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<?php namespace EasyWPSMTP; use EasyWPSMTP\Helpers\Geo; use EasyWPSMTP\Helpers\Helpers; use Exception; /** * Class Processor modifies the behaviour of wp_mail() function. * * @since 2.0.0 */ class Processor { /** * Connections manager. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @var ConnectionsManager */ private $connections_manager; /** * Whether to keep original From Name. Original From Name should be preserved if original * From Email is in the exclude force from list. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @var string */ private $keep_original_from_name; /** * Force processing even if it should be skipped by certain conditions. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @var bool */ private $force_processing = false; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param ConnectionsManager $connections_manager Connections manager. */ public function __construct( $connections_manager = null ) { if ( is_null( $connections_manager ) ) { $this->connections_manager = easy_wp_smtp()->get_connections_manager(); } else { $this->connections_manager = $connections_manager; } } /** * Assign all hooks to proper places. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public function hooks() { add_action( 'phpmailer_init', array( $this, 'phpmailer_init' ) ); // High priority number tries to ensure our plugin code executes last and respects previous hooks, if not forced. add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', array( $this, 'filter_mail_from_email' ), PHP_INT_MAX ); add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', array( $this, 'filter_mail_from_name' ), PHP_INT_MAX ); } /** * Redefine certain PHPMailer options with our custom ones. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param \PHPMailer $phpmailer It's passed by reference, so no need to return anything. */ public function phpmailer_init( $phpmailer ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.MaxExceeded if ( $this->skip_processing() ) { return; } $connection = $this->connections_manager->get_mail_connection(); $connection_options = $connection->get_options(); $mailer = $connection->get_mailer_slug(); // Check that mailer is not blank, and if mailer=smtp, host is not blank. if ( ! $mailer || ( 'smtp' === $mailer && ! $connection_options->get( 'smtp', 'host' ) ) ) { return; } // phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase // Set the mailer type as per config above, this overrides the already called isMail method. // It's basically always 'smtp'. $phpmailer->Mailer = $mailer; // Set the SMTPSecure value, if set to none, leave this blank. Possible values: 'ssl', 'tls', ''. if ( 'none' === $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'encryption' ) ) { $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = ''; } else { $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'encryption' ); } // Check if user has disabled SMTPAutoTLS. if ( $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'encryption' ) !== 'tls' && ! $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'autotls' ) ) { $phpmailer->SMTPAutoTLS = false; } // If we're sending via SMTP, set the host. if ( $mailer === 'smtp' ) { // Set the other options. $phpmailer->Host = $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'host' ); $phpmailer->Port = $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'port' ); // If we're using smtp auth, set the username & password. if ( $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'auth' ) ) { $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true; $phpmailer->Username = $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'user' ); $phpmailer->Password = $connection_options->get( $mailer, 'pass' ); } } // Set reply-to header. $this->set_reply_to( $phpmailer ); // Set bcc header. $this->set_bcc( $phpmailer ); // Insecure SSL option enabled. if ( Options::init()->get( 'general', 'allow_smtp_insecure_ssl' ) ) { $phpmailer->SMTPOptions = [ 'ssl' => [ 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true, ], ]; } $phpmailer->Timeout = 30; // phpcs:enable // You can add your own options here. // See the phpmailer documentation for more info: /* @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection It's passed by reference. */ $phpmailer = apply_filters( 'easy_wp_smtp_custom_options', $phpmailer ); } /** * This method will be called every time 'smtp' and 'mail' mailers will be used to send emails. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param bool $is_sent If the email was sent. * @param array $to To email address. * @param array $cc CC email addresses. * @param array $bcc BCC email addresses. * @param string $subject The email subject. * @param string $body The email body. * @param string $from The from email address. */ public static function send_callback( $is_sent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from ) { if ( ! $is_sent ) { // Add mailer to the beginning and save to display later. Debug::set( 'Mailer: ' . esc_html( easy_wp_smtp()->get_providers()->get_options( easy_wp_smtp()->get_connections_manager()->get_mail_connection()->get_mailer_slug() )->get_title() ) . "\r\n" . 'PHPMailer was able to connect to SMTP server but failed while trying to send an email.' ); } else { Debug::clear(); } do_action( 'easy_wp_smtp_mailcatcher_smtp_send_after', $is_sent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from ); } /** * Validate the email address. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $email The email address. * * @return boolean True if email address is valid, false on failure. */ public static function is_email_callback( $email ) { return (bool) is_email( $email ); } /** * Modify the email address that is used for sending emails. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $wp_email The email address passed by the filter. * * @return string */ public function filter_mail_from_email( $wp_email ) { if ( $this->skip_processing() ) { return $wp_email; } $connection = $this->connections_manager->get_mail_connection(); $connection_options = $connection->get_options(); $forced = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'from_email_force' ); $from_email = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'from_email' ); $def_email = WP::get_default_email(); $forced_exclude_emails = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'from_email_force_exclude_emails' ); $this->keep_original_from_name = false; // Return unchanged FROM EMAIL if it's in the exclude list. if ( $forced && ! empty( $forced_exclude_emails ) ) { $forced_exclude_emails = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $forced_exclude_emails ) ); if ( in_array( trim( $wp_email ), $forced_exclude_emails, true ) ) { $this->keep_original_from_name = true; return $wp_email; } } // Return FROM EMAIL if forced in settings. if ( $forced && ! empty( $from_email ) ) { return $from_email; } // If the FROM EMAIL is not the default, return it unchanged. if ( ! empty( $def_email ) && $wp_email !== $def_email ) { return $wp_email; } return ! empty( $from_email ) ? $from_email : $wp_email; } /** * Modify the sender name that is used for sending emails. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $name The from name passed through the filter. * * @return string */ public function filter_mail_from_name( $name ) { if ( $this->skip_processing() ) { return $name; } $connection = $this->connections_manager->get_mail_connection(); $connection_options = $connection->get_options(); $forced = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'from_name_force' ); // If the original FROM NAME should be preserved. if ( $this->keep_original_from_name ) { return $name; } // Return FROM EMAIL from the settings if forced. if ( $forced || empty( $name ) ) { return $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'from_name' ); } return $name; } /** * Get the default email address based on domain name. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return string Empty string when we aren't able to get the site domain (CLI, misconfigured server etc). */ public function get_default_email() { $server_name = Geo::get_site_domain(); if ( empty( $server_name ) ) { return ''; } // Get rid of www. $sitename = strtolower( $server_name ); if ( substr( $sitename, 0, 4 ) === 'www.' ) { $sitename = substr( $sitename, 4 ); } return 'wordpress@' . $sitename; } /** * Get the default email FROM NAME generated by WordPress. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return string */ public function get_default_name() { return 'WordPress'; } /** * Get or create the phpmailer. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return MailCatcherInterface */ public function get_phpmailer() { global $phpmailer; // Make sure the PHPMailer class has been instantiated. if ( ! is_object( $phpmailer ) || ! is_a( $phpmailer, 'PHPMailer' ) ) { $phpmailer = easy_wp_smtp()->generate_mail_catcher( true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited } return $phpmailer; } /** * Set the reply_to header that configured in the settings. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param MailCatcherInterface $phpmailer The PHPMailer object. */ private function set_reply_to( $phpmailer ) { $connection = $this->connections_manager->get_mail_connection(); $connection_options = $connection->get_options(); $reply_to_email = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'reply_to_email' ); if ( empty( $reply_to_email ) ) { return; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase $from_name = $phpmailer->FromName; if ( $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'reply_to_replace_from' ) && ! empty( $phpmailer->getReplyToAddresses() ) ) { $reply_to_emails = $phpmailer->getReplyToAddresses(); $from_email = $phpmailer->From; if ( array_key_exists( $from_email, $reply_to_emails ) ) { $phpmailer->clearReplyTos(); try { $phpmailer->AddReplyTo( $reply_to_email, $from_name ); unset( $reply_to_emails[ $from_email ] ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} foreach ( $reply_to_emails as $email => $reply_to ) { try { $phpmailer->AddReplyTo( $email, $reply_to[1] ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { continue; } } } } else { try { $phpmailer->AddReplyTo( $reply_to_email, $from_name ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} } } /** * Set the bcc header that configured in the settings. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param MailCatcherInterface $phpmailer The PHPMailer object. */ private function set_bcc( $phpmailer ) { $connection = $this->connections_manager->get_mail_connection(); $connection_options = $connection->get_options(); $bcc_emails = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'bcc_emails' ); if ( empty( $bcc_emails ) ) { return; } $bcc_emails = explode( ',', $bcc_emails ); foreach ( $bcc_emails as $bcc_email ) { try { $phpmailer->AddBcc( trim( $bcc_email ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { continue; } } } /** * Set whether to force processing even if it should be skipped by certain conditions. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param bool $force_processing Whether to force processing. */ public function set_force_processing( $force_processing ) { $this->force_processing = $force_processing; } /** * Whether to skip processing. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return bool */ private function skip_processing() { if ( $this->force_processing ) { return false; } $connection = $this->connections_manager->get_mail_connection(); $connection_options = $connection->get_options(); $from_email = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'from_email' ); $from_name = $connection_options->get( 'mail', 'from_name' ); return empty( $from_email ) || empty( $from_name ) || Helpers::is_domain_blocked(); } }