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File: /home/thefkyzp/
/* global wpforms_settings */ /** * @param wpforms_settings.css_vars * @param wpforms_settings.formErrorMessagePrefix * @param wpforms_settings.indicatorStepsPattern * @param wpforms_settings.submitBtnDisabled */ // noinspection ES6ConvertVarToLetConst /** * Modern Frontend. * * @since 1.8.1 */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var WPForms = window.WPForms || {}; WPForms.FrontendModern = WPForms.FrontendModern || ( function( document, window, $ ) { // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols,JSUnusedGlobalSymbols const app = { /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.8.1 */ init() { // Document ready. $( app.ready ); }, /** * Document ready. * * @since 1.8.1 */ ready() { app.updateGBBlockAccentColors(); app.initPageBreakButtons(); app.initButtonStyle();; }, /** * Events. * * @since 1.8.1 */ events() { $( document ) .on( 'wpforms_elementor_form_fields_initialized', app.initPageBreakButtons ); $( 'form.wpforms-form' ) .on( 'wpformsCombinedUploadsSizeError', app.combinedUploadsSizeError ) .on( 'wpformsFormSubmitButtonDisable', app.formSubmitButtonDisable ) .on( 'wpformsFormSubmitButtonRestore', app.formSubmitButtonRestore ) .on( 'wpformsPageChange', app.pageChange ); $( 'form.wpforms-form .wpforms-submit' ) .on( 'keydown click', app.disabledButtonPress ); $( document ) .on( 'focus', '.wpforms-render-modern .wpforms-timepicker', app.updateTimepickerDropdown ); }, /** * Add styling to timepicker dropdown. * * @since 1.8.8 */ updateTimepickerDropdown() { const cssVars = app.getCssVars( $( this ) ); setTimeout( function() { const $list = $( '.ui-timepicker-wrapper .ui-timepicker-list' ); $list.css( 'background', cssVars[ 'field-menu-color' ] ); $list.find( 'li' ).css( 'color', cssVars[ 'field-text-color' ] ); $list.find( '.ui-timepicker-selected' ) .css( 'background', cssVars[ 'button-background-color' ] ) .css( 'color', cssVars[ 'button-text-color' ] ); }, 0 ); }, /** * Update accent colors of some fields in GB block in Modern Markup mode. * * @since 1.8.8 */ initButtonStyle() { // Loop through all the GB blocks on the page. $( '.wpforms-block.wpforms-container-full, .elementor-widget-wpforms .wpforms-container-full' ).each( function() { const $form = $( this ); const contStyle = getComputedStyle( $form.get( 0 ) ); const btnBgColor = app.getCssVar( contStyle, '--wpforms-button-background-color-alt' ); if ( app.isTransparentColor( btnBgColor ) ) { $form.find( 'button.wpforms-submit' ).addClass( 'wpforms-opacity-hover' ); } } ); }, /** * Checks if the provided color has transparency. * * @since 1.8.8 * * @param {string} color The color to check. * * @return {boolean} Returns true if the color is transparent. */ isTransparentColor( color ) { const rgba = app.getColorAsRGBArray( color ); // The max opacity value of the color that is considered as transparent. const opacityThreshold = 0.33; const opacity = Number( rgba?.[ 3 ] ); // Compare the opacity value with the threshold. return opacity <= opacityThreshold; }, /** * Update accent colors of some fields in GB block in Modern Markup mode. * * @since 1.8.1 */ updateGBBlockAccentColors() { // Loop through all the GB blocks on the page. $( '.wpforms-block.wpforms-container-full, .elementor-widget-wpforms .wpforms-container-full' ).each( function() { const $form = $( this ); app.updateGBBlockPageIndicatorColor( $form ); app.updateGBBlockIconChoicesColor( $form ); app.updateGBBlockRatingColor( $form ); } ); }, /** * Update accent color of Page Indicator. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {jQuery} $form Form container. */ updateGBBlockPageIndicatorColor( $form ) { const $indicator = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator' ), $indicatorPage = $indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-progress, .wpforms-page-indicator-page-number' ), $indicatorTriangle = $indicatorPage.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-triangle' ); $ 'indicator-color', 'var( --wpforms-page-break-color )' ); $indicatorPage.css( 'background-color', 'var( --wpforms-page-break-color )' ); $indicatorTriangle.css( 'border-top-color', 'var( --wpforms-page-break-color )' ); }, /** * Update accent color of Icon Choices. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {jQuery} $form Form container. */ updateGBBlockIconChoicesColor( $form ) { $form .find( '.wpforms-icon-choices' ) .css( '--wpforms-icon-choices-color', 'var( --wpforms-button-background-color )' ); }, /** * Update accent color of Rating field. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {jQuery} $form Form container. */ updateGBBlockRatingColor( $form ) { $form .find( '.wpforms-field-rating-item svg' ) .css( 'color', 'var( --wpforms-page-break-color, var( --wpforms-button-background-color ) )' ); }, /** * Init Page Break fields. * * @since 1.8.1 */ initPageBreakButtons() { $( '.wpforms-page-button' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-disabled' ) .attr( 'aria-disabled', 'false' ) .attr( 'aria-describedby', '' ); }, /** * Handler for `wpformsCombinedUploadsSizeError` event. * Accessibility enhancements to error container and submit button. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {jQuery} $form Form object. * @param {jQuery} $errorCnt Error container object. */ combinedUploadsSizeError( e, $form, $errorCnt ) { const formId = $ 'formid' ), errormessage = $form.attr( 'aria-errormessage' ) || '', errorCntId = `wpforms-${ formId }-footer-error`, $submitBtn = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ); $form.attr( { 'aria-invalid': 'true', 'aria-errormessage': `${ errormessage } ${ errorCntId }`, } ); $errorCnt.attr( { role: 'alert', id: errorCntId, } ); // Add error message prefix. $errorCnt.find( '> .wpforms-hidden:first-child' ).remove(); $errorCnt.prepend( `<span class="wpforms-hidden">${ wpforms_settings.formErrorMessagePrefix }</span>` ); // Instead of set the `disabled` property, // we must use `aria-disabled` and `aria-describedby` attributes in conduction with `wpforms-disabled` class. $submitBtn.attr( 'aria-describedby', errorCntId ); }, /** * Handler for `wpformsCombinedUploadsSizeOk` event. * * @since 1.8.1 * @deprecated 1.8.3 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {jQuery} $form Form object. * @param {jQuery} $errorCnt Error container object. */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars combinedUploadsSizeOk( e, $form, $errorCnt ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn( 'WARNING! Function "WPForms.FrontendModern( e, $form, $errorCnt )" has been deprecated, please use the new "formSubmitButtonDisable: function( e, $form, $submitBtn )" function instead!' ); const $submitBtn = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ); // Revert aria-* attributes to the normal state. $submitBtn .removeClass( 'wpforms-disabled' ) .attr( 'aria-disabled', 'false' ) .attr( 'aria-describedby', '' ); }, /** * Handler for `wpformsFormSubmitButtonDisable` event. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {jQuery} $form Form object. * @param {jQuery} $submitBtn Submit a button object. */ formSubmitButtonDisable( e, $form, $submitBtn ) { const disabledBtnDescId = $form.attr( 'id' ) + '-submit-btn-disabled'; $submitBtn.before( `<div class="wpforms-hidden" id="${ disabledBtnDescId }">${ wpforms_settings.submitBtnDisabled }</div>` ); $submitBtn .prop( 'disabled', false ) .addClass( 'wpforms-disabled' ) .attr( 'aria-disabled', 'true' ) .attr( 'aria-describedby', disabledBtnDescId ); }, /** * Handler for `wpformsFormSubmitButtonRestore` event. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {jQuery} $form Form object. * @param {jQuery} $submitBtn Submit a button object. */ formSubmitButtonRestore( e, $form, $submitBtn ) { const disabledBtnDescId = $form.attr( 'id' ) + '-submit-btn-disabled'; $form.find( '#' + disabledBtnDescId ).remove(); $submitBtn .removeClass( 'wpforms-disabled' ) .attr( 'aria-disabled', 'false' ) .attr( 'aria-describedby', '' ); }, /** * Disabled button click/keydown event handler. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {Object} e Event object. */ disabledButtonPress( e ) { const $submitBtn = $( this ); if ( ! $submitBtn.hasClass( 'wpforms-disabled' ) ) { return; } if ( e.key === 'Enter' || e.type === 'click' ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }, /** * Page change event handler. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {number} nextPage The next page number. * @param {jQuery} $form Current form. */ pageChange( e, nextPage, $form ) { const $pageIndicator = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator' ); if ( ! wpforms_settings.indicatorStepsPattern || ! $pageIndicator.length ) { return; } const totalPages = $form.find( '.wpforms-page' ).length; let msg = wpforms_settings.indicatorStepsPattern; let pageTitle; msg = msg.replace( '{current}', nextPage ).replace( '{total}', totalPages ); if ( $pageIndicator.hasClass( 'progress' ) ) { pageTitle = $pageIndicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-title' ).data( `page-${ nextPage }-title` ); } else { pageTitle = $pageIndicator.find( `.wpforms-page-indicator-page-${ nextPage } .wpforms-page-indicator-page-title` ).text(); } msg = pageTitle ? pageTitle + '. ' + msg : msg; $pageIndicator.attr( 'aria-valuenow', nextPage ); app.screenReaderAnnounce( msg, 'polite' ); }, /** * Allows the screen reader to talk directly through the use of JS. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {string} text The message to be vocalised * @param {string} priority Aria-live priority. "polite" (by default) or "assertive". */ screenReaderAnnounce( text, priority ) { const el = document.createElement( 'div' ); const id = 'wpforms-screen-reader-announce-' +; el.setAttribute( 'id', id ); el.setAttribute( 'aria-live', priority || 'polite' ); el.classList.add( 'wpforms-screen-reader-announce' ); const node = document.body.appendChild( el ); setTimeout( function() { node.innerHTML = text; }, 100 ); setTimeout( function() { document.body.removeChild( node ); }, 1000 ); }, /** * Add opacity to color string. * Supports formats: RGB, RGBA, HEX, HEXA. * * If the given color has an alpha channel, the new alpha channel will be calculated according to the given opacity. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {string} color Color. * @param {string} opacity Opacity. * * @return {string} Color in RGBA format with an added alpha channel according to given opacity. */ getColorWithOpacity( color, opacity ) { color = color.trim(); const rgbArray = app.getColorAsRGBArray( color ); if ( ! rgbArray ) { return color; } // Default opacity is 1. opacity = ! opacity || opacity.length === 0 ? '1' : opacity.toString(); const alpha = rgbArray.length === 4 ? parseFloat( rgbArray[ 3 ] ) : 1; // Calculate new alpha value. const newAlpha = parseFloat( opacity ) * alpha; // Combine and return the RGBA color. return `rgba(${ rgbArray[ 0 ] },${ rgbArray[ 1 ] },${ rgbArray[ 2 ] },${ newAlpha })`.replace( /\s+/g, '' ); }, /** * Remove opacity from the color value. * Supports formats: RGB, RGBA, HEX, HEXA. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {string} color Color. * * @return {string} Color in RGB format. */ getSolidColor( color ) { color = color.trim(); const rgbArray = app.getColorAsRGBArray( color ); if ( ! rgbArray ) { return color; } // Combine and return the RGB color. return `rgb(${ rgbArray[ 0 ] },${ rgbArray[ 1 ] },${ rgbArray[ 2 ] })`; }, /** * Check if the given color is a valid CSS color. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {string} color Color. * * @return {boolean} True if the given color is a valid CSS color. */ isValidColor( color ) { // Create a temporary DOM element and use `style` property. const s = new Option().style; s.color = color; // Invalid color leads to the empty color property of DOM element style. return s.color !== ''; }, /** * Get color as an array of RGB(A) values. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {string} color Color. * * @return {Array|boolean} Color as an array of RGBA values. False on error. */ getColorAsRGBArray( color ) { // Check if the given color is a valid CSS color. if ( ! app.isValidColor( color ) ) { return false; } // Remove # from the beginning of the string and remove whitespaces. color = color.replace( /^#/, '' ).replaceAll( ' ', '' ); color = color === 'transparent' ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' : color; const rgba = color; let rgbArray; // Check if color is in HEX(A) format. const isHex = rgba.match( /[0-9a-f]{6,8}$/ig ); if ( isHex ) { // Search and split HEX(A) color into an array of couples of chars. rgbArray = rgba.match( /\w\w/g ).map( ( x ) => parseInt( x, 16 ) ); rgbArray[ 3 ] = rgbArray[ 3 ] || rgbArray[ 3 ] === 0 ? ( rgbArray[ 3 ] / 255 ).toFixed( 2 ) : 1; } else { rgbArray = rgba.split( '(' )[ 1 ].split( ')' )[ 0 ].split( ',' ); } return rgbArray; }, /** * Get CSS variable value. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {Object} style Computed style object. * @param {string} varName Style custom property name. * * @return {string|null} CSS variable value; */ getCssVar( style, varName ) { if ( ! style || typeof style.getPropertyValue !== 'function' ) { return null; } let value = style.getPropertyValue( varName ).trim(); if ( varName.includes( 'color' ) ) { value = value.replace( /\s/g, '' ); } return value; }, /** * Get all CSS variables. * * @since 1.8.1 * * @param {jQuery} $form Form OR any element inside the form. * * @return {Object} CSS variables; */ getCssVars( $form ) { if ( ! $form || ! $form.length ) { return null; } const $cont = $form.hasClass( 'wpforms-container' ) ? $form : $form.closest( '.wpforms-container' ); const contStyle = getComputedStyle( $cont.get( 0 ) ); const cssVars = wpforms_settings.css_vars; const vars = {}; for ( let i = 0; i < cssVars.length; i++ ) { vars[ cssVars[ i ] ] = app.getCssVar( contStyle, '--wpforms-' + cssVars[ i ] ); } return vars; }, }; return app; }( document, window, jQuery ) ); // Initialize. WPForms.FrontendModern.init();