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File: /home/thefkyzp/
// the semi-colon before function invocation is a safety net against concatenated // scripts and/or other plugins which may not be closed properly. ;// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols (function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; // undefined is used here as the undefined global variable in ECMAScript 3 is // mutable (ie. it can be changed by someone else). undefined isn't really being // passed in so we can ensure the value of it is truly undefined. In ES5, undefined // can no longer be modified. // window and document are passed through as local variables rather than global // as this (slightly) quickens the resolution process and can be more efficiently // minified (especially when both are regularly referenced in your plugin). // Create the defaults once var pluginName = "forminatorFrontPayPal", defaults = { type: 'paypal', paymentEl: null, paymentRequireSsl: false, generalMessages: {}, }; // The actual plugin constructor function ForminatorFrontPayPal(element, options) { this.element = element; this.$el = $(this.element); this.forminator_selector = '#' + this.$el.attr('id') + '[data-forminator-render="' + this.$'forminator-render') + '"]'; // jQuery has an extend method which merges the contents of two or // more objects, storing the result in the first object. The first object // is generally empty as we don't want to alter the default options for // future instances of the plugin this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.paypalData = null; this.paypalButton = null; this.init(); } // Avoid Plugin.prototype conflicts $.extend(ForminatorFrontPayPal.prototype, { init: function () { if (!this.settings.paymentEl) { return; } this.paypalData = this.settings.paymentEl; this.render_paypal_button( this.element ); this.replaceScriptCurrency(); }, is_data_valid: function() { var paypalData = this.configurePayPal(), requireSsl = this.settings.paymentRequireSsl ; if ( paypalData.amount <= 0 ) { return false; } if ( requireSsl && 'https:' !== location.protocol ) { return false; } return true; }, is_form_valid: function() { var validate = this.$el.validate(); // Get validate instance var isValid = validate.checkForm(); // Valid? validate.submitted = {}; // Reset immediate form field checking mode return isValid; }, render_paypal_button: function ( form ) { var $form = $( form ), self = this, paypalData = this.configurePayPal(), $target_message = $form.find('.forminator-response-message'), paypalActions, error_msg = ForminatorFront.cform.gateway.error, requireSsl = this.settings.paymentRequireSsl, generalMessage = this.settings.generalMessages, style_data = { shape: paypalData.shape, color: paypalData.color, label: paypalData.label, layout: paypalData.layout, height: parseInt( paypalData.height ), }; if( paypalData.layout !== 'vertical' ) { style_data.tagline = paypalData.tagline; } this.paypalButton = paypal.Buttons({ onInit: function(data, actions) { actions.disable(); if ( paypalData.amount_type === 'variable' && paypalData.variable !== '' ) { paypalData.amount = self.get_field_calculation( paypalData.variable ); } // Listen for form field changes $form.find('input, select, textarea, .forminator-field-signature').on( 'change', function() { if ( self.is_data_valid() && self.is_form_valid() ) { actions.enable(); if ( $target_message.hasClass('forminator-error') ) { $target_message.html( '' ).attr( "aria-hidden", "true" ); // In case of payment failed error $target_message.removeClass('forminator-show'); } } else { actions.disable(); } }); // Check if form has error to disable actions $form.on( 'validation:error', function() { actions.disable(); }); // Check if uploads has no error to enable actions $form.on( 'forminator:uploads:valid', function() { if ( self.is_data_valid() && self.is_form_valid() ) { actions.enable(); } }); // Check if the form is valid on init if ( self.is_data_valid() && self.is_form_valid() ) { actions.enable(); } }, env: paypalData.mode, style: style_data, onClick: function () { if( ! $form.valid() && paypalData.amount <= 0 ) { $target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' ); $target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + generalMessage.payment_require_amount_error + '</span></label>'); self.focus_to_element($target_message); } else if ( requireSsl && 'https:' !== location.protocol ) { $target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' ); $target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + generalMessage.payment_require_ssl_error + '</span></label>'); self.focus_to_element($target_message); } else if ( ! $form.valid() ) { $target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' ); $target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + generalMessage.form_has_error + '</span></label>'); self.focus_to_element($target_message); } else { $form.trigger( 'forminator:preSubmit:paypal', [ $target_message ] ); if ( $target_message.html() ) { self.focus_to_element($target_message); return false; } } if ( paypalData.amount_type === 'variable' && paypalData.variable !== '' ) { paypalData.amount = self.get_field_calculation( paypalData.variable ); } }, createOrder: function(data, actions) { $form.addClass('forminator-partial-disabled'); var nonce = $form.find('input[name="forminator_nonce"]').val(), form_id = self.getPayPalData('form_id'), request_data = self.paypal_request_data() ; return fetch( ForminatorFront.ajaxUrl + '?action=forminator_pp_create_order', { method: 'POST', mode: "same-origin", credentials: "same-origin", headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ nonce: nonce, form_id: form_id, mode: self.getPayPalData('mode'), form_data: request_data, form_fields: $form.serialize() }) }).then(function(res) { return res.json(); }).then(function(response) { if ( response.success !== true ) { error_msg =; return false; } var orderId =; $form.find('.forminator-paypal-input').val( orderId ); return orderId; }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { if( typeof self.settings.has_loader !== "undefined" && self.settings.has_loader ) { // Disable form fields $form.addClass('forminator-fields-disabled'); $target_message.html('<p>' + self.settings.loader_label + '</p>'); $target_message.removeAttr("aria-hidden") .prop("tabindex", "-1") .removeClass('forminator-success forminator-error') .addClass('forminator-loading forminator-show'); self.focus_to_element($target_message); } $form.trigger('submit.frontSubmit'); }, onCancel: function (data, actions) { if( typeof self.settings.has_loader !== "undefined" && self.settings.has_loader ) { // Enable form fields $form.removeClass('forminator-fields-disabled forminator-partial-disabled'); $target_message.removeClass('forminator-loading'); } return actions.redirect(); }, onError: function () { if( typeof self.settings.has_loader !== "undefined" && self.settings.has_loader ) { // Enable form fields $form.removeClass('forminator-fields-disabled forminator-partial-disabled'); $target_message.removeClass('forminator-loading'); } $target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' ); $target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + error_msg + '</span></label>'); self.focus_to_element($target_message); }, }); this.paypalButton.render( $form.find( '.forminator-button-paypal' )[0] ); }, configurePayPal: function () { var self = this, paypalConfig = { form_id: this.getPayPalData('form_id'), sandbox_id: this.getPayPalData('sandbox_id'), currency: this.getPayPalData('currency'), live_id: this.getPayPalData('live_id'), amount: 0 }; paypalConfig.color = this.getPayPalData('color') ? this.getPayPalData('color') : 'gold'; paypalConfig.shape = this.getPayPalData('shape') ? this.getPayPalData('shape') : 'rect'; paypalConfig.label = this.getPayPalData('label') ? this.getPayPalData('label') : 'checkout'; paypalConfig.layout = this.getPayPalData('layout') ? this.getPayPalData('layout') : 'vertical'; paypalConfig.tagline = this.getPayPalData('tagline') ? this.getPayPalData('tagline') : 'true'; paypalConfig.redirect_url = this.getPayPalData('redirect_url') ? this.getPayPalData('redirect_url') : ''; paypalConfig.mode = this.getPayPalData('mode'); paypalConfig.locale = this.getPayPalData('locale') ? this.getPayPalData('locale') : 'en_US'; paypalConfig.debug_mode = this.getPayPalData('debug_mode') ? this.getPayPalData('debug_mode') : 'disable'; paypalConfig.amount_type = this.getPayPalData('amount_type') ? this.getPayPalData('amount_type') : 'fixed'; paypalConfig.variable = this.getPayPalData('variable') ? this.getPayPalData('variable') : ''; paypalConfig.height = this.getPayPalData('height') ? this.getPayPalData('height') : 55; paypalConfig.shipping_address = this.getPayPalData('shipping_address') ? this.getPayPalData('shipping_address') : 55; var amountType = this.getPayPalData('amount_type'); if (amountType === 'fixed') { paypalConfig.amount = this.getPayPalData('amount'); } else if( amountType === 'variable' && paypalConfig.variable !== '' ) { paypalConfig.amount = this.get_field_calculation( paypalConfig.variable ); } return paypalConfig; }, getPayPalData: function (key) { if (typeof this.paypalData[key] !== 'undefined') { return this.paypalData[key]; } return null; }, // taken from forminatorFrontCondition get_form_field: function ( element_id ) { //find element by suffix -field on id input (default behavior) var $element = this.$el.find('#' + element_id + '-field'); if ( $element.length === 0 ) { //find element by its on name (for radio on singlevalue) $element = this.$el.find('input[name=' + element_id + ']'); if ( $element.length === 0 ) { // for text area that have uniqid, so we check its name instead $element = this.$el.find('textarea[name=' + element_id + ']'); if ( $element.length === 0 ) { //find element by its on name[] (for checkbox on multivalue) $element = this.$el.find('input[name="' + element_id + '[]"]'); if ( $element.length === 0 ) { //find element by select name $element = this.$el.find('select[name="' + element_id + '"]'); if ($element.length === 0) { //find element by direct id (for name field mostly) //will work for all field with element_id-[somestring] $element = this.$el.find('#' + element_id); if ( $element.length === 0 ) { $element = this.$el.find('select[name=' + element_id + ']'); } } } } } } return $element; }, get_field_calculation: function (element_id) { var $element = this.get_form_field(element_id); var value = 0; var calculation = 0; var checked = null; if (this.field_is_radio($element)) { checked = $element.filter(":checked"); if (checked.length) { calculation ='calculation'); if (calculation !== undefined) { value = Number(calculation); } } } else if (this.field_is_checkbox($element)) { $element.each(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { calculation = $(this).data('calculation'); if (calculation !== undefined) { value += Number(calculation); } } }); } else if (this.field_is_select($element)) { checked = $element.find("option").filter(':selected'); if (checked.length) { calculation ='calculation'); if (calculation !== undefined) { value = Number(calculation); } } } else { if ( $element.inputmask ) { var unmaskVal = $element.inputmask('unmaskedvalue'); value = unmaskVal.replace(/,/g, '.'); } else { value = Number( $element.val() ); } } return isNaN(value) ? 0 : value; }, focus_to_element: function ($element) { // force show in case its hidden of fadeOut $; $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: ($element.offset().top - ($(window).height() - $element.outerHeight(true)) / 2)}, 500, function () { if (!$element.attr("tabindex")) { $element.attr("tabindex", -1); } $element.focus(); }); }, paypal_request_data: function () { var paypalData = this.configurePayPal(), shipping_address = this.getPayPalData('shipping_address'), billing_details = this.getPayPalData('billing-details'), billingArr = this.getBillingData(), paypal_data = {}; paypal_data.purchase_units = [{ amount: { currency_code: this.getPayPalData('currency'), value: paypalData.amount } }]; if ( 'disable' === shipping_address ) { paypal_data.application_context = { shipping_preference: "NO_SHIPPING", }; } if ( billing_details ) { paypal_data.payer = billingArr; } return paypal_data; }, getBillingData: function () { // Get billing fields var billingName = this.getPayPalData( 'billing-name' ), billingEmail = this.getPayPalData( 'billing-email' ), billingAddress = this.getPayPalData( 'billing-address' ); // Create billing object var billingObject = {} if ( billingName ) { = {}; var nameField = this.get_field_value( billingName ); // Check if Name field is multiple if ( ! nameField ) { var pfix = this.get_field_value( billingName + '-prefix' ) || '', fName = this.get_field_value( billingName + '-first-name' ) || '', mname = this.get_field_value( billingName + '-middle-name' ) || '', lName = this.get_field_value( billingName + '-last-name' ) || ''; nameField = pfix ? pfix + ' ' : ''; nameField += fName; nameField += mname ? ' ' + mname : ''; } // Check if Name field is empty in the end, if not assign to the object if ( nameField ) { = nameField; = lName; } } // Map email field if( billingEmail ) { var billingEmailValue = this.get_field_value( billingEmail ) || ''; if ( billingEmailValue ) { billingObject.email_address = billingEmailValue; } } if ( billingAddress ) { billingObject.address = {}; // Map address line 1 field var addressLine1 = this.get_field_value(billingAddress + '-street_address') || ''; if ( addressLine1 ) { billingObject.address.address_line_1 = addressLine1; } //Map address line 2 field var addressLine2 = this.get_field_value(billingAddress + '-address_line') || ''; if ( addressLine2 ) { billingObject.address.address_line_2 = addressLine2; } // Map address city field var addressCity = this.get_field_value(billingAddress + '-city') || ''; if ( addressCity ) { billingObject.address.admin_area_2 = addressCity; } // Map address state field var addressState = this.get_field_value(billingAddress + '-state') || ''; if ( addressState ) { billingObject.address.admin_area_1 = addressState; } // Map address country field var countryField = this.get_form_field(billingAddress + '-country') || ''; if ( countryField ) { billingObject.address.country_code = countryField.find(':selected').data('country-code'); } // Map address country field var addressZip = this.get_field_value(billingAddress + '-zip') || ''; if ( addressZip ) { billingObject.address.postal_code = addressZip; } } return billingObject; }, get_field_value: function ( element_id ) { var $element = this.get_form_field( element_id ); var value = ''; var checked = null; if ( this.field_is_radio( $element ) ) { checked = $element.filter(":checked"); if ( checked.length ) { value = checked.val(); } } else if ( this.field_is_checkbox( $element ) ) { $element.each(function () { if ( $( this ).is(':checked') ) { value = $( this ).val(); } }); } else if ( this.field_is_select( $element ) ) { value = $element.val(); } else { value = $element.val() } return value; }, field_is_radio: function ( $element ) { var is_radio = false; $element.each(function () { if ( $(this).attr('type') === 'radio' ) { is_radio = true; //break return false; } }); return is_radio; }, field_is_checkbox: function ( $element ) { var is_checkbox = false; $element.each(function () { if ( $( this ).attr('type') === 'checkbox' ) { is_checkbox = true; //break return false; } }); return is_checkbox; }, field_is_select: function ( $element ) { return $'select'); }, /* * Replaces the currency in the paypal script url params * so it will match the currency of another form with paypal checkout */ replaceScriptCurrency: function () { var self = this, formCurrency = this.paypalData.currency; self.$el.on( 'click', function( e ) { var paypalScript = $( "script[src^='']" ), paypalScriptSrc = paypalScript.attr( 'src' ), scriptCurrency = /currency=([^&]+)/.exec( paypalScriptSrc )[1]; if ( formCurrency === scriptCurrency ) { return; } paypalScript.attr( 'src', paypalScriptSrc.replace( 'currency='+ scriptCurrency, 'currency='+ formCurrency ) ); self.paypalButton.updateProps(); }); }, }); // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, pluginName)) { $.data(this, pluginName, new ForminatorFrontPayPal(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);