index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/
"use strict"; (function($){ $.mlp = {x:0,y:0}; // Mouse Last Position function documentHandler(){ var $current = this === document ? $(this) : $(this).contents(); $current.mousemove(function(e){jQuery.mlp = {x:e.pageX,y:e.pageY}}); //$current.find("iframe").load(documentHandler); } $(documentHandler); $.fn.ismouseover = function(overThis) { var result = false; this.eq(0).each(function() { var $current = $(this).is("iframe") ? $(this).contents().find("body") : $(this); var offset = $current.offset(); result = offset.left<=$.mlp.x && offset.left + $current.outerWidth() > $.mlp.x &&<=$.mlp.y && + $current.outerHeight() > $.mlp.y; }); return result; }; //set do on enter on inputs event $.fn.doOnEnter = function(func){ var object = jQuery(this); if("input") == false) throw new Error("The do on enter event allowed only on inputs"); if(typeof func != "function") throw new Error("wrong function:"+func); object.keyup(function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 13) func(); }); }; })(jQuery); if(typeof window.addEvent == "undefined") window.addEvent = function(){}; function UniteAdminUC(){ var t = this; var g_errorMessageID = null, g_hideMessageCounter = 0, g_errorMessageHideFunc = null; var g_ajaxLoaderID = null, g_ajaxLoadingButtonID = null, g_ajaxHideButtonID = null, g_successMessageID = null; var g_colorPickerCallback = null; var g_providerAdmin = new UniteProviderAdminUC(), g_dialogActivation, g_generalSettings; g_providerAdmin.setParent(this); var g_temp = { timer: null, trasholdHandle: null, trasholdDelay: 500, debounceDelay: 500, throttleDelay: 50 }; this.getvalopt = { FORCE_BOOLEAN: "force_boolean", FORCE_NUMERIC: "force_numeric", TRIM: "trim" }; this.__________GENERAL_FUNCTIONS_____ = function(){}; /** * set some global option */ this.setOption = function(name, value){ if(typeof window.g_ucGlobalOptions == "undefined") window.g_ucGlobalOptions = {}; window.g_ucGlobalOptions[name] = value; } /** * get option */ this.getOption = function(name){ if(typeof window.g_ucGlobalOptions == "undefined") return(null); var value = t.getVal(window.g_ucGlobalOptions, name); return(value); } /** * check if debug mode */ this.isDebugMode = function(){ var debugMode = false; if(typeof g_ucDebugMode != "undefined" && g_ucDebugMode === true) debugMode = true; return(debugMode); } /** * debug html on the top of the page (from the master view) */ this.debug = function(html){ html += "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='javascript:jQuery(\"#div_debug\").hide()' class='unite-debug-close'>X</a>"; jQuery("#div_debug").show().html(html); }; /** * output data to console */ this.trace = function(data,clear){ if(clear && clear == true) console.clear(); //console.trace(); console.log(data); }; /** * get general setting */ this.getGeneralSetting = function(name){ if(!g_generalSettings) g_generalSettings = jQuery.parseJSON(g_ucGeneralSettings); var value = t.getVal(g_generalSettings, name); return(value); }; /** * check if was pressed right mouse button */ this.isRightButtonPressed = function(event){ if(event.buttons == 2 || event.button == 2) return(true); return(false); }; /** * insert to CodeMirror editor * @param data */ this.insertToCodeMirror = function(cm, text){ var doc = cm.getDoc(); var cursor = doc.getCursor(); doc.replaceSelection(text); /* //set marked var to = { line: cursor.line, ch: } var options = { className:"uc-cm-mark-key" }; doc.markText(cursor, to, options); */ }; /** * get random number */ this.getRandomNumber = function(){ var min = 1; var max = 1000000; return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); }; /** * get object property */ this.getVal = function(obj, name, defaultValue, opt){ if(!defaultValue) var defaultValue = ""; var val = ""; if(!obj || typeof obj != "object") val = defaultValue; else if(obj.hasOwnProperty(name) == false){ val = defaultValue; }else{ val = obj[name]; } //sanitize switch(opt){ case t.getvalopt.FORCE_BOOLEAN: val = t.strToBool(val); break; case t.getvalopt.TRIM: val = String(val); val = jQuery.trim(val); break; case t.getvalopt.FORCE_NUMERIC: val = jQuery.trim(val); if(typeof val == "string"){ val.replace("px",""); val = Number(val); } break; } return(val); } /** * add css setting to object */ this.addCssSetting = function(objSettings, objCss, name, cssName, suffix){ if(!suffix) var suffix = ""; var value = t.getVal(objSettings, name, null); if(value) objCss[cssName] = value + suffix; return(objCss); }; /** * get simple object size */ this.objSize = function(obj) { var count = 0; if (typeof obj == "object") { if (Object.keys) { count = Object.keys(obj).length; } else if (window._) { count = _.keys(obj).length; } else if (window.jQuery) { count =, function() { return 1; }).length; } else { for (var key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) count++; } } return count; }; /** * check if property object exists */ this.isObjPropertyExists = function(object, name){ if(typeof object != "object") return(false); return object.hasOwnProperty(name); } this.__________ARRAYS_____ = function(){}; /** * return if source array includes any of the second array values */ this.isArrIncludesAnotherArrItem = function(source, second){ var isContains = second.some(function(value){ return source.includes(value); }); return(isContains); } this.__________STRINGS_____ = function(){}; /** * get text diff */ this.getTextDiff = function(first, second) { var start = 0; while (start < first.length && first[start] == second[start]) { ++start; } var end = 0; while (first.length - end > start && first[first.length - end - 1] == second[second.length - end - 1]) { ++end; } end = second.length - end; return second.substr(start, end - start); } /** * raw url decode */ function rawurldecode(str){return decodeURIComponent(str+'');} /** * raw url encode */ function rawurlencode(str){str=(str+'').toString();return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/!/g,'%21').replace(/'/g,'%27').replace(/\(/g,'%28').replace(/\)/g,'%29').replace(/\*/g,'%2A');} /** * utf8 decode */ function utf8_decode(str_data){var tmp_arr=[],i=0,ac=0,c1=0,c2=0,c3=0;str_data+='';while(i<str_data.length){c1=str_data.charCodeAt(i);if(c1<128){tmp_arr[ac++]=String.fromCharCode(c1);i++;}else if(c1>191&&c1<224){c2=str_data.charCodeAt(i+1);tmp_arr[ac++]=String.fromCharCode(((c1&31)<<6)|(c2&63));i+=2;}else{c2=str_data.charCodeAt(i+1);c3=str_data.charCodeAt(i+2);tmp_arr[ac++]=String.fromCharCode(((c1&15)<<12)|((c2&63)<<6)|(c3&63));i+=3;}} return tmp_arr.join('');} /** * base 64 decode */ this.base64_decode = function(data){var b64="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";var o1,o2,o3,h1,h2,h3,h4,bits,i=0,ac=0,dec="",tmp_arr=[];if(!data){return data;} data+='';do{h1=b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));h2=b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));h3=b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));h4=b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));bits=h1<<18|h2<<12|h3<<6|h4;o1=bits>>16&0xff;o2=bits>>8&0xff;o3=bits&0xff;if(h3==64){tmp_arr[ac++]=String.fromCharCode(o1);}else if(h4==64){tmp_arr[ac++]=String.fromCharCode(o1,o2);}else{tmp_arr[ac++]=String.fromCharCode(o1,o2,o3);}}while(i<data.length);dec=tmp_arr.join('');dec=utf8_decode(dec);return dec;} /** * utf-8 encode */ function utf8_encode(argString){ if(argString===null||typeof argString==="undefined"){return"";} var string=(argString+'');var utftext="",start,end,stringl=0;start=end=0;stringl=string.length;for(var n=0;n<stringl;n++){var c1=string.charCodeAt(n);var enc=null;if(c1<128){end++;}else if(c1>127&&c1<2048){enc=String.fromCharCode((c1>>6)|192)+String.fromCharCode((c1&63)|128);}else{enc=String.fromCharCode((c1>>12)|224)+String.fromCharCode(((c1>>6)&63)|128)+String.fromCharCode((c1&63)|128);} if(enc!==null){if(end>start){utftext+=string.slice(start,end);} utftext+=enc;start=end=n+1;}} if(end>start){utftext+=string.slice(start,stringl);} return utftext;} /** * base 64 encode */ this.base64_encode = function(data){ var b64="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";var o1,o2,o3,h1,h2,h3,h4,bits,i=0,ac=0,enc="",tmp_arr=[];if(!data){return data;} data=utf8_encode(data+'');do{o1=data.charCodeAt(i++);o2=data.charCodeAt(i++);o3=data.charCodeAt(i++);bits=o1<<16|o2<<8|o3;h1=bits>>18&0x3f;h2=bits>>12&0x3f;h3=bits>>6&0x3f;h4=bits&0x3f;tmp_arr[ac++]=b64.charAt(h1)+b64.charAt(h2)+b64.charAt(h3)+b64.charAt(h4);}while(i<data.length);enc=tmp_arr.join('');var r=data.length%3;return(r?enc.slice(0,r-3):enc)+'==='.slice(r||3); } /** * encode some content */ this.encodeContent = function(value){ return t.base64_encode(rawurlencode(value)); }; /** * get hash of some string or object */ this.getHash = function(str){ if(!str) return(""); var asString = true; if(typeof str == "object") str = JSON.stringify(str); else{ if(typeof str != "string") str = String(str); } /*jshint bitwise:false */ var i, l; var hval = 0x811c9dc5; for (i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) { hval ^= str.charCodeAt(i); hval += (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24); } if( asString ){ // Convert to 8 digit hex string return ("0000000" + (hval >>> 0).toString(16)).substr(-8); } return hval >>> 0; /* return s.split("").reduce(function(a, b) { a = ((a << 5) - a) + b.charCodeAt(0); return a & a }, 0); /* var hash = 0, i, char; if (s.length == 0) return hash; for (i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) { char = s.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char; hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash; */ }; /** * encode object for save */ this.encodeObjectForSave = function(objData){ var jsonData = JSON.stringify(objData); var strEncodedData = t.encodeContent(jsonData); return(strEncodedData); }; /** * decode some content */ this.decodeContent = function(value){ return rawurldecode(t.base64_decode(value)); }; /** * get random string */ this.getRandomString = function(numChars) { if(!numChars) numChars = 8; var text = ""; var possible = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < numChars; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; }; /** * return true if some string has english chars only (not latin etc) */ this.isStringAscii = function(str){ var isAscii = /^[ -~\t\n\r]+$/.test(str); return(isAscii); } /** * get name from some title */ this.getNameFromTitle = function(title){ var name = title.trim(); // trim. replace spaces. lowercase name = name.replace( /\W+/g, '_' ); name = name.toLowerCase(); return(name); } this.__________EVENTS_____ = function(){}; /** * trigger some event */ this.triggerEvent = function(eventName, opt1){ eventName = "unite_" + eventName; jQuery("body").trigger(eventName, opt1); }; /** * on some event */ this.onEvent = function(eventName, func, objBody){ eventName = "unite_" + eventName; if(!objBody) var objBody = jQuery("body"); objBody.on(eventName, func); }; /** * destroy some event */ this.offEvent = function(eventName){ jQuery("body").off(eventName); }; /** * create function with debounce */ this.debounce = function (func, delay) { var handle = null; return function () { var args = arguments; clearTimeout(handle); handle = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(null, args); }, delay || g_temp.debounceDelay); }; }; /** * create function with throttle */ this.throttle = function (func, delay) { var handle = null; return function () { if (handle === null) { func.apply(null, arguments); handle = setTimeout(function () { handle = null; }, delay || g_temp.throttleDelay); } }; }; /** * run function with trashold */ this.runWithTrashold = function (func, event, objInput) { clearTimeout(g_temp.trasholdHandle); g_temp.trasholdHandle = setTimeout(function () { func(event, objInput); }, g_temp.trasholdDelay); }; /** * run on change input value with trashold */ this.onChangeInputValue = function(objInput, func){ objInput.keyup(function(){ t.runWithTrashold(function(event){ var value = objInput.val(); var oldValue ="uc_old_val"); if(value !== oldValue) func(event, objInput);"uc_old_val",value); }); }); }; this.__________HTML_RELATED_____ = function(){}; /** * add some option to select */ this.addOptionToSelect = function(objSelect, value, text, addDataName, addDataValue){ var option = jQuery('<option>', { value: value, text: text }); if(addDataName), addDataValue); objSelect.append(option); }; /** * add text to input, to specific place if available */ this.addTextToInput = function(objInput, addText){ var type = t.getInputType(objInput); if(type != "text" && type != "textarea"){ trace(objInput); throw new Error("wrong input type: " + type); } var input = objInput[0]; var cursorPos = undefined; if(typeof input.selectionStart != "undefined") cursorPos = input.selectionStart; var value = objInput.val(); if(cursorPos === undefined) value += addText; else value = value.substr(0, cursorPos) + addText + value.substr(cursorPos); objInput.val(value); objInput.focus(); if(cursorPos !== undefined){ var newPos = cursorPos + addText.length; input.setSelectionRange(newPos, newPos); } }; /** * load include file, js or css * additional values: "replaceID, addProtocol" */ this.loadIncludeFile = function(type, url, data){ //additional input values var addProtocol = t.getVal(data, "addProtocol", false, t.getvalopt.FORCE_BOOLEAN); var replaceID = t.getVal(data, "replaceID"); var name = t.getVal(data, "name"); var onload = t.getVal(data, "onload"); if(addProtocol === true) url = location.protocol + "//" + url; //add random number at the end var noRand = t.getVal(data, "norand"); if(!noRand){ var rand = Math.floor((Math.random()*100000)+1); if(url.indexOf("?") == -1) url += "?rand="+rand; else url += "&rand="+rand; } if(replaceID) jQuery("#"+replaceID).remove(); switch(type){ case "js": var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = url; //add onload function if exists if(typeof onload == "function"){ tag.onload = function(){ onload(jQuery(this), replaceID); }; } var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); tag = jQuery(tag); if(name) tag.attr("name", name); break; case "css": jQuery("head").append("<link>"); var tag = jQuery("head").children(":last"); var attributes = { rel: "stylesheet", type: "text/css", href: url }; if(name) = name; //add onload function if exists if(typeof onload == "function"){ attributes.onload = function(){ onload(jQuery(this), replaceID); }; } tag.attr(attributes); break; default: throw Error("Undefined include type: "+type); break; } //replace current element if(replaceID) tag.attr({id:replaceID}); return(tag); }; /** * convert css array to string */ this.arrCssToStrCss = function(arrCss, selector, addBr){ var strContent = ""; jQuery.each(arrCss, function(key, value){ if(key == "inline-css") strContent += value; else strContent += key+":"+value+";"; if(addBr === true) strContent += "\n"; }); if(!strContent) return(""); if(!selector) return(strContent); var strCss = selector += "{"; if(addBr == true) strCss += "\n"; strCss += strContent+"}"; if(addBr === true) strCss += "\n"; return(strCss); }; /** * wrap css in mobile */ this.wrapCssInMobile = function(css, isTablet){ if(isTablet === "tablet") isTablet = true; if(!css) return(""); if(isTablet === true){ var output = "@media (max-width:780px){"+css+"}"; }else{ var output = "@media (max-width:480px){"+css+"}"; } return(output); }; /** * print custom css style * generate id and replace old one */ this.printCssStyle = function(css, objID, objContainer){ if(!objContainer) var objContainer = jQuery("head"); var styleID = null; if(objID) styleID = "unite_style_"+objID; //remove old jQuery("#"+styleID).remove(); //don't insert empty css if(!css) return(true); //generate new var html = "<style id='"+styleID+"' type='text/css'>\n"; html += css+"\n"; html += "</style>"; //append new objContainer.append(html); }; /** * unselect some button / buttons */ this.enableButton = function(buttonID){ jQuery(buttonID).removeClass("button-disabled"); }; /** * unselect some button / buttons */ this.disableButton = function(buttonID){ jQuery(buttonID).addClass("button-disabled"); }; /** * return true / false if the button enabled */ this.isButtonEnabled = function(buttonID){ if(jQuery(buttonID).hasClass("button-disabled")) return(false); return(true); }; /** * disable input */ this.disableInput = function(objInput){ objInput.addClass("setting-disabled").prop("disabled","disabled"); }; /** * enable input */ this.enableInput = function(objInput){ objInput.removeClass("setting-disabled").prop("disabled",""); }; /** * get input type (from jquery object) */ this.getInputType = function(objInput){ if("input[type='text']")) return("text"); if("textarea")) return("textarea"); if("input[type='radio']")) return("radio"); if("select")) return("select"); if("input[type='checkbox']")) return("checkbox"); if("input[type='button']")) return("button"); if("input[type='number']")) return("text"); //get type by data var inputType ="inputtype"); if(inputType) return(inputType); //output exception var inputName = objInput.prop("name"); if(!inputName) inputName = objInput[0].tagname; trace(objInput); console.trace(); throw new Error("Undefined input: " + inputName); } /** * check if the input is simple input */ this.isSimpleInputType = function(inputType){ switch(inputType){ case "text": case "textarea": case "radio": case "select": case "checkbox": return(true); break; } return(false); } /** * show or hide element */ this.showHideElement = function(objElement, isShow){ if(isShow == true); else objElement.hide(); } /** * set cursor position on some element */ this.setCursorPosition = function(objElement, pos) { if(pos < 0) pos = 0; var el = objElement[0]; var range = document.createRange(); var sel = window.getSelection(); range.setStart(el.childNodes[0], pos); range.collapse(true); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); el.focus(); } this.__________MODIFY_CONTENT_____ = function(){}; /** * replace all occurances */ this.replaceAll = function(text, from, to){ return text.split(from).join(to); }; /** * convert object to array */ this.objToArray = function(obj){ if(typeof obj != "object") throw new Error("objToArray error: not object"); var arr = []; jQuery.each(obj,function(key, item){ arr.push(item); }); return(arr); } /** * turn string value ("true", "false") to string */ this.strToBool = function(str){ switch(typeof str){ case "boolean": return(str); break; case "undefined": return(false); break; case "number": if(str == 0) return(false); else return(true); break; case "string": str = str.toLowerCase(); if(str == "true" || str == "1") return(true); else return(false); break; } return(false); }; /** * boolean to string */ this.boolToStr = function(str){ if(typeof str == "string") return(str); str = (str == true)?"true":"false"; return(str); }; /** * change rgb & rgba to hex */ this.rgb2hex = function(rgb) { if ("rgb") == -1 || jQuery.trim(rgb) == '') return rgb; //ie6 function hex(x) { return ("0" + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2); } if(rgb.indexOf('-moz') > -1){ var temp = rgb.split(' '); delete temp[0]; rgb = jQuery.trim(temp.join(' ')); } if(rgb.split(')').length > 2){ var hexReturn = ''; var rgbArr = rgb.split(')'); for(var i = 0; i < rgbArr.length - 1; i++){ rgbArr[i] += ')'; var temp = rgbArr[i].split(','); if(temp.length == 4){ rgb = temp[0]+','+temp[1]+','+temp[2]; rgb += ')'; }else{ rgb = rgbArr[i]; } rgb = jQuery.trim(rgb); rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+))?\)$/); hexReturn += "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3])+" "; } return hexReturn; }else{ var temp = rgb.split(','); if(temp.length == 4){ rgb = temp[0]+','+temp[1]+','+temp[2]; rgb += ')'; } rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+))?\)$/); return "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]); } }; /** * get rgb from hex values */ this.convertHexToRGB = function(hex) { var hex = parseInt(((hex.indexOf('#') > -1) ? hex.substring(1) : hex), 16); return [hex >> 16,(hex & 0x00FF00) >> 8,(hex & 0x0000FF)]; }; /** * strip slashes to some string */ this.stripslashes = function(str) { return (str + '').replace(/\\(.?)/g, function (s, n1) { switch (n1) { case '\\': return '\\'; case '0': return '\u0000'; case '': return ''; default: return n1; } }); }; /** * strip html tags, allowed <br>,<i> */ this.stripTags = function(input, allowed) { allowed = (((allowed || "") + "").toLowerCase().match(/<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/g) || []).join(''); // making sure the allowed arg is a string containing only tags in lowercase (<a><b><c>) var tags = /<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>/gi, commentsAndPhpTags = /<!--[\s\S]*?-->|<\?(?:php)?[\s\S]*?\?>/gi; return input.replace(commentsAndPhpTags, '').replace(tags, function ($0, $1) { return allowed.indexOf('<' + $1.toLowerCase() + '>') > -1 ? $0 : ''; }); }; /** * strip all tags, keep formatting tags */ this.stripTagsKeepFormatting = function(input){ return t.stripTags(input, "<b><br><i><em><strong><small><ins><sub><sup>"); } /** * turn object to escape html string */ this.objectToEscepeHtmlString = function(obj){ if(typeof obj != "object") return(obj); var str = JSON.stringify(obj); str = t.htmlspecialchars(str); return(str); }; /** * escape html, turn html to a string */ this.htmlspecialchars = function(string){ if(!string) return(string); return string .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); }; /** * escape double slash */ this.escapeDoubleQuote = function(str){ if(!str) return(str); return str.replace('"','\"'); }; /** * capitalize first letter */ this.capitalizeFirstLetter = function(str){ str = str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1).toLowerCase(); return(str); }; /** * get transparency value from 0 to 100 */ this.getTransparencyFromRgba = function(rgba, inPercent){ var temp = rgba.split(','); if(temp.length == 4){ inPercent = (typeof inPercent !== 'undefined') ? inPercent : true; return (inPercent) ? temp[3].replace(/[^\d.]/g, "") : temp[3].replace(/[^\d.]/g, "") * 100; } return false; }; /** * add px or leave % if needed */ this.normalizeSizeValue = function(strValue){ strValue = String(strValue); strValue.toLowerCase(); if(jQuery.isNumeric(strValue)) strValue += "px"; return(strValue); }; /** * remove line breaks and tabs */ this.removeLineBreaks = function(str, replaceSign){ if(!replaceSign) var replaceSign = ""; str.replace(/\s+/g, replaceSign); return(str); }; /** * remove amp from string */ this.convertAmpSign = function(str){ var str = str.replace(/&/g, '&'); return(str); }; /** * filter object, leave child items by keys */ this.filterObjectByKeys = function(obj, arrKeys){ if(typeof obj != "object") return(obj); if(jQuery.isArray(arrKeys) == false) throw new Error("filterObjectByKeys error - arrKeys should be array"); var outputObj = {}; jQuery.each(arrKeys, function(index, key){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) outputObj[key] = obj[key]; }); return(outputObj); }; this.__________PATHS_AND_URLS_____ = function(){}; /** * get base name from path */ this.pathinfo = function(path) { var obj = {}; if(typeof path == "object"){ trace(path); throw new Error("pathinfo error: path is object"); } obj.basename = path.replace(/\\/g,'/').replace(/.*\//, ''); obj.filename = obj.basename.substr(0,obj.basename.lastIndexOf('.')); return(obj); } /** * strip path slashes from both sides */ this.stripPathSlashes = function(path){ return path.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, ''); }; /** * convert to full url */ this.urlToFull = function(url, urlBase){ if(!url) return(url); if(!urlBase) var urlBase = g_urlBaseUC; //try to convert assets path from provider url = g_providerAdmin.urlAssetsToFull(url); if(!url) return(""); if(typeof url == "number") url = String(url); if(typeof url != "string"){ trace(url); throw new Error("url should be a string type"); } var urlSmall = url.toLowerCase(); if(urlSmall.indexOf("http://") !== -1 || urlSmall.indexOf("https://") !== -1) return(url); if(url.indexOf(urlBase) !== -1) return(url); url = jQuery.trim(url); if(!url || url == "") return(""); url = urlBase + url; return(url); } /** * convert to relative url */ this.urlToRelative = function(url, urlBase){ if(!urlBase) var urlBase = g_urlBaseUC; url = url.replace(urlBase, ""); return(url); }; /** * get url of some view */ this.getUrlView = function(view, options, isNoWindow){ var urlBase = g_urlViewBaseUC; if(isNoWindow === true) urlBase = g_urlViewBaseNowindowUC; var url = t.addUrlParam(urlBase, "view", view); if(options && options != ""){ //make url from object if(typeof(options) == "object"){ jQuery.each(options, function(key, value){ if(typeof value == "object"){ value = JSON.stringify(value); value = t.encodeContent(value); } url += "&"+key+"="+value; }); } else url += "&"+options; } return(url); }; /** * get current view url */ this.getUrlCurrentView = function(options){ var url = g_urlViewBaseUC+"&view=" + g_view; if(options) url += "&"+options; return(url); }; this.__________VALIDATION_FUNCTIONS_____ = function(){}; /** * validate that object has some element name */ this.validateObjProperty = function(obj, propertyName, objName){ if(typeof obj != "object") throw new Error("The object is empty (with property: " + elementName); if(typeof propertyName == "object"){ jQuery(propertyName).each(function(index, pname){ t.validateObjProperty(obj, pname, objName); }); return(false); } if(obj.hasOwnProperty(propertyName) == false){ trace(obj); if(!objName) objName = ""; throw new Error("The "+objName+" object should has property: " + propertyName); } }; /** * validate that the dom object exists * the obj has to be jquery object of don element */ this.validateDomElement = function(obj, objName){ if(typeof obj != "object"){ trace(obj); trace(typeof obj); console.trace(); throw new Error("The object: "+objName+" not inited well"); } if(obj.length == 0) throw new Error(objName+" not found!"); }; /** * validate that field not empty */ this.validateNotEmpty = function(val, fieldName){ if(typeof val == "undefined" || jQuery.trim(val) == "") throw new Error("Please fill <b>"+ fieldName + "</b> field"); }; /** * validate that some value is object */ this.validateIsObject = function(val, fieldName){ if(typeof val !== "object") throw new Error("The field must be object: "+fieldName); }; /** * validate name field */ this.validateNameField = function(val, fieldName){ var errorMessage = "The field <b>"+ fieldName + "</b> allow only english lowercase letters, numbers and underscore. Example: first_name "; var regex = /^[a-z0-9_]+$/; if(regex.test(val) == false) throw new Error(errorMessage); } this._____________DIALOGS__________ = function(){}; /** * get custom dialog (position absolute div) offset relative to the button */ this.getCustomDialogOffset = function(objDialog, objButton){ var extraY = 0; var dpWidth = objDialog.outerWidth(); var dpHeight = objDialog.outerHeight(); var inputHeight = objButton.outerHeight(); var doc = objDialog[0].ownerDocument; var docElem = doc.documentElement; var viewWidth = docElem.clientWidth + $(doc).scrollLeft(); var viewHeight = docElem.clientHeight + $(doc).scrollTop(); var offset = objButton.offset(); += inputHeight; offset.left -= Math.min(offset.left, (offset.left + dpWidth > viewWidth && viewWidth > dpWidth) ? Math.abs(offset.left + dpWidth - viewWidth) : 0); -= Math.min(, (( + dpHeight > viewHeight && viewHeight > dpHeight) ? Math.abs(dpHeight + inputHeight - extraY) : extraY)); return offset; } /** * set image browser dialog path */ this.setAddImagePath = function(path, url){ if(typeof g_providerAdmin.setPathSelectImages == "function") g_providerAdmin.setPathSelectImages(path, path, url); }; /** * open "add image" dialog */ this.openAddImageDialog = function(title, onInsert, isMultiple, source){ g_providerAdmin.setParent(t); //for convert to relative g_providerAdmin.openAddImageDialog(title, onInsert, isMultiple, source); }; /** * open "add image" dialog */ this.openAddMp3Dialog = function(title, onInsert, isMultiple, source){ g_providerAdmin.setParent(t); //for convert to relative g_providerAdmin.openAddMp3Dialog(title, onInsert, isMultiple, source); }; /** * open "add image" dialog */ this.openAddPostDialog = function(title, onInsert, postType){ g_providerAdmin.setParent(t); //for convert to relative g_providerAdmin.openSelectArticleDialog(title, onInsert, postType); }; /** * open video dialog */ this.openVideoDialog = function(callbackFunction, itemData){ g_ugMediaDialog.openVideoDialog(callbackFunction, itemData); }; /** * common dialog ajax request */ this.dialogAjaxRequest = function(dialogID, action, data, funcSuccess, params){ dialogID = dialogID.replace("#", ""); g_ucAdmin.setAjaxLoaderID(dialogID + "_loader"); g_ucAdmin.setErrorMessageID(dialogID + "_error"); g_ucAdmin.setSuccessMessageID(dialogID + "_success"); g_ucAdmin.setAjaxHideButtonID(dialogID + "_action"); var isNoClose = t.getVal(params, "noclose"); g_ucAdmin.ajaxRequest(action, data, function(response){ if(isNoClose !== true){ setTimeout(function(){ jQuery("#"+dialogID).dialog("close"); }, 500); } if(typeof(funcSuccess) == "function") funcSuccess(response); }); }; /** * common dialog ajax request */ this.panelAjaxRequest = function(settingID, action, data, funcSuccess, params){ if(!params) params = {}; params["noclose"] = true; t.dialogAjaxRequest(settingID, action, data, funcSuccess, params); }; /** * get data from iframe dialog */ this.iframeDialogGetData = function(){ var iframeID = "unite-settings-dialog-iframe_iframe"; var objIframe = jQuery("#"+iframeID); t.validateDomElement(objIframe, "Iframe object"); var contents = objIframe.contents(); if(!contents) throw new Error("Can't reach iframe contents"); if(typeof contents[0].getIframeData != "function") throw new Error("getIframeData function not found in document - document.getIframeData = function()"); var data = contents[0].getIframeData(); return(data); }; /** * open dialog with some view in iframe * get content by id */ this.openIframeDialog = function(view, params, dialogOptions, onUpdateClick){ var dialogID = "unite-settings-dialog-iframe"; var iframeID = dialogID+"_iframe"; var objDialog = jQuery("#"+dialogID); //add dialog if absent if(objDialog.length == 0){ var htmlDialog = '<div id="'+dialogID+'" title="select something" class="unite-inputs unite-dialog-iframe" style="display:none">'; htmlDialog += '<iframe id="'+iframeID+'"></iframe>'; htmlDialog += '</div>'; jQuery("body").append(htmlDialog); objDialog = jQuery('#'+dialogID); } var objIframe = jQuery("#"+iframeID); //put loader var contents = objIframe.contents(); if(contents){ contents.find("html").html("Loading..."); } //set url var urlView = t.getUrlView(view, params, true); objIframe.attr("src", urlView); //open dialog if(!dialogOptions) dialogOptions = {}; if(onUpdateClick){ var buttons = {}; buttons[g_uctext["update"]] = function(){ var data = g_ucAdmin.iframeDialogGetData(); onUpdateClick(data, objDialog); }; dialogOptions.buttons = buttons; } //onclose, null iframe dialogOptions.close = function(){ /* setTimeout(function(){ objIframe.attr("src", ""); }, 3000); */ }; dialogOptions.minWidth = 1100; t.openCommonDialog(dialogID, null, dialogOptions); }; /** * open common dialog with all inside actions */ this.openCommonDialog = function(id, onOpen, options, closeOnEmptyClick){ if(typeof id == "object"){ var id = id.prop("id"); if(!id) throw new Error("The dialog should have ID"); id = "#"+id; } if(id.charAt(0) != "#") id = "#"+id; if(jQuery(id).length == 0) throw new Error("Dialog with ID: "+id + " don't exists!"); var buttonOpts = {}; var noClose = t.getVal(options, "no_close_button"); if(!noClose){ buttonOpts[g_uctext.close] = function(){ jQuery(id).dialog("close"); }; } jQuery(id+"_loader").hide(); jQuery(id+"_error").hide(); jQuery(id+"_success").hide(); jQuery(id+"_action").show(); var dialogOptions = { buttons:buttonOpts, minWidth:600, minHeight:300, modal:true, dialogClass:"unite-ui", open:function(){ if(typeof onOpen == "function") onOpen(); //set close on empty click events if(closeOnEmptyClick === true){ var objDialogWrapper = jQuery(id).parents(".ui-dialog"); var objOverlay = objDialogWrapper.siblings(".ui-widget-overlay"); objOverlay.on("click",function(){ jQuery(id).dialog("close");"click"); }); } } }; if(options && typeof options == "object") dialogOptions = jQuery.extend(dialogOptions, options); jQuery(id).dialog(dialogOptions); }; /** * add button on the left. * use it on create */ this.dialogAddLeftButton = function(objDialog, title, funcOnClick){ var objButtonPane = objDialog.closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-buttonpane"); var html = "<div class=\"ui-dialog-buttonset unite-dialog-buttonset-left\">"; html += "<button type=\"button\">"+title+"</button>"; html += "</div>"; var objButtonset = jQuery(html); objButtonPane.append(objButtonset); var objButton = objButtonset.children("button"); if(typeof funcOnClick == "function") objButton.on("click",funcOnClick); return(objButton); }; this.__________AJAX_REQUEST_____ = function(){}; /** * show error message or call once custom handler function */ this.showErrorMessage = function(htmlError){ if(g_errorMessageID !== null){ switch(typeof g_errorMessageID){ case "object":; break; case "function": g_errorMessageID(htmlError); break; default: jQuery("#"+g_errorMessageID).show().html(htmlError); break; } }else jQuery("#error_message").show().html(htmlError); showAjaxButton(); }; /** * hide error message */ function hideErrorMessage(){ if(g_errorMessageID !== null){ switch(typeof g_errorMessageID){ case "object": g_errorMessageID.hide(); break; case "string": jQuery("#"+g_errorMessageID).hide(); break; case "function": if(typeof g_errorMessageHideFunc == "function") g_errorMessageHideFunc(); break; } if(g_hideMessageCounter > 0){ g_hideMessageCounter = 0; g_errorMessageID = null; g_errorMessageHideFunc = null; }else g_hideMessageCounter++; }else jQuery("#error_message").hide(); }; /** * set error message id */ this.setErrorMessageID = function(id){ g_errorMessageID = id; g_hideMessageCounter = 0; }; /** * set hide error func */ this.setErrorMessageOnHide = function(func){ g_errorMessageHideFunc = func; } /** * set success message id */ this.setSuccessMessageID = function(id){ g_successMessageID = id; }; /** * show success message */ this.showSuccessMessage = function(htmlSuccess){ var id = "#success_message"; var delay = 2000; if(g_successMessageID){ id = "#"+g_successMessageID; delay = 500; } if (htmlSuccess !== 'Layout Updated'){ jQuery(id).show().html(htmlSuccess); } else { var content ='<i class="fal fa-check-circle" aria-hidden="true" style="color: green;"></i><span>' + 'Saved Successfully' + '</span>'; jQuery(id).show().html(content); } setTimeout(t.hideSuccessMessage,delay); }; /** * hide success message */ this.hideSuccessMessage = function(){ if(g_successMessageID){ jQuery("#"+g_successMessageID).hide(); g_successMessageID = null; //can be used only once. } else jQuery("#success_message").slideUp("slow").fadeOut("slow"); showAjaxButton(); }; /** * set ajax loader id that will be shown, and hidden on ajax request * this loader will be shown only once, and then need to be sent again. */ this.setAjaxLoaderID = function (id) { g_ajaxLoaderID = id; }; /** * show loader on ajax actions */ var showAjaxLoader = function () { if (!g_ajaxLoaderID) return; if (typeof (g_ajaxLoaderID) == "function") g_ajaxLoaderID("show_loader"); else jQuery("#" + g_ajaxLoaderID).show(); }; /** * hide and remove ajax loader. next time has to be set again before "ajaxRequest" function. */ var hideAjaxLoader = function () { if (!g_ajaxLoaderID) return; if (typeof g_ajaxLoaderID == "function") { g_ajaxLoaderID("hide_loader"); } else { jQuery("#" + g_ajaxLoaderID).hide(); g_ajaxLoaderID = null; } }; /** * set ajax loading button id that will be disabled/enabled on ajax request * this button will switch only once, and then need to be sent again. */ this.setAjaxLoadingButtonID = function (id) { g_ajaxLoadingButtonID = id; }; /** * show loading button on ajax actions */ var showAjaxLoadingButton = function () { if (!g_ajaxLoadingButtonID) return; var objButton = jQuery("#" + g_ajaxLoadingButtonID); objButton .prop("disabled", true) .text("text-loading")); }; /** * hide and remove ajax loading button. next time has to be set again before "ajaxRequest" function. */ var hideAjaxLoadingButton = function () { if (!g_ajaxLoadingButtonID) return; var objButton = jQuery("#" + g_ajaxLoadingButtonID); objButton .prop("disabled", false) .text("text-default")); g_ajaxLoadingButtonID = null; }; /** * set button to hide / show on ajax operations. */ this.setAjaxHideButtonID = function (buttonID) { g_ajaxHideButtonID = buttonID; }; /** * if exist ajax button to hide, hide it. */ function hideAjaxButton() { if (!g_ajaxHideButtonID) return (false); if (typeof g_ajaxHideButtonID == "function") { g_ajaxHideButtonID("hide_button"); } else { jQuery("#" + g_ajaxHideButtonID).hide(); } } /** * if exist ajax button, show it, and remove the button id. */ function showAjaxButton() { if (!g_ajaxHideButtonID) return (false); if (typeof g_ajaxHideButtonID == "function") { g_ajaxHideButtonID("show_button"); } else { jQuery("#" + g_ajaxHideButtonID).show(); g_ajaxHideButtonID = null; } } /** * add url param */ this.addUrlParam = function(url, param, value){ if(url.indexOf("?") == -1) url += "?"; else url += "&"; if(typeof value == "undefined") url += param; else url += param + "=" + value; return(url); } /** * get ajax url with action and params */ this.getUrlAjax = function(action, params){ var url = g_urlAjaxActionsUC; url = t.addUrlParam(url, "action", g_pluginNameUC+"_ajax_action"); if(typeof g_ucNonce == "string") url = t.addUrlParam(url, "nonce", g_ucNonce); if(action) url = t.addUrlParam(url, "client_action", action); if(params) url = t.addUrlParam(url, params); return(url); } /** * add form files to data */ this.addFormFilesToData = function(formID, objData){ var objForm = jQuery("#"+formID); if(objForm.length == 0) throw new Error("form with ID: "+ formID + " not found"); var objFiles = objForm.find("input[type='file']"); if(objFiles.length == 0) throw new Error("no file inputs found in form: " + formID); jQuery.each(objFiles, function(index, objFile){ var fieldName =; jQuery.each(objFile.files, function(index2, file){ objData.append(fieldName, file); }); }); } /** * check ajax return */ this.ajaxReturnCheck = function(response, successFunction){ if(!response){ t.showErrorMessage("Empty ajax response!"); return(false); } if(typeof response != "object"){ try{ response = jQuery.parseJSON(response); }catch(e){ t.showErrorMessage("Ajax Error!!! not ajax response"); t.debug(response); return(false); } } if(response == -1){ t.showErrorMessage("ajax error!!!"); return(false); } if(response == 0){ t.showErrorMessage("ajax error, action: <b>"+action+"</b> not found"); return(false); } if(response.success == undefined){ t.showErrorMessage("The 'success' param is a must!"); return(false); } if(response.success == false){ t.showErrorMessage(response.message); return(false); } //run a success event function if(typeof successFunction == "function"){ //show success message only if custom id exists if(response.message && g_successMessageID) t.showSuccessMessage(response.message); successFunction(response); } else{ if(response.message) t.showSuccessMessage(response.message); } if(response.is_redirect) location.href=response.redirect_url; } /** * Ajax request function. call wp ajax, if error - print error message. * if success, call "success function" */ this.ajaxRequest = function(action,data,successFunction){ if(typeof data == "undefined") var data = {}; //raw mode - for including file uploads var isRawMode = false; if(typeof data.append == "function"){ isRawMode = true; var objData = data; objData.append("action", g_pluginNameUC+"_ajax_action"); objData.append("client_action", action); if(typeof g_ucNonce == "string") objData.append("nonce", g_ucNonce); }else{ //simple mode var objData = { action:g_pluginNameUC+"_ajax_action", client_action:action, data:data }; if(typeof g_ucNonce == "string") objData.nonce = g_ucNonce; } hideErrorMessage(); showAjaxLoader(); showAjaxLoadingButton(); hideAjaxButton(); var ajaxOptions = { type:"post", url:g_urlAjaxActionsUC, dataType: 'json', data:objData, success:function(response){ hideAjaxLoader(); hideAjaxLoadingButton(); t.ajaxReturnCheck(response, successFunction); }, error:function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ hideAjaxLoader(); hideAjaxLoadingButton(); var readyState = jqXHR.readyState; var showError = true; switch(textStatus){ case "parsererror": case "error": var responseText = jqXHR.responseText; if(responseText !== undefined){ t.debug(jqXHR.responseText); } else{ if(readyState == 0) showError = false; } break; } if(showError == true) t.showErrorMessage("Ajax Error!!! " + textStatus); } } //add some options for raw mode if(isRawMode == true){ = false; ajaxOptions.processData = false; ajaxOptions.contentType = false; } var request = jQuery.ajax(ajaxOptions); return(request); };//ajaxrequest /** * ajax request for creating thumb from image and get thumb url * instead of the url can get image id as well */ this.requestThumbUrl = function(urlImage, imageID, callbackFunction){ var data = { urlImage: urlImage, imageID: imageID }; t.ajaxRequest("get_thumb_url",data, function(response){ callbackFunction(response.urlThumb); }); }; /** * init version dialog */ function initVersionDialog() { jQuery("#uc_version_link").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var objDialog = jQuery("#uc_dialog_version"); var buttonOpts = {}; buttonOpts[g_uctext.cancel] = function () { objDialog.dialog("close"); }; objDialog.dialog({ dialogClass: "unite-ui", buttons: buttonOpts, minWidth: 900, modal: true, open: function () { var objContent = jQuery("#uc_dialog_version_content"); var isContentLoaded ="loaded"); if (isContentLoaded === true) return; t.ajaxRequest("get_version_text", {}, function (response) { var html = "<pre>" + response.text + "</pre>"; objContent.html(html);"loaded", true); }); }, }); }); } this.z_________TIMER_FUNCTIONS_______ = function(){} /** * start timer */ this.startTimer = function(){ g_temp.timer =; }; /** * print timer */ this.printTimer = function(){ var currentTime =; if(!g_temp.timer){ trace("timer not started!"); return(false); } var diff = currentTime - g_temp.timer; trace("time passed: "+diff); }; /** * print time stamp */ this.printTimeStamp = function(stamp){ if(!stamp) var stamp =; var date1 = new Date(stamp); trace(date1); } this.z_________DATA_FUNCTIONS_______ = function(){}; /** * set data value */ this.storeGlobalData = function(key, value){ key = "unite_data_"+key;, key, value); }; /** * get global data */ this.getGlobalData = function(key){ key = "unite_data_"+key; var value =, key); return(value); }; this.__________THIRD_PARTY_____ = function(){}; /** * get settings of dropzone that turn it to single line */ this.getDropzoneSingleLineSettings = function(){ var htmlTemplate = '<div class="uc-dz-preview dz-file-preview">'; htmlTemplate += '<div class="uc-dz-details">'; htmlTemplate += ' <div class="uc-dz-filename"><span data-dz-name></span></div>'; htmlTemplate += ' <div class="uc-dz-size" data-dz-size></div>'; htmlTemplate += '</div>'; htmlTemplate += '<div class="uc-dz-message uc-dz-error-message"><span data-dz-errormessage></span></div>'; htmlTemplate += '<div class="uc-dz-loader"></div>'; htmlTemplate += '</div>'; var settings = { createImageThumbnails:false, addRemoveLinks:true, previewTemplate: htmlTemplate, dictRemoveFile: "remove", dictCancelUpload: "cancel" //dictRemoveFile: "<i class=\"fa fa-trash\" title=\"Remove File\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>" }; return(settings); } /** * clear provider setting */ this.clearProviderSetting = function(type, objInput, dataname){ if(typeof g_providerAdmin.clearSetting != "function") return(false); var response = g_providerAdmin.clearSetting(type, objInput, dataname); return(response); } /** * set value of provider setting */ this.providerSettingSetValue = function(type, objInput, value){ if(typeof g_providerAdmin.setSettingValue != "function") return(false); var response = g_providerAdmin.setSettingValue(type, objInput, value); return(response); }; /** * init provider settings */ this.initProviderSettingEvents = function(type, objInput){ if(typeof g_providerAdmin.initSettingEvents != "function") return(true); g_providerAdmin.initSettingEvents(type, objInput); }; function ____________ACTIVATION____________(){}; /** * actuvate pro init */ function activateProDialog() { g_dialogActivation.dialog({ dialogClass:"uc-activation-dialog", width:700, height:500, modal:true, create:function () { g_dialogActivation.find('.popup-close').on("click",function() {jQuery('.activateProDialog').dialog('close');}); }, open: function () { g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-start').removeClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-fail').addClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-activated').addClass('hidden'); }, close: function () { g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-start').addClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-fail').addClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-activated').addClass('hidden'); } }); } /** * on activate pro button click */ function onActivateButtonClick(){ var objButton = jQuery(this); var codeType ="codetype"); var product ="product"); var objCode = jQuery("#uc_activate_pro_code"); var code = ""; if(objCode.length){ code = jQuery("#uc_activate_pro_code").val(); code = jQuery.trim(code); } g_ucAdmin.setAjaxLoaderID("uc_loader_activate_pro"); g_ucAdmin.setAjaxHideButtonID("uc_button_activate_pro"); g_ucAdmin.setErrorMessageID(function(message){ g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-start').addClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-fail').removeClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.popup-error').show().html(message); }); var data = {}; data.code = code; data.codetype = codeType; if(product) data.product = product; g_ucAdmin.ajaxRequest("activate_product", data, function(response){ g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-start').addClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-fail').addClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-activated').removeClass('hidden'); var activateDays = response["expire_days"]; if(activateDays) g_dialogActivation.find(".uc-activated .days").html(activateDays); else g_dialogActivation.find(".uc-activated .days").hide(); }); } /** * on try again click */ function onActivateTryAgainClick(){ g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-start').removeClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-fail').addClass('hidden'); g_dialogActivation.find('.uc-activated').addClass('hidden'); jQuery("#uc_activate_pro_code").focus(); } /** * on deactivate click */ function onDeactivateProductClick(){ var objButton = jQuery(this); var product ="product"); g_ucAdmin.setErrorMessageID(function(message){ alert("Error: "+message); }); var data = {}; if(product) data["product"] = product; g_ucAdmin.ajaxRequest("deactivate_product", data, function(response){ confirm(response.message); }); } /** * init activation dialog */ this.initActivationDialog = function(){ g_dialogActivation = jQuery('.activateProDialog'); if(g_dialogActivation.length == 0) g_dialogActivation = jQuery(".uc-activation-view"); if(g_dialogActivation.length){ jQuery(".uc-link-activate-pro").on("click",activateProDialog); jQuery("#uc_button_activate_pro").on("click",onActivateButtonClick); jQuery("#activation_link_try_again").on("click",onActivateTryAgainClick); } jQuery(".uc-link-deactivate").on("click",onDeactivateProductClick); }; this.__________CHECK_CATALOG_____ = function(){}; /** * handle catalog check */ function handleCheckCatalog(){ //don't check inside iframe if( != window) return(false); if(typeof g_ucCheckCatalog === "undefined") return(false); if(g_ucCheckCatalog !== true) return(false); //don't show error on page refresh t.setErrorMessageID(function(){}); var data = {}; if(g_ucCatalogAddonType) data["addontype"] = g_ucCatalogAddonType; setTimeout(function(){ t.ajaxRequest("check_catalog", data, function(response){}); }, 5000); } this.__________GLOBAL_INIT_____ = function(){}; /** * init svg shape picker setting */ function initSettingShapesPicker(){ if(typeof g_ucArrSvgShapes == "undefined") return(false); if(typeof UniteSettingsUC == "undefined") return(false); var objSettings = new UniteSettingsUC(); var template = "<div class='unite-iconpicker-inner-shape unite-shapecontent-[icon]'></div>"; var params = {}; params["add_new"] = true; params["add_new_button_text"] = "Add Shape"; params["add_new_action"] = "add_shape_addon"; objSettings.iconPicker_addIconsType("shape", g_ucArrSvgShapes, template, params); var urlShapes = t.getUrlAjax("get_shapes_css"); t.loadIncludeFile("css", urlShapes); } /** * fix focus on select2 inside jquery ui dialog */ this.fixModalDialogSelect2 = function(){ if(window.hasOwnProperty("fixModalDialogSelect2_run") == true) return(false); window.fixModalDialogSelect2_run = true; jQuery.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function(e) { return(true); }; } /** * global init */ this.globalInit = function(){ g_providerAdmin.setParent(t); g_providerAdmin.init(); if(typeof g_ugMediaDialog != "undefined") g_ugMediaDialog.init(); initVersionDialog(); handleCheckCatalog(); initSettingShapesPicker(); }; } if(!g_ucAdmin) var g_ucAdmin; //user functions: function trace(data,clear){ if(!g_ucAdmin) g_ucAdmin = new UniteAdminUC(); g_ucAdmin.trace(data,clear); } function clearTrace(){ console.clear(); } function debug(data){ if(!g_ucAdmin) g_ucAdmin = new UniteAdminUC(); g_ucAdmin.debug(data); } /** * debug line by line */ function debugLine(data){ data += " "+Math.random(); var html = jQuery("#div_debug").html(); html += "<br>"; html += data; jQuery("#div_debug").show().html(html); } //run the init function jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if(!g_ucAdmin) g_ucAdmin = new UniteAdminUC(); g_ucAdmin.globalInit(); });