( $endpoint, $args ); } /** * Removes empty args * * @param array $args Array of arguments. */ protected function parseArgs( $args = [] ) { if ( ! is_array( $args ) ) { return $args; } foreach ( $args as $key => $arg ) { // unset null. if ( null === $arg ) { unset( $args[ $key ] ); } // filter out wp params. if ( in_array( $key, [ 'locale', 'rest_route' ], true ) ) { unset( $args[ $key ] ); } // convert bool to int to prevent getting unset. if ( is_bool( $arg ) ) { $args[ $key ] = $arg ? 1 : 0; } // url encode any strings. if ( is_string( $arg ) ) { $args[ $key ] = urlencode( $arg ); } } return $args; } }