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<?php namespace WPForms\Admin\Settings\Captcha; use WPForms\Admin\Notice; /** * CAPTCHA setting page. * * @since 1.8.0 */ class Page { /** * Slug identifier for admin page view. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @var string */ const VIEW = 'captcha'; /** * Saved CAPTCHA settings. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @var array */ private $settings; /** * All available captcha types. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @var array */ private $captchas; /** * Initialize class. * * @since 1.8.0 */ public function init() { // Only load if we are actually on the settings page. if ( ! wpforms_is_admin_page( 'settings' ) ) { return; } // Listen the previous reCAPTCHA page and safely redirect from it. if ( wpforms_is_admin_page( 'settings', 'recaptcha' ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'view', self::VIEW, admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpforms-settings' ) ) ); exit; } $this->init_settings(); $this->hooks(); } /** * Init CAPTCHA settings. * * @since 1.8.0 */ public function init_settings() { $this->settings = wp_parse_args( wpforms_get_captcha_settings(), [ 'provider' => 'none' ] ); /** * Filter available captcha for the settings page. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @param array $captcha Array where key is captcha name and value is captcha class instance. * @param array $settings Array of settings. */ $this->captchas = apply_filters( 'wpforms_admin_settings_captcha_page_init_settings_available_captcha', [ 'hcaptcha' => new HCaptcha(), 'recaptcha' => new ReCaptcha(), 'turnstile' => new Turnstile(), ], $this->settings ); foreach ( $this->captchas as $captcha ) { $captcha->init(); } } /** * Hooks. * * @since 1.8.0 */ public function hooks() { add_filter( 'wpforms_settings_tabs', [ $this, 'register_settings_tabs' ], 5, 1 ); add_filter( 'wpforms_settings_defaults', [ $this, 'register_settings_fields' ], 5, 1 ); add_action( 'wpforms_settings_updated', [ $this, 'updated' ] ); add_action( 'wpforms_settings_enqueue', [ $this, 'enqueues' ] ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'apply_noconflict' ], 9999 ); } /** * Register CAPTCHA settings tab. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @param array $tabs Admin area tabs list. * * @return array */ public function register_settings_tabs( $tabs ) { $captcha = [ self::VIEW => [ 'name' => esc_html__( 'CAPTCHA', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'form' => true, 'submit' => esc_html__( 'Save Settings', 'wpforms-lite' ), ], ]; return wpforms_array_insert( $tabs, $captcha, 'email' ); } /** * Register CAPTCHA settings fields. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @param array $settings Admin area settings list. * * @return array */ public function register_settings_fields( $settings ) { $settings[ self::VIEW ] = [ self::VIEW . '-heading' => [ 'id' => self::VIEW . '-heading', 'content' => '<h4>' . esc_html__( 'CAPTCHA', 'wpforms-lite' ) . '</h4><p>' . esc_html__( 'A CAPTCHA is an anti-spam technique which helps to protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.', 'wpforms-lite' ) . '</p>', 'type' => 'content', 'no_label' => true, 'class' => [ 'wpforms-setting-captcha-heading', 'section-heading' ], ], self::VIEW . '-provider' => [ 'id' => self::VIEW . '-provider', 'type' => 'radio', 'default' => 'none', 'options' => [ 'hcaptcha' => 'hCaptcha', 'recaptcha' => 'reCAPTCHA', 'turnstile' => 'Turnstile', 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'wpforms-lite' ), ], 'desc' => sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s - CAPTCHA comparison page URL. */ __( 'Not sure which service is right for you? <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Check out our comparison</a> for more details.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'target' => [], 'rel' => [], ], ] ), esc_url( wpforms_utm_link( '', 'Settings - Captcha', 'Captcha Comparison Documentation' ) ) ), ], ]; // Add settings fields for each of available captcha types. foreach ( $this->captchas as $captcha ) { $settings[ self::VIEW ] = array_merge( $settings[ self::VIEW ], $captcha->get_settings_fields() ); } $settings[ self::VIEW ] = array_merge( $settings[ self::VIEW ], [ 'recaptcha-noconflict' => [ 'id' => 'recaptcha-noconflict', 'name' => esc_html__( 'No-Conflict Mode', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'desc' => esc_html__( 'Forcefully remove other CAPTCHA occurrences in order to prevent conflicts. Only enable this option if your site is having compatibility issues or instructed by support.', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'type' => 'toggle', 'status' => true, ], self::VIEW . '-preview' => [ 'id' => self::VIEW . '-preview', 'name' => esc_html__( 'Preview', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'content' => '<p class="desc wpforms-captcha-preview-desc">' . esc_html__( 'Please save settings to generate a preview of your CAPTCHA here.', 'wpforms-lite' ) . '</p>', 'type' => 'content', 'class' => [ 'wpforms-hidden' ], ], ] ); if ( $this->settings['provider'] === 'hcaptcha' || $this->settings['provider'] === 'turnstile' || ( $this->settings['provider'] === 'recaptcha' && $this->settings['recaptcha_type'] === 'v2' ) ) { // phpcs:disable WPForms.PHP.ValidateHooks.InvalidHookName /** * Modify captcha settings data. * * @since 1.6.4 * * @param array $data Array of settings. */ $data = apply_filters( 'wpforms_admin_pages_settings_captcha_data', [ 'sitekey' => $this->settings['site_key'], 'theme' => $this->settings['theme'], ] ); // phpcs:enable WPForms.PHP.ValidateHooks.InvalidHookName // Prepare HTML for CAPTCHA preview. $placeholder_description = $settings[ self::VIEW ][ self::VIEW . '-preview' ]['content']; $captcha_description = esc_html__( 'This CAPTCHA is generated using your site and secret keys. If an error is displayed, please double-check your keys.', 'wpforms-lite' ); $captcha_preview = sprintf( '<div class="wpforms-captcha-container" style="pointer-events:none!important;cursor:default!important;"> <div %s></div> <input type="text" name="wpforms-captcha-hidden" class="wpforms-recaptcha-hidden" style="position:absolute!important;clip:rect(0,0,0,0)!important;height:1px!important;width:1px!important;border:0!important;overflow:hidden!important;padding:0!important;margin:0!important;"> </div>', wpforms_html_attributes( '', [ 'wpforms-captcha', 'wpforms-captcha-' . $this->settings['provider'] ], $data ) ); $settings[ self::VIEW ][ self::VIEW . '-preview' ]['content'] = sprintf( '<div class="wpforms-captcha-preview"> %1$s <p class="desc">%2$s</p> </div> <div class="wpforms-captcha-placeholder wpforms-hidden">%3$s</div>', $captcha_preview, $captcha_description, $placeholder_description ); $settings[ self::VIEW ][ self::VIEW . '-preview' ]['class'] = []; } return $settings; } /** * Re-init CAPTCHA settings when plugin settings were updated. * * @since 1.8.0 */ public function updated() { $this->init_settings(); $this->notice(); } /** * Display notice about the CAPTCHA preview. * * @since 1.8.0 */ private function notice() { if ( ! wpforms_is_admin_page( 'settings', self::VIEW ) || ! $this->is_captcha_preview_ready() ) { return; } Notice::info( esc_html__( 'A preview of your CAPTCHA is displayed below. Please view to verify the CAPTCHA settings are correct.', 'wpforms-lite' ) ); } /** * Check if CAPTCHA config is ready to display a preview. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @return bool */ private function is_captcha_preview_ready() { $current_captcha = $this->get_current_captcha(); if ( ! $current_captcha ) { return false; } return $current_captcha->is_captcha_preview_ready(); } /** * Enqueue assets for the CAPTCHA settings page. * * @since 1.8.0 */ public function enqueues() { $current_captcha = $this->get_current_captcha(); if ( ! $current_captcha ) { return; } $current_captcha->enqueues(); } /** * Get current active captcha object. * * @since 1.8.0 * * @return object|string */ private function get_current_captcha() { return ! empty( $this->captchas[ $this->settings['provider'] ] ) ? $this->captchas[ $this->settings['provider'] ] : ''; } /** * Use the CAPTCHA no-conflict mode. * * When enabled in the WPForms settings, forcefully remove all other * CAPTCHA enqueues to prevent conflicts. Filter can be used to target * specific pages, etc. * * @since 1.6.4 */ public function apply_noconflict() { if ( ! wpforms_is_admin_page( 'settings', self::VIEW ) || empty( wpforms_setting( 'recaptcha-noconflict' ) ) || /** * Allow/disallow applying non-conflict mode for captcha scripts. * * @since 1.6.4 * * @param boolean $allow True/false. Default: true. */ ! apply_filters( 'wpforms_admin_settings_captcha_apply_noconflict', true ) // phpcs:ignore WPForms.PHP.ValidateHooks.InvalidHookName ) { return; } $scripts = wp_scripts(); $urls = [ '', '', '', '' ]; foreach ( $scripts->queue as $handle ) { // Skip the WPForms JavaScript assets. if ( ! isset( $scripts->registered[ $handle ] ) || false !== strpos( $scripts->registered[ $handle ]->handle, 'wpforms' ) ) { return; } foreach ( $urls as $url ) { if ( false !== strpos( $scripts->registered[ $handle ]->src, $url ) ) { wp_dequeue_script( $handle ); wp_deregister_script( $handle ); break; } } } } }