index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/
/* global wpforms_builder, wpforms_builder_providers, wpf */ var WPForms = window.WPForms || {}; WPForms.Admin = WPForms.Admin || {}; WPForms.Admin.Builder = WPForms.Admin.Builder || {}; /** * WPForms Providers module. * * @since 1.4.7 */ WPForms.Admin.Builder.Providers = WPForms.Admin.Builder.Providers || ( function( document, window, $ ) { 'use strict'; /** * Private functions and properties. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @type {Object} */ var __private = { /** * Internal cache storage, do not use it directly, but app.cache.{(get|set|delete|clear)()} instead. * Key is the provider slug, value is a Map, that will have its own key as a connection id (or not). * * @since 1.4.7 * * @type {Object.<string, Map>} */ cache: {}, /** * Config contains all configuration properties. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @type {Object.<string, *>} */ config: { /** * List of default templates that should be compiled. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @type {string[]} */ templates: [ 'wpforms-providers-builder-content-connection-fields', 'wpforms-providers-builder-content-connection-conditionals', ], }, /** * Form fields for the current state. * * @since * * @type {object} */ fields: {}, }; /** * Public functions and properties. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @type {Object} */ var app = { /** * Panel holder. * * @since 1.5.9 * * @type {object} */ panelHolder: {}, /** * Form holder. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @type {object} */ form: $( '#wpforms-builder-form' ), /** * Spinner HTML. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @type {object} */ spinner: '<i class="wpforms-loading-spinner wpforms-loading-inline"></i>', /** * All ajax requests are grouped together with own properties. * * @since 1.4.7 */ ajax: { /** * Merge custom AJAX data object with defaults. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {object} custom Ajax data object with custom settings. * * @returns {object} Ajax data. */ _mergeData: function( provider, custom ) { var data = { id: 'id' ), // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase revision_id: 'revision' ), nonce: wpforms_builder.nonce, action: 'wpforms_builder_provider_ajax_' + provider, }; $.extend( data, custom ); return data; }, /** * Make an AJAX request. It's basically a wrapper around jQuery.ajax, but with some defaults. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {*} custom Object of user-defined $.ajax()-compatible parameters. * * @return {Promise} */ request: function( provider, custom ) { var $holder = app.getProviderHolder( provider ), $lock = $holder.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connections-save-lock' ), $error = $holder.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connections-error' ); var params = { url: wpforms_builder.ajax_url, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function() { $holder.addClass( 'loading' ); $lock.val( 1 ); $error.hide(); }, }; = app.ajax._mergeData( provider, || {} ); $.extend( params, custom ); return $.ajax( params ) .fail( function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { /* * Right now we are logging into browser console. * In future that might be something better. */ console.error( 'provider:', provider ); console.error( jqXHR ); console.error( textStatus ); $lock.val( 1 ); $; } ) .always( function( dataOrjqXHR, textStatus, jqXHROrerrorThrown ) { $holder.removeClass( 'loading' ); if ( 'success' === textStatus ) { $lock.val( 0 ); } } ); }, }, /** * Temporary in-memory cache handling for all providers. * * @since 1.4.7 */ cache: { /** * Get the value from cache by key. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {string} key Cache key. * * @returns {*} Null if some error occurs. */ get: function( provider, key ) { if ( typeof __private.cache[ provider ] === 'undefined' || ! ( __private.cache[ provider ] instanceof Map ) ) { return null; } return __private.cache[ provider ].get( key ); }, /** * Get the value from cache by key and an ID. * Useful when Object is stored under key, and we need specific value. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {string} key Cache key. * @param {string} id Cached object ID. * * @returns {*} Null if some error occurs. */ getById: function( provider, key, id ) { if ( typeof this.get( provider, key )[ id ] === 'undefined' ) { return null; } return this.get( provider, key )[ id ]; }, /** * Save the data to cache. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {string} key Intended to be a string, but can be everything that Map supports as a key. * @param {*} value Data you want to save in cache. * * @returns {Map} All the cache for the provider. IE11 returns 'undefined' for an undefined reason. */ set: function( provider, key, value ) { if ( typeof __private.cache[ provider ] === 'undefined' || ! ( __private.cache[ provider ] instanceof Map ) ) { __private.cache[ provider ] = new Map(); } return __private.cache[ provider ].set( key, value ); }, /** * Add the data to cache to a particular key. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @example'provider').addTo('connections', connection_id, connection); * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {string} key Intended to be a string, but can be everything that Map supports as a key. * @param {string} id ID for a value that should be added to a certain key. * @param {*} value Data you want to save in cache. * * @returns {Map} All the cache for the provider. IE11 returns 'undefined' for an undefined reason. */ addTo: function( provider, key, id, value ) { if ( typeof __private.cache[ provider ] === 'undefined' || ! ( __private.cache[ provider ] instanceof Map ) ) { __private.cache[ provider ] = new Map(); this.set( provider, key, {} ); } var data = this.get( provider, key ); data[ id ] = value; return this.set( provider, key, data ); }, /** * Delete the cache by key. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {string} key Cache key. * * @returns boolean|null True on success, null on data holder failure, false on error. */ delete: function( provider, key ) { if ( typeof __private.cache[ provider ] === 'undefined' || ! ( __private.cache[ provider ] instanceof Map ) ) { return null; } return __private.cache[ provider ].delete( key ); }, /** * Delete particular data from a certain key. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @example'provider').deleteFrom('connections', connection_id); * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {string} key Intended to be a string, but can be everything that Map supports as a key. * @param {string} id ID for a value that should be deleted from a certain key. * * @returns {Map} All the cache for the provider. IE11 returns 'undefined' for an undefined reason. */ deleteFrom: function( provider, key, id ) { if ( typeof __private.cache[ provider ] === 'undefined' || ! ( __private.cache[ provider ] instanceof Map ) ) { return null; } var data = this.get( provider, key ); delete data[ id ]; return this.set( provider, key, data ); }, /** * Clear all the cache data. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. */ clear: function( provider ) { if ( typeof __private.cache[ provider ] === 'undefined' || ! ( __private.cache[ provider ] instanceof Map ) ) { return; } __private.cache[ provider ].clear(); }, }, /** * Start the engine. DOM is not ready yet, use only to init something. * * @since 1.4.7 */ init: function() { // Do that when DOM is ready. $( app.ready ); }, /** * DOM is fully loaded. * Should be hooked into in addons, that need to work with DOM, templates etc. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since Added initialization for `__private.fields` property. */ ready: function() { // Save a current form fields state. __private.fields = $.extend( {}, wpf.getFields( false, true ) ); app.panelHolder = $( '#wpforms-panel-providers, #wpforms-panel-settings' ); app.Templates = WPForms.Admin.Builder.Templates; app.Templates.add( __private.config.templates ); app.bindActions(); app.ui.bindActions(); app.panelHolder.trigger( 'WPForms.Admin.Builder.Providers.ready' ); }, /** * Process all generic actions/events, mostly custom that were fired by our API. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since Added a calling `app.updateMapSelects()` method. */ bindActions: function() { // On Form save - notify user about required fields. $( document ).on( 'wpformsSaved', function() { var $connectionBlocks = app.panelHolder.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection' ); if ( ! $connectionBlocks.length ) { return; } // We need to show him "Required fields empty" popup only once. var isShownOnce = false; $connectionBlocks.each( function() { var isRequiredEmpty = false; // Do the actual required fields check. $( this ).find( 'input.wpforms-required, select.wpforms-required, textarea.wpforms-required' ).each( function() { const $this = $( this ), value = $this.val(); if ( _.isEmpty( value ) && ! $this.closest( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-block' ).hasClass( 'wpforms-hidden' ) ) { $( this ).addClass( 'wpforms-error' ); isRequiredEmpty = true; return; } $( this ).removeClass( 'wpforms-error' ); } ); // Notify user. if ( isRequiredEmpty && ! isShownOnce ) { var $titleArea = $( this ).closest( '.wpforms-builder-provider' ).find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-title' ).clone(); $titleArea.find( 'button' ).remove(); var msg = wpforms_builder.provider_required_flds; $.alert( { title: wpforms_builder.heads_up, content: msg.replace( '{provider}', '<strong>' + $titleArea.text().trim() + '</strong>' ), icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], }, }, } ); // Save that we have already showed the user, so we won't bug it anymore. isShownOnce = true; } } ); // On "Fields" page additional update provider's field mapped items. if ( 'fields' === wpf.getQueryString( 'view' ) ) { app.updateMapSelects( $connectionBlocks ); } } ); /* * Update form state when each connection is loaded into the DOM. * This will prevent a please-save-prompt to appear, when navigating * out and back to Marketing tab without doing any changes anywhere. */ app.panelHolder.on( 'connectionRendered', function() { if ( wpf.initialSave === true ) { wpf.savedState = wpf.getFormState( '#wpforms-builder-form' ); } } ); }, /** * Update selects for mapping if any form fields was added, deleted or changed. * * @since * * @param {object} $connections jQuery selector for active connections. */ updateMapSelects: function( $connections ) { var fields = $.extend( {}, wpf.getFields() ), currentSaveFields, prevSaveFields; // We should to detect changes for labels only. currentSaveFields = _.mapObject( fields, function( field, key ) { return field.label; } ); prevSaveFields = _.mapObject( __private.fields, function( field, key ) { return field.label; } ); // Check if form has any fields and if they have changed labels after previous saving process. if ( ( _.isEmpty( currentSaveFields ) && _.isEmpty( prevSaveFields ) ) || ( JSON.stringify( currentSaveFields ) === JSON.stringify( prevSaveFields ) ) ) { return; } // Prepare a current form field IDs. var fieldIds = Object.keys( currentSaveFields ) .map( function( id ) { return parseInt( id, 10 ); } ); // Determine deleted field IDs - it's a diff between previous and current form state. var deleted = Object.keys( prevSaveFields ) .map( function( id ) { return parseInt( id, 10 ); } ) .filter( function( id ) { return ! fieldIds.includes( id ); } ); // Remove from mapping selects "deleted" fields. for ( var index = 0; index < deleted.length; index++ ) { $( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-table .wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-value option[value="' + deleted[ index ] + '"]', $connections ).remove(); } var label, $exists; for ( var id in fields ) { // Prepare the label. if ( typeof fields[ id ].label !== 'undefined' && fields[ id ].label.toString().trim() !== '' ) { label = wpf.sanitizeHTML( fields[ id ].label.toString().trim() ); } else { label = wpforms_builder.field + ' #' + id; } // Try to find all select options by value. $exists = $( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-table .wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-value option[value="' + id + '"]', $connections ); // If no option was found - add a new one for all selects. if ( ! $exists.length ) { $( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-table .wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-value', $connections ).append( $( '<option>', { value: id, text: label } ) ); continue; } // Update a field label if a previous and current labels not equal. if ( wpf.sanitizeHTML( fields[ id ].label ) !== wpf.sanitizeHTML( prevSaveFields[ id ] ) ) { $exists.text( label ); } } // If selects for mapping was changed, that whole form state was changed as well. // That's why we need to re-save it. if ( wpf.savedState !== wpf.getFormState( '#wpforms-builder-form' ) ) { wpf.savedState = wpf.getFormState( '#wpforms-builder-form' ); } // Save form fields state for next saving process. __private.fields = fields; app.panelHolder.trigger( 'WPForms.Admin.Builder.Providers.updatedMapSelects', [ $connections, fields ] ); }, /** * All methods that modify UI of a page. * * @since 1.4.7 */ ui: { /** * Process UI related actions/events: click, change etc. - that are triggered from UI. * * @since 1.4.7 */ bindActions: function() { // CONNECTION: ADD/DELETE. app.panelHolder .on( 'click', '.js-wpforms-builder-provider-account-add', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); app.ui.account.setProvider( $( this ).data( 'provider' ) ); app.ui.account.add(); } ) .on( 'click', '.js-wpforms-builder-provider-connection-add', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); app.ui.connectionAdd( $( this ).data( 'provider' ) ); } ) .on( 'click', '.js-wpforms-builder-provider-connection-delete', function( e ) { var $btn = $( this ); e.preventDefault(); app.ui.connectionDelete( $btn.closest( '.wpforms-builder-provider' ).data( 'provider' ), $btn.closest( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection' ) ); } ); // CONNECTION: FIELDS - ADD/DELETE. app.panelHolder .on( 'click', '.js-wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-add', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $table = $( this ).parents( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-table' ), $clone = $table.find( 'tr' ).last().clone( true ), nextID = parseInt( /\[.+]\[.+]\[.+]\[(\d+)]/.exec( $clone.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-name' ).attr( 'name' ) )[ 1 ], 10 ) + 1; // Clear the row and increment the counter. $clone.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-name' ) .attr( 'name', $clone.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-name' ).attr( 'name' ).replace( /\[fields_meta\]\[(\d+)\]/g, '[fields_meta][' + nextID + ']' ) ) .val( '' ); $clone.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-value' ) .attr( 'name', $clone.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-value' ).attr( 'name' ).replace( /\[fields_meta\]\[(\d+)\]/g, '[fields_meta][' + nextID + ']' ) ) .val( '' ); // Re-enable "delete" button. $clone.find( '.js-wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-delete' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); // Put it back to the table. $table.find( 'tbody' ).append( $clone.get( 0 ) ); } ) .on( 'click', '.js-wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-delete', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $row = $( this ).parents( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-fields-table tr' ); $row.remove(); } ); // CONNECTION: Generated. app.panelHolder.on( 'connectionGenerated', function( e, data ) { wpf.initTooltips(); // Hide provider default settings screen. $( this ) .find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection[data-connection_id="' + + '"]' ) .closest( '.wpforms-panel-content-section' ) .find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connections-default' ) .addClass( 'wpforms-hidden' ); } ); // CONNECTION: Rendered. app.panelHolder.on( 'connectionRendered', function( e, provider, connectionId ) { wpf.initTooltips(); // Some our addons have another arguments for this trigger. // We will fix it asap. if ( typeof connectionId === 'undefined' ) { if ( ! _.isObject( provider ) || ! _.has( provider, 'connection_id' ) ) { return; } connectionId = provider.connection_id; } // If connection has mapped select fields - call `wpformsFieldUpdate` trigger. if ( $( this ).find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection[data-connection_id="' + connectionId + '"] .wpforms-field-map-select' ).length ) { wpf.fieldUpdate(); } } ); // Remove error class in required fields if a value is supplied. app.panelHolder.on( 'change', '.wpforms-builder-provider select.wpforms-required', function() { const $this = $( this ); if ( ! $this.hasClass( 'wpforms-error' ) || $this.val().length === 0 ) { return; } $this.removeClass( 'wpforms-error' ); } ); }, /** * Add a connection to a page. * This is a multistep process, where the 1st step is always the same for all providers. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. */ connectionAdd: function( provider ) { $.confirm( { title: false, content: wpforms_builder_providers.prompt_connection.replace( /%type%/g, 'connection' ) + '<input autofocus="" type="text" id="wpforms-builder-provider-connection-name" placeholder="' + wpforms_builder_providers.prompt_placeholder + '">' + '<p class="error">' + wpforms_builder_providers.error_name + '</p>', icon: 'fa fa-info-circle', type: 'blue', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function() { var name = this.$content.find( '#wpforms-builder-provider-connection-name' ).val().trim(), error = this.$content.find( '.error' ); if ( name === '' ) {; return false; } else { app.getProviderHolder( provider ).trigger( 'connectionCreate', [ name ] ); } }, }, cancel: { text: wpforms_builder.cancel, }, }, } ); }, /** * What to do with UI when connection is deleted. * * @since 1.4.7 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * @param {object} $connection jQuery DOM element for a connection. */ connectionDelete: function( provider, $connection ) { $.confirm( { title: false, content: wpforms_builder_providers.confirm_connection, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function() { // We need this BEFORE removing, as some handlers might need DOM element. app.getProviderHolder( provider ).trigger( 'connectionDelete', [ $connection ] ); var $section = $connection.closest( '.wpforms-panel-content-section' ); $connection.fadeOut( 'fast', function() { $( this ).remove(); app.getProviderHolder( provider ).trigger( 'connectionDeleted', [ $connection ] ); if ( ! $section.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connection' ).length ) { $section.find( '.wpforms-builder-provider-connections-default' ).removeClass( 'wpforms-hidden' ); } } ); }, }, cancel: { text: wpforms_builder.cancel, }, }, } ); }, /** * Account specific methods. * * @since 1.4.8 * @since 1.5.8 Added binding `onClose` event. */ account: { /** * Current provider in the context of account creation. * * @since 1.4.8 * * @param {string} */ provider: '', /** * Preserve a list of action to perform when new account creation form is submitted. * Provider specific. * * @since 1.4.8 * * @param {Array<string, callable>} */ submitHandlers: [], /** * Set the account specific provider. * * @since 1.4.8 * * @param {string} provider Provider slug. */ setProvider: function( provider ) { this.provider = provider; }, /** * Add an account for provider. * * @since 1.4.8 */ add: function() { var account = this; $.confirm( { title: false, smoothContent: true, content: function() { var modal = this; return app.ajax .request( account.provider, { data: { task: 'account_template_get', }, } ) .done( function( response ) { if ( ! response.success ) { return; } if ( ) { modal.setTitle( ); } if ( ) { modal.setContent( ); } if ( ) { modal.setType( ); } app.getProviderHolder( account.provider ).trigger( 'accountAddModal.content.done', [ modal, account.provider, response ] ); } ) .fail( function() { app.getProviderHolder( account.provider ).trigger( '', [ modal, account.provider ] ); } ) .always( function() { app.getProviderHolder( account.provider ).trigger( 'accountAddModal.content.always', [ modal, account.provider ] ); } ); }, contentLoaded: function( data, status, xhr ) { var modal = this; // Data is already set in content. this.buttons.add.enable(); this.buttons.cancel.enable(); app.getProviderHolder( account.provider ).trigger( 'accountAddModal.contentLoaded', [ modal ] ); }, onOpenBefore: function() { // Before the modal is displayed. var modal = this; modal.buttons.add.disable(); modal.buttons.cancel.disable(); modal.$body.addClass( 'wpforms-providers-account-add-modal' ); app.getProviderHolder( account.provider ).trigger( 'accountAddModal.onOpenBefore', [ modal ] ); }, onClose: function() { // Before the modal is hidden. // If an account was configured successfully - show a modal with adding a new connection. if ( true === app.ui.account.isConfigured( account.provider ) ) { app.ui.connectionAdd( account.provider ); } }, icon: 'fa fa-info-circle', type: 'blue', buttons: { add: { text: wpforms_builder.provider_add_new_acc_btn, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function() { var modal = this; app.getProviderHolder( account.provider ).trigger( 'accountAddModal.buttons.add.action.before', [ modal ] ); if ( ! _.isEmpty( account.provider ) && typeof account.submitHandlers[ account.provider ] !== 'undefined' ) { return account.submitHandlers[ account.provider ]( modal ); } }, }, cancel: { text: wpforms_builder.cancel, }, }, } ); }, /** * Register a template for Add New Account modal window. * * @since 1.4.8 */ registerAddHandler: function( provider, handler ) { if ( typeof provider === 'string' && typeof handler === 'function' ) { this.submitHandlers[ provider ] = handler; } }, /** * Check whether the defined provider is configured or not. * * @since 1.5.8 * @since 1.5.9 Added a new parameter - provider. * * @param {string} provider Current provider slug. * * @returns {boolean} Account status. */ isConfigured: function( provider ) { // Check if `Add New Account` button is hidden. return app.getProviderHolder( provider ).find( '.js-wpforms-builder-provider-account-add' ).hasClass( 'hidden' ); }, }, }, /** * Get a jQuery DOM object, that has all the provider-related DOM inside. * * @since 1.4.7 * * @returns {object} jQuery DOM element. */ getProviderHolder: function( provider ) { return $( '#' + provider + '-provider' ); }, }; // Provide access to public functions/properties. return app; }( document, window, jQuery ) ); // Initialize. WPForms.Admin.Builder.Providers.init();