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File: /home/thefkyzp/
<?php /** * Plugin Name: Starter Templates * Plugin URI: * Description: Starter Templates is all in one solution for complete starter sites, single page templates, blocks & images. This plugin offers the premium library of ready templates & provides quick access to beautiful Pixabay images that can be imported in your website easily. * Version: 4.4.11 * Author: Brainstorm Force * Author URI: * Text Domain: astra-sites * * @package Astra Sites */ // Check PHP version before loading the plugin. if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.4', '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'astra_sites_php_version_notice' ); return; } /** * Display notice if PHP version is below 7.4 * * @return void */ function astra_sites_php_version_notice() { $plugin_name = 'Starter Templates'; ?> <div class="error"> <p><?php echo esc_html( $plugin_name . ' requires PHP version 7.4 or higher. Please upgrade your PHP version.' ); ?></p> </div> <?php } /** * Set constants. */ if ( ! defined( 'ASTRA_SITES_NAME' ) ) { define( 'ASTRA_SITES_NAME', __( 'Starter Templates', 'astra-sites' ) ); } if ( ! defined( 'ASTRA_SITES_VER' ) ) { define( 'ASTRA_SITES_VER', '4.4.11' ); } if ( ! defined( 'ASTRA_SITES_FILE' ) ) { define( 'ASTRA_SITES_FILE', __FILE__ ); } if ( ! defined( 'ASTRA_SITES_BASE' ) ) { define( 'ASTRA_SITES_BASE', plugin_basename( ASTRA_SITES_FILE ) ); } if ( ! defined( 'ASTRA_SITES_DIR' ) ) { define( 'ASTRA_SITES_DIR', plugin_dir_path( ASTRA_SITES_FILE ) ); } if ( ! defined( 'ASTRA_SITES_URI' ) ) { define( 'ASTRA_SITES_URI', plugins_url( '/', ASTRA_SITES_FILE ) ); } // Load AI Builder. $ai_builder_path = ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'inc/lib/ai-builder/ai-builder.php'; if ( file_exists( $ai_builder_path ) ) { require_once $ai_builder_path; } // Load ST Importer. $st_importer_path = ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'inc/lib/starter-templates-importer/starter-templates-importer.php'; if ( file_exists( $st_importer_path ) ) { require_once $st_importer_path; } if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_sites_setup' ) ) : /** * Astra Sites Setup * * @since 1.0.5 * @return void */ function astra_sites_setup() { require_once ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'inc/classes/class-astra-sites.php'; // Admin. require_once ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'classes/class-astra-sites-admin.php'; } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'astra_sites_setup' ); endif; // Astra Notices. require_once ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'inc/lib/astra-notices/class-astra-notices.php'; // BSF Analytics Tracker. if ( ! class_exists( 'BSF_Analytics_Loader' ) ) { require_once ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'admin/bsf-analytics/class-bsf-analytics-loader.php'; } // BSF_Quick_Links. if ( ! class_exists( 'BSF_Quick_Links' ) ) { require_once ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'inc/lib/bsf-quick-links/class-bsf-quick-links.php'; } if ( class_exists( 'BSF_Analytics_Loader' ) && is_callable( 'BSF_Analytics_Loader::get_instance' ) ) { $bsf_analytics = BSF_Analytics_Loader::get_instance(); $bsf_analytics->set_entity( array( 'bsf' => array( 'product_name' => __( 'Starter Templates', 'astra-sites' ), 'path' => ASTRA_SITES_DIR . 'admin/bsf-analytics', 'author' => 'Brainstorm Force', 'time_to_display' => '+24 hours', ), ) ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_sites_redirect_to_onboarding' ) ) : /** * Redirect to onboarding. * * @since 3.3.0 * @return void */ function astra_sites_redirect_to_onboarding() { if ( ! get_option( 'st_start_onboarding', false ) ) { return; } delete_option( 'st_start_onboarding' ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) || ! WP_CLI ) { wp_safe_redirect( admin_url( 'themes.php?page=starter-templates' ) ); exit(); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'astra_sites_redirect_to_onboarding' ); endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_pro_sites_activate' ) ) : /** * Astra pro sites activate. * * @since 4.1.2 * @return void */ function astra_pro_sites_activate() { update_option( 'st_start_onboarding', true ); } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'astra_pro_sites_activate' ); endif;