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<?php /** * Class Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4 * * @package Google\Site_Kit * @copyright 2021 Google LLC * @license Apache License 2.0 * @link */ namespace Google\Site_Kit\Modules; use Exception; use Google\Site_Kit\Context; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Assets\Asset; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Assets\Assets; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Assets\Script; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Authentication; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Authentication\Clients\Google_Site_Kit_Client; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Dismissals\Dismissed_Items; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Analytics_4\Tag_Matchers; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_Settings; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Activation; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Deactivation; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Debug_Fields; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Assets; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Assets_Trait; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Data_Available_State; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Data_Available_State_Trait; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Scopes; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Scopes_Trait; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Settings; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Settings_Trait; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Owner; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Owner_Trait; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Service_Entity; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Permissions\Permissions; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Tag; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Module_With_Tag_Trait; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Modules\Tags\Module_Tag_Matchers; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\REST_API\Exception\Invalid_Datapoint_Exception; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\REST_API\Data_Request; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\REST_API\Exception\Invalid_Param_Exception; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\REST_API\Exception\Missing_Required_Param_Exception; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Site_Health\Debug_Data; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Storage\Options; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Storage\User_Options; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Tags\Guards\Tag_Environment_Type_Guard; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Tags\Guards\Tag_Verify_Guard; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\BC_Functions; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Feature_Flags; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Method_Proxy_Trait; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Sort; use Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\URL; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\AdSense\Settings as AdSense_Settings; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Account_Ticket; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Advanced_Tracking; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\AMP_Tag; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Audience_Settings; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Custom_Dimensions_Data_Available; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Synchronize_Property; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Synchronize_AdSenseLinked; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\AccountProvisioningService; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\EnhancedMeasurementSettingsModel; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\PropertiesAdSenseLinksService; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\PropertiesAudiencesService; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\PropertiesEnhancedMeasurementService; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\Proxy_GoogleAnalyticsAdminProvisionAccountTicketRequest; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Report\Request as Analytics_4_Report_Request; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Report\Response as Analytics_4_Report_Response; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Settings; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Synchronize_AdsLinked; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Tag_Guard; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Tag_Interface; use Google\Site_Kit\Modules\Analytics_4\Web_Tag; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Model as Google_Model; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\AnalyticsData as Google_Service_AnalyticsData; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin as Google_Service_GoogleAnalyticsAdmin; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudience; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaAccount; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaCustomDimension; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStream; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStreamWebStreamData; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaListDataStreamsResponse; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\GoogleAnalyticsAdmin\GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaProperty as Google_Service_GoogleAnalyticsAdmin_GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaProperty; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Service\TagManager as Google_Service_TagManager; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google_Service_TagManager_Container; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use stdClass; use WP_Error; /** * Class representing the Analytics 4 module. * * @since 1.30.0 * @access private * @ignore */ final class Analytics_4 extends Module implements Module_With_Scopes, Module_With_Settings, Module_With_Debug_Fields, Module_With_Owner, Module_With_Assets, Module_With_Service_Entity, Module_With_Activation, Module_With_Deactivation, Module_With_Data_Available_State, Module_With_Tag { use Method_Proxy_Trait; use Module_With_Assets_Trait; use Module_With_Owner_Trait; use Module_With_Scopes_Trait; use Module_With_Settings_Trait; use Module_With_Data_Available_State_Trait; use Module_With_Tag_Trait; const PROVISION_ACCOUNT_TICKET_ID = 'googlesitekit_analytics_provision_account_ticket_id'; const READONLY_SCOPE = ''; const PROVISION_SCOPE = ''; const EDIT_SCOPE = ''; /** * Module slug name. */ const MODULE_SLUG = 'analytics-4'; /** * Prefix used to fetch custom dimensions in reports. */ const CUSTOM_EVENT_PREFIX = 'customEvent:'; /** * Custom dimensions tracked by Site Kit. */ const CUSTOM_DIMENSION_POST_AUTHOR = 'googlesitekit_post_author'; const CUSTOM_DIMENSION_POST_CATEGORIES = 'googlesitekit_post_categories'; /** * Custom_Dimensions_Data_Available instance. * * @since 1.113.0 * @var Custom_Dimensions_Data_Available */ protected $custom_dimensions_data_available; /** * Audience_Settings instance. * * @since 1.124.0 * @var Audience_Settings */ protected $audience_settings; /** * Constructor. * * @since 1.113.0 * * @param Context $context Plugin context. * @param Options $options Optional. Option API instance. Default is a new instance. * @param User_Options $user_options Optional. User Option API instance. Default is a new instance. * @param Authentication $authentication Optional. Authentication instance. Default is a new instance. * @param Assets $assets Optional. Assets API instance. Default is a new instance. */ public function __construct( Context $context, Options $options = null, User_Options $user_options = null, Authentication $authentication = null, Assets $assets = null ) { parent::__construct( $context, $options, $user_options, $authentication, $assets ); $this->custom_dimensions_data_available = new Custom_Dimensions_Data_Available( $this->transients ); $this->audience_settings = new Audience_Settings( $this->user_options ); } /** * Registers functionality through WordPress hooks. * * @since 1.30.0 * @since 1.101.0 Added a filter hook to add the required `` scope for GTE support. */ public function register() { $this->register_scopes_hook(); $synchronize_property = new Synchronize_Property( $this, $this->user_options ); $synchronize_property->register(); $synchronize_adsense_linked = new Synchronize_AdSenseLinked( $this, $this->user_options, $this->options ); $synchronize_adsense_linked->register(); $synchronize_ads_linked = new Synchronize_AdsLinked( $this, $this->user_options ); $synchronize_ads_linked->register(); ( new Advanced_Tracking( $this->context ) )->register(); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $synchronize_property, 'maybe_schedule_synchronize_property' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $synchronize_adsense_linked, 'maybe_schedule_synchronize_adsense_linked' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $synchronize_ads_linked, 'maybe_schedule_synchronize_ads_linked' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', $this->get_method_proxy( 'handle_provisioning_callback' ) ); // For non-AMP and AMP. add_action( 'wp_head', $this->get_method_proxy( 'print_tracking_opt_out' ), 0 ); // For Web Stories plugin. add_action( 'web_stories_story_head', $this->get_method_proxy( 'print_tracking_opt_out' ), 0 ); // Analytics 4 tag placement logic. add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'register_tag' ) ); $this->get_settings()->on_change( function( $old_value, $new_value ) { // Ensure that the data available state is reset when the property ID or measurement ID changes. if ( $old_value['propertyID'] !== $new_value['propertyID'] || $old_value['measurementID'] !== $new_value['measurementID'] ) { $this->reset_data_available(); $this->custom_dimensions_data_available->reset_data_available(); } // Reset AdSense & Ads link settings when propertyID changes. if ( $old_value['propertyID'] !== $new_value['propertyID'] ) { $this->get_settings()->merge( array( 'adSenseLinked' => false, 'adSenseLinkedLastSyncedAt' => 0, 'adsLinked' => false, 'adsLinkedLastSyncedAt' => 0, ) ); } } ); // Check if the property ID has changed and reset availableCustomDimensions setting to null. add_filter( 'pre_update_option_googlesitekit_analytics-4_settings', function ( $new_value, $old_value ) { if ( $new_value['propertyID'] !== $old_value['propertyID'] ) { $new_value['availableCustomDimensions'] = null; } return $new_value; }, 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'googlesitekit_inline_modules_data', $this->get_method_proxy( 'inline_custom_dimensions_data' ) ); add_filter( 'googlesitekit_auth_scopes', function( array $scopes ) { $oauth_client = $this->authentication->get_oauth_client(); $needs_tagmanager_scope = false; if ( $oauth_client->has_sufficient_scopes( array( self::READONLY_SCOPE, '', ) ) ) { $needs_tagmanager_scope = true; } else { // Ensure the Tag Manager scope is not added as a required scope in the case where the user has // granted the Analytics scope but not the Tag Manager scope, in order to allow the GTE-specific // Unsatisfied Scopes notification to be displayed without the Additional Permissions Required // modal also appearing. if ( ! $oauth_client->has_sufficient_scopes( array( self::READONLY_SCOPE, ) ) ) { $needs_tagmanager_scope = true; } } if ( $needs_tagmanager_scope ) { $scopes[] = ''; } return $scopes; } ); add_filter( 'googlesitekit_allow_tracking_disabled', $this->get_method_proxy( 'filter_analytics_allow_tracking_disabled' ) ); // This hook adds the "Set up Google Analytics" step to the Site Kit // setup flow. // // This filter is documented in // Core\Authentication\Google_Proxy::get_metadata_fields. add_filter( 'googlesitekit_proxy_setup_mode', function( $original_mode ) { return ! $this->is_connected() ? 'analytics-step' : $original_mode; } ); } /** * Gets required Google OAuth scopes for the module. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @return array List of Google OAuth scopes. */ public function get_scopes() { return array( self::READONLY_SCOPE ); } /** * Checks whether the module is connected. * * A module being connected means that all steps required as part of its activation are completed. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @return bool True if module is connected, false otherwise. */ public function is_connected() { $required_keys = array( 'accountID', 'propertyID', 'webDataStreamID', 'measurementID', ); $options = $this->get_settings()->get(); foreach ( $required_keys as $required_key ) { if ( empty( $options[ $required_key ] ) ) { return false; } } return parent::is_connected(); } /** * Cleans up when the module is activated. * * @since 1.107.0 */ public function on_activation() { $dismissed_items = new Dismissed_Items( $this->user_options ); $dismissed_items->remove( 'key-metrics-connect-ga4-cta-widget' ); } /** * Cleans up when the module is deactivated. * * @since 1.30.0 */ public function on_deactivation() { $this->get_settings()->delete(); $this->reset_data_available(); $this->custom_dimensions_data_available->reset_data_available(); } /** * Checks whether the AdSense module is connected. * * @since 1.121.0 * * @return bool True if AdSense is connected, false otherwise. */ private function is_adsense_connected() { $adsense_settings = ( new AdSense_Settings( $this->options ) )->get(); if ( empty( $adsense_settings['accountSetupComplete'] ) || empty( $adsense_settings['siteSetupComplete'] ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Gets an array of debug field definitions. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @return array */ public function get_debug_fields() { $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); $debug_fields = array( 'analytics_4_account_id' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics account ID', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['accountID'], 'debug' => Debug_Data::redact_debug_value( $settings['accountID'] ), ), 'analytics_4_property_id' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics property ID', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['propertyID'], 'debug' => Debug_Data::redact_debug_value( $settings['propertyID'], 7 ), ), 'analytics_4_web_data_stream_id' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics web data stream ID', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['webDataStreamID'], 'debug' => Debug_Data::redact_debug_value( $settings['webDataStreamID'] ), ), 'analytics_4_measurement_id' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics measurement ID', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['measurementID'], 'debug' => Debug_Data::redact_debug_value( $settings['measurementID'] ), ), 'analytics_4_use_snippet' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics snippet placed', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['useSnippet'] ? __( 'Yes', 'google-site-kit' ) : __( 'No', 'google-site-kit' ), 'debug' => $settings['useSnippet'] ? 'yes' : 'no', ), 'analytics_4_ads_conversion_id' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics Ads conversion ID', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['adsConversionID'], 'debug' => Debug_Data::redact_debug_value( $settings['adsConversionID'] ), ), 'analytics_4_available_custom_dimensions' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics available custom dimensions', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => empty( $settings['availableCustomDimensions'] ) ? __( 'None', 'google-site-kit' ) : join( /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */ __( ', ', 'google-site-kit' ), $settings['availableCustomDimensions'] ), 'debug' => empty( $settings['availableCustomDimensions'] ) ? 'none' : join( ', ', $settings['availableCustomDimensions'] ), ), 'analytics_4_ads_linked' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics Ads Linked', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['adsLinked'] ? __( 'Connected', 'google-site-kit' ) : __( 'Not connected', 'google-site-kit' ), 'debug' => $settings['adsLinked'], ), 'analytics_4_ads_linked_last_synced_at' => array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics Ads Linked Last Synced At', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['adsLinkedLastSyncedAt'] ? gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $settings['adsLinkedLastSyncedAt'] ) : __( 'Never synced', 'google-site-kit' ), 'debug' => $settings['adsLinkedLastSyncedAt'], ), ); if ( $this->is_adsense_connected() ) { $debug_fields['analytics_4_adsense_linked'] = array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics AdSense Linked', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['adSenseLinked'] ? __( 'Connected', 'google-site-kit' ) : __( 'Not connected', 'google-site-kit' ), 'debug' => Debug_Data::redact_debug_value( $settings['adSenseLinked'] ), ); $debug_fields['analytics_4_adsense_linked_last_synced_at'] = array( 'label' => __( 'Analytics AdSense Linked Last Synced At', 'google-site-kit' ), 'value' => $settings['adSenseLinkedLastSyncedAt'] ? gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $settings['adSenseLinkedLastSyncedAt'] ) : __( 'Never synced', 'google-site-kit' ), 'debug' => Debug_Data::redact_debug_value( $settings['adSenseLinkedLastSyncedAt'] ), ); } return $debug_fields; } /** * Gets map of datapoint to definition data for each. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @return array Map of datapoints to their definitions. */ protected function get_datapoint_definitions() { $datapoints = array( 'GET:account-summaries' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin' ), 'GET:accounts' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin' ), 'GET:ads-links' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin' ), 'GET:adsense-links' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadsenselinks' ), 'GET:container-lookup' => array( 'service' => 'tagmanager', 'scopes' => array( '', ), ), 'GET:container-destinations' => array( 'service' => 'tagmanager', 'scopes' => array( '', ), ), 'GET:conversion-events' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin', 'shareable' => true, ), 'POST:create-account-ticket' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsprovisioning', 'scopes' => array( self::EDIT_SCOPE ), 'request_scopes_message' => __( 'You’ll need to grant Site Kit permission to create a new Analytics account on your behalf.', 'google-site-kit' ), ), 'GET:google-tag-settings' => array( 'service' => 'tagmanager', 'scopes' => array( '', ), ), 'POST:create-property' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin', 'scopes' => array( self::EDIT_SCOPE ), 'request_scopes_message' => __( 'You’ll need to grant Site Kit permission to create a new Analytics property on your behalf.', 'google-site-kit' ), ), 'POST:create-webdatastream' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin', 'scopes' => array( self::EDIT_SCOPE ), 'request_scopes_message' => __( 'You’ll need to grant Site Kit permission to create a new Analytics web data stream for this site on your behalf.', 'google-site-kit' ), ), 'GET:properties' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin' ), 'GET:property' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin' ), 'GET:report' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsdata', 'shareable' => true, ), 'GET:webdatastreams' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin' ), 'GET:webdatastreams-batch' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin' ), 'GET:enhanced-measurement-settings' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsenhancedmeasurement' ), 'POST:enhanced-measurement-settings' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsenhancedmeasurement', 'scopes' => array( self::EDIT_SCOPE ), 'request_scopes_message' => __( 'You’ll need to grant Site Kit permission to update enhanced measurement settings for this Analytics web data stream on your behalf.', 'google-site-kit' ), ), 'POST:create-custom-dimension' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsdata', 'scopes' => array( self::EDIT_SCOPE ), 'request_scopes_message' => __( 'You’ll need to grant Site Kit permission to create a new Analytics custom dimension on your behalf.', 'google-site-kit' ), ), 'POST:sync-custom-dimensions' => array( 'service' => 'analyticsadmin', ), 'POST:custom-dimension-data-available' => array( 'service' => '', ), ); if ( Feature_Flags::enabled( 'audienceSegmentation' ) ) { $datapoints['GET:audiences'] = array( 'service' => 'analyticsaudiences' ); $datapoints['POST:create-audience'] = array( 'service' => 'analyticsaudiences', 'scopes' => array( self::EDIT_SCOPE ), 'request_scopes_message' => __( 'You’ll need to grant Site Kit permission to create new audiences for your Analytics property on your behalf.', 'google-site-kit' ), ); $datapoints['GET:audience-settings'] = array( 'service' => '', ); $datapoints['POST:audience-settings'] = array( 'service' => '', ); } return $datapoints; } /** * Creates a new property for provided account. * * @since 1.35.0 * @since 1.98.0 Added `$options` parameter. * * @param string $account_id Account ID. * @param array $options { * Property options. * * @type string $displayName Display name. * @type string $timezone Timezone. * } * @return Google_Service_GoogleAnalyticsAdmin_GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaProperty A new property. */ private function create_property( $account_id, $options = array() ) { if ( ! empty( $options['displayName'] ) ) { $display_name = sanitize_text_field( $options['displayName'] ); } else { $display_name = URL::parse( $this->context->get_reference_site_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ); } if ( ! empty( $options['timezone'] ) ) { $timezone = $options['timezone']; } else { $timezone = get_option( 'timezone_string' ) ?: 'UTC'; } $property = new Google_Service_GoogleAnalyticsAdmin_GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaProperty(); $property->setParent( self::normalize_account_id( $account_id ) ); $property->setDisplayName( $display_name ); $property->setTimeZone( $timezone ); return $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' )->properties->create( $property ); } /** * Creates a new web data stream for provided property. * * @since 1.35.0 * @since 1.98.0 Added `$options` parameter. * * @param string $property_id Property ID. * @param array $options { * Web data stream options. * * @type string $displayName Display name. * } * @return GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStream A new web data stream. */ private function create_webdatastream( $property_id, $options = array() ) { $site_url = $this->context->get_reference_site_url(); if ( ! empty( $options['displayName'] ) ) { $display_name = sanitize_text_field( $options['displayName'] ); } else { $display_name = URL::parse( $site_url, PHP_URL_HOST ); } $data = new GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStreamWebStreamData(); $data->setDefaultUri( $site_url ); $datastream = new GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStream(); $datastream->setDisplayName( $display_name ); $datastream->setType( 'WEB_DATA_STREAM' ); $datastream->setWebStreamData( $data ); /* @var Google_Service_GoogleAnalyticsAdmin $analyticsadmin phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.CommentedOutCode.Found */ $analyticsadmin = $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' ); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_dataStreams // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->create( self::normalize_property_id( $property_id ), $datastream ); } /** * Outputs the user tracking opt-out script. * * This script opts out of all Google Analytics tracking, for all measurement IDs, regardless of implementation. * E.g. via Tag Manager, etc. * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 1.121.0 Migrated from the Analytics (UA) class and adapted to only work for GA4 properties. * @link */ private function print_tracking_opt_out() { $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); $account_id = $settings['accountID']; $property_id = $settings['propertyID']; if ( ! $this->is_tracking_disabled() ) { return; } if ( $this->context->is_amp() ) : ?> <!-- <?php esc_html_e( 'Google Analytics AMP opt-out snippet added by Site Kit', 'google-site-kit' ); ?> --> <meta name="ga-opt-out" content="" id="__gaOptOutExtension"> <!-- <?php esc_html_e( 'End Google Analytics AMP opt-out snippet added by Site Kit', 'google-site-kit' ); ?> --> <?php else : ?> <!-- <?php esc_html_e( 'Google Analytics opt-out snippet added by Site Kit', 'google-site-kit' ); ?> --> <?php // Opt-out should always use the measurement ID, even when using a GT tag. $tag_id = $this->get_measurement_id(); if ( ! empty( $tag_id ) ) { BC_Functions::wp_print_inline_script_tag( sprintf( 'window["ga-disable-%s"] = true;', esc_attr( $tag_id ) ) ); } ?> <?php do_action( 'googlesitekit_analytics_tracking_opt_out', $property_id, $account_id ); ?> <!-- <?php esc_html_e( 'End Google Analytics opt-out snippet added by Site Kit', 'google-site-kit' ); ?> --> <?php endif; } /** * Checks whether or not tracking snippet should be contextually disabled for this request. * * @since 1.1.0 * @since 1.121.0 Migrated here from the Analytics (UA) class. * * @return bool */ protected function is_tracking_disabled() { $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); // This filter is documented in Tag_Manager::filter_analytics_allow_tracking_disabled. if ( ! apply_filters( 'googlesitekit_allow_tracking_disabled', $settings['useSnippet'] ) ) { return false; } $disable_logged_in_users = in_array( 'loggedinUsers', $settings['trackingDisabled'], true ) && is_user_logged_in(); $disable_content_creators = in_array( 'contentCreators', $settings['trackingDisabled'], true ) && current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ); $disabled = $disable_logged_in_users || $disable_content_creators; /** * Filters whether or not the Analytics tracking snippet is output for the current request. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param $disabled bool Whether to disable tracking or not. */ return (bool) apply_filters( 'googlesitekit_analytics_tracking_disabled', $disabled ); } /** * Handles the provisioning callback after the user completes the terms of service. * * @since 1.9.0 * @since 1.98.0 Extended to handle callback from Admin API (no UA entities). * @since 1.121.0 Migrated method from original Analytics class to Analytics_4 class. */ protected function handle_provisioning_callback() { if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) { return; } if ( ! current_user_can( Permissions::MANAGE_OPTIONS ) ) { return; } $input = $this->context->input(); if ( ! $input->filter( INPUT_GET, 'gatoscallback' ) ) { return; } // First check that the accountTicketId matches one stored for the user. // This is always provided, even in the event of an error. $account_ticket_id = htmlspecialchars( $input->filter( INPUT_GET, 'accountTicketId' ) ); // The create-account-ticket request stores the created account ticket in a transient before // sending the user off to the terms of service page. $account_ticket_transient_key = self::PROVISION_ACCOUNT_TICKET_ID . '::' . get_current_user_id(); $account_ticket_params = $this->transients->get( $account_ticket_transient_key ); $account_ticket = new Account_Ticket( $account_ticket_params ); // Backwards compat for previous storage type which stored ID only. if ( is_scalar( $account_ticket_params ) ) { $account_ticket->set_id( $account_ticket_params ); } if ( $account_ticket->get_id() !== $account_ticket_id ) { wp_safe_redirect( $this->context->admin_url( 'dashboard', array( 'error_code' => 'account_ticket_id_mismatch' ) ) ); exit; } // At this point, the accountTicketId is a match and params are loaded, so we can safely delete the transient. $this->transients->delete( $account_ticket_transient_key ); // Next, check for a returned error. $error = $input->filter( INPUT_GET, 'error' ); if ( ! empty( $error ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( $this->context->admin_url( 'dashboard', array( 'error_code' => htmlspecialchars( $error ) ) ) ); exit; } $account_id = htmlspecialchars( $input->filter( INPUT_GET, 'accountId' ) ); if ( empty( $account_id ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( $this->context->admin_url( 'dashboard', array( 'error_code' => 'callback_missing_parameter' ) ) ); exit; } $new_settings = array(); // At this point, account creation was successful. $new_settings['accountID'] = $account_id; $this->get_settings()->merge( $new_settings ); $this->provision_property_webdatastream( $account_id, $account_ticket ); wp_safe_redirect( $this->context->admin_url( 'dashboard', array( 'notification' => 'authentication_success', 'slug' => 'analytics-4', ) ) ); exit; } /** * Provisions new GA4 property and web data stream for provided account. * * @since 1.35.0 * @since 1.98.0 Added $account_ticket. * * @param string $account_id Account ID. * @param Account_Ticket $account_ticket Account ticket instance. */ private function provision_property_webdatastream( $account_id, $account_ticket ) { // Reset the current GA4 settings. $this->get_settings()->merge( array( 'propertyID' => '', 'webDataStreamID' => '', 'measurementID' => '', ) ); $property = $this->create_property( $account_id, array( 'displayName' => $account_ticket->get_property_name(), 'timezone' => $account_ticket->get_timezone(), ) ); $property = self::filter_property_with_ids( $property ); if ( empty( $property->_id ) ) { return; } $create_time = isset( $property->createTime ) ? $property->createTime : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase $create_time_ms = 0; if ( $create_time ) { $create_time_ms = Synchronize_Property::convert_time_to_unix_ms( $create_time ); } $this->get_settings()->merge( array( 'propertyID' => $property->_id, 'propertyCreateTime' => $create_time_ms, ) ); $web_datastream = $this->create_webdatastream( $property->_id, array( 'displayName' => $account_ticket->get_data_stream_name(), ) ); $web_datastream = self::filter_webdatastream_with_ids( $web_datastream ); if ( empty( $web_datastream->_id ) ) { return; } $measurement_id = $web_datastream->webStreamData->measurementId; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase $this->get_settings()->merge( array( 'webDataStreamID' => $web_datastream->_id, 'measurementID' => $measurement_id, ) ); if ( $account_ticket->get_enhanced_measurement_stream_enabled() ) { $this->set_data( 'enhanced-measurement-settings', array( 'propertyID' => $property->_id, 'webDataStreamID' => $web_datastream->_id, 'enhancedMeasurementSettings' => array( // We can hardcode this to `true` here due to the conditional invocation. 'streamEnabled' => true, ), ) ); } $this->sync_google_tag_settings(); } /** * Syncs Google tag settings for the currently configured measurementID. * * @since 1.102.0 */ protected function sync_google_tag_settings() { $settings = $this->get_settings(); $measurement_id = $settings->get()['measurementID']; if ( ! $measurement_id ) { return; } $google_tag_settings = $this->get_data( 'google-tag-settings', array( 'measurementID' => $measurement_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $google_tag_settings ) ) { return; } $settings->merge( $google_tag_settings ); } /** * Creates a request object for the given datapoint. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @param Data_Request $data Data request object. * @return RequestInterface|callable|WP_Error Request object or callable on success, or WP_Error on failure. * * @throws Invalid_Datapoint_Exception Thrown if the datapoint does not exist. * @throws Invalid_Param_Exception Thrown if a parameter is invalid. * @throws Missing_Required_Param_Exception Thrown if a required parameter is missing or empty. * * phpcs:ignore Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag.WrongNumber */ protected function create_data_request( Data_Request $data ) { switch ( "{$data->method}:{$data->datapoint}" ) { case 'GET:accounts': return $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' )->accounts->listAccounts(); case 'GET:account-summaries': return $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' )->accountSummaries->listAccountSummaries( array( 'pageSize' => 200 ) ); case 'GET:ads-links': if ( empty( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'propertyID' ); } $parent = self::normalize_property_id( $data['propertyID'] ); return $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' )->properties_googleAdsLinks->listPropertiesGoogleAdsLinks( $parent ); case 'GET:adsense-links': if ( empty( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'propertyID' ); } $parent = self::normalize_property_id( $data['propertyID'] ); return $this->get_analyticsadsenselinks_service()->properties_adSenseLinks->listPropertiesAdSenseLinks( $parent ); case 'GET:audiences': $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); if ( empty( $settings['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_setting', __( 'No connected Google Analytics property ID.', 'google-site-kit' ), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } $analyticsadmin = $this->get_analyticsaudiences_service(); $property_id = self::normalize_property_id( $settings['propertyID'] ); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_audiences ->listPropertiesAudiences( $property_id ); case 'POST:create-audience': $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); if ( ! isset( $settings['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_setting', __( 'No connected Google Analytics property ID.', 'google-site-kit' ), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } if ( ! isset( $data['audience'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'audience' ); } $property_id = $settings['propertyID']; $audience = $data['audience']; $fields = array( 'displayName', 'description', 'membershipDurationDays', 'eventTrigger', 'exclusionDurationMode', 'filterClauses', ); $invalid_keys = array_diff( array_keys( $audience ), $fields ); if ( ! empty( $invalid_keys ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_property_name', /* translators: %s: Invalid property names */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid properties in audience: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), implode( ', ', $invalid_keys ) ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $property_id = self::normalize_property_id( $property_id ); $post_body = new GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudience( $audience ); $analyticsadmin = $this->get_analyticsaudiences_service(); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_audiences ->create( $property_id, $post_body ); case 'GET:audience-settings': return function() { return $this->audience_settings->get(); }; case 'POST:audience-settings': $settings = $data['settings']; if ( ! isset( $settings['configuredAudiences'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'configuredAudiences' ); } if ( ! is_array( $settings['configuredAudiences'] ) ) { throw new Invalid_Param_Exception( 'configuredAudiences' ); } if ( ! isset( $settings['isAudienceSegmentationWidgetHidden'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'isAudienceSegmentationWidgetHidden' ); } if ( ! is_bool( $settings['isAudienceSegmentationWidgetHidden'] ) ) { throw new Invalid_Param_Exception( 'isAudienceSegmentationWidgetHidden' ); } $this->audience_settings->merge( $data['settings'] ); return function() { return $this->audience_settings->get(); }; case 'POST:create-account-ticket': if ( empty( $data['displayName'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'displayName' ); } if ( empty( $data['regionCode'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'regionCode' ); } if ( empty( $data['propertyName'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'propertyName' ); } if ( empty( $data['dataStreamName'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'dataStreamName' ); } if ( empty( $data['timezone'] ) ) { throw new Missing_Required_Param_Exception( 'timezone' ); } $account = new GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaAccount(); $account->setDisplayName( $data['displayName'] ); $account->setRegionCode( $data['regionCode'] ); $credentials = $this->authentication->credentials()->get(); $account_ticket_request = new Proxy_GoogleAnalyticsAdminProvisionAccountTicketRequest(); $account_ticket_request->setSiteId( $credentials['oauth2_client_id'] ); $account_ticket_request->setSiteSecret( $credentials['oauth2_client_secret'] ); $account_ticket_request->setRedirectUri( $this->get_provisioning_redirect_uri() ); $account_ticket_request->setAccount( $account ); return $this->get_service( 'analyticsprovisioning' ) ->accounts->provisionAccountTicket( $account_ticket_request ); case 'POST:create-property': if ( ! isset( $data['accountID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'accountID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $options = array( 'displayName' => $data['displayName'], 'timezone' => $data['timezone'], ); return $this->create_property( $data['accountID'], $options ); case 'POST:create-webdatastream': if ( ! isset( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $options = array( 'displayName' => $data['displayName'], ); return $this->create_webdatastream( $data['propertyID'], $options ); case 'GET:properties': if ( ! isset( $data['accountID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'accountID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } return $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' )->properties->listProperties( array( 'filter' => 'parent:' . self::normalize_account_id( $data['accountID'] ), 'pageSize' => 200, ) ); case 'GET:property': if ( ! isset( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } return $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' )->properties->get( self::normalize_property_id( $data['propertyID'] ) ); case 'GET:report': if ( empty( $data['metrics'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'metrics' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); if ( empty( $settings['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_setting', __( 'No connected Google Analytics property ID.', 'google-site-kit' ), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } $report = new Analytics_4_Report_Request( $this->context ); $request = $report->create_request( $data, $this->is_shared_data_request( $data ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $request ) ) { return $request; } $property_id = self::normalize_property_id( $settings['propertyID'] ); $request->setProperty( $property_id ); return $this->get_analyticsdata_service()->properties->runReport( $property_id, $request ); case 'GET:enhanced-measurement-settings': if ( ! isset( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } if ( ! isset( $data['webDataStreamID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'webDataStreamID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $name = self::normalize_property_id( $data['propertyID'] ) . '/dataStreams/' . $data['webDataStreamID'] . '/enhancedMeasurementSettings'; $analyticsadmin = $this->get_analyticsenhancedmeasurements_service(); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_enhancedMeasurements // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->getEnhancedMeasurementSettings( $name ); case 'POST:enhanced-measurement-settings': if ( ! isset( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } if ( ! isset( $data['webDataStreamID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'webDataStreamID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } if ( ! isset( $data['enhancedMeasurementSettings'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'enhancedMeasurementSettings' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $enhanced_measurement_settings = $data['enhancedMeasurementSettings']; $fields = array( 'name', 'streamEnabled', 'scrollsEnabled', 'outboundClicksEnabled', 'siteSearchEnabled', 'videoEngagementEnabled', 'fileDownloadsEnabled', 'pageChangesEnabled', 'formInteractionsEnabled', 'searchQueryParameter', 'uriQueryParameter', ); $invalid_keys = array_diff( array_keys( $enhanced_measurement_settings ), $fields ); if ( ! empty( $invalid_keys ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_property_name', /* translators: %s: Invalid property names */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid properties in enhancedMeasurementSettings: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), implode( ', ', $invalid_keys ) ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $name = self::normalize_property_id( $data['propertyID'] ) . '/dataStreams/' . $data['webDataStreamID'] . '/enhancedMeasurementSettings'; $post_body = new EnhancedMeasurementSettingsModel( $data['enhancedMeasurementSettings'] ); $analyticsadmin = $this->get_analyticsenhancedmeasurements_service(); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_enhancedMeasurements // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->updateEnhancedMeasurementSettings( $name, $post_body, array( 'updateMask' => 'streamEnabled', // Only allow updating the streamEnabled field for now. ) ); case 'POST:create-custom-dimension': if ( ! isset( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } if ( ! isset( $data['customDimension'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'customDimension' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $custom_dimension_data = $data['customDimension']; $fields = array( 'parameterName', 'displayName', 'description', 'scope', 'disallowAdsPersonalization', ); $invalid_keys = array_diff( array_keys( $custom_dimension_data ), $fields ); if ( ! empty( $invalid_keys ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_property_name', /* translators: %s: Invalid property names */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid properties in customDimension: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), implode( ', ', $invalid_keys ) ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } // Define the valid `DimensionScope` enum values. $valid_scopes = array( 'EVENT', 'USER', 'ITEM' ); // If the scope field is not set, default to `EVENT`. // Otherwise, validate against the enum values. if ( ! isset( $custom_dimension_data['scope'] ) ) { $custom_dimension_data['scope'] = 'EVENT'; } elseif ( ! in_array( $custom_dimension_data['scope'], $valid_scopes, true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_scope', /* translators: %s: Invalid scope */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid scope: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), $custom_dimension_data['scope'] ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $custom_dimension = new GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaCustomDimension(); $custom_dimension->setParameterName( $custom_dimension_data['parameterName'] ); $custom_dimension->setDisplayName( $custom_dimension_data['displayName'] ); $custom_dimension->setDescription( $custom_dimension_data['description'] ); $custom_dimension->setScope( $custom_dimension_data['scope'] ); $custom_dimension->setDisallowAdsPersonalization( $custom_dimension_data['disallowAdsPersonalization'] ); $analyticsadmin = $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' ); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_customDimensions // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->create( self::normalize_property_id( $data['propertyID'] ), $custom_dimension ); case 'POST:sync-custom-dimensions': $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); if ( empty( $settings['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_setting', __( 'No connected Google Analytics property ID.', 'google-site-kit' ), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } $analyticsadmin = $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' ); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_customDimensions // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->listPropertiesCustomDimensions( self::normalize_property_id( $settings['propertyID'] ) ); case 'POST:custom-dimension-data-available': if ( ! isset( $data['customDimension'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'customDimension' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } if ( ! $this->custom_dimensions_data_available->is_valid_custom_dimension( $data['customDimension'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_custom_dimension_slug', /* translators: %s: Invalid custom dimension slug */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid custom dimension slug: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), $data['customDimension'] ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } return function() use ( $data ) { return $this->custom_dimensions_data_available->set_data_available( $data['customDimension'] ); }; case 'GET:webdatastreams': if ( ! isset( $data['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $analyticsadmin = $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' ); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_dataStreams // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->listPropertiesDataStreams( self::normalize_property_id( $data['propertyID'] ) ); case 'GET:webdatastreams-batch': if ( ! isset( $data['propertyIDs'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyIDs' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } if ( ! is_array( $data['propertyIDs'] ) || count( $data['propertyIDs'] ) > 10 ) { return new WP_Error( 'rest_invalid_param', /* translators: %s: List of invalid parameters. */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid parameter(s): %s', 'google-site-kit' ), 'propertyIDs' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $analyticsadmin = $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' ); $batch_request = $analyticsadmin->createBatch(); foreach ( $data['propertyIDs'] as $property_id ) { $batch_request->add( $analyticsadmin ->properties_dataStreams // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->listPropertiesDataStreams( self::normalize_property_id( $property_id ) ) ); } return function() use ( $batch_request ) { return $batch_request->execute(); }; case 'GET:container-lookup': if ( ! isset( $data['destinationID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'destinationID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } return $this->get_tagmanager_service()->accounts_containers->lookup( array( 'destinationId' => $data['destinationID'] ) ); case 'GET:container-destinations': if ( ! isset( $data['accountID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'accountID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } if ( ! isset( $data['containerID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'containerID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } return $this->get_tagmanager_service()->accounts_containers_destinations->listAccountsContainersDestinations( "accounts/{$data['accountID']}/containers/{$data['containerID']}" ); case 'GET:google-tag-settings': if ( ! isset( $data['measurementID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_param', /* translators: %s: Missing parameter name */ sprintf( __( 'Request parameter is empty: %s.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'measurementID' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } return $this->get_tagmanager_service()->accounts_containers->lookup( array( 'destinationId' => $data['measurementID'] ) ); case 'GET:conversion-events': $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); if ( empty( $settings['propertyID'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_required_setting', __( 'No connected Google Analytics property ID.', 'google-site-kit' ), array( 'status' => 500 ) ); } $analyticsadmin = $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' ); $property_id = self::normalize_property_id( $settings['propertyID'] ); return $analyticsadmin ->properties_conversionEvents // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->listPropertiesConversionEvents( $property_id ); } return parent::create_data_request( $data ); } /** * Parses a response for the given datapoint. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @param Data_Request $data Data request object. * @param mixed $response Request response. * * @return mixed Parsed response data on success, or WP_Error on failure. */ protected function parse_data_response( Data_Request $data, $response ) { switch ( "{$data->method}:{$data->datapoint}" ) { case 'GET:accounts': return array_map( array( self::class, 'filter_account_with_ids' ), $response->getAccounts() ); case 'GET:account-summaries': $account_summaries = array_map( function( $account ) { $obj = self::filter_account_with_ids( $account, 'account' ); $obj->propertySummaries = array_map( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase function( $property ) { return self::filter_property_with_ids( $property, 'property' ); }, $account->getPropertySummaries() ); return $obj; }, $response->getAccountSummaries() ); return Sort::case_insensitive_list_sort( $account_summaries, 'displayName' ); case 'GET:ads-links': return (array) $response->getGoogleAdsLinks(); case 'GET:adsense-links': return (array) $response->getAdsenseLinks(); case 'POST:create-account-ticket': $account_ticket = new Account_Ticket(); $account_ticket->set_id( $response->getAccountTicketId() ); // Required in create_data_request. $account_ticket->set_property_name( $data['propertyName'] ); $account_ticket->set_data_stream_name( $data['dataStreamName'] ); $account_ticket->set_timezone( $data['timezone'] ); $account_ticket->set_enhanced_measurement_stream_enabled( ! empty( $data['enhancedMeasurementStreamEnabled'] ) ); // Cache the create ticket id long enough to verify it upon completion of the terms of service. set_transient( self::PROVISION_ACCOUNT_TICKET_ID . '::' . get_current_user_id(), $account_ticket->to_array(), 15 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); return $response; case 'POST:create-property': return self::filter_property_with_ids( $response ); case 'POST:create-webdatastream': return self::filter_webdatastream_with_ids( $response ); case 'GET:properties': return Sort::case_insensitive_list_sort( array_map( array( self::class, 'filter_property_with_ids' ), $response->getProperties() ), 'displayName' ); case 'GET:property': return self::filter_property_with_ids( $response ); case 'GET:webdatastreams': /* @var GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaListDataStreamsResponse $response phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.CommentedOutCode.Found */ $webdatastreams = self::filter_web_datastreams( $response->getDataStreams() ); return array_map( array( self::class, 'filter_webdatastream_with_ids' ), $webdatastreams ); case 'GET:webdatastreams-batch': return self::parse_webdatastreams_batch( $response ); case 'GET:container-destinations': return (array) $response->getDestination(); case 'GET:google-tag-settings': return $this->get_google_tag_settings_for_measurement_id( $response, $data['measurementID'] ); case 'GET:conversion-events': return (array) $response->getConversionEvents(); case 'GET:report': $report = new Analytics_4_Report_Response( $this->context ); return $report->parse_response( $data, $response ); case 'POST:sync-custom-dimensions': if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return $response; } $custom_dimensions = wp_list_pluck( $response->getCustomDimensions(), 'parameterName' ); $matching_dimensions = array_values( array_filter( $custom_dimensions, function( $dimension ) { return strpos( $dimension, 'googlesitekit_' ) === 0; } ) ); $this->get_settings()->merge( array( 'availableCustomDimensions' => $matching_dimensions, ) ); // Reset the data available state for custom dimensions that are no longer available. $missing_custom_dimensions_with_data_available = array_diff( array_keys( // Only compare against custom dimensions that have data available. array_filter( $this->custom_dimensions_data_available->get_data_availability() ) ), $matching_dimensions ); if ( count( $missing_custom_dimensions_with_data_available ) > 0 ) { $this->custom_dimensions_data_available->reset_data_available( $missing_custom_dimensions_with_data_available ); } return $matching_dimensions; } return parent::parse_data_response( $data, $response ); } /** * Gets the configured TagManager service instance. * * @since 1.92.0 * * @return Google_Service_TagManager instance. * @throws Exception Thrown if the module did not correctly set up the service. */ private function get_tagmanager_service() { return $this->get_service( 'tagmanager' ); } /** * Sets up information about the module. * * @since 1.30.0 * @since 1.123.0 Updated to include in the module setup. * * @return array Associative array of module info. */ protected function setup_info() { return array( 'slug' => self::MODULE_SLUG, 'name' => _x( 'Analytics', 'Service name', 'google-site-kit' ), 'description' => __( 'Get a deeper understanding of your customers. Google Analytics gives you the free tools you need to analyze data for your business in one place.', 'google-site-kit' ), 'order' => 3, 'homepage' => __( '', 'google-site-kit' ), ); } /** * Gets the configured Analytics Data service object instance. * * @since 1.93.0 * * @return Google_Service_AnalyticsData The Analytics Data API service. */ protected function get_analyticsdata_service() { return $this->get_service( 'analyticsdata' ); } /** * Gets the configured Analytics Data service object instance. * * @since 1.110.0 * * @return PropertiesEnhancedMeasurementService The Analytics Admin API service. */ protected function get_analyticsenhancedmeasurements_service() { return $this->get_service( 'analyticsenhancedmeasurement' ); } /** * Gets the configured Analytics Admin service object instance that includes `adSenseLinks` related methods. * * @since 1.120.0 * * @return PropertiesAdSenseLinksService The Analytics Admin API service. */ protected function get_analyticsadsenselinks_service() { return $this->get_service( 'analyticsadsenselinks' ); } /** * Gets the configured Analytics Data service object instance. * * @since 1.120.0 * * @return PropertiesAudiencesService The Analytics Admin API service. */ protected function get_analyticsaudiences_service() { return $this->get_service( 'analyticsaudiences' ); } /** * Sets up the Google services the module should use. * * This method is invoked once by {@see Module::get_service()} to lazily set up the services when one is requested * for the first time. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @param Google_Site_Kit_Client $client Google client instance. * @return array Google services as $identifier => $service_instance pairs. Every $service_instance must be an * instance of Google_Service. */ protected function setup_services( Google_Site_Kit_Client $client ) { $google_proxy = $this->authentication->get_google_proxy(); return array( 'analyticsadmin' => new Google_Service_GoogleAnalyticsAdmin( $client ), 'analyticsdata' => new Google_Service_AnalyticsData( $client ), 'analyticsprovisioning' => new AccountProvisioningService( $client, $google_proxy->url() ), 'analyticsenhancedmeasurement' => new PropertiesEnhancedMeasurementService( $client ), 'analyticsaudiences' => new PropertiesAudiencesService( $client ), 'analyticsadsenselinks' => new PropertiesAdSenseLinksService( $client ), 'tagmanager' => new Google_Service_TagManager( $client ), ); } /** * Sets up the module's settings instance. * * @since 1.30.0 * * @return Module_Settings */ protected function setup_settings() { return new Settings( $this->options ); } /** * Sets up the module's assets to register. * * @since 1.31.0 * * @return Asset[] List of Asset objects. */ protected function setup_assets() { $base_url = $this->context->url( 'dist/assets/' ); return array( new Script( 'googlesitekit-modules-analytics-4', array( 'src' => $base_url . 'js/googlesitekit-modules-analytics-4.js', 'dependencies' => array( 'googlesitekit-vendor', 'googlesitekit-api', 'googlesitekit-data', 'googlesitekit-modules', 'googlesitekit-datastore-site', 'googlesitekit-datastore-user', 'googlesitekit-datastore-forms', 'googlesitekit-components', 'googlesitekit-modules-data', ), ) ), ); } /** * Gets the provisioning redirect URI that listens for the Terms of Service redirect. * * @since 1.98.0 * * @return string Provisioning redirect URI. */ private function get_provisioning_redirect_uri() { return $this->authentication->get_google_proxy() ->get_site_fields()['analytics_redirect_uri']; } /** * Registers the Analytics 4 tag. * * @since 1.31.0 * @since 1.104.0 Added support for AMP tag. * @since 1.119.0 Made method public. */ public function register_tag() { $tag = $this->context->is_amp() ? new AMP_Tag( $this->get_measurement_id(), self::MODULE_SLUG ) // AMP currently only works with the measurement ID. : new Web_Tag( $this->get_tag_id(), self::MODULE_SLUG ); if ( $tag->is_tag_blocked() ) { return; } $tag->use_guard( new Tag_Verify_Guard( $this->context->input() ) ); $tag->use_guard( new Tag_Guard( $this->get_settings() ) ); $tag->use_guard( new Tag_Environment_Type_Guard() ); if ( ! $tag->can_register() ) { return; } $home_domain = URL::parse( $this->context->get_canonical_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ); $tag->set_home_domain( $home_domain ); $custom_dimensions_data = $this->get_custom_dimensions_data(); if ( ! empty( $custom_dimensions_data ) && $tag instanceof Tag_Interface ) { $tag->set_custom_dimensions( $custom_dimensions_data ); } $tag->set_ads_conversion_id( $this->get_settings()->get()['adsConversionID'] ); $tag->register(); } /** * Returns the Module_Tag_Matchers instance. * * @since 1.119.0 * * @return Module_Tag_Matchers Module_Tag_Matchers instance. */ public function get_tag_matchers() { return new Tag_Matchers(); } /** * Gets custom dimensions data based on available custom dimensions. * * @since 1.113.0 * * @return array An associated array of custom dimensions data. */ private function get_custom_dimensions_data() { if ( ! is_singular() ) { return array(); } $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); if ( empty( $settings['availableCustomDimensions'] ) ) { return array(); } /** * Filters the allowed post types for custom dimensions tracking. * * @since 1.113.0 * * @param array $allowed_post_types The array of allowed post types. */ $allowed_post_types = apply_filters( 'googlesitekit_custom_dimension_valid_post_types', array( 'post' ) ); $data = array(); $post = get_queried_object(); if ( in_array( 'googlesitekit_post_type', $settings['availableCustomDimensions'], true ) ) { $data['googlesitekit_post_type'] = $post->post_type; } if ( is_singular( $allowed_post_types ) ) { foreach ( $settings['availableCustomDimensions'] as $custom_dimension ) { switch ( $custom_dimension ) { case 'googlesitekit_post_author': $author = get_userdata( $post->post_author ); if ( $author ) { $data[ $custom_dimension ] = $author->display_name ? $author->display_name : $author->user_login; } break; case 'googlesitekit_post_categories': $categories = get_the_category( $post->ID ); if ( ! empty( $categories ) ) { $category_names = wp_list_pluck( $categories, 'name' ); $data[ $custom_dimension ] = implode( '; ', $category_names ); } break; case 'googlesitekit_post_date': $data[ $custom_dimension ] = get_the_date( 'Ymd', $post ); break; } } } return $data; } /** * Parses account ID, adds it to the model object and returns updated model. * * @since 1.31.0 * * @param Google_Model $account Account model. * @param string $id_key Attribute name that contains account id. * @return stdClass Updated model with _id attribute. */ public static function filter_account_with_ids( $account, $id_key = 'name' ) { $obj = $account->toSimpleObject(); $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '#accounts/([^/]+)#', $account[ $id_key ], $matches ) ) { $obj->_id = $matches[1]; } return $obj; } /** * Parses account and property IDs, adds it to the model object and returns updated model. * * @since 1.31.0 * * @param Google_Model $property Property model. * @param string $id_key Attribute name that contains property id. * @return stdClass Updated model with _id and _accountID attributes. */ public static function filter_property_with_ids( $property, $id_key = 'name' ) { $obj = $property->toSimpleObject(); $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '#properties/([^/]+)#', $property[ $id_key ], $matches ) ) { $obj->_id = $matches[1]; } $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '#accounts/([^/]+)#', $property['parent'], $matches ) ) { $obj->_accountID = $matches[1]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase } return $obj; } /** * Parses property and web datastream IDs, adds it to the model object and returns updated model. * * @since 1.31.0 * * @param Google_Model $webdatastream Web datastream model. * @return stdClass Updated model with _id and _propertyID attributes. */ public static function filter_webdatastream_with_ids( $webdatastream ) { $obj = $webdatastream->toSimpleObject(); $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '#properties/([^/]+)/dataStreams/([^/]+)#', $webdatastream['name'], $matches ) ) { $obj->_id = $matches[2]; $obj->_propertyID = $matches[1]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase } return $obj; } /** * Filters a list of data stream objects and returns only web data streams. * * @since 1.49.1 * * @param GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStream[] $datastreams Data streams to filter. * @return GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStream[] Web data streams. */ public static function filter_web_datastreams( array $datastreams ) { return array_filter( $datastreams, function ( GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaDataStream $datastream ) { return $datastream->getType() === 'WEB_DATA_STREAM'; } ); } /** * Parses a response, adding the _id and _propertyID params and converting to an array keyed by the propertyID and web datastream IDs. * * @since 1.39.0 * * @param GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaListDataStreamsResponse[] $batch_response Array of GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1betaListWebDataStreamsResponse objects. * @return stdClass[] Array of models containing _id and _propertyID attributes, keyed by the propertyID. */ public static function parse_webdatastreams_batch( $batch_response ) { $mapped = array(); foreach ( $batch_response as $response ) { if ( $response instanceof Exception ) { continue; } $webdatastreams = self::filter_web_datastreams( $response->getDataStreams() ); foreach ( $webdatastreams as $webdatastream ) { $value = self::filter_webdatastream_with_ids( $webdatastream ); $key = $value->_propertyID; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase $mapped[ $key ] = isset( $mapped[ $key ] ) ? $mapped[ $key ] : array(); $mapped[ $key ][] = $value; } } return $mapped; } /** * Normalizes account ID and returns it. * * @since 1.31.0 * * @param string $account_id Account ID. * @return string Updated account ID with "accounts/" prefix. */ public static function normalize_account_id( $account_id ) { return 'accounts/' . $account_id; } /** * Normalizes property ID and returns it. * * @since 1.31.0 * * @param string $property_id Property ID. * @return string Updated property ID with "properties/" prefix. */ public static function normalize_property_id( $property_id ) { return 'properties/' . $property_id; } /** * Checks if the current user has access to the current configured service entity. * * @since 1.70.0 * * @return boolean|WP_Error */ public function check_service_entity_access() { $analyticsadmin = $this->get_service( 'analyticsadmin' ); $settings = $this->settings->get(); try { $analyticsadmin ->properties_dataStreams // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase ->listPropertiesDataStreams( self::normalize_property_id( $settings['propertyID'] ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() === 403 ) { return false; } return $this->exception_to_error( $e ); } return true; } /** * Gets the Google Tag Settings for the given measurement ID. * * @since 1.94.0 * * @param Google_Service_TagManager_Container $container Tag Manager container. * @param string $measurement_id Measurement ID. * @return array Google Tag Settings. */ protected function get_google_tag_settings_for_measurement_id( $container, $measurement_id ) { return array( 'googleTagAccountID' => $container->getAccountId(), 'googleTagContainerID' => $container->getContainerId(), 'googleTagID' => $this->determine_google_tag_id_from_tag_ids( $container->getTagIds(), $measurement_id ), ); } /** * Determines Google Tag ID from the given Tag IDs. * * @since 1.94.0 * * @param array $tag_ids Tag IDs. * @param string $measurement_id Measurement ID. * @return string Google Tag ID. */ private function determine_google_tag_id_from_tag_ids( $tag_ids, $measurement_id ) { // If there is only one tag id in the array, return it. if ( count( $tag_ids ) === 1 ) { return $tag_ids[0]; } // If there are multiple tags, return the first one that starts with `GT-`. foreach ( $tag_ids as $tag_id ) { if ( substr( $tag_id, 0, 3 ) === 'GT-' ) { // strlen( 'GT-' ) === 3. return $tag_id; } } // Otherwise, return the `$measurement_id` if it is in the array. if ( in_array( $measurement_id, $tag_ids, true ) ) { return $measurement_id; } // Otherwise, return the first one that starts with `G-`. foreach ( $tag_ids as $tag_id ) { if ( substr( $tag_id, 0, 2 ) === 'G-' ) { // strlen( 'G-' ) === 2. return $tag_id; } } // If none of the above, return the first one. return $tag_ids[0]; } /** * Gets the Google Analytics 4 tag ID. * * @since 1.96.0 * * @return string Google Analytics 4 tag ID. */ private function get_tag_id() { $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); if ( ! empty( $settings['googleTagID'] ) ) { return $settings['googleTagID']; } return $settings['measurementID']; } /** * Gets the currently configured measurement ID. * * @since 1.104.0 * * @return string Google Analytics 4 measurement ID. */ protected function get_measurement_id() { $settings = $this->get_settings()->get(); return $settings['measurementID']; } /** * Populates custom dimension data to pass to JS via _googlesitekitModulesData. * * @since 1.113.0 * * @param array $modules_data Inline modules data. * @return array Inline modules data. */ private function inline_custom_dimensions_data( $modules_data ) { if ( $this->is_connected() ) { // Add the data under the `analytics-4` key to make it clear it's scoped to this module. $modules_data['analytics-4'] = array( 'customDimensionsDataAvailable' => $this->custom_dimensions_data_available->get_data_availability(), ); } return $modules_data; } /** * Filters whether or not the option to exclude certain users from tracking should be displayed. * * If the Analytics-4 module is enabled, and the snippet is enabled, then the option to exclude * the option to exclude certain users from tracking should be displayed. * * @since 1.101.0 * * @param bool $allowed Whether to allow tracking exclusion. * @return bool Filtered value. */ private function filter_analytics_allow_tracking_disabled( $allowed ) { if ( $allowed ) { return $allowed; } if ( $this->get_settings()->get()['useSnippet'] ) { return true; } return $allowed; } }