index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/
<?php /** * */ namespace CHT\frontend; use CHT\admin\CHT_Admin_Base; use CHT\admin\CHT_PRO_Social_Icons; use CHT\admin\CHT_Social_Icons; if (defined('ABSPATH') === false) { exit; } $adminBase = CHT_ADMIN_INC.'/class-admin-base.php'; require_once $adminBase; $socialIcons = CHT_ADMIN_INC.'/class-social-icons.php'; require_once $socialIcons; /** * Class for managing frontend functionalities. */ class CHT_Frontend extends CHT_Admin_Base { /** * Holds the number of widgets. * * @var int */ public $widgetNumber; /** * Whether the font is enabled or not. * * @var bool $hasFont True if the font is enabled, false otherwise. * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public $hasFont = false; /** * Whether the font is enabled or not. * * @var bool $hasFont True if the email field is added, false otherwise. * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public $hasEmail = false; /** * Whether the font is enabled or not. * * @var bool $hasEmoji True if the emoji is enabled, false otherwise. * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public $hasEmoji = false; public $hasChatway = false; public $chatwayIcons = []; /** * Class constructor. * * Initializes the class properties and sets up the necessary actions and filters. */ public function __construct() { $this->socials = CHT_Social_Icons::get_instance()->get_icons_list(); $this->chatwayIcons = CHT_Social_Icons::get_instance()->get_chatway_icons(); if (wp_doing_ajax()) { add_action('wp_ajax_choose_social', [$this, 'choose_social_handler']); add_action('wp_ajax_get_chaty_settings', [$this, 'get_chaty_settings']); // Return setting for a social media in html. add_action('wp_ajax_chaty_front_form_save_data', [$this, 'chaty_front_form_save_data']); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_chaty_front_form_save_data', [$this, 'chaty_front_form_save_data']); add_action('wp_ajax_remove_chaty_widget', [$this, 'remove_chaty_widget']); add_action('wp_ajax_rename_chaty_widget', array($this, 'rename_chaty_widget')); // rename social media widget // Remove social media widget. add_action('wp_ajax_change_chaty_widget_status', [$this, 'change_chaty_widget_status']); add_action('wp_ajax_update_chaty_view', [$this, 'update_chaty_view']); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_update_chaty_view', [$this, 'update_chaty_view']); // Remove social media widget. } $inEditors = $this->check_for_editors(); if (!($inEditors)) { add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'cht_front_end_css_and_js']); } }//end __construct() /** * Update chaty view function * * This function updates the chaty view count when triggered. * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * */ public function update_chaty_view() { if(isset($_POST['token'])) { $token = sanitize_text_field($_POST['token']); if(wp_verify_nonce($token, "update_chaty_view")) { if(!get_option("chaty_views")) { add_option("chaty_views", 1); } } } } /** * To rename Chaty widget * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function rename_chaty_widget() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $widget_index = sanitize_text_field($_POST['widget_index']); $widget_nonce = sanitize_text_field($_POST['widget_nonce']); $widget_title = sanitize_text_field($_POST['widget_title']); if (isset($widget_index) && !empty($widget_index) && !empty($widget_nonce) && wp_verify_nonce($widget_nonce, "chaty_remove_" . $widget_index)) { $index = $widget_index; $index = trim($index, "_"); if(empty($index)) { update_option("cht_widget_title", $widget_title); } else { update_option("cht_widget_title_" . $index, $widget_title); } echo esc_url(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app")); exit; } } } /** * Checks if the current page is being edited in a page builder. * * @return int Returns 1 if the page is being edited in a page builder, 0 otherwise. * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * */ function check_for_editors() { $isElementor = isset($_GET['elementor-preview']) ? 1 : 0; $isCtBuilder = isset($_GET['ct_builder']) ? 1 : 0; $isDiviTheme = isset($_GET['et_fb']) ? 1 : 0; $isZionBuilder = isset($_GET['zionbuilder-preview']) ? 1 : 0; $isSiteOrigin = isset($_GET['siteorigin_panels_live_editor']) ? 1 : 0; $flBuilder = isset($_GET['fl_builder']) ? 1 : 0; return ($isCtBuilder || $isElementor || $isDiviTheme || $isZionBuilder || $isSiteOrigin || $flBuilder) ? 1 : 0; }//end check_for_editors() /** * To remove a chaty widget * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function remove_chaty_widget() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $widgetIndex = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'widget_index'); $widgetNonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'widget_nonce'); if (isset($widgetIndex) && !empty($widgetIndex) && !empty($widgetNonce) && wp_verify_nonce($widgetNonce, "chaty_remove_".$widgetIndex)) { $options = [ 'mobile' => '1', 'desktop' => '1', ]; delete_option("cht_active"); delete_option("chaty_icons_view"); delete_option("chaty_icons_view"); delete_option("cht_cta_text_color"); delete_option("cht_cta_bg_color"); delete_option("cht_pending_messages"); delete_option("cht_number_of_messages"); delete_option("cht_number_color"); delete_option("cht_number_bg_color"); delete_option("cht_cta_switcher"); delete_option("chaty_attention_effect"); delete_option("chaty_default_state"); delete_option("chaty_trigger_on_time"); delete_option("chaty_trigger_time"); delete_option("chaty_trigger_on_exit"); delete_option("chaty_trigger_on_scroll"); delete_option("chaty_trigger_on_page_scroll"); delete_option("cht_close_button"); delete_option("cht_close_button_text"); delete_option("chaty_updated_on"); delete_option("cht_widget_title"); delete_option("cht_widget_font"); delete_option("cta_type"); delete_option("cta_heading_text"); delete_option("cta_body_text"); delete_option("cta_header_text_color"); delete_option("cta_header_bg_color"); foreach ($this->socials as $social) { delete_option('cht_social_'.$social['slug']); } update_option('cht_devices', $options); update_option('cht_position', 'right'); update_option('cht_cta', 'Contact us'); update_option('cht_numb_slug', ',Phone,Whatsapp'); update_option('cht_social_whatsapp', ''); update_option('cht_social_phone', ''); update_option('cht_widget_size', '54'); update_option('widget_icon', 'chat-base'); update_option('cht_widget_img', ''); update_option('cht_color', '#A886CD'); echo esc_url(admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app")); exit; }//end if }//end if }//end remove_chaty_widget() /** * Change the status of the Chaty widget * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function change_chaty_widget_status() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $widgetIndex = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'widget_index'); $widgetNonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'widget_nonce'); if (isset($widgetIndex) && !empty($widgetIndex) && !empty($widgetNonce) && wp_verify_nonce($widgetNonce, "chaty_remove_".$widgetIndex)) { $widgetIndex = trim($widgetIndex, "_"); if (empty($widgetIndex) || $widgetIndex == 0) { $widgetIndex = ""; } else { $widgetIndex = "_".$widgetIndex; } $status = get_option("cht_active".$widgetIndex); if ($status) { update_option("cht_active".$widgetIndex, 0); } else { update_option("cht_active".$widgetIndex, 1); } } } echo "1"; exit; }//end change_chaty_widget_status() /** * Save contact form data * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ function chaty_front_form_save_data() { $response = [ 'status' => 0, 'error' => 0, 'errors' => [], 'message' => '', ]; $postData = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST); $widgetIndex = $postData['widget']; if(empty($widgetIndex)) { $widgetIndex = ""; } if (isset($postData['nonce']) && isset($postData['widget']) && wp_verify_nonce($postData['nonce'], "chaty_widget_nonce".$widgetIndex)) { $name = isset($postData['name']) ? $postData['name'] : ""; $phone = isset($postData['phone']) ? $postData['phone'] : ""; $email = isset($postData['email']) ? $postData['email'] : ""; $message = isset($postData['message']) ? $postData['message'] : ""; $refURL = isset($postData['ref_url']) ? $postData['ref_url'] : ""; $widget = $postData['widget']; $channel = $postData['channel']; $value = get_option('cht_social_'.$channel); // get saved settings for button $errors = []; if (!empty($value)) { $fieldSetting = isset($value['name']) ? $value['name'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes" && isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes" && empty($name)) { $error = [ 'field' => 'chaty-field-name', 'message' => esc_html__("this field is required", 'chaty'), ]; $errors[] = $error; } $fieldSetting = isset($value['phone']) ? $value['phone'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes" && isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes" && empty($phone)) { $error = [ 'field' => 'chaty-field-phone', 'message' => esc_html__("this field is required", 'chaty'), ]; $errors[] = $error; } $fieldSetting = isset($value['email']) ? $value['email'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes" && isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes") { if (empty($email)) { $error = [ 'field' => 'chaty-field-email', 'message' => esc_html__("this field is required", 'chaty'), ]; $errors[] = $error; } else if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $error = [ 'field' => 'chaty-field-email', 'message' => esc_html__("email address is not valid", 'chaty'), ]; $errors[] = $error; } } $fieldSetting = isset($value['message']) ? $value['message'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes" && isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes" && empty($message)) { $error = [ 'field' => 'chaty-field-message', 'message' => esc_html__("this field is required", 'chaty'), ]; $errors[] = $error; } if (empty($errors)) { $widget = trim($widget, "_"); $response['message'] = esc_attr($value['thanks_message']); $response['redirect_action'] = esc_attr($value['redirect_action']); $response['redirect_link'] = esc_url($value['redirect_link']); $response['link_in_new_tab'] = esc_attr($value['link_in_new_tab']); $response['close_form_after'] = esc_attr($value['close_form_after']); $response['close_form_after_seconds'] = esc_attr($value['close_form_after_seconds']); wp_timezone_string(); $currentDate = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"); global $wpdb; $chatyTable = $wpdb->prefix.'chaty_contact_form_leads'; $insert = []; $fieldSetting = isset($value['name']) ? $value['name'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $insert['name'] = esc_sql(sanitize_text_field($name)); } $fieldSetting = isset($value['email']) ? $value['email'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $insert['email'] = esc_sql(sanitize_text_field($email)); } $fieldSetting = isset($value['phone']) ? $value['phone'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $insert['phone_number'] = esc_sql(sanitize_text_field($phone)); } $fieldSetting = isset($value['message']) ? $value['message'] : []; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $insert['message'] = esc_sql(sanitize_text_field($message)); } $insert['ref_page'] = esc_url(esc_sql(sanitize_text_field($refURL))); $insert['ip_address'] = ""; $insert['widget_id'] = esc_sql(sanitize_text_field($widget)); $insert['created_on'] = esc_sql($currentDate); $wpdb->insert($chatyTable, $insert); $showFirst = get_option("show_first_chaty_lead_box"); if ($showFirst === false) { add_option("show_first_chaty_lead_box", 1); } $response['status'] = 1; } else { $response['errors'] = $errors; $response['error'] = 1; }//end if } else { $response['message'] = "Invalid request, Please try again"; }//end if } else { $response['message'] = "Invalid request, Please try again"; }//end if echo wp_json_encode($response); exit; }//end chaty_front_form_save_data() /** * To add front-end CSS and JS for the chat widget. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access private */ function cht_front_end_css_and_js() { if ($this->canInsertWidget()) : // Initialize widget if widget is enable for current page $social = $this->get_social_icon_list(); // get active icon list $chtActive = get_option("cht_active"); // $bgColor = $this->get_current_color(); // get custom background color for widget $defColor = get_option('cht_color'); $customColor = get_option('cht_custom_color'); // checking for custom color if (!empty($customColor)) { delete_option("cht_custom_color"); update_option("cht_color", $defColor); $color = $customColor; } else { $color = $defColor; } $bgColor = strtoupper($color); $len = count($social); // get total active channels $cta = nl2br(get_option('cht_cta')); // $cta = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $cta); $cta = str_replace("&#39;", "'", $cta); $cta = str_replace("'", "'", $cta); $cta = esc_attr(wp_unslash($cta)); $cta = html_entity_decode($cta); $positionSide = get_option('positionSide'); // get widget position $chtBottomSpacing = get_option('cht_bottom_spacing'); // get widget position from bottom $chtSideSpacing = get_option('cht_side_spacing'); // get widget position from left/Right $chtWidgetSize = get_option('cht_widget_size'); // get widget size $positionSide = empty($positionSide) ? 'right' : $positionSide; // Initialize widget position if not exists $chtSideSpacing = ($chtSideSpacing) ? $chtSideSpacing : '25'; // Initialize widget from left/Right if not exists $chtWidgetSize = ($chtWidgetSize) ? $chtWidgetSize : '54'; // Initialize widget size if not exists $position = get_option('cht_position'); $position = ($position) ? $position : 'right'; // Initialize widget position if not exists $total = ($chtSideSpacing + $chtWidgetSize + $chtSideSpacing); $chtBottomSpacing = ($chtBottomSpacing) ? $chtBottomSpacing : '25'; // Initialize widget bottom position if not exists $chtSideSpacing = ($chtSideSpacing) ? $chtSideSpacing : '25'; // Initialize widget left/Right position if not exists $imageId = ""; $imageUrl = plugin_dir_url("")."chaty-pro/admin/assets/images/chaty-default.png"; // Initialize default image $analytics = get_option("cht_google_analytics"); // check for google analytics enable or not $analytics = empty($analytics) ? 0 : $analytics; // Initialize google analytics flag to 0 if not data not exists $text = get_option("cht_close_button_text"); // close button settings $close_text = ($text === false) ? "Hide" : $text; $imageUrl = ""; if ($imageId != "") { $imageData = wp_get_attachment_image_src($imageId, "full"); if (!empty($imageData) && is_array($imageData)) { $imageUrl = $imageData[0]; // change close button image if exists } } $fontFamily = get_option('cht_widget_font'); if ($fontFamily == "System Stack") { $fontFamily = "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif"; } // add inline css for custom position $animationClass = get_option("chaty_attention_effect"); $animationClass = empty($animationClass) ? "" : $animationClass; $timeTrigger = get_option("chaty_trigger_on_time"); $timeTrigger = empty($timeTrigger) ? "no" : $timeTrigger; $triggerTime = get_option("chaty_trigger_time"); $triggerTime = (empty($triggerTime) || !is_numeric($triggerTime) || $triggerTime < 0) ? "0" : $triggerTime; $exitIntent = get_option("chaty_trigger_on_exit"); $exitIntent = empty($exitIntent) ? "no" : $exitIntent; $onPageScroll = get_option("chaty_trigger_on_scroll"); $onPageScroll = empty($onPageScroll) ? "no" : $onPageScroll; $pageScroll = get_option("chaty_trigger_on_page_scroll"); $pageScroll = (empty($pageScroll) || !is_numeric($pageScroll) || $pageScroll < 0) ? "0" : $pageScroll; $state = get_option("chaty_default_state"); $state = empty($state) ? "click" : $state; $hasCloseButton = get_option("cht_close_button"); $hasCloseButton = empty($hasCloseButton) ? "yes" : $hasCloseButton; $hasCloseButton = ($hasCloseButton == "yes")?1:0; $displayDays = get_option("cht_date_and_time_settings"); $displayRules = []; $gmt = ""; if (!empty($displayDays)) { $count = 0; foreach ($displayDays as $key => $value) { if ($count == 0) { $gmt = intval($value['gmt']); $count++; } $record = []; $record['days'] = ($value['days'] - 1); $record['start_time'] = $value['start_time']; $record['start_hours'] = intval(gmdate("G", strtotime(gmdate("Y-m-d ".$value['start_time'])))); $record['start_min'] = intval(gmdate("i", strtotime(gmdate("Y-m-d ".$value['start_time'])))); $record['end_time'] = $value['end_time']; $record['end_hours'] = intval(gmdate("G", strtotime(gmdate("Y-m-d ".$value['end_time'])))); $record['end_min'] = intval(gmdate("i", strtotime(gmdate("Y-m-d ".$value['end_time'])))); $displayRules[] = $record; } } $displayConditions = 0; if (!empty($displayRules)) { $displayConditions = 1; } $mode = get_option("chaty_icons_view"); $mode = empty($mode) ? "vertical" : $mode; $pendingMessages = get_option("cht_pending_messages"); $pendingMessages = ($pendingMessages === false) ? "off" : $pendingMessages; $clickSetting = get_option("cht_cta_action"); $clickSetting = ($clickSetting === false) ? "click" : $clickSetting; $chtNumberOfMessages = get_option("cht_number_of_messages"); $chtNumberOfMessages = ($chtNumberOfMessages === false) ? 0 : $chtNumberOfMessages; $numberColor = get_option("cht_number_color"); $numberColor = ($numberColor === false) ? "#ffffff" : $numberColor; $numberBgColor = get_option("cht_number_bg_color"); $numberBgColor = ($numberBgColor === false) ? "#dd0000" : $numberBgColor; $chtCtaTextColor = get_option("cht_cta_text_color"); $chtCtaTextColor = ($chtCtaTextColor === false) ? "#dd0000" : $chtCtaTextColor; $chtCtaBgColor = get_option("cht_cta_bg_color"); $chtCtaBgColor = ($chtCtaBgColor === false) ? "#ffffff" : $chtCtaBgColor; if (empty($chtNumberOfMessages)) { $pendingMessages = "off"; } $bgColor = ($bgColor) ? $bgColor : '#A886CD'; $hideWidget = "no"; $hideTime = 0; $data = []; $data['ajax_url'] = admin_url("admin-ajax.php"); $data['analytics'] = 0; $data['capture_analytics'] = get_option("chaty_views")?0:1; $data['token'] = wp_create_nonce("update_chaty_view"); $state = ($state == "open")?"open":$state; if($state == "open") { $pending_messages = 0; $animation_class = ""; } /* * Check for CTA settings * */ $cta_type = "simple-view"; $cta_head = ""; $cta_body = ""; $cta_head_bg_color = ""; $cta_header_text_color = ""; $allowed_html = [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'title' => [], ], 'p' => [], 'br' => [], 'em' => [], 'strong' => [], ]; $cta = wp_kses($cta, $allowed_html); // Widget setting array. $setting = []; $setting['cta_type'] = $this->sanitize_xss($cta_type); $setting['cta_body'] = html_entity_decode($cta_body); $setting['cta_head'] = $cta_head; $setting['cta_head_bg_color'] = $this->sanitize_xss($cta_head_bg_color); $setting['cta_head_text_color'] = $this->sanitize_xss($cta_header_text_color); $setting['show_close_button'] = $hasCloseButton; $setting['position'] = $position; $setting['custom_position'] = 1; $setting['bottom_spacing'] = $chtBottomSpacing; $setting['side_spacing'] = $chtSideSpacing; $setting['icon_view'] = $mode; $setting['default_state'] = $state; $setting['cta_text'] = html_entity_decode($cta); $setting['cta_text_color'] = $chtCtaTextColor; $setting['cta_bg_color'] = $chtCtaBgColor; $setting['show_cta'] = ($clickSetting == "click") ? "first_click" : "all_time"; $setting['is_pending_mesg_enabled'] = $pendingMessages; $setting['pending_mesg_count'] = $chtNumberOfMessages; $setting['pending_mesg_count_color'] = $numberColor; $setting['pending_mesg_count_bgcolor'] = $numberBgColor; $setting['widget_icon'] = get_option('widget_icon'); $setting['widget_icon_url'] = ''; $setting['font_family'] = $fontFamily; $setting['widget_size'] = $chtWidgetSize; $setting['custom_widget_size'] = $chtWidgetSize; $setting['is_google_analytics_enabled'] = $analytics; $setting['close_text'] = wp_strip_all_tags($this->sanitize_xss($close_text)); $setting['widget_color'] = $bgColor; $setting['widget_icon_color'] = "#ffffff"; $setting['widget_rgb_color'] = $this->getRGBColor($bgColor); $setting['has_custom_css'] = empty($custom_css) ? 0 : 1; $setting['custom_css'] = ''; $setting['widget_token'] = wp_create_nonce("chaty_widget_nonce"); $setting['widget_index'] = ''; $setting['attention_effect'] = $animationClass; $widgetSetting = []; $widgetSetting['id'] = empty($index) ? 0 : $index; $widgetSetting['identifier'] = 0; $widgetSetting['settings'] = $setting; $trigger = []; $trigger['has_time_delay'] = ($timeTrigger == "yes") ? 1 : 0; $trigger['time_delay'] = $triggerTime; $trigger['exit_intent'] = ($exitIntent == "yes") ? 1 : 0; $trigger['has_display_after_page_scroll'] = ($onPageScroll == "yes") ? 1 : 0; $trigger['display_after_page_scroll'] = $pageScroll; $trigger['auto_hide_widget'] = ($hideWidget == "yes") ? 1 : 0; $trigger['hide_after'] = $hideTime; $trigger['show_on_pages_rules'] = []; $trigger['time_diff'] = 0; $trigger['has_date_scheduling_rules'] = 0; $trigger['date_scheduling_rules'] = [ 'start_date_time' => '', 'end_date_time' => '', ]; $trigger['date_scheduling_rules_timezone'] = 0; $trigger['day_hours_scheduling_rules_timezone'] = 0; $trigger['has_day_hours_scheduling_rules'] = []; $trigger['day_hours_scheduling_rules'] = []; $trigger['day_time_diff'] = 0; $trigger['show_on_direct_visit'] = 0; $trigger['show_on_referrer_social_network'] = 0; $trigger['show_on_referrer_search_engines'] = 0; $trigger['show_on_referrer_google_ads'] = 0; $trigger['show_on_referrer_urls'] = []; $trigger['has_show_on_specific_referrer_urls'] = 0; $trigger['has_traffic_source'] = 0; $trigger['has_countries'] = 0; $trigger['countries'] = []; $trigger['has_target_rules'] = 0; $widgetSetting['triggers'] = $trigger; $widgetSetting['channels'] = $social; $data['chaty_widgets'] = []; $data['chaty_widgets'][] = $widgetSetting; $data['data_analytics_settings'] = "off"; $data['lang'] = $this->get_language_strings(); if ($len >= 1 && !empty($data['chaty_widgets'])) { $chaty_updated_on = get_option("chaty_updated_on"); if (empty($chaty_updated_on)) { $chaty_updated_on = time(); } // add js for front end widget if (!empty($fontFamily)) { if (!in_array($fontFamily, ["Arial", "Tahoma", "Verdana", "Helvetica", "Times New Roman", "Trebuchet MS", "Georgia", "System Stack", "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif"])) { wp_enqueue_style('custom-google-fonts', '//'.urlencode($fontFamily), false, CHT_VERSION); } } $in_footer = apply_filters('show_chaty_script_in_footer', true); // WP change this wp_enqueue_style('chaty-front-css', CHT_PLUGIN_URL."css/chaty-front.min.css", [], CHT_VERSION.$chaty_updated_on); wp_enqueue_script("chaty-front-end", CHT_PLUGIN_URL."js/cht-front-script.js", [ 'jquery' ], CHT_VERSION.$chaty_updated_on, $in_footer); if($this->hasEmail) { wp_enqueue_script("chaty-mail-check", CHT_PLUGIN_URL . "admin/assets/js/mailcheck.js", ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, $in_footer); } if($this->hasEmoji) { wp_enqueue_script('chaty-picmo-js', CHT_PLUGIN_URL . 'admin/assets/js/picmo-umd.min.js', ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, $in_footer); wp_enqueue_script('chaty-picmo-latest-js', CHT_PLUGIN_URL . 'admin/assets/js/picmo-latest-umd.min.js', ['jquery'], CHT_VERSION, $in_footer); } $data['has_chatway'] = $this->hasChatway; wp_localize_script('chaty-front-end', 'chaty_settings', $data); if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '6.2.3', '>=' ) ) { wp_script_add_data( 'chaty-front-end', 'strategy', 'defer' ); wp_script_add_data( 'chaty-mail-check', 'strategy', 'defer' ); } }//end if endif; }//end cht_front_end_css_and_js() /** * Retrieves the language strings for WhatsApp message and hide WhatsApp form. * * @return array The array containing the language strings. */ public function get_language_strings() { return [ 'whatsapp_label' => esc_html__("WhatsApp Message", "chaty"), 'whatsapp_label' => esc_html__("WhatsApp Message", "chaty"), 'hide_whatsapp_form' => esc_html__("Hide WhatsApp Form", "chaty"), 'emoji_picker' => esc_html__("Show Emojis", "chaty"), ]; } /** * Get Chaty settings for a specific channel * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * */ public function get_chaty_settings() { $slug = esc_attr(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'social')); $channel = esc_attr(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'channel')); $status = 0; $data = []; if (!empty($slug)) { foreach ($this->socials as $social) { if ($social['slug'] == $slug) { break; } } if (!empty($social)) { $status = 1; $data = $social; $data['help'] = ""; $data['help_text'] = ""; $data['help_link'] = ""; if ((isset($social['help']) && !empty($social['help'])) || isset($social['help_link'])) { $data['help_title'] = isset($social['help_title']) ? $social['help_title'] : "Doesn't work?"; $data['help_text'] = isset($social['help']) ? $social['help'] : ""; if (isset($data['help_link']) && !empty($data['help_link'])) { $data['help_link'] = $data['help_link']; } else { $data['help_title'] = $data['help_title']; } } } }//end if $response = []; $response['data'] = $data; $response['status'] = $status; $response['channel'] = esc_attr($channel); echo wp_json_encode($response); die; }//end get_chaty_settings() /** * Choose Social Handler * * This method handles the AJAX request to choose a social media channel. * * @return void * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * */ public function choose_social_handler() { check_ajax_referer('cht_nonce_ajax', 'nonce_code'); $slug = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'social'); if ($slug != null && !empty($slug)) { foreach ($this->socials as $social) { if ($social['slug'] == $slug) { break; } } if (!$social) { return; // Return if social media setting not found. } $widgetIndex = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'widget_index'); $hasWooCommerce = 0; if(is_plugin_active("woocommerce/woocommerce.php")) { $hasWooCommerce = 1; } ob_start(); if($slug == 'Chatway') { include CHT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "views" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "admin" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "chatway-setting.php"; } else { include CHT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "views" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "admin" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "channel.php"; } $html = ob_get_clean(); echo wp_json_encode($html); } wp_die(); }//end choose_social_handler() /** * Retrieves the list of social media icons. * * @return array The array containing the social media icons. */ public function get_social_icon_list() { $social = get_option('cht_numb_slug'.$this->widgetNumber); // get saved social media list $social = explode(",", $social); $arr = []; foreach ($social as $keySoc) : foreach ($this->socials as $key => $social) : // compare with Default Social media list if ($social['slug'] != $keySoc) { continue; // return if slug is not equal } $number = ""; $index = ""; $value = get_option('cht_social'.$this->widgetNumber.'_'.$social['slug']); // get saved settings for button if ($value) { $slug = strtolower($social['slug']); $channelId = "cht-channel-0"; $channelId = trim($channelId, "_"); if (!empty($value['value']) || $slug == "contact_us" || (isset($value['is_agent']) && $value['is_agent']) || ($slug == 'chatway' && $this->is_chatway_active($value))) { $url = ""; $mobileURL = ""; $desktopTarget = ""; $mobileTarget = ""; $qrCodeImage = ""; $viberURL = ""; $channelType = $slug; if (!isset($value['value'])) { $value['value'] = ""; } if(!isset($value['chatway_position'])) { $value['chatway_position'] = ''; } $svgIcon = $social['svg']; if ($slug == "link" || $slug == "custom_link" || $slug == "custom_link_3" || $slug == "custom_link_4" || $slug == "custom_link_5") { if (isset($value['channel_type']) && !empty($value['channel_type'])) { $channelType = $this->sanitize_xss($value['channel_type']); foreach ($this->socials as $icon) { if ($icon['slug'] == $channelType) { $svgIcon = $icon['svg']; } } } } else if($slug == 'chatway' && isset($value['chatway_icon'])) { $svgIcon = isset($this->chatwayIcons[$value['chatway_icon']])?$this->chatwayIcons[$value['chatway_icon']]:$this->chatwayIcons['icon_1']; } $channelType = strtolower($channelType); $channelId = "cht-channel-".$number.$index; $channelId = trim($channelId, "_"); $preSetMessage = ""; if ($channelType == "viber") { // Viber change to exclude + from number for desktop $val = $value['value']; if (is_numeric($val)) { $fc = substr($val, 0, 1); if ($fc == "+") { $length = (-1 * (strlen($val) - 1)); $val = substr($val, $length); } if (!wp_is_mobile()) { // Viber change to include + from number for mobile $val = "+".$val; } } } else if ($channelType == "whatsapp") { // Whatspp change to exclude + from phone number $val = $value['value']; $val = str_replace("+", "", $val); } else if ($channelType == "facebook_messenger") { // Facebook change to change URL from to version 2.1.0 change $val = $value['value']; $val = str_replace("", "", $val); // Facebook change to remove www. from URL. version 2.1.0 change $val = str_replace("www.", "", $val); $val = trim($val, "/"); $valArray = explode("/", $val); $total = (count($valArray) - 1); $lastValue = $valArray[$total]; $lastValue = explode("-", $lastValue); $totalText = (count($lastValue) - 1); $totalText = $lastValue[$totalText]; if (is_numeric($totalText)) { $valArray[$total] = $totalText; $val = implode("/", $valArray); } } else { $val = $value['value']; }//end if if (!isset($value['title'])) { $value['title'] = $social['title']; // Initialize title with default title if not exists. version 2.1.0 change } $imageURL = ""; // get custom image URL if uploaded. version 2.1.0 change if (isset($value['image_id']) && !empty($value['image_id'])) { $imageId = $value['image_id']; if (!empty($imageId)) { $imageData = wp_get_attachment_image_src($imageId, "full"); if (!empty($imageData) && is_array($imageData)) { $imageURL = $imageData[0]; } } } $onClickFn = ""; // get custom icon background color if exists. version 2.1.0 change if (!isset($value['bg_color']) || empty($value['bg_color'])) { $value['bg_color'] = ''; } if ($channelType == "whatsapp") { // setting for Whatsapp URL $val = $this->cleanStringForNumbers($val); $val = str_replace("+", "", $val); $val = str_replace(" ", "", $val); $val = str_replace("-", "", $val); if (isset($value['use_whatsapp_web']) && $value['use_whatsapp_web'] == "no") { $url = "".$val; } else { $url = "".$val; $desktopTarget = "_blank"; } $url = esc_url($url); $mobileURL = "".esc_attr($val); } else if ($channelType == "phone") { // setting for Phone $val = $this->cleanStringForNumbers($val); $val = str_replace("-", "", $val); $url = "tel:".esc_attr($val); } else if ($channelType == "sms") { // setting for SMS $val = str_replace(" ", "", $val); $val = str_replace("-", "", $val); $val = $this->cleanStringForNumbers($val); $url = "sms:".esc_attr($val); } else if ($channelType == "telegram") { // setting for Telegram $val = ltrim($val, "@"); $url = "".$val; $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; $url = esc_url($url); } else if ($channelType == "line" || $channelType == "google_maps" || $channelType == "poptin" || $channelType == "waze") { // setting for Line, Google Map, Link, Poptin, Waze, Custom Link $url = esc_url($val); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; } else if ($channelType == "link" || $channelType == "custom_link" || $channelType == "custom_link_3" || $channelType == "custom_link_4" || $channelType == "custom_link_5") { $url = $val; $isExist = strpos($val, "javascript"); $isViber = strpos($val, "viber"); if ($isViber !== false) { $url = esc_attr($val); } else if ($isExist === false) { $url = esc_url($val); if ($channelType == "custom_link" || $channelType == "link" || $channelType == "custom_link_3" || $channelType == "custom_link_4" || $channelType == "custom_link_5") { $desktopTarget = (isset($value['new_window']) && $value['new_window'] == 0) ? "" : "_blank"; $mobileTarget = (isset($value['new_window']) && $value['new_window'] == 0) ? "" : "_blank"; } } else { $url = "javascript:;"; $onClickFn = str_replace('"', "'", $val); $onClickFn = str_replace('`', "'", $onClickFn); $onClickFn = urldecode($onClickFn); } } else if ($channelType == "wechat") { // setting for WeChat $url = "javascript:;"; if (!empty($value['title'])) { $value['title'] .= ": ".$this->sanitize_xss($val); } else { $value['title'] = $this->sanitize_xss($val); } $qr_code = isset($value['qr_code']) ? $value['qr_code'] : ""; if (!empty($qr_code)) { $imageData = wp_get_attachment_image_src($qr_code, "full"); if (!empty($imageData) && is_array($imageData)) { $qrCodeImage = $imageData[0]; } } } else if ($channelType == "viber") { // setting for Viber $val = str_replace("+", "", $val); $val = str_replace(" ", "", $val); $val = str_replace("-", "", $val); if(is_numeric($val) && strlen($val) > 6) { $val = "+" . $val; } else { $viberURL = "viber://pa?chatURI="; } $url = esc_attr($val); } else if ($channelType == "snapchat") { // setting for SnapChat $url = "".esc_attr(trim($val, "@")); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; $url = esc_url($url); } else if ($channelType == "vkontakte") { // setting for vkontakte $url = "".esc_attr($val); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; $url = esc_url($val); } else if ($channelType == "skype") { // setting for Skype $url = "skype:".esc_attr($val)."?chat"; } else if ($channelType == "email") { // setting for Email $url = "mailto:".esc_attr($val);; $mailSubject = (isset($value['mail_subject']) && !empty($value['mail_subject'])) ? $value['mail_subject'] : ""; $mailSubject = esc_attr($mailSubject); if ($mailSubject != "") { $url .= "?subject=".rawurlencode($mailSubject); } } else if ($channelType == "facebook_messenger") { // setting for facebook URL $url = esc_url($val); $url = str_replace("http:", "https:", $url); if (wp_is_mobile()) { $mobileTarget = ""; } else { $desktopTarget = "_blank"; } $url = esc_url($url); } else if ($channelType == "twitter") { // setting for Twitter $url = "".esc_attr($val); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; $url = esc_url($url); if($value['bg_color'] == "#1ab2e8") { $value['bg_color'] = "#000000"; } } else if ($channelType == "discord") { // setting for Discord $url = esc_url($val); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; } else if ($channelType == "microsoft_teams") { // setting for Discord $url = esc_url($val); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; } else if ($channelType == "instagram") { // setting for Instagram $val = str_replace(["", "", "@"], ["","", ""], $val); $url = "".esc_attr($val); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; $url = esc_url($url); } else if ($channelType == "instagram_dm") { // setting for Instagram $val = str_replace(["", "", "@"], ["","", ""], $val); $url = "".esc_attr($val); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; $url = esc_url($url); } else if ($channelType == "linkedin") { // setting for Linkedin $linkType = !isset($value['link_type']) || $value['link_type'] == "company" ? "company" : "personal"; if ($linkType == "personal") { $url = "".esc_attr($val); } else { $url = "".esc_attr($val); } $url = esc_url($url); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; } else if ($channelType == "slack") { // setting for Twitter $url = esc_url($url); $desktopTarget = "_blank"; $mobileTarget = "_blank"; } else if ($channelType == "tiktok") { $val = $value['value']; $firstCharacter = substr($val, 0, 1); if ($firstCharacter != "@") { $val = "@".$val; } $url = esc_url("".$val); $desktopTarget = $mobileTarget = "_blank"; $url = esc_url($url); } else if ($channelType == "chatway") { $url = "javascript:;"; $desktopTarget = $mobileTarget = ""; } //end if//end if // Instagram checking for custom color if ($channelType == "instagram" && $value['bg_color'] == "#ffffff") { $value['bg_color'] = ""; } if ($channelType == "instagram_dm" && $value['bg_color'] == "#ffffff") { $value['bg_color'] = ""; } $svg = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', '', $svgIcon)); $isMobile = isset($value['is_mobile']) ? 1 : 0; $isDesktop = isset($value['is_desktop']) ? 1 : 0; if (empty($mobileURL)) { $mobileURL = $url; } $svgClass = ($channelType == "contact_us") ? "color-element" : ""; $bgColor = $this->validate_color($value['bg_color'], $social['color']); $rgbColor = $this->getRGBColor($value['bg_color']); $url = htmlspecialchars($url); $contactFields = []; $contactFormSettings = []; $valid = true; if ($channelType == "contact_us") { $url = "javascript:;"; $desktopTarget = ""; $mobileTarget = ""; if (isset($value['name']) || isset($value['email']) || isset($value['message'])) { $fieldSetting = $value['name']; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $contactFields[] = [ "field" => "name", "title" => isset($fieldSetting['field_label'])? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['field_label']) :esc_html__("Name", "chaty"), "is_required" => (isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0, "placeholder" => isset($fieldSetting['placeholder']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['placeholder']) : esc_html__("Enter your name", "chaty"), "type" => "text", ]; } $fieldSetting = $value['email']; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $this->hasEmail = true; $contactFields[] = [ "field" => "email", "title" => isset($fieldSetting['field_label'])? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['field_label']) : esc_html__("Email", "chaty"), "is_required" => (isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0, "placeholder" => isset($fieldSetting['placeholder']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['placeholder']) : esc_html__("Enter your email", "chaty"), "type" => "email", ]; } $fieldSetting = $value['phone']; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $contactFields[] = [ "field" => "phone", "title" => isset($fieldSetting['field_label'])? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['field_label']) : esc_html__("Phone", "chaty"), "is_required" => (isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0, "placeholder" => isset($fieldSetting['placeholder']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['placeholder']) : esc_html__("Enter your phone number", "chaty"), "type" => "tel", ]; } $fieldSetting = $value['message']; if (isset($fieldSetting['is_active']) && $fieldSetting['is_active'] == "yes") { $contactFields[] = [ "field" => "message", "title" => isset($fieldSetting['field_label'])? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['field_label']) : esc_html__("Message", "chaty"), "is_required" => (isset($fieldSetting['is_required']) && $fieldSetting['is_required'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0, "placeholder" => isset($fieldSetting['placeholder']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($fieldSetting['placeholder']) : esc_html__("Enter your message", "chaty"), "type" => "textarea", ]; } }//end if if (!empty($contactFields)) { $contactFormSettings = [ "button_text_color" => $this->validate_color(isset($value['button_text_color']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['button_text_color']) : "#ffffff", "#ffffff"), "button_bg_color" => $this->validate_color((isset($value['button_bg_color']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['button_bg_color']) : "#A886CD"), "#A886CD"), "button_text" => isset($value['button_text']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['button_text']) : "Chat", "contact_form_title" => isset($value['contact_form_title']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['contact_form_title']) : "Contact Us", "contact_form_field_order" => [], "title_bg_color" => $this->validate_color((isset($value['contact_form_title_bg_color'])?$this->sanitize_xss($value['contact_form_title_bg_color']):"#A886CD"),"#A886CD") ]; } else { $valid = false; } }//end if if ($valid) { $preSetMessage = isset($value['pre_set_message']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['pre_set_message']) : ""; $isDefaultOpen = (isset($value['is_default_open'])&&$value['is_default_open'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0; $hasWelcomeMessage = (isset($value['embedded_window'])&&$value['embedded_window'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0; $hasEmojiPicker = $this->sanitize_xss((!isset($value['emoji_picker']) || $value['emoji_picker'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0); $inputPlaceholder = $this->sanitize_xss(isset($value['input_placeholder'])?$value['input_placeholder']:esc_html__("Write your message...","chaty")); $embeddedMessage = isset($value['embedded_message']) ? $value['embedded_message'] : ""; $channelAccountType = isset($value['link_type']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['link_type']) : "personal"; $mailSubject = isset($value['mail_subject']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['mail_subject']) : ""; $isUseWebVersion = (isset($value['use_whatsapp_web']) && $value['use_whatsapp_web'] == "no") ? 0 : 1; $isOpenNewTab = (isset($value['is_open_new_tab']) && $value['is_open_new_tab'] == 0) ? 0 : 1; $channelType = isset($value['channel_type']) && !empty($value['channel_type']) ? $this->sanitize_xss($value['channel_type']) : $social['slug']; $wp_popup_headline = $this->sanitize_xss((isset($value['wp_popup_headline']) && !empty($value['wp_popup_headline'])) ? $value['wp_popup_headline'] : ''); $wp_popup_head_bg_color = $this->validate_color($this->sanitize_xss((isset($value['wp_popup_head_bg_color']) && !empty($value['wp_popup_head_bg_color'])) ? $value['wp_popup_head_bg_color'] : '#4AA485'), '#4AA485'); $wp_popup_nickname = $this->sanitize_xss((isset($value['wp_popup_nickname']) && !empty($value['wp_popup_nickname'])) ? $value['wp_popup_nickname'] : ''); $wp_popup_profile = $this->sanitize_xss((isset($value['wp_popup_profile']) && !empty($value['wp_popup_profile'])) ? $value['wp_popup_profile'] : ''); if($hasWelcomeMessage && $hasEmojiPicker) { $this->hasEmoji = true; } $allowed_html = [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'title' => [], ], 'p' => [], 'br' => [], 'em' => [], 'strong' => [], ]; $embeddedMessage = wp_kses($embeddedMessage, $allowed_html); $widgetToken = wp_create_nonce("chaty_widget_nonce".$index); $agentFaIcon = isset($value['fa_icon']) ? $value['fa_icon'] : ""; if (!empty($agentFaIcon)) { $svg = "<span class='chaty-custom-channel-icon'><i class='{$agentFaIcon}'></i></span>"; $this->hasFont = true; } $data = [ "channel" => $social['slug'], "value" => $this->sanitize_xss(wp_unslash($val)), "hover_text" => $this->sanitize_xss(wp_unslash($value['title'])), "chatway_position" => $this->sanitize_xss(wp_unslash($value['chatway_position'])), "svg_icon" => $svg, "is_desktop" => $isDesktop, "is_mobile" => $isMobile, "icon_color" => $this->sanitize_xss($bgColor), "icon_rgb_color" => $this->sanitize_xss($rgbColor), "channel_type" => $this->sanitize_xss($channelType), "custom_image_url" => esc_url($imageURL), "order" => "", "pre_set_message" => $this->sanitize_xss($preSetMessage), "is_use_web_version" => $this->sanitize_xss($isUseWebVersion), "is_open_new_tab" => $this->sanitize_xss($isOpenNewTab), "is_default_open" => $this->sanitize_xss($isDefaultOpen), "has_welcome_message" => $this->sanitize_xss($hasWelcomeMessage), "emoji_picker" => $this->sanitize_xss($hasEmojiPicker), "input_placeholder" => $this->sanitize_xss($inputPlaceholder), "chat_welcome_message" => $embeddedMessage, "wp_popup_headline" => $wp_popup_headline, "wp_popup_nickname" => $wp_popup_nickname, "wp_popup_profile" => $wp_popup_profile, "wp_popup_head_bg_color" => $wp_popup_head_bg_color, "qr_code_image_url" => esc_url($qrCodeImage), "mail_subject" => $this->sanitize_xss($mailSubject), "channel_account_type" => $this->sanitize_xss($channelAccountType), "contact_form_settings" => $contactFormSettings, "contact_fields" => $contactFields, "url" => $url, "mobile_target" => $mobileTarget, "desktop_target" => $desktopTarget, "target" => $desktopTarget, "is_agent" => 0, "agent_data" => [], "header_text" => '', "header_sub_text" => '', "header_bg_color" => '', "header_text_color" => '', "widget_token" => $this->sanitize_xss($widgetToken), "widget_index" => $this->sanitize_xss($index), "click_event" => $onClickFn, 'viber_url' => $this->sanitize_xss($viberURL) ]; $arr[] = $data; }//end if }//end if }//end if endforeach; endforeach; return $arr; }//end get_social_icon_list() public function add_chatway_class_to_body() { $classes[] = 'csaas-has-chatway'; return $classes; } public function is_chatway_active($settings) { if (!function_exists( 'is_plugin_active' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } if (is_plugin_active('chatway-live-chat/chatway.php')) { $user_identifier = get_option( 'chatway_user_identifier', '' ); if(!empty($user_identifier)) { $position = isset($settings['chatway_position'])?$settings['chatway_position']:"above-chaty"; if($position == 'above-chaty' || $position == 'inside-chaty') { $this->hasChatway = true; return $user_identifier; } } } return false; } /** * Sanitizes a string by removing any HTML tags and converting special characters to their HTML entities. * * @param string $value The string to sanitize. * * @return string The sanitized string. * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * */ function sanitize_xss($value) { return esc_attr(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($value))); } /** * Cleans the input string and removes all non-numeric characters except for the '+' sign. * * @param string $string The string to be cleaned. * @return string The cleaned string. */ function cleanStringForNumbers($string) { if(!empty($string)) { $string = trim($string); $hasPlus = 0; if(isset($string[0]) && $string[0] == "+") { $hasPlus = 1; } $string = str_replace("-", "", $string); $string = preg_replace('/[^0-9\-]/', '', $string); // Removes special chars. if ($hasPlus) { return "+" . $string; } } return $string; } /** * Converts a color value to RGB format. * * @param string $color The color value to convert. * @return string The RGB color value. */ public function getRGBColor($color) { if (!empty($color)) { if (strpos($color, '#') !== false) { $color = $this->hex2rgba($color); } if (strpos($color, 'rgba(') !== false || strpos($color, 'rgb(') !== false) { $color = explode(",", $color); $color = str_replace(["rgba(", "rgb(", ")"], ["", "", ""], $color); $string = ""; $string .= ((isset($color[0])) ? trim($color[0]) : "0").","; $string .= ((isset($color[1])) ? trim($color[1]) : "0").","; $string .= ((isset($color[2])) ? trim($color[2]) : "0"); return $string; } } return "0,0,0"; }//end getRGBColor() /** * Converts a hex color code to RGBA format. * * @param string $color The hex color code to convert. * @param float|boolean $opacity The opacity value for the RGBA format. If set to false, the function only converts to RGB. * @return string The RGBA or RGB color string. */ public function hex2rgba($color, $opacity=false) { $default = 'rgb(0,0,0)'; // Return default if no color provided if (empty($color)) { return $default; } // Sanitize $color if "#" is provided if ($color[0] == '#') { $color = substr($color, 1); } // Check if color has 6 or 3 characters and get values if (strlen($color) == 6) { $hex = [ $color[0].$color[1], $color[2].$color[3], $color[4].$color[5], ]; } else if (strlen($color) == 3) { $hex = [ $color[0].$color[0], $color[1].$color[1], $color[2].$color[2], ]; } else { return $default; } // Convert hexadec to rgb $rgb = array_map('hexdec', $hex); // Check if opacity is set(rgba or rgb) if ($opacity) { if (abs($opacity) > 1) { $opacity = 1.0; } $output = 'rgba('.implode(",", $rgb).','.$opacity.')'; } else { $output = 'rgb('.implode(",", $rgb).')'; } // Return rgb(a) color string return $output; }//end hex2rgba() /** * Checks if the widget can be inserted. * * @return bool Returns true if the widget can be inserted, false otherwise. */ private function canInsertWidget() { return get_option('cht_active') && $this->checkChannels(); }//end canInsertWidget() /** * Checks the availability of social media channels. * * @return bool True if at least one social media channel is available, false otherwise. */ private function checkChannels() { $social = explode(",", get_option('cht_numb_slug')); $res = false; foreach ($social as $name) { $value = get_option('cht_social_'.strtolower($name)); $res = $res || !empty($value['value']) || ($name == "Contact_Us"); } return $res; }//end checkChannels() /** * Retrieves the user's IP address. * * @return string The IP address of the user. */ function get_user_ipaddress() { if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"])) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"])); $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"])); } $client = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])); $forward = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])); $remote = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); if(filter_var($client, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $ip = $client; } elseif(filter_var($forward, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $ip = $forward; } else { $ip = $remote; } return $ip; }//end get_user_ipaddress() /** * Validates a color value and returns it if it matches the given formats. * * @param string $color The color value to validate. * @param string $default_color (optional) The default color value to return if the given color is invalid. * @return string The validated color value, or the default color value if the given color is invalid. */ function validate_color($color, $default_color = "") { if( preg_match('/^#[a-f0-9]{6}$/i', $color)) { return $color; } else { // Check if it's a RGB color $rgbPattern = "/^rgb\((\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3})\)$/"; if(preg_match($rgbPattern, $color)) { return $color; } // Check if it's a RGBA color $rgbaPattern = "/^rgba\((\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3}), (0(\.\d{1,2})?|1)\)$/"; if(preg_match($rgbaPattern, $color)) { return $color; } } return $default_color; } }//end class return new CHT_Frontend();