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<?php namespace WPMailSMTP\Providers\Gmail; use Exception; use WPMailSMTP\Admin\Area; use WPMailSMTP\Admin\ConnectionSettings; use WPMailSMTP\Admin\DebugEvents\DebugEvents; use WPMailSMTP\Admin\SetupWizard; use WPMailSMTP\ConnectionInterface; use WPMailSMTP\Debug; use WPMailSMTP\Providers\AuthAbstract; use WPMailSMTP\Vendor\Google_Client; use WPMailSMTP\Vendor\Google\Service\Gmail; /** * Class Auth to request access and refresh tokens. * * @since 1.0.0 */ class Auth extends AuthAbstract { /** * List of all possible "from email" email addresses (aliases). * * @since 2.2.0 * * @var null|array */ private $aliases = null; /** * Auth constructor. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param ConnectionInterface $connection The Connection object. */ public function __construct( $connection = null ) { parent::__construct( $connection ); if ( $this->mailer_slug !== Options::SLUG ) { return; } $this->options = $this->connection_options->get_group( $this->mailer_slug ); if ( wp_mail_smtp()->is_pro() && ! empty( $this->options['one_click_setup_enabled'] ) ) { return; } if ( $this->is_clients_saved() ) { $this->include_vendor_lib(); $this->client = $this->get_client(); } } /** * Get the url, that users will be redirected back to finish the OAuth process. * * @since 1.5.2 Returned to the old, pre-1.5, structure of the link to preserve BC. * * @param ConnectionInterface $connection The Connection object. * * @return string */ public static function get_plugin_auth_url( $connection = null ) { if ( is_null( $connection ) ) { $connection = wp_mail_smtp()->get_connections_manager()->get_primary_connection(); } $auth_url = apply_filters( 'wp_mail_smtp_gmail_get_plugin_auth_url', add_query_arg( [ 'page' => Area::SLUG, 'tab' => 'auth', ], admin_url( 'options-general.php' ) ) ); return add_query_arg( 'state', self::get_state_param( $connection ), $auth_url ); } /** * Init and get the Google Client object. * * @since 1.0.0 * @since 1.5.0 Add ability to apply custom options to the client via a filter. * * @param bool $force If the client should be forcefully reinitialized. * * @return Google_Client */ public function get_client( $force = false ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.MaxExceeded // Doesn't load client twice + gives ability to overwrite. if ( ! empty( $this->client ) && ! $force ) { return $this->client; } $this->include_vendor_lib(); $client = new Google_Client( array( 'client_id' => $this->options['client_id'], 'client_secret' => $this->options['client_secret'], 'redirect_uris' => array( self::get_oauth_redirect_url(), ), ) ); $client->setApplicationName( 'WP Mail SMTP v' . WPMS_PLUGIN_VER ); $client->setAccessType( 'offline' ); $client->setPrompt( 'consent' ); $client->setIncludeGrantedScopes( false ); // We request only the sending capability, as it's what we only need to do. $client->setScopes( array( Gmail::MAIL_GOOGLE_COM ) ); $client->setRedirectUri( self::get_oauth_redirect_url() ); if ( self::use_self_oauth_redirect_url() ) { $client->setState( self::get_state_param( $this->connection ) ); } else { $client->setState( self::get_plugin_auth_url( $this->connection ) ); } // Apply custom options to the client. $client = apply_filters( 'wp_mail_smtp_providers_gmail_auth_get_client_custom_options', $client ); if ( $this->is_auth_required() && ! empty( $this->options['auth_code'] ) ) { try { $creds = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode( $this->options['auth_code'] ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $creds['error'] = $e->getMessage(); } // Bail if we have an error. if ( ! empty( $creds['error'] ) ) { if ( $creds['error'] === 'invalid_client' ) { $creds['error'] .= PHP_EOL . esc_html__( 'Please make sure your Google Client ID and Secret in the plugin settings are valid. Save the settings and try the Authorization again.' , 'wp-mail-smtp' ); } Debug::set( 'Mailer: Gmail' . "\r\n" . $creds['error'] ); return $client; } else { Debug::clear(); } $this->update_access_token( $client->getAccessToken() ); $this->update_refresh_token( $client->getRefreshToken() ); $this->update_user_details( $client ); // Update the "from email" to the connected user's email. if ( ! empty( $this->options['user_details']['email'] ) ) { $this->connection_options->set( [ 'mail' => [ 'from_email' => $this->options['user_details']['email'], ], ], false, false ); } } if ( ! empty( $this->options['access_token'] ) ) { $client->setAccessToken( $this->options['access_token'] ); } // Refresh the token if it's expired. if ( $client->isAccessTokenExpired() ) { $refresh = $client->getRefreshToken(); if ( empty( $refresh ) && isset( $this->options['refresh_token'] ) ) { $refresh = $this->options['refresh_token']; } if ( ! empty( $refresh ) ) { try { $creds = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken( $refresh ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $creds['error'] = $e->getMessage(); Debug::set( 'Mailer: Gmail' . "\r\n" . $e->getMessage() ); } // Bail if we have an error. if ( ! empty( $creds['error'] ) ) { return $client; } $this->update_access_token( $client->getAccessToken() ); $this->update_refresh_token( $client->getRefreshToken() ); } } return $client; } /** * Get the auth code from the $_GET and save it. * Redirect user back to settings with an error message, if failed. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function process() { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.MaxExceeded $redirect_url = ( new ConnectionSettings( $this->connection ) )->get_admin_page_url(); $is_setup_wizard_auth = ! empty( $this->options['is_setup_wizard_auth'] ); if ( $is_setup_wizard_auth ) { $this->update_is_setup_wizard_auth( false ); $redirect_url = SetupWizard::get_site_url() . '#/step/configure_mailer/gmail'; } if ( ! ( isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && $_GET['tab'] === 'auth' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_url ); exit; } $state = isset( $_GET['state'] ) ? sanitize_key( $_GET['state'] ) : false; if ( empty( $state ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'error', 'oauth_invalid_state', $redirect_url ) ); } list( $nonce ) = array_pad( explode( '-', $state ), 1, false ); // Verify the nonce that should be returned in the state parameter. if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, $this->state_key ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'error', 'google_invalid_nonce', $redirect_url ) ); exit; } // We can't process without saved client_id/secret. if ( ! $this->is_clients_saved() ) { Debug::set( esc_html__( 'There was an error while processing the Google authentication request. Please make sure that you have Client ID and Client Secret both valid and saved.', 'wp-mail-smtp' ) ); wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'error', 'google_no_clients', $redirect_url ) ); exit; } $this->include_vendor_lib(); $code = ''; $scope = ''; $error = ''; if ( isset( $_GET['error'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended $error = sanitize_key( $_GET['error'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended } // In case of any error: display a message to a user. if ( ! empty( $error ) ) { DebugEvents::add_debug( sprintf( /* Translators: %s the error code passed from Google. */ esc_html__( 'There was an error while processing Google authorization: %s' ), esc_html( $error ) ) ); wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'error', 'google_' . $error, $redirect_url ) ); exit; } if ( isset( $_GET['code'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized $code = urldecode( $_GET['code'] ); } if ( isset( $_GET['scope'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized $scope = $_GET['scope']; if ( self::use_self_oauth_redirect_url() ) { $scope = urldecode( $scope ); } else { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.obfuscation_base64_decode $scope = urldecode( base64_decode( $scope ) ); } } // Let's try to get the access token. if ( ! empty( $code ) && ( $scope === Gmail::MAIL_GOOGLE_COM . ' ' . Gmail::GMAIL_SEND || $scope === Gmail::GMAIL_SEND . ' ' . Gmail::MAIL_GOOGLE_COM || $scope === Gmail::GMAIL_SEND || $scope === Gmail::MAIL_GOOGLE_COM ) ) { // Save the auth code. So Google_Client can reuse it to retrieve the access token. $this->update_auth_code( $code ); } else { DebugEvents::add_debug( esc_html__( 'There was an error while processing Google authorization: missing code or scope parameter.' ) ); wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'error', 'google_no_code_scope', $redirect_url ) ); exit; } Debug::clear(); $this->get_client( true ); $error = Debug::get_last(); if ( ! empty( $error ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'error', 'google_unsuccessful_oauth', $redirect_url ) ); exit; } wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'success', 'google_site_linked', $redirect_url ) ); exit; } /** * Get the auth URL used to proceed to Provider to request access to send emails. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string */ public function get_auth_url() { if ( ! empty( $this->client ) && class_exists( 'WPMailSMTP\Vendor\Google_Client', false ) && $this->client instanceof Google_Client ) { return filter_var( $this->client->createAuthUrl(), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL ); } return '#'; } /** * Get and update user-related details (currently only email). * * @since 3.11.0 * * @param Google_Client $client The Google Client object (optional). */ private function update_user_details( $client = false ) { if ( $client === false ) { $client = $this->get_client(); } $gmail = new Gmail( $client ); try { $email = $gmail->users->getProfile( 'me' )->getEmailAddress(); $user_details = [ 'email' => $email, ]; // To save in DB. $updated_settings = [ $this->mailer_slug => [ 'user_details' => $user_details, ], ]; // To save in currently retrieved options array. $this->options['user_details'] = $user_details; $this->connection_options->set( $updated_settings, false, false ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedCatch // Do nothing. } } /** * Get user information (currently only email) that is associated with the current OAuth connection. * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 3.11.0 Switched to DB stored value instead of API call. * * @return array */ public function get_user_info() { /* * We need to populate user data on the fly for old users who already performed * authorization before we switched to DB stored value. */ if ( ! isset( $this->options['user_details'] ) && ! $this->is_auth_required() ) { $this->update_user_details(); } return $this->connection_options->get( $this->mailer_slug, 'user_details' ); } /** * Get the registered email addresses that the user can use as the "from email". * * @since 2.2.0 * * @return array The list of possible from email addresses. */ public function get_user_possible_send_from_addresses() { if ( isset( $this->aliases ) ) { return $this->aliases; } $gmail = new Gmail( $this->get_client() ); try { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase $response = $gmail->users_settings_sendAs->listUsersSettingsSendAs( 'me' ); // phpcs:disable $this->aliases = array_map( function( $sendAsObject ) { return $sendAsObject['sendAsEmail']; }, (array) $response->getSendAs() ); // phpcs:enable } catch ( Exception $exception ) { DebugEvents::add_debug( sprintf( /* Translators: %s the error message. */ esc_html__( 'An error occurred when trying to get Gmail aliases: %s' ), esc_html( $exception->getMessage() ) ) ); $this->aliases = []; } return $this->aliases; } /** * Get the Google oAuth 2.0 redirect URL. * * This is the URL that Google will redirect after the access to the Gmail account is granted or rejected. * The below endpoint will then redirect back to the user's WP site (to self::get_plugin_auth_url() URL). * * @since 2.5.0 * * @return string */ public static function get_oauth_redirect_url() { if ( self::use_self_oauth_redirect_url() ) { return remove_query_arg( 'state', self::get_plugin_auth_url() ); } else { return ''; } } /** * Get the state parameter for the Google oAuth redirect URL. * * @since 3.10.0 * * @param ConnectionInterface $connection The Connection object. * * @return string */ private static function get_state_param( $connection ) { $state = [ wp_create_nonce( 'wp_mail_smtp_provider_client_state' ), $connection->get_id(), ]; return implode( '-', $state ); } /** * Whether to use self website redirect URL for the Google oAuth. * * @since 3.10.0 * * @return bool */ private static function use_self_oauth_redirect_url() { /** * Filter whether to use self website redirect URL for the Google oAuth. * * @since 3.10.0 * * @param bool $use Whether to use self website redirect URL for the Google oAuth. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_mail_smtp_providers_gmail_auth_use_self_oauth_redirect_url', false ); } }