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/** * EventSource * * * Released under the MIT License (MIT) * */ /*jslint indent: 2, vars: true, plusplus: true */ /*global setTimeout, clearTimeout */ ( function ( global ) { 'use strict'; var setTimeout = global.setTimeout; var clearTimeout = global.clearTimeout; var XMLHttpRequest = global.XMLHttpRequest; var XDomainRequest = global.XDomainRequest; var NativeEventSource = global.EventSource; var document = global.document; if ( Object.create == null ) { Object.create = function ( C ) { function F() {} F.prototype = C; return new F(); }; } var k = function () {}; function XHRWrapper( xhr ) { this.withCredentials = false; this.responseType = ''; this.readyState = 0; this.status = 0; this.statusText = ''; this.responseText = ''; this.onprogress = k; this.onreadystatechange = k; this._contentType = ''; this._xhr = xhr; this._sendTimeout = 0; this._abort = k; } = function ( method, url ) { this._abort( true ); var that = this; var xhr = this._xhr; var state = 1; var timeout = 0; this._abort = function ( silent ) { if ( that._sendTimeout !== 0 ) { clearTimeout( that._sendTimeout ); that._sendTimeout = 0; } if ( state === 1 || state === 2 || state === 3 ) { state = 4; xhr.onload = k; xhr.onerror = k; xhr.onabort = k; xhr.onprogress = k; xhr.onreadystatechange = k; // IE 8 - 9: XDomainRequest#abort() does not fire any event // Opera < 10: XMLHttpRequest#abort() does not fire any event xhr.abort(); if ( timeout !== 0 ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = 0; } if ( ! silent ) { that.readyState = 4; that.onreadystatechange(); } } state = 0; }; var onStart = function () { if ( state === 1 ) { //state = 2; var status = 0; var statusText = ''; var contentType = undefined; if ( ! ( 'contentType' in xhr ) ) { try { status = xhr.status; statusText = xhr.statusText; contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Content-Type' ); } catch ( error ) { // IE < 10 throws exception for `xhr.status` when xhr.readyState === 2 || xhr.readyState === 3 // Opera < 11 throws exception for `xhr.status` when xhr.readyState === 2 // status = 0; statusText = ''; contentType = undefined; // Firefox < 14, Chrome ?, Safari ? // // } } else { status = 200; statusText = 'OK'; contentType = xhr.contentType; } if ( status !== 0 ) { state = 2; that.readyState = 2; that.status = status; that.statusText = statusText; that._contentType = contentType; that.onreadystatechange(); } } }; var onProgress = function () { onStart(); if ( state === 2 || state === 3 ) { state = 3; var responseText = ''; try { responseText = xhr.responseText; } catch ( error ) { // IE 8 - 9 with XMLHttpRequest } that.readyState = 3; that.responseText = responseText; that.onprogress(); } }; var onFinish = function () { // Firefox 52 fires "readystatechange" (xhr.readyState === 4) without final "readystatechange" (xhr.readyState === 3) // IE 8 fires "onload" without "onprogress" onProgress(); if ( state === 1 || state === 2 || state === 3 ) { state = 4; if ( timeout !== 0 ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = 0; } that.readyState = 4; that.onreadystatechange(); } }; var onReadyStateChange = function () { if ( xhr != undefined ) { // Opera 12 if ( xhr.readyState === 4 ) { onFinish(); } else if ( xhr.readyState === 3 ) { onProgress(); } else if ( xhr.readyState === 2 ) { onStart(); } } }; var onTimeout = function () { timeout = setTimeout( function () { onTimeout(); }, 500 ); if ( xhr.readyState === 3 ) { onProgress(); } }; // XDomainRequest#abort removes onprogress, onerror, onload xhr.onload = onFinish; xhr.onerror = onFinish; // improper fix to match Firefox behaviour, but it is better than just ignore abort // see // // // IE 8 fires "onload" without "onprogress xhr.onabort = onFinish; // if ( ! ( 'sendAsBinary' in XMLHttpRequest.prototype ) && ! ( 'mozAnon' in XMLHttpRequest.prototype ) ) { xhr.onprogress = onProgress; } // IE 8 - 9 (XMLHTTPRequest) // Opera < 12 // Firefox < 3.5 // Firefox 3.5 - 3.6 - ? < 9.0 // onprogress is not fired sometimes or delayed // see also #64 xhr.onreadystatechange = onReadyStateChange; if ( 'contentType' in xhr ) { url += ( url.indexOf( '?', 0 ) === -1 ? '?' : '&' ) + 'padding=true'; } method, url, true ); if ( 'readyState' in xhr ) { // workaround for Opera 12 issue with "progress" events // #91 timeout = setTimeout( function () { onTimeout(); }, 0 ); } }; XHRWrapper.prototype.abort = function () { this._abort( false ); }; XHRWrapper.prototype.getResponseHeader = function ( name ) { return this._contentType; }; XHRWrapper.prototype.setRequestHeader = function ( name, value ) { var xhr = this._xhr; if ( 'setRequestHeader' in xhr ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( name, value ); } }; XHRWrapper.prototype.send = function () { // loading indicator in Safari < ? (6), Chrome < 14, Firefox if ( ! ( 'ontimeout' in XMLHttpRequest.prototype ) && document != undefined && document.readyState != undefined && document.readyState !== 'complete' ) { var that = this; that._sendTimeout = setTimeout( function () { that._sendTimeout = 0; that.send(); }, 4 ); return; } var xhr = this._xhr; // withCredentials should be set after "open" for Safari and Chrome (< 19 ?) xhr.withCredentials = this.withCredentials; xhr.responseType = this.responseType; try { // xhr.send(); throws "Not enough arguments" in Firefox 3.0 xhr.send( undefined ); } catch ( error1 ) { // Safari 5.1.7, Opera 12 throw error1; } }; function XHRTransport( xhr ) { this._xhr = new XHRWrapper( xhr ); } = function ( onStartCallback, onProgressCallback, onFinishCallback, url, withCredentials, headers ) { var xhr = this._xhr; 'GET', url ); var offset = 0; xhr.onprogress = function () { var responseText = xhr.responseText; var chunk = responseText.slice( offset ); offset += chunk.length; onProgressCallback( chunk ); }; xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if ( xhr.readyState === 2 ) { var status = xhr.status; var statusText = xhr.statusText; var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Content-Type' ); onStartCallback( status, statusText, contentType ); } else if ( xhr.readyState === 4 ) { onFinishCallback(); } }; xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials; xhr.responseType = 'text'; for ( var name in headers ) { if ( headers, name ) ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( name, headers[ name ] ); } } xhr.send(); }; XHRTransport.prototype.cancel = function () { var xhr = this._xhr; xhr.abort(); }; function EventTarget() { this._listeners = Object.create( null ); } function throwError( e ) { setTimeout( function () { throw e; }, 0 ); } EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function ( event ) { = this; var typeListeners = this._listeners[ event.type ]; if ( typeListeners != undefined ) { var length = typeListeners.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i += 1 ) { var listener = typeListeners[ i ]; try { if ( typeof listener.handleEvent === 'function' ) { listener.handleEvent( event ); } else { this, event ); } } catch ( e ) { throwError( e ); } } } }; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function ( type, listener ) { type = String( type ); var listeners = this._listeners; var typeListeners = listeners[ type ]; if ( typeListeners == undefined ) { typeListeners = []; listeners[ type ] = typeListeners; } var found = false; for ( var i = 0; i < typeListeners.length; i += 1 ) { if ( typeListeners[ i ] === listener ) { found = true; } } if ( ! found ) { typeListeners.push( listener ); } }; EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function ( type, listener ) { type = String( type ); var listeners = this._listeners; var typeListeners = listeners[ type ]; if ( typeListeners != undefined ) { var filtered = []; for ( var i = 0; i < typeListeners.length; i += 1 ) { if ( typeListeners[ i ] !== listener ) { filtered.push( typeListeners[ i ] ); } } if ( filtered.length === 0 ) { delete listeners[ type ]; } else { listeners[ type ] = filtered; } } }; function Event( type ) { this.type = type; = undefined; } function MessageEvent( type, options ) { this, type ); =; this.lastEventId = options.lastEventId; } MessageEvent.prototype = Object.create( Event.prototype ); var WAITING = -1; var CONNECTING = 0; var OPEN = 1; var CLOSED = 2; var AFTER_CR = -1; var FIELD_START = 0; var FIELD = 1; var VALUE_START = 2; var VALUE = 3; var contentTypeRegExp = /^text\/event\-stream;?(\s*charset\=utf\-8)?$/i; var MINIMUM_DURATION = 1000; var MAXIMUM_DURATION = 18000000; var parseDuration = function ( value, def ) { var n = parseInt( value, 10 ); if ( n !== n ) { n = def; } return clampDuration( n ); }; var clampDuration = function ( n ) { return Math.min( Math.max( n, MINIMUM_DURATION ), MAXIMUM_DURATION ); }; var fire = function ( that, f, event ) { try { if ( typeof f === 'function' ) { that, event ); } } catch ( e ) { throwError( e ); } }; function EventSourcePolyfill( url, options ) { this ); this.onopen = undefined; this.onmessage = undefined; this.onerror = undefined; this.url = undefined; this.readyState = undefined; this.withCredentials = undefined; this._close = undefined; start( this, url, options ); } function start( es, url, options ) { url = String( url ); var withCredentials = options != undefined && Boolean( options.withCredentials ); var initialRetry = clampDuration( 1000 ); var heartbeatTimeout = clampDuration( 45000 ); var lastEventId = ''; var retry = initialRetry; var wasActivity = false; var headers = options != undefined && options.headers != undefined ? JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( options.headers ) ) : undefined; var CurrentTransport = options != undefined && options.Transport != undefined ? options.Transport : XDomainRequest != undefined ? XDomainRequest : XMLHttpRequest; var transport = new XHRTransport( new CurrentTransport() ); var timeout = 0; var currentState = WAITING; var dataBuffer = ''; var lastEventIdBuffer = ''; var eventTypeBuffer = ''; var textBuffer = ''; var state = FIELD_START; var fieldStart = 0; var valueStart = 0; var onStart = function ( status, statusText, contentType ) { if ( currentState === CONNECTING ) { if ( status === 200 && contentType != undefined && contentTypeRegExp.test( contentType ) ) { currentState = OPEN; wasActivity = true; retry = initialRetry; es.readyState = OPEN; var event = new Event( 'open' ); es.dispatchEvent( event ); fire( es, es.onopen, event ); } else { var message = ''; if ( status !== 200 ) { if ( statusText ) { statusText = statusText.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ); } message = "EventSource's response has a status " + status + ' ' + statusText + ' that is not 200. Aborting the connection.'; } else { message = "EventSource's response has a Content-Type specifying an unsupported type: " + ( contentType == undefined ? '-' : contentType.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ) ) + '. Aborting the connection.'; } throwError( new Error( message ) ); close(); var event = new Event( 'error' ); es.dispatchEvent( event ); fire( es, es.onerror, event ); } } }; var onProgress = function ( textChunk ) { if ( currentState === OPEN ) { var n = -1; for ( var i = 0; i < textChunk.length; i += 1 ) { var c = textChunk.charCodeAt( i ); if ( c === '\n'.charCodeAt( 0 ) || c === '\r'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) { n = i; } } var chunk = ( n !== -1 ? textBuffer : '' ) + textChunk.slice( 0, n + 1 ); textBuffer = ( n === -1 ? textBuffer : '' ) + textChunk.slice( n + 1 ); if ( chunk !== '' ) { wasActivity = true; } for ( var position = 0; position < chunk.length; position += 1 ) { var c = chunk.charCodeAt( position ); if ( state === AFTER_CR && c === '\n'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) { state = FIELD_START; } else { if ( state === AFTER_CR ) { state = FIELD_START; } if ( c === '\r'.charCodeAt( 0 ) || c === '\n'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) { if ( state !== FIELD_START ) { if ( state === FIELD ) { valueStart = position + 1; } var field = chunk.slice( fieldStart, valueStart - 1 ); var value = chunk.slice( valueStart + ( valueStart < position && chunk.charCodeAt( valueStart ) === ' '.charCodeAt( 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ), position ); if ( field === 'data' ) { dataBuffer += '\n'; dataBuffer += value; } else if ( field === 'id' ) { lastEventIdBuffer = value; } else if ( field === 'event' ) { eventTypeBuffer = value; } else if ( field === 'retry' ) { initialRetry = parseDuration( value, initialRetry ); retry = initialRetry; } else if ( field === 'heartbeatTimeout' ) { heartbeatTimeout = parseDuration( value, heartbeatTimeout ); if ( timeout !== 0 ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( function () { onTimeout(); }, heartbeatTimeout ); } } } if ( state === FIELD_START ) { if ( dataBuffer !== '' ) { lastEventId = lastEventIdBuffer; if ( eventTypeBuffer === '' ) { eventTypeBuffer = 'message'; } var event = new MessageEvent( eventTypeBuffer, { data: dataBuffer.slice( 1 ), lastEventId: lastEventIdBuffer, } ); es.dispatchEvent( event ); if ( eventTypeBuffer === 'message' ) { fire( es, es.onmessage, event ); } if ( currentState === CLOSED ) { return; } } dataBuffer = ''; eventTypeBuffer = ''; } state = c === '\r'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ? AFTER_CR : FIELD_START; } else { if ( state === FIELD_START ) { fieldStart = position; state = FIELD; } if ( state === FIELD ) { if ( c === ':'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) { valueStart = position + 1; state = VALUE_START; } } else if ( state === VALUE_START ) { state = VALUE; } } } } } }; var onFinish = function () { if ( currentState === OPEN || currentState === CONNECTING ) { currentState = WAITING; if ( timeout !== 0 ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = 0; } timeout = setTimeout( function () { onTimeout(); }, retry ); retry = clampDuration( Math.min( initialRetry * 16, retry * 2 ) ); es.readyState = CONNECTING; var event = new Event( 'error' ); es.dispatchEvent( event ); fire( es, es.onerror, event ); } }; var close = function () { currentState = CLOSED; transport.cancel(); if ( timeout !== 0 ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = 0; } es.readyState = CLOSED; }; var onTimeout = function () { timeout = 0; if ( currentState !== WAITING ) { if ( ! wasActivity ) { throwError( new Error( 'No activity within ' + heartbeatTimeout + ' milliseconds. Reconnecting.' ) ); transport.cancel(); } else { wasActivity = false; timeout = setTimeout( function () { onTimeout(); }, heartbeatTimeout ); } return; } wasActivity = false; timeout = setTimeout( function () { onTimeout(); }, heartbeatTimeout ); currentState = CONNECTING; dataBuffer = ''; eventTypeBuffer = ''; lastEventIdBuffer = lastEventId; textBuffer = ''; fieldStart = 0; valueStart = 0; state = FIELD_START; // // Request header field Last-Event-ID is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers. var requestURL = url; if ( url.slice( 0, 5 ) !== 'data:' && url.slice( 0, 5 ) !== 'blob:' ) { requestURL = url + ( url.indexOf( '?', 0 ) === -1 ? '?' : '&' ) + 'lastEventId=' + encodeURIComponent( lastEventId ); } var requestHeaders = {}; requestHeaders[ 'Accept' ] = 'text/event-stream'; if ( headers != undefined ) { for ( var name in headers ) { if ( headers, name ) ) { requestHeaders[ name ] = headers[ name ]; } } } try { onStart, onProgress, onFinish, requestURL, withCredentials, requestHeaders ); } catch ( error ) { close(); throw error; } }; es.url = url; es.readyState = CONNECTING; es.withCredentials = withCredentials; es._close = close; onTimeout(); } EventSourcePolyfill.prototype = Object.create( EventTarget.prototype ); EventSourcePolyfill.prototype.CONNECTING = CONNECTING; EventSourcePolyfill.prototype.OPEN = OPEN; EventSourcePolyfill.prototype.CLOSED = CLOSED; EventSourcePolyfill.prototype.close = function () { this._close(); }; EventSourcePolyfill.CONNECTING = CONNECTING; EventSourcePolyfill.OPEN = OPEN; EventSourcePolyfill.CLOSED = CLOSED; EventSourcePolyfill.prototype.withCredentials = undefined; global.EventSourcePolyfill = EventSourcePolyfill; global.NativeEventSource = NativeEventSource; if ( XMLHttpRequest != undefined && ( NativeEventSource == undefined || ! ( 'withCredentials' in NativeEventSource.prototype ) ) ) { // Why replace a native EventSource ? // // // // // ... global.EventSource = EventSourcePolyfill; } } )( typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this );