index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/
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const $notice = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.forminator-grouped-notice'); ajaxurl, { action: 'forminator_dismiss_notice', slug: $'notice-slug'), _ajax_nonce: $'nonce') } ).always(function () { $notice.hide(); }); }); }); /* * Ajax module Search */ if ( 0 !== $( '#forminator-search-modules' ).length ) { var $searchForm = $( '#forminator-search-modules' ); var $pageParam = $searchForm.find( 'input[name="page"]' ).val(); var $resetUrl = forminatorData.adminUrl + 'admin.php?page=' + $pageParam; var $searchInput = $searchForm.find( 'input[name="search"]' ); var $searchKey = $searchInput.val(); var $modulesList = $( '#forminator-modules-list' ); var $searchLoader = $( '#search_loader' ); $searchForm.on( 'submit', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Redefine here to get the right value $searchInput = $( this ).find( 'input[name="search"]' ); $searchKey = $searchInput.val(); // if submitted without search key, reload to original state if ( 0 === $searchKey.length ) { if ( 'true' === $( this ).data( 'searched' ) ) { window.location.href = $resetUrl; 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