index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/
<?php /* Plugin Name: Chaty Contributors: galdub, tomeraharon Description: Chat with your website visitors via their favorite channels. Show a chat icon on the bottom of your site and communicate with your website visitors. Author: Premio Author URI: Text Domain: chaty Domain Path: /languages Version: 3.3.4 License: GPLv3 */ if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } define('CHT_FILE', __FILE__); // this file if(!defined('CHT_OPT')) { define('CHT_OPT', 'chaty'); } define('CHT_DIR', dirname(CHT_FILE)); // our directory define('CHT_ADMIN_INC', CHT_DIR . '/admin'); define('CHT_FRONT_INC', CHT_DIR . '/frontend'); define('CHT_INC', CHT_DIR . '/includes'); define('CHT_PRO_URL', admin_url("admin.php?page=chaty-app-upgrade")); define('CHT_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)); define('CHT_PLUGIN_BASE', plugin_basename(CHT_FILE)); define('CHT_VERSION', "3.3.4"); if (!function_exists('wp_doing_ajax')) { function wp_doing_ajax() { /** * Filters whether the current request is a WordPress Ajax request. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @param bool $wp_doing_ajax Whether the current request is a WordPress Ajax request. */ return apply_filters('wp_doing_ajax', defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX); } } if(!function_exists("cht_clear_all_caches")) { function cht_clear_all_caches() { /* Clear cookies from browser */ if (isset($_COOKIE['chaty_settings'])) { setcookie("chaty_settings", '', time() - 3600, "/"); setcookie("cta_exit_intent_shown", '', time() - 3600, "/"); } if(isset($_COOKIE['chatyWidget_0'])) { setcookie("chatyWidget_0", '', time() - 3600, "/"); } for($i=1; $i<=20; $i++) { if(isset($_COOKIE['chatyWidget__'.$i])) { setcookie('chatyWidget__'.$i, '', time() - 3600, "/"); } } try { global $wp_fastest_cache; // if W3 Total Cache is being used, clear the cache if (function_exists('w3tc_flush_all')) { w3tc_flush_all(); } /* if WP Super Cache is being used, clear the cache */ if (function_exists('wp_cache_clean_cache')) { global $file_prefix, $supercachedir; if (empty($supercachedir) && function_exists('get_supercache_dir')) { $supercachedir = get_supercache_dir(); } wp_cache_clean_cache($file_prefix); } if (class_exists('WpeCommon')) { //be extra careful, just in case 3rd party changes things on us if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_memcached')) { //WpeCommon::purge_memcached(); } if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'clear_maxcdn_cache')) { //WpeCommon::clear_maxcdn_cache(); } if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_varnish_cache')) { //WpeCommon::purge_varnish_cache(); } } /* WP Fastest Cache Plugin */ if (method_exists('WpFastestCache', 'deleteCache') && !empty($wp_fastest_cache)) { $wp_fastest_cache->deleteCache(); } /* WP Rocket Plugin */ if (function_exists('rocket_clean_domain')) { rocket_clean_domain(); // Preload cache. if (function_exists('run_rocket_sitemap_preload')) { run_rocket_sitemap_preload(); } } /* Autoptimize Cache Plugin */ if (class_exists("autoptimizeCache") && method_exists("autoptimizeCache", "clearall")) { autoptimizeCache::clearall(); } /* LiteSpeed Plugin */ if (class_exists("LiteSpeed_Cache_API") && method_exists("autoptimizeCache", "purge_all")) { LiteSpeed_Cache_API::purge_all(); } /* Breeze Plugin */ if (class_exists("Breeze_PurgeCache") && method_exists("Breeze_PurgeCache", "breeze_cache_flush")) { Breeze_PurgeCache::breeze_cache_flush(); } /* Hummingbird */ if (class_exists( '\Hummingbird\Core\Utils' ) ) { $modules = \Hummingbird\Core\Utils::get_active_cache_modules(); foreach ( $modules as $module => $name ) { $mod = \Hummingbird\Core\Utils::get_module( $module ); if ( $mod->is_active() ) { if ( 'minify' === $module ) { $mod->clear_files(); } else { $mod->clear_cache(); } } } } /* WP Total Cache */ if ( function_exists( 'wp_cache_clean_cache' ) ) { global $file_prefix; wp_cache_clean_cache( $file_prefix, true ); } } catch (Exception $e) { return 1; } } } if(is_admin()) { require_once CHT_ADMIN_INC . '/chaty-timezone.php'; require_once CHT_INC . '/class-review-box.php'; require_once CHT_INC . '/class-affiliate.php'; require_once CHT_INC . '/class-upgrade-box.php'; } require_once CHT_INC . '/class-cht-icons.php'; require_once CHT_INC . '/class-frontend.php'; add_action('activated_plugin', 'cht_activation_redirect'); register_activation_hook(CHT_FILE, 'cht_install', 10); function cht_install() { $widgetSize = get_option('cht_numb_slug'); $cht_devices = get_option('cht_devices'); if (empty($widgetSize) && empty($cht_devices)) { $options = array( 'mobile' => '1', 'desktop' => '1', ); update_option('cht_created_on', gmdate("Y-m-d")); update_option('cht_devices', $options); update_option('cht_position', 'right'); update_option('cht_cta', 'Contact us'); update_option('cht_numb_slug', ',Phone,Whatsapp'); update_option('cht_social_whatsapp', ''); update_option('cht_social_phone', ''); update_option('cht_widget_size', '54'); update_option('widget_icon', 'chat-base'); update_option('cht_widget_img', ''); update_option('cht_color', '#A886CD'); } $popup_status = get_option("chaty_intro_popup"); if($popup_status === false || empty($popup_status)) { add_option("chaty_intro_popup", "show"); } $option = get_option("Chaty_show_affiliate_box_after"); if($option === false || empty($option)) { $date = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime("+5 days")); add_option("Chaty_show_affiliate_box_after", $date); } } function cht_activation_redirect($plugin) { if ($plugin == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) { if (!defined("DOING_AJAX") && $plugin == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) { delete_option("cht_redirect"); add_option("cht_redirect",1); } } } function chaty_plugin_check_db_table() { global $wpdb, $pagenow; $page = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page'); if ($pagenow == 'plugins.php' || ($page == 'chaty-app' || $page == 'chaty-upgrade' || $page == 'widget-analytics' || $page == 'chaty-contact-form-feed')) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'); $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $chaty_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'chaty_contact_form_leads'; $query = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '".esc_sql($chaty_table)."'"; if ($wpdb->get_var($query) != $chaty_table) { $chaty_table_settings = "CREATE TABLE {$chaty_table} ( id bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, widget_id int(11) NULL, name varchar(100) NULL, email varchar(100) NULL, phone_number varchar(100) NULL, message text NULL, ref_page text NULL, ip_address tinytext NULL, created_on datetime, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $charset_collate;"; dbDelta($chaty_table_settings); } /* version 2.7.3 change added new column */ $column_name = 'phone_number'; $field_check = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$chaty_table} LIKE %s", $column_name)); if ('phone_number' != $field_check) { $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$chaty_table} ADD phone_number VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER email"); } } } add_action( 'admin_init' , 'chaty_plugin_check_db_table' );