index of
File: /home/thefkyzp/
// the semi-colon before function invocation is a safety net against concatenated // scripts and/or other plugins which may not be closed properly. ;// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols (function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; // undefined is used here as the undefined global variable in ECMAScript 3 is // mutable (ie. it can be changed by someone else). undefined isn't really being // passed in so we can ensure the value of it is truly undefined. In ES5, undefined // can no longer be modified. // window and document are passed through as local variables rather than global // as this (slightly) quickens the resolution process and can be more efficiently // minified (especially when both are regularly referenced in your plugin). // Create the defaults once var pluginName = "forminatorFrontPagination", defaults = { totalSteps: 0, step: 0, hashStep: 0, inline_validation: false }; // The actual plugin constructor function ForminatorFrontPagination(element, options) { this.element = $(element); this.$el = this.element; this.totalSteps = 0; this.step = 0; this.finished = false; this.hashStep = false; this.next_button_txt = ''; this.prev_button_txt = ''; this.custom_label = []; this.form_id = 0; this.element = ''; // jQuery has an extend method which merges the contents of two or // more objects, storing the result in the first object. The first object // is generally empty as we don't want to alter the default options for // future instances of the plugin this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } // Avoid Plugin.prototype conflicts $.extend(ForminatorFrontPagination.prototype, { init: function () { var self = this; var draftPage = !! this.$ 'draft-page' ) ? this.$ 'draft-page' ) : 0; this.next_button = this.settings.next_button ? this.settings.next_button : window.ForminatorFront.cform.pagination_next; this.prev_button = this.settings.prev_button ? this.settings.prev_button : window.ForminatorFront.cform.pagination_prev; if (this.$el.find('input[name=form_id]').length > 0) { this.form_id = this.$el.find('input[name=form_id]').val(); } this.totalSteps = this.settings.totalSteps; this.step = this.settings.step; this.quiz = this.settings.quiz; this.element = this.$el.find('[data-step=' + this.step + ']').data('name'); if (this.form_id && typeof window.Forminator_Cform_Paginations === 'object' && typeof window.Forminator_Cform_Paginations[this.form_id] === 'object') { this.custom_label = window.Forminator_Cform_Paginations[this.form_id]; } if ( draftPage > 0 ) { this.go_to( draftPage, true ); } else if (this.settings.hashStep && this.step > 0) { this.go_to(this.step, true); } else if ( this.quiz ) { this.go_to(0, true); } else { this.go_to(0, false); } this.render_navigation(); this.render_bar_navigation(); this.render_footer_navigation( this.form_id ); this.init_events(); this.update_buttons(); this.update_navigation(); this.$el.find('.forminator-button.forminator-button-back, .forminator-button.forminator-button-next, .forminator-button.forminator-button-submit').on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).trigger('forminator.front.pagination.move'); self.resetRichTextEditorHeight(); }); this.$el.on('click', '.forminator-result--view-answers', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).trigger('forminator.front.pagination.move'); }); }, init_events: function () { var self = this; this.$el.find('.forminator-button-back').on('forminator.front.pagination.move',function (e) { self.handle_click('prev'); }); this.$el.on('forminator.front.pagination.move', '.forminator-result--view-answers', function (e) { self.handle_click('prev'); }); this.$el.find('.forminator-button-next').on('forminator.front.pagination.move', function (e) { self.handle_click('next'); }); this.$el.find('.forminator-step').on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var step = $(this).data('nav'); self.handle_step(step); }); this.$el.on('reset', function (e) { self.on_form_reset(e); }); this.$el.on('forminator:quiz:submit:success', function (e, ajaxData, formData, resultText) { if ( resultText ) { self.move_to_results(e); } }); this.$el.on('forminator.front.pagination.focus.input', function (e, input) { self.on_focus_input(e, input); }); }, /** * Move quiz to rezult page */ move_to_results: function (e) { this.finished = true; if ( this.$el.find('.forminator-submit-rightaway').length ) { this.$el.find('#forminator-submit').removeClass('forminator-hidden'); } else { this.handle_click('next'); } }, /** * On reset event of Form * * @since 1.0.3 * * @param e */ on_form_reset: function (e) { // Trigger pagination to first page this.go_to(0, true); this.update_buttons(); }, /** * On Input focused * * @param e * @param input */ on_focus_input: function (e, input) { //Go to page where element exist var step = this.get_page_of_input(input); this.go_to(step, true); this.update_buttons(); }, render_footer_navigation: function( form_id ) { var footer_html = '', paypal_field = '', footer_align = ( this.custom_label['has-paypal'] === true ) ? ' style="align-items: flex-start;"' : '', save_draft_btn = this.$el.find( '.forminator-save-draft-link' ).length ? this.$el.find( '.forminator-save-draft-link' ) : '' ; if ( this.custom_label[ this.element ] && this.custom_label[ 'pagination-labels' ] === 'custom' ){ this.prev_button_txt = this.custom_label[ this.element ][ 'prev-text' ] !== '' ? this.custom_label[ this.element ][ 'prev-text' ] : this.prev_button; this.next_button_txt = this.custom_label[ this.element ][ 'next-text' ] !== '' ? this.custom_label[ this.element ][ 'next-text' ] : this.next_button; } else { this.prev_button_txt = this.prev_button; this.next_button_txt = this.next_button; } if ( this.$el.hasClass('forminator-design--material') ) { footer_html = '<div class="forminator-pagination-footer"' + footer_align + '>' + '<button class="forminator-button forminator-button-back"><span class="forminator-button--mask" aria-label="hidden"></span><span class="forminator-button--text">' + this.prev_button_txt + '</span></button>' + '<button class="forminator-button forminator-button-next"><span class="forminator-button--mask" aria-label="hidden"></span><span class="forminator-button--text">' + this.next_button_txt + '</span></button>'; if( this.custom_label[ 'has-paypal' ] === true ) { paypal_field = ( this.custom_label['paypal-id'] ) ? this.custom_label['paypal-id'] : ''; footer_html += '<div class="forminator-payment forminator-button-paypal forminator-hidden ' + paypal_field + '-payment" id="paypal-button-container-' + form_id + '">'; } footer_html += '</div>'; this.$el.append( footer_html ); } else { footer_html = '<div class="forminator-pagination-footer"' + footer_align + '>' + '<button class="forminator-button forminator-button-back">' + this.prev_button_txt + '</button>' + '<button class="forminator-button forminator-button-next">' + this.next_button_txt + '</button>'; if( this.custom_label['has-paypal'] === true ) { paypal_field = ( this.custom_label['paypal-id'] ) ? this.custom_label['paypal-id'] : ''; footer_html += '<div class="forminator-payment forminator-button-paypal forminator-hidden ' + paypal_field + '-payment" id="paypal-button-container-' + form_id + '">'; } footer_html += '</div>'; this.$el.append( footer_html ); } if ( '' !== save_draft_btn ) { save_draft_btn.insertBefore( this.$el.find( '.forminator-button-next' ) ); } }, render_bar_navigation: function () { var $navigation = this.$el.find( '.forminator-pagination-progress' ); var $progressLabel = '<div class="forminator-progress-label">0%</div>', $progressBar = '<div class="forminator-progress-bar"><span style="width: 0%"></span></div>' ; if ( ! $navigation.length ) return; $navigation.html( $progressLabel + $progressBar ); this.calculate_bar_percentage(); }, calculate_bar_percentage: function () { var total = this.totalSteps, current = this.step + 1, $progress = this.$el ; if ( ! $progress.length ) return; var percentage = Math.round( (current / total) * 100 ); $progress.find( '.forminator-progress-label' ).html( percentage + '%' ); $progress.find( '.forminator-progress-bar span' ).css( 'width', percentage + '%' ); }, render_navigation: function () { var $navigation = this.$el.find('.forminator-pagination-steps'); var finalSteps = this.$el.find('.forminator-pagination-start'); if ( ! $navigation.length ) return; const render = $( this.$el ).data( 'forminator-render' ) || ''; var steps = this.$el.find( '.forminator-pagination' ).not( '.forminator-pagination-start' ); $navigation.append( '<div class="forminator-break"></div>' ); var self = this; steps.each( function() { var $step = $( this ), $stepLabel = $ 'label' ), $stepNumb = $'step') - 1, $stepControl = 'forminator-custom-form-' + self.form_id + '-' + render + '--page-' + $stepNumb, $stepId = $stepControl + '-label' ; var $stepMarkup = '<button role="tab" id="' + $stepId + '" class="forminator-step forminator-step-' + $stepNumb + '" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="' + $stepControl + '" data-nav="' + $stepNumb + '">' + '<span class="forminator-step-label">' + $stepLabel + '</span>' + '<span class="forminator-step-dot" aria-hidden="true"></span>' + '</button>'; var $stepBreak = '<div class="forminator-break" aria-hidden="true"></div>'; $navigation.append( $stepMarkup + $stepBreak ); }); finalSteps.each(function () { var $step = $(this), label = $'label'), numb = steps.length, control = 'forminator-custom-form-' + self.form_id + '--page-' + numb, stepid = control + '-label' ; var $stepMarkup = '<button role="tab" id="' + stepid + '" class="forminator-step forminator-step-' + numb + '" data-nav="' + numb + '" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="' + control + '">' + '<span class="forminator-step-label">' + label + '</span>' + '<span class="forminator-step-dot" aria-hidden="true"></span>' + '</button>'; var $stepBreak = '<div class="forminator-break" aria-hidden="true"></div>'; $navigation.append( $stepMarkup + $stepBreak ); }); }, /** * Handle step click * * @param step */ handle_step: function( step ) { if ( this.settings.inline_validation ) { for ( var i = 0; i < step; i++ ) { if ( this.step <= i ) { if ( ! this.is_step_inputs_valid( i ) ) { this.go_to( i, true ); return; } } } } this.go_to( step, true ); this.update_buttons(); }, handle_click: function (type) { var self = this; if (type === "prev" && this.step !== 0) { this.go_to(this.step - 1, true); this.update_buttons(); } else if (type === "next") { //do validation before next if inline validation enabled if (this.settings.inline_validation) { if ( ! this.is_step_inputs_valid( this.step ) ) { return; } } if(typeof this.$ !== "undefined") { var payment = this.$, page = this.$el.find('[data-step=' + this.step + ']'), hasStripe = page.find(".forminator-stripe-element").not(".forminator-hidden .forminator-stripe-element") ; // Check if Stripe exists on current step if (hasStripe.length > 0) { payment._stripe.createToken(payment._cardElement).then(function (result) { if (result.error) { payment.showCardError(result.error.message, true); } else { payment.hideCardError(); self.go_to(self.step + 1, true); self.update_buttons(); } }); } else { this.go_to(this.step + 1, true); this.update_buttons(); } } else { this.go_to(this.step + 1, true); this.update_buttons(); } } // re-init textarea floating labels. var form = $( this.$el ); var textarea = form.find( '.forminator-textarea' ); var isMaterial = form.hasClass( 'forminator-design--material' ); if ( isMaterial ) { if ( textarea.length ) { textarea.each( function() { FUI.textareaMaterial( this ); }); } } }, /** * Check current inputs on step is in valid state */ is_step_inputs_valid: function ( step ) { var valid = true, errors = 0, validator = this.$'validator'), page = this.$el.find('[data-step=' + step + ']'); //inline validation disabled if (typeof validator === 'undefined') { return true; } //get fields on current page page.find("input, select, textarea") .not(":submit, :reset, :image, :disabled") .not(':hidden:not(.forminator-wp-editor-required, .forminator-input-file-required, input[name$="_data"])') .not('[gramm="true"]') .each(function (key, element) { valid = validator.element(element); if (!valid) { if (errors === 0) { // focus on first error element.focus(); } errors++; } }); return errors === 0; }, /** * Get page on the input * * @since 1.0.3 * * @param input * @returns {number|*} */ get_page_of_input: function(input) { var step_page = this.step; var page = $(input).closest('.forminator-pagination'); if (page.length > 0) { var step = $(page).data('step'); if (typeof step !== 'undefined') { step_page = +step; } } return step_page; }, update_buttons: function () { var hasDraft = this.$el.hasClass( 'draft-enabled' ), self = this; if (this.step === 0) { if ( ! hasDraft ) { this.$el.find('.forminator-button-back').closest( '.forminator-pagination-footer' ).css({ 'justify-content': 'flex-end' }); } this.$el.find('.forminator-button-back').addClass( 'forminator-hidden' ); this.$el.find('.forminator-button-next').removeClass('forminator-hidden'); } else { if ( this.totalSteps > 1 ) { if ( ! hasDraft ) { this.$el.find('.forminator-button-back').closest( '.forminator-pagination-footer' ).css({ 'justify-content': 'space-between' }); } this.$el.find('.forminator-button-back, .forminator-button-next').removeClass('forminator-hidden'); } } if (this.step === this.totalSteps && ! this.finished ) { //keep pagination content on last step before submit this.step--; this.$el.trigger( 'submit' ); } var submitButtonClass = this.settings.submitButtonClass; if ( this.step === ( this.totalSteps - 1 ) && ! this.finished ) { var submit_button_text = this.$el.find('.forminator-pagination-submit').html(), loadingText = this.$el.find('.forminator-pagination-submit').data('loading'), last_button_txt = ( this.custom_label[ 'pagination-labels' ] === 'custom' && this.custom_label['last-previous'] !== '' ) ? this.custom_label['last-previous'] : this.prev_button, forminatorPayment = self.$el.find('.forminator-payment'), nextBtn = this.$el.find('.forminator-button-next'), submitButton = this.$el.find( '.forminator-button-submit' ); if ( this.$el.hasClass('forminator-design--material') ) { this.$el.find('.forminator-button-back .forminator-button--text').html( last_button_txt ); nextBtn.removeClass('forminator-button-next').attr('id', 'forminator-submit'); setTimeout( function() { nextBtn .addClass('forminator-button-submit ' + submitButtonClass ) .find('.forminator-button--text') .html('') .html(submit_button_text).data('loading', loadingText); }, 20 ); } else { this.$el.find('.forminator-button-back').html( last_button_txt ); nextBtn.removeClass( 'forminator-button-next' ).attr( 'id', 'forminator-submit' ); setTimeout( function() { nextBtn .addClass( 'forminator-button-submit ' + submitButtonClass ) .html( submit_button_text ).data('loading', loadingText); }, 20 ); } // Redeclare submit button. setTimeout( function() { submitButton = self.$el.find( '.forminator-button-submit' ); }, 30 ); if ( this.$el.hasClass('forminator-quiz') && ! submit_button_text ) { submitButton.addClass('forminator-hidden'); if ( this.$el.find( '.forminator-submit-rightaway').length ) { submitButton.html( window.ForminatorFront.quiz.view_results ); } } if( this.custom_label['has-paypal'] === true ) { forminatorPayment.attr('id', 'forminator-paypal-submit'); setTimeout( function() { if ( ! window.paypalHasCondition.includes( self.$ 'form-id' ) ) ) { submitButton.addClass('forminator-hidden'); forminatorPayment.removeClass( 'forminator-hidden' ); } }, 40 ); } if ( forminatorPayment.find('iframe').length > 0 ) { forminatorPayment.find('iframe').width('100%'); } } else { this.element = this.$el.find('[data-step=' + this.step + ']').data('name'); if ( this.custom_label[this.element] && this.custom_label['pagination-labels'] === 'custom'){ this.prev_button_txt = this.custom_label[this.element]['prev-text'] !== '' ? this.custom_label[this.element]['prev-text'] : this.prev_button; this.next_button_txt = this.custom_label[this.element]['next-text'] !== '' ? this.custom_label[this.element]['next-text'] : this.next_button; }else{ this.prev_button_txt = this.prev_button; this.next_button_txt = this.next_button; } if ( this.step === ( this.totalSteps - 1 ) && this.finished ) { this.next_button_txt = window.ForminatorFront.quiz.view_results; } if ( this.$el.hasClass('forminator-design--material') ) { this.$el.find( '#forminator-submit' ) .removeAttr( 'id' ) .removeClass( 'forminator-button-submit forminator-hidden ' + submitButtonClass ) .addClass( 'forminator-button-next' ); if( this.custom_label['has-paypal'] === true ) { this.$el.find( '#forminator-paypal-submit' ).removeAttr( 'id' ).addClass('forminator-hidden'); this.$el.find( '.forminator-button-next' ).removeClass( 'forminator-button-submit forminator-hidden ' + submitButtonClass ); } this.$el.find( '.forminator-button-back .forminator-button--text' ).html( this.prev_button_txt ); this.$el.find( '.forminator-button-next .forminator-button--text' ).html( this.next_button_txt ); } else { this.$el.find( '#forminator-submit' ) .removeAttr( 'id' ) .removeClass( 'forminator-button-submit forminator-hidden' ) .addClass( 'forminator-button-next' ); if( this.custom_label['has-paypal'] === true ) { this.$el.find( '#forminator-paypal-submit' ).removeAttr( 'id' ).addClass('forminator-hidden'); this.$el.find('.forminator-button-next').removeClass( 'forminator-button-submit forminator-hidden' ); } this.$el.find( '.forminator-button-back' ).html( this.prev_button_txt ); this.$el.find( '.forminator-button-next' ).html( this.next_button_txt ); } if ( this.step === this.totalSteps && this.finished ) { this.$el.find('.forminator-button-next, .forminator-button-back').addClass( 'forminator-hidden' ); } } // Reset the conditions to check if submit/paypal buttons should be visible this.$el.trigger( 'forminator.front.condition.restart' ); }, go_to: function (step, scrollToTop) { this.step = step; if (step === this.totalSteps && ! this.finished ) return false; // Hide all parts this.$el.find('.forminator-pagination').css({ 'height': '0', 'opacity': '0', 'visibility': 'hidden' }).attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ).attr( 'hidden', true ); this.$el.find('.forminator-pagination .forminator-pagination--content').hide(); // Show desired page this.$el.find('[data-step=' + step + ']').css({ 'height': 'auto', 'opacity': '1', 'visibility': 'visible' }).removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' ).removeAttr( 'hidden' ); this.$el.find('[data-step=' + step + '] .forminator-pagination--content').show(); //exec responsive captcha var forminatorFront = this.$'forminatorFront'); if (typeof forminatorFront !== 'undefined') { forminatorFront.responsive_captcha(); } this.update_navigation(); if (scrollToTop) { this.scroll_to_top_form(); } }, update_navigation: function () { // Update navigation this.$el.find( '.forminator-current' ).attr( 'aria-selected', 'false' ); this.$el.find( '.forminator-current' ).removeClass('forminator-current' ); this.$el.find( '.forminator-step-' + this.step ).attr( 'aria-selected', 'true' ); this.$el.find( '.forminator-step-' + this.step ).addClass( 'forminator-current' ); this.$el.find( '.forminator-pagination:not(:hidden)' ).find( '.forminator-answer input' ).first().trigger( 'change' ); this.calculate_bar_percentage(); }, /** * Reset vertical screen position between sections * * Support Hustle Modal */ scroll_to_top_form: function () { var self = this; var $element = this.$el; // find first input row var first_input_row = this.$el.find('.forminator-row').not(':hidden').first(); if (first_input_row.length) { $element = first_input_row; } if ($element.length) { var parent_selector = 'html,body'; // check inside sui modal if (this.$el.closest('.sui-dialog').length > 0) { parent_selector = '.sui-dialog'; } // check inside hustle modal (prioritize) if (this.$el.closest('.wph-modal').length > 0) { parent_selector = '.wph-modal'; } $element.focus(); var scrollTop = ($element.offset().top - ($(window).height() - $element.outerHeight(true)) / 2); if ( this.quiz ) { scrollTop = $element.offset().top; if ( $('#wpadminbar').length ) { scrollTop -= 35; } } $(parent_selector).animate({scrollTop: scrollTop}, 500, function () { if (!$element.attr("tabindex")) { $element.attr("tabindex", -1); } }); } }, resetRichTextEditorHeight: function () { if ( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) { var form = this.$el, textarea = form.find( '.forminator-textarea' ); textarea.each( function() { var tmceId = $( this ).attr( 'id' ); if ( 0 !== form.find( '#'+ tmceId + '_ifr' ).length && form.find( '#'+ tmceId + '_ifr' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { form.find( '#' + tmceId + '_ifr' ).height( $( this ).height() ); } }); } }, }); // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, pluginName)) { $.data(this, pluginName, new ForminatorFrontPagination(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);