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<?php namespace PrestoPlayer\Models; use PrestoPlayer\Blocks\AudioBlock; use PrestoPlayer\Blocks\VimeoBlock; use PrestoPlayer\Blocks\YouTubeBlock; use PrestoPlayer\Blocks\SelfHostedBlock; use PrestoPlayer\Pro\Blocks\BunnyCDNBlock; use WP_Query; /** * Reusable Video Model */ class ReusableVideo { /** * The post object * * @var \WP_Post */ public $post; /** * The post type * * @var string */ private $post_type = 'pp_video_block'; /** * The setting name for instant video width option. * * @var string */ public $instant_video_width_setting_key = 'presto_player_instant_video_width'; /** * Constructor * * @param int $id The post ID. */ public function __construct( $id = 0 ) { $this->post = \get_post( $id ); return $this; } /** * Get attributes properties * * @param string $property The property to get. * @return mixed */ public function __get( $property ) { return isset( $this->post->$property ) ? $this->post->$property : null; } /** * Create a new video post * * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the wp_insert_post function. * * @return int */ public function create( $args = array() ) { return wp_insert_post( wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'post_type' => $this->post_type, ) ) ); } /** * Fetch video posts * * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the WP_Query. * * @return \WP_Post[] */ public function fetch( $args = array() ) { $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'post_type' => $this->post_type, 'post_status' => array( 'publish' ), ) ); return ( new WP_Query( $args ) )->posts; } /** * Get all video posts * * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the fetch method. * * @return \WP_Post[] */ public function all( $args = array() ) { $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'post_type' => $this->post_type, 'per_page' => -1, ) ); return get_posts( $args ); } /** * Get the first video post * * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the fetch method. * * @return ReusableVideo|bool */ public function first( $args = array() ) { $fetched = $this->fetch( wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'per_page' => 1 ) ) ); return ! empty( $fetched[0] ) ? new static( $fetched[0] ) : false; } /** * Get block from video post * * @return array */ public function getBlock() { if ( empty( $this->post->post_content ) ) { return array(); } $blocks = \parse_blocks( $this->post->post_content ); if ( empty( $blocks[0]['innerBlocks'] ) ) { return $blocks[0]; } return ! empty( $blocks[0]['innerBlocks'][0] ) ? $blocks[0]['innerBlocks'][0] : array(); } /** * Get attributes from the block * * @param array $overrides Attributes to override. * * @return array */ public function getAttributes( $overrides = array() ) { $block = $this->getBlock(); if ( empty( $block ) ) { return ''; } // allow overriding attributes $block['attrs'] = wp_parse_args( $overrides, (array) $block['attrs'] ); // maybe switch provider depending on url if ( ! empty( $overrides ) ) { $block = $this->maybeSwitchProvider( $block ); } switch ( $block['blockName'] ) { case 'presto-player/self-hosted': return ( new SelfHostedBlock() )->getAttributes( $block['attrs'] ); case 'presto-player/youtube': return ( new YouTubeBlock() )->getAttributes( $block['attrs'] ); case 'presto-player/vimeo': return ( new VimeoBlock() )->getAttributes( $block['attrs'] ); case 'presto-player/bunny': return ( new BunnyCDNBlock() )->getAttributes( $block['attrs'] ); case 'presto-player/audio': return ( new AudioBlock() )->getAttributes( $block['attrs'] ); } } /** * Render block from video post * * @param array $overrides Attributes to override. * * @return string */ public function renderBlock( $overrides = array() ) { $block = $this->getBlock(); if ( empty( $block ) ) { return ''; } // allow overriding attributes $block['attrs'] = wp_parse_args( $overrides, (array) $block['attrs'] ); // maybe switch provider depending on url $block = $this->maybeSwitchProvider( $block ); // remove attachment_id if the src changes. if ( ! empty( $overrides['src'] ) ) { $block['attrs']['attachment_id'] = null; } switch ( $block['blockName'] ) { case 'presto-player/self-hosted': return ( new SelfHostedBlock( true, '1' ) )->html( $block['attrs'], '' ); case 'presto-player/youtube': return ( new YouTubeBlock( true, '1' ) )->html( $block['attrs'], '' ); case 'presto-player/vimeo': return ( new VimeoBlock( true, '1' ) )->html( $block['attrs'], '' ); case 'presto-player/bunny': return class_exists( BunnyCDNBlock::class ) ? ( new BunnyCDNBlock( true, '1' ) )->html( $block['attrs'], '' ) : ''; case 'presto-player/audio': return ( new AudioBlock( true, '1' ) )->html( $block['attrs'], '' ); } } /** * Maybe switch provider if the url is overridden * * @param array $block The block to check. */ protected function maybeSwitchProvider( $block ) { if ( empty( $block ) || ! is_array( $block ) ) { return $block; } if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['src'] ) ) { if ( $block['attrs']['src'] ) { $filetype = wp_check_filetype( $block['attrs']['src'] ); if ( isset( $filetype['type'] ) && false !== strpos( $filetype['type'], 'audio' ) ) { $block['blockName'] = 'presto-player/audio'; return $block; } } $yt_rx = '/^((?:https?:)?\/\/)?((?:www|m)\.)?((?:youtube\.com|\/(?:[\w\-]+\?v=|embed\/|v\/)?)([\w\-]+)(\S+)?$/'; $has_match_youtube = preg_match( $yt_rx, $block['attrs']['src'], $yt_matches ); if ( $has_match_youtube ) { $block['blockName'] = 'presto-player/youtube'; return $block; } $vm_rx = '/(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(player\.)?vimeo\.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,11})[?]?.*/'; $has_match_vimeo = preg_match( $vm_rx, $block['attrs']['src'], $vm_matches ); if ( $has_match_vimeo ) { $block['blockName'] = 'presto-player/vimeo'; return $block; } if ( empty( $block['blockName'] ) ) { $block['blockName'] = 'presto-player/self-hosted'; return $block; } } return $block; } /** * Get reusable video block function. * * @return $content The content of the block. */ public function content() { return ! empty( $this->post->post_content ) ? $this->post->post_content : ''; } /** * Retrieves the poster image URL from the first * 'presto-player/reusable-edit' block in the post content. * * @return string|bool The poster image URL or false if not set. */ public function getPosterFromBlock() { $block = $this->getBlock(); if ( empty( $block ) ) { return false; } // Attempt to extract the poster attribute from the first inner block. return $block['attrs']['poster'] ?? ''; } /** * Check if instant video page is enabled * * @return bool */ public function instantVideoPageEnabled() { if ( empty( $this->post->ID ) ) { return false; } return get_post_meta( $this->post->ID, 'presto_player_instant_video_pages_enabled', true ); } /** * Get instant video width. * * @return string|bool The video width + unit. */ public function getInstantVideoWidth() { if ( empty( $this->post->ID ) ) { return false; } $config = get_option( $this->instant_video_width_setting_key, '800px' ); return ! empty( $config ) ? $config : '800px'; } }