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'use strict'; function _defineProperty( obj, key, value ) { if ( key in obj ) { Object.defineProperty( obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, } ); } else { obj[ key ] = value; } return obj; } function _slicedToArray( arr, i ) { return ( _arrayWithHoles( arr ) || _iterableToArrayLimit( arr, i ) || _nonIterableRest() ); } function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance' ); } function _iterableToArrayLimit( arr, i ) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for ( var _i = arr[ Symbol.iterator ](), _s; ! ( _n = ( _s = ).done ); _n = true ) { _arr.push( _s.value ); if ( i && _arr.length === i ) break; } } catch ( err ) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if ( ! _n && _i[ 'return' ] != null ) _i[ 'return' ](); } finally { if ( _d ) throw _e; } } return _arr; } function _arrayWithHoles( arr ) { if ( Array.isArray( arr ) ) return arr; } var PHP = { stdClass: function stdClass() {}, stringify: function stringify( val ) { var hash = new Map( [ [ Infinity, 'd:INF;' ], [ -Infinity, 'd:-INF;' ], [ NaN, 'd:NAN;' ], [ null, 'N;' ], [ undefined, 'N;' ], ] ); var utf8length = function utf8length( str ) { return str ? encodeURI( str ).match( /(%.)?./g ).length : 0; }; var serializeString = function serializeString( s ) { var delim = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments[ 1 ] : '"'; return '' .concat( utf8length( s ), ':' ) .concat( delim[ 0 ] ) .concat( s ) .concat( delim[ delim.length - 1 ] ); }; var ref = 0; function serialize( val ) { var canReference = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments[ 1 ] : true; if ( hash.has( val ) ) return hash.get( val ); ref += canReference; if ( typeof val === 'string' ) return 's:'.concat( serializeString( val ), ';' ); if ( typeof val === 'number' ) return '' .concat( Math.round( val ) === val ? 'i' : 'd', ':' ) .concat( ( '' + val ) .toUpperCase() .replace( /(-?\d)E/, '$1.0E' ), ';' ); if ( typeof val === 'boolean' ) return 'b:'.concat( +val, ';' ); var a = Array.isArray( val ) || val.constructor === Object; hash.set( val, ''.concat( 'rR'[ +a ], ':' ).concat( ref, ';' ) ); if ( typeof val.serialize === 'function' ) { return 'C:' .concat( serializeString( ), ':' ) .concat( serializeString( val.serialize(), '{}' ) ); } var vals = Object.entries( val ).filter( function ( _ref ) { var _ref2 = _slicedToArray( _ref, 2 ), k = _ref2[ 0 ], v = _ref2[ 1 ]; return typeof v !== 'function'; } ); return ( ( a ? 'a' : 'O:'.concat( serializeString( ) ) ) + ':'.concat( vals.length, ':{' ).concat( vals .map( function ( _ref3 ) { var _ref4 = _slicedToArray( _ref3, 2 ), k = _ref4[ 0 ], v = _ref4[ 1 ]; return ( serialize( a && /^\d{1,16}$/.test( k ) ? +k : k, false ) + serialize( v ) ); } ) .join( '' ), '}' ) ); } return serialize( val ); }, // Provide in second argument the classes that may be instantiated // e.g. { MyClass1, MyClass2 } parse: function parse( str ) { var allowedClasses = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments[ 1 ] : {}; allowedClasses.stdClass = PHP.stdClass; // Always allowed. var offset = 0; var values = [ null ]; var specialNums = { INF: Infinity, '-INF': -Infinity, NAN: NaN, }; var kick = function kick( msg ) { var i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments[ 1 ] : offset; throw new Error( 'Error at ' .concat( i, ': ' ) .concat( msg, '\n' ) .concat( str, '\n' ) .concat( ' '.repeat( i ), '^' ) ); }; var read = function read( expected, ret ) { return expected === str.slice( offset, ( offset += expected.length ) ) ? ret : kick( "Expected '".concat( expected, "'" ), offset - expected.length ); }; function readMatch( regex, msg ) { var terminator = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments[ 2 ] : ';'; read( ':' ); var match = regex.exec( str.slice( offset ) ); if ( ! match ) kick( 'Exected ' .concat( msg, ", but got '" ) .concat( str .slice( offset ) .match( /^[:;{}]|[^:;{}]*/ )[ 0 ], "'" ) ); offset += match[ 0 ].length; return read( terminator, match[ 0 ] ); } function readUtf8chars( numUtf8Bytes ) { var terminator = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments[ 1 ] : ''; var i = offset; while ( numUtf8Bytes > 0 ) { var code = str.charCodeAt( offset++ ); numUtf8Bytes -= code < 0x80 ? 1 : code < 0x800 || code >> 11 === 0x1b ? 2 : 3; } return numUtf8Bytes ? kick( 'Invalid string length', i - 2 ) : read( terminator, str.slice( i, offset ) ); } var create = function create( className ) { return ! className ? {} : allowedClasses[ className ] ? Object.create( allowedClasses[ className ].prototype ) : new ( _defineProperty( {}, className, function () {} )[ className ] )(); }; // Create a mock class for this name var readBoolean = function readBoolean() { return readMatch( /^[01]/, "a '0' or '1'", ';' ); }; var readInt = function readInt() { return +readMatch( /^-?\d+/, 'an integer', ';' ); }; var readUInt = function readUInt( terminator ) { return +readMatch( /^\d+/, 'an unsigned integer', terminator ); }; var readString = function readString() { var terminator = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments[ 0 ] : ''; return readUtf8chars( readUInt( ':"' ), '"' + terminator ); }; function readDecimal() { var num = readMatch( /^-?(\d+(\.\d+)?(E[+-]\d+)?|INF)|NAN/, 'a decimal number', ';' ); return num in specialNums ? specialNums[ num ] : +num; } function readKey() { var typ = str[ offset++ ]; return typ === 's' ? readString( ';' ) : typ === 'i' ? readUInt( ';' ) : kick( "Expected 's' or 'i' as type for a key, but got ${str[offset-1]}", offset - 1 ); } function readObject( obj ) { for ( var i = 0, length = readUInt( ':{' ); i < length; i++ ) { obj[ readKey() ] = readValue(); } return read( '}', obj ); } function readArray() { var obj = readObject( {} ); return Object.keys( obj ).some( function ( key, i ) { return key != i; } ) ? obj : Object.values( obj ); } function readCustomObject( obj ) { if ( typeof obj.unserialize !== 'function' ) kick( 'Instance of '.concat(, ' does not have an "unserialize" method' ) ); obj.unserialize( readUtf8chars( readUInt( ':{' ) ) ); return read( '}', obj ); } function readValue() { var typ = str[ offset++ ].toLowerCase(); var ref = values.push( null ) - 1; var val = typ === 'n' ? read( ';', null ) : typ === 's' ? readString( ';' ) : typ === 'b' ? readBoolean() : typ === 'i' ? readInt() : typ === 'd' ? readDecimal() : typ === 'a' ? readArray() // Associative array : typ === 'o' ? readObject( create( readString() ) ) // Object : typ === 'c' ? readCustomObject( create( readString() ) ) // Custom serialized object : typ === 'r' ? values[ readInt() ] // Backreference : kick( 'Unexpected type '.concat( typ ), offset - 1 ); if ( typ !== 'r' ) values[ ref ] = val; return val; } var val = readValue(); if ( offset !== str.length ) kick( 'Unexpected trailing character' ); return val; }, };